I love to cook. And I really love to bake. I created this site to share my best recipes, hoping to motivate more people to cook at home and make eating healthy foods and meals (and desserts) a priority. It’s hard to do if you don’t cook at home. Mine are simple recipes, mostly comfort foods, and they are as healthy as I can make them. I always try to:
- Incorporate as many vegetables as possible
- Avoid saturated and trans fats
- Use less sugar & little to no butter in my baking
- Bake with whole grains when possible
- Reduce unhealthy fats
- Increase fiber
I’m not selling anything and you’ll never see ads on this site.
I invite you to try my recipes and send me your comments. You can also share your own healthy recipes here. Well, thanks for visiting and I hope you like it. 🙂
p.s. I also transferred all my cooking posts from the jennyjones.com archives so there’s tons of stuff to see.
I’m 87 and now live alone
I am a certified bread wacko. I also can’t boil water. 🙄
I have now baked your bread recipe and thank you beyond words
You had me when you started to cut the bread on your tv show.
I truly hope you still have a web page
Please tell me how to continue with your baking magic
Best regards
Gerry Hopper
I also plan to be baking bread at 87 (only 9 years to go!) I no longer post videos but I occasionally add new recipes to this website. ❤️
Thank you for being such a great role model for me when I was growing up. We are the same age and we turn out pretty good.i pray you and your family are well and safe thank you .God Bless Liz London ont Canada
Thank you, Liz, from my home town.🇨🇦
Jenny,I love all your recipes. I’m having a difficult time finding a wooden board like yours. What size is it and what type of wood. Keep up the good work.
Thank you…🤔
I have been making your no knead bread (dutch oven) for months now. It ALWAYS comes out perfect and I love giving it to people!! It is AMAZING!!!!!
I LOVE your recipes and love watching you…you’re a hoot!!!! So funny!!
Thank you so much for your recipes!!!!!!!!!!
I have turned so many people on to your website. IT’S THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!!!!! 😊😊😊😊💕💕
Lemon chicken recipe. Need a easy recipe.
Your videos and recipes are wonderful! You’re such a natural presenter; watching you really helps!
I was happy to get the recipe for chrus chicki. You make it just like my mother did! (I’m Polish too.) Your apple pie video is outstanding. I’ll forward it to my daughter and daughter-in-law.
Jenny, Jenny You are my new best friend! We just finished dinner with your rib recipe! They are over the top amazing! My husband said I am becoming a better cook?. Thank you so much for making me look so good. It is true a cook is as good as her recipes. I could not have done it without the recipe but also your videos! I I am a fan, keep them coming please!
Just discovered JennyCanCook on YouTube. Cannot believe how it took me so long to discover you. Recipes are great and love your humor. Keep the recipes coming. Greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your wonderfully easy yet delicious recipe for bread.
Can’t wait to try another recipe.
Can you tell me the name of the person who dirtied the ball that you so efficiently cleaned? You’re so nice to do that. Can’t imagine the “unforgiving “ part.
Larry in South Florida
As a senior (approaching 90 in 2020) I would love to sign up for
your site/recipes, but do not find just email sign in. I do not do facebook.
Can you help me? Thank you.
I signed you up using your AOL email so you don’t have to do anything, but keep in mind I only post a few recipes each year so don’t think that you missed anything if nothing comes in for a few weeks. (I hope I’m still cooking at 90!! ❤️)
That bread recipe is so incredibly easy!!! Thanks so much.
I want to try a gluten free version for family and friends that can’t have gluten. Have you tried it with other flours? Any recommendations?
Hi Jenny, I am attempting to make the no knead bread. Yours looked so lovely. I added 1.5 cups of very hot water to the 3 cups of flour and the yeast and salt but my dough is not like yours. It has been sitting for 3-4 hours and is still very dry looking and not moving like yours after the specified wait time. What am I doing wrong? Do i need to add more than 1.5 cups of water? Please help.
Please look the the FAQs.
When making your no kneading bread, what can I use since I don’t have parchment paper? Thanks. Anxious to try your recipe!
jenny i simply love your recipes, i also love hummus,,but want a bit more ,,,,flavour,,,,,,what could I put in to get more kick.thanks j7niebeth
I absolutely love your recipes and your YouTube channel! You make it so easy to cook! You explain everything so clearly. Thank you so very much for all the delicious food, your are a blessing! I Love your humor as well! ???❤
I love watching your videos and love how excited you are when baking … but I’m wondering why you always say “Oh my God”? It’s annoying and is offensive. Why not just say .. Wow or something different.
What can I use instead of a crock pot?
I would like to make your bread, but I don’t have a croak.
Bread looks delicious. I make bread a lot, but not in a crock.
Please look at the FAQs.
I love your recipes. I met you in Toronto at a book promotion of your cookbook ‘Look Good Feel Great Cooknook’ where I bought your book when it first came out. I have made many of your recipes and have to ask you, where do you get oven gloves? I have looked but only find oven mitts. I look forward to trying many more of your recipes. Thanks.
I remember that book promotion because I was so nervous as an unproven cook. I get the oven gloves at Bed, Bath & Beyond.
Those gloves have been incredible. Never thought of it before your bread video and we use them all the time now
Jenny jones;
Hi,i went through your recipes and i chose to make your christmas snowballs recipe as my first recipe from your website,and i watched your video on how to make these cookies which looks pretty easy to make at home.Can your snowball cookies be doubled and frozen after i cook my first 2 batches of the snowball cookies?what is the best way to freeze the cookies and thaw them out before eating them with my mom,niece and nephew?
Mom and i also enjoyed watching you on the jenny jones show.
Both of your questions are addressed on the recipe page: https://www.jennycancook.com/recipes/easy-christmas-pecan-balls/ – Happy Holidays!
Jenny, I’m liking your new website. As a fan I thank you for giving us the entertainment and info from both your websites and Facebook. You are awesome and so is Damon. 😀
Love the site, Jenny. I’m going to try to vegetable pasta!