Mar 24, 2013

Nosey Peppers



Mar 22, 2013

Blueberry Coffee Cake

Homemade Blueberry Coffee Cake

Wait ’til you taste this moist, delicious blueberry streusel coffee cake. It’s an easy recipe made with whole grain flour and no butter. And blueberries are in season right now so you won’t need a loan application to buy them! Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Mar 20, 2013

Homemade potato gnocchi

 How To Make Potato GnocchiIt only takes three ingredients to make soft and tender potato gnocchi. My Polish dad was the cook in our family and he used to make them and called them kluski which I later learned are the same as Italian gnocchi. In Poland they are called kopytka and the Polish way to serve them is with fried bacon and onions but nobody needs to do that any more! I prefer gnocchi Italian style as a side dish with red sauce or as a main dish topped with my homemade bolognese sauce. Anything you can do with pasta, you can do with gnocchi and it’s a pretty simple recipe. Plus they freeze beautifully. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Mar 19, 2013

My Top 10 Foods for Beautiful Skin

By popular demand, here are my top ten foods for beautiful skin. I’m often complimented on my skin and people always ask what creams I use but I believe my glowing skin is more a result of a healthy diet. Besides eating an overall healthy diet, using sunscreen, never smoking, and good skincare (I do my own facials at home), knowing what to eat for beautiful skin can make a difference.

Good skincare is a must but there are certain foods that will give your skin that healthy glow. If you’re wondering what to eat for beautiful skin, most of these foods are easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

Filed Under: Videos 4 Comments
Mar 17, 2013

Have a tomato


Slice open a tomato and you’ll notice the red veggie has multiple chambers that resemble the structure of a heart. Studies have found that because of the lycopene in tomatoes, there is a reduced risk for heart disease in men and women who eat them.  If you mix them with a little fat, like olive oil or avocado, it will boost your body’s lycopene absorption nearly tenfold. Cooked tomato is a good choice because it is usually cooked with a little oil.

Filed Under: Nutrition
Mar 15, 2013

Easiest Ever Lemon Brownies

Easy Lemon Brownies

I love love love this simple, easy recipe! One bowl. No butter. No cleanup. And you get moist, delicious, and very easy lemon brownies… Everything in one bowl, mix and bake.  And you can use either canola or extra light olive oil. Click here for my healthy recipe. – Jenny Jones

Mar 15, 2013

And the winner is……..

imagesWe have a tie! There were 98 walnuts in the bowl and two guesses have tied. One was five over and one was five under so two people have won a free cookbook. The first winner with his guess of 103 is…. Josh!  Josh was only five over the total.  And the second winner with her guess of 93 is… Rhonda! She was only five under the total. Congratulations, Josh and Rhonda.  Thanks to everyone for playing and we’ll do it again soon.  🙂


UPDATE: Rhonda will be giving her new cookbook to one of her sisters who are in this photo that we just received. Rhonda (in the tank top) is single and lives in Georgia.  She is a cat lover and has 3 of her own.

It turns out she has a lot in common with our previous winner, Marlis, who had attended tapings of my show and works at Walmart. Rhonda has also been to my talk show tapings and she also works at Walmart. How about that!

Filed Under: General
Mar 13, 2013

Win a free cookbook

If you’d like to win a free copy of my first cookbook (over 80 recipes), here’s my second contest.

Cookbook_5306 copy

Just guess how many walnuts are in the bowl below…


Here’s some helpful info:

~ The rim of the bowl measures 4 1/2 inches.
~ I only used whole and half pieces, nothing smaller.
~ Both whole pieces and half pieces will each count as one.
~ Whoever comes closest, whether over or under, wins.
~ The winner will be posted Friday. Good luck!

Filed Under: General
Mar 12, 2013

Easy glazed walnuts


I found a good way to add walnuts to my daily routine, keeping with the Mediterranean way of healthy eating. I made some super easy glazed walnuts to keep on hand and pop a few on my daily salads. Here’s how to make them:

  1. Dissolve 1/4 cup water + 1/4 cup sugar in a saucepan.
  2. Add 1/2 cup walnuts, stir and simmer for 5 – 8 minutes until syrup is gone.
  3. Cool nuts in a single layer on a dinner plate.

If they’re too sticky, you can dry them out in the oven. (I toasted the nuts first but you don’t have to) And p.s. You’ll be tempted to have these for dessert!! – Jenny Jones

Mar 11, 2013

I love skinless chicken drumsticks!

Skinless Chicken Drumsticks

If you haven’t tried this easy recipe yet, it’s absolutely delicious and so healthy! I often make these skinless chicken drumsticks for the weekend because they’re just as good cold for a quick snack and it’s such an easy recipe. You won’t miss the skin which is where all the saturated fat is. I made these for the weekend (a dozen every time) and there are still some left… but not for long. It’s one of my best chicken recipes. Here’s the link for the recipe. – Jenny Jones