Apr 13, 2013

Hard boiled eggs made easy to peel


Here’s why I always keep hard boiled eggs in the fridge:

1) easy to make

2) there’s always something to eat

3) a great source of protein

4) lutein for your eyes and choline for the brain

5) an egg a day does not raise cholesterol

6) portable snack

7) only 70 calories

8) egg salad is only minutes away!

Did you know that adding 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to the water makes hard boiled eggs easier to peel? I tried it and it works. Here’s how I make mine: Cover cold eggs with cold water in a saucepan without crowding the eggs too much. Add 1/2 teaspoon baking soda. Bring to a full boil. Cover and remove from heat. Let stand 17 minutes, depending on the size of your eggs. Rinse under cold water for a minute or better still, place eggs into ice water for about 2 minutes. They’re perfect every time with no green ring. – Jenny Jones

For the latest research on eggs from Prevention Magazine, click here.

For my video on how to boil eggs, click here.

Apr 11, 2013

Easy Vegetable Bean Pasta

Pasta with Veggies and BeansThis healthy pasta dish is quick & easy and full of green vegetables, known to support your eyes, teeth, and bones and the cannellini beans are a good source of iron, calcium, and protein. Vegetable-bean pasta is one of my favorite go-to meals and only takes about 20 minutes to make. You can vary the vegetables but always try to include broccoli for its cancer protection. I can never get enough of this creamy comforting pasta dish! Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Apr 10, 2013

You Can Grow Green Onions in Water

When I first saw this on Pinterest, I was skeptical but it works. Boy, does it work! All you do it cut the white fuzzy ends off of your green onions and put them in a glass of water, placed in a sunny window (keep the green parts for eating).  The onions will grow almost immediately and can be harvested almost indefinitely. Just cut off what you need and it grows back!. There are lots of internet articles about it but this is the first I’ve heard and had to share. – Jenny Jones

Here’s what my onions looked like 10 days ago…


and here they are today…


Eating onions can help prevent blood clots, improve memory, and boost your immune system.

Let me know if you try it. 🙂


Apr 10, 2013

Kate wants to make kielbasa

Hi Jenny! I just want to ask if you know how to make “Kielbasa” (i think thats the word?) My boyfriend is Polish and I wanna make something for him. What kind of Polish food would be nice to make a romantic dinner? Would Kielbasa be good enough? Do you know any Polish pastas? Thank you so much!

My response:

I’ve never made kielbasa but I have eaten my share in the past. I imagine it’s a lot of work to make sausage. The only Polish foods I make are cabbage rolls, pierogi, borscht, and Hunter’s stew (sauerkraut). There aren’t a lot of Polish pasta dishes but my mother used to make a noodle dish with noodles, mushrooms, and sauerkraut but I still haven’t figured out how she did it. But none of that sounds romantic, does it? I wish I could help you out but maybe one of my readers will come up with an idea…

Apr 9, 2013

Another reason to eat avocados

04-Avocados-UterusFoods-That-Look-Like-Body-Parts-1We already know that avocados are an excellent source of monounsaturated heart-healthy fats. But the lightbulb shape of an avocado looks like a uterus, and it supports reproductive health as well. Avocados are a good source of folic acid, which has been found to reduce the risk for cervical dysplasia, which is a precancerous condition.

Filed Under: Nutrition
1 Comment
Apr 7, 2013

Matt is suggesting a calorie counter

Please consider adding nutritional information and portion sizes. I use an app called My FitnessPal/Calorie Counter.. It helps monitor what you eat. They have a My Recipe section where you can add each ingredient manually..it also let’s you scan barcodes to create your recipe,and if the product isn’t in their database it can be manually added. It helped me lose about 13 pounds just by realizing what I was putting in your mouth.

Apr 5, 2013

Apple muffins with crispy cinnamon tops

Best Apple Muffins RecipeWeekend breakfast is the perfect time to make these fantastic, healthy apple muffins. People have asked me for this recipe so many times, or they just ask me to make them some of my delicious apple muffins. With lots of apples, they could even BE breakfast in a pinch. The batter is easy to make and you will have to peel and slice apples but it’s really worth it. I’m pretty sure if you make these apple muffins once, you will make them again and again. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Apr 2, 2013

Easy and Healthy Red Velvet Cupcakes

There’s no need for guilt with my healthier, easier recipe for red velvet cupcakes. You’ll only have to wash a bowl and a measuring cup and while most recipes call for eggs and lots of butter, my healthy recipe uses no eggs and only one tablespoon of butter (in the frosting) but the cupcakes are moist and delicious. So it looks like now…  you can have your cupcake and eat it too! 🙂 Click here for the recipe.

Filed Under: Videos 2 Comments
Apr 1, 2013

Steamed Vegetables

Steer in bathroom

Mar 31, 2013

Soup for Dinner

TenVegSoup_8580Vegetable-bean soup makes a healthy meal all by itself. This is the reason I always have a bunch of vegetables in the fridge and my own frozen chicken stock in the freezer. It was “Soup for Dinner” night tonight. So I thawed some of my homemade stock and added… carrots, potatoes, parsnip, celery, cabbage, broccoli, kale, spinach, asparagus, cannelini beans, some leftover diced chicken, orzo, and parsley. It’s basically a delicious vegetable soup but the added chicken and beans provide protein and fiber for a complete meal and a filling one. I was going to have one bowl but it was so good I had two! There were more vitamins in this healthy meal than any vitamin pill.