Jun 7, 2013

My Pinterest Collection

Picture 7If you like trying new recipes like I do, check out my Pinterest page. I’ve been searching for healthy recipes there for some time and so far I have collected over 2,000  recipes that I want to try. It’s crazy! When will I find the time? If you’re not a user I can tell you that a lot of people say it’s addicting. I always thought it was just a collection of favorite photos but it turns out there are thousands of recipes there but you do have to search for the healthy ones. That’s what I’ve been doing so even though I want everyone to try my own healthy recipes, I’m also happy to give other food bloggers the credit for their own healthy foods and meals. But it has to be healthy. If anything starts off with a stick of butter, I pass. Wait ’til you see how many good ones I’ve found! I have 45 different  boards with over 2,000 recipes. Some of my favorite boards are: My Own Healthy Recipes (of course!), Baking Without Butter, Pizza, Spicy Hot Stuff, Polish Food, Great Salads, Healthier Mac & Cheese, Healthy Wraps & Tacos, and there’s even one called “Ten Foot Pole” and you know what that means – stay away! So except for that board, everything else is definitely worth a try. If you find a recipe you like and try it, let me know – my bucket list is too looooong!! – Jenny Jones

Filed Under: General
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Jun 6, 2013

Sticky Meringues

Patrizia asks… Made your meringues, them came out fantastic. I make abatch every Saturday. I have one question. My meringues once they are out of the container for about 5 minutes they get sticky on the top, bad for my grandson he gets all his hands sticky. I live in the northern part of Italy and the weather has been super humid, can that make them sticky?

My Response:

Patrizia, your humidity is definitely the problem. It can be a challenge to make meringues in humid weather. In fact, when it’s raining here, I just avoid making them altogether. But there are a couple of things you could try. One is to increase the cream of tartar to 1/2 teaspoon. Another is to beat them even longer for extremely stiff peaks and make sure you’re not beating them next to a pot of boiling water or moisture from a dishwasher as they will absorb moisture from the air. And finally, you could try leaving them in the closed oven after it’s turned off for a longer time. My recipe says one hour but you could try leaving them in there overnight. Also, when serving, you could dry them out in a 200 degree oven for 10 – 15 minutes. I hope that helps.

Jun 6, 2013

A clever way to help bread rise


If you’ve ever baked bread or anything with yeast you know that it helps to have a warm spot to help the dough rise. Some things that work are a warming drawer, placing the dough under a lamp, or heating the oven for a minute and then turning it off (but then you need to preheat the oven). But here’s a way I never thought of… a heating pad. Whaddya think? Good idea? Or do you have something better?

Jun 5, 2013

Easy Granola

Easy Granola Recipe from JennyCanCook.com

If you make homemade granola just once, you will never buy it in the store again. My easy healthy granola uses only six ingredients and you can put it together in five minutes.  It’s one of my top three most watched youtube videos. And the taste… is downright addictive!  This healthy granola is crunchy with lots of nuts and made with coconut and real maple syrup. Have it as your morning cereal or as a crunchy topping on yogurt. There’s lots of protein and fiber and all those oats are good for lowering cholesterol. It’s such a simple recipe, I hope you’ll try it. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Filed Under: Breakfast
Jun 4, 2013

The Mayo Clinic


Jun 4, 2013

How to Bake Soft Cookies

Parvin asks… Hello Jenny, how can i bake soft cookies? Thank you

My Response… There are a few things than help to make soft cookies:
1. Bake them for the least amount of time, even if they seem soft in the middle.
2. Don’t use dark baking pans, only shiny metal ones.
3. Try reducing the flour just a little.
4. Try adding an extra egg yolk.
5. Use more brown sugar and less white sugar.
6. Use butter and not oil.
7. Replace part of the butter with shortening.
8. Remove cookies immediately from pan when done.
9. Cool the cookies on a flat surface and not a wire rack.
10. Store them in an air-tight container. If needed, put in a piece of white bread.

Jun 2, 2013

My Coffee Cake just got a Jenny Jones Makeover

Chocolate Chip Coffee CakeIf you know me, you know I am always trying to eliminate butter and it’s not always easy with baking. But my Streusel Coffee Cake just got a Jenny Jones Makeover! For starters, the chocolate chips used to be optional but now I’m calling it a Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake because that one tablespoon of mini chocolate chips needs to be there.

Now here’s the best part: no more butter. Well, there was only a tablespoon of butter in the old recipe so it wasn’t a lot but I always thought you needed butter to make a good streusel topping but not so, my health-seeking friends. I’ve discovered that my transfat-free spread (Canola Harvest) works beautifully in place of the butter so now there is no butter in this delicious healthy coffee cake with a crispy, nutty, chocolatey topping. But you can always stay with the butter if you like. Either way, it’s the best coffee cake I’ve ever had. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

May 30, 2013

Easy Thighs and Fries

ThighsAndFries_9313_600How often do you get to cook a complete dinner with NO cleanup? This easy chicken thighs and fries recipe is an all-in-one healthy meal that takes almost no work and will probably become a family favorite. I love it! It’s super easy, super healthy, and tastes fantastic. What’s not to love?

The whole thing cooks in the oven on a large baking sheet lined with foil. The skinless chicken thighs cook on a disposable foil broiler pan that’s placed inside the baking pan. The reason for the broiler pan is to contain the fat drippings from the chicken which is saturated fat and we don’t need that. I tried cooking everything on the flat pan but the potatoes came out soggy. So be sure to use the broiler pan for the chicken and I’ve included a picture to show my pan ready for the oven…


And here’s how you add the vegetables…


The chicken is always tender and the potatoes are crispy and golden.  And as for the green vegetables, I’ve done this dish with either green beans, asparagus, broccolini, or broccoli rabe. The spices I use in this dinner recipe make it very tasty but you can certainly make the spice mix your own. Let me know if you try it! Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

May 28, 2013

My Colorful Bowls

Shirley asks…What are those lightweight bowls you use?  They look so handy and pretty colors.

My Response…

The colorful bowls you see in my videos are an inexpensive plastic set (6 bowls) that I bought at Bed, Bath & Beyond for $20. I have also seen them at Target.

May 27, 2013

Oatmeal Snack Cake

 oatmeal snacking cake with crispy topI forgot how much I love this cake! Sometimes I’m in the mood for something just a little sweet and my Oatmeal Snack Cake is just what I need. It’s still plenty sweet enough for a healthy dessert but I have to admit I like it with breakfast. And why not? It’s made with oats and some whole wheat pastry flour. The crispy broiled coconut-pecan topping is my favorite part!

This morning I had a boiled egg, toast, melon, a slice of whole grain oat snacking cake, and a glass of milk.  Maybe I should change the name… how about Oatmeal Breakfast Cake? After all, granola has oats, pecans, and coconut so why not have it in a slice? With breakfast. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Filed Under: Sweets
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