Feb 8, 2018

Easy Sprouted Whole Wheat Bread

 Easy Sprouted Wheat BreadI’m so excited to share this new recipe. It’s very similar to my hugely popular simple whole wheat bread recipe. I’ve been curious about baking with sprouted wheat flour and finally decided to give it a try. What a wonderful surprise!

This loaf is soft and delicious with a great texture, and definitely softer than the regular whole wheat version. The dough is a little softer too so I was afraid it might not turn out, but I love it not just for the great taste and texture but because I researched the benefits of sprouted whole wheat flour compared to whole wheat flour. Sprouted whole wheat flour has…

  • More fiber
  • More protein
  • Less gluten
  • More vitamins than regular whole wheat flour, like B, C & carotene
  • More minerals than regular whole wheat flour, like calcium, iron, magnesium & zinc
  • Enzymes that make it easier to digest
  • More flavor because the grains are sprouted

WHAT IS SPROUTED WHEAT FLOUR? Wheat grains are allowed to sprout before milling, producing a living, nutrient-rich food because vitamins & minerals develop that enhance nutrition and digestibility. The major benefit is that those nutrients are in a state that can be more readily absorbed. (I find sprouted wheat flour at Whole Foods and it’s also available online. Once opened, be sure to keep it refrigerated.)

If you like my simple whole wheat bread, this sprouted wheat loaf is just as easy to make. I’m so glad I decided to experiment with sprouted wheat flour. This loaf is softer than the similar whole wheat loaf so if it’s too flimsy for you, try making it with half whole wheat flour and half sprouted whole wheat flour. It will have more body and a really great taste. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Feb 2, 2018

Sprouted Whole Wheat Bread

Easy Sprouted Wheat BreadI’ve been reading about how sprouted whole wheat flour is healthier than regular whole wheat flour. Sprouted flour has more fiber, more protein, more vitamins and minerals, and they are absorbed better than from plain wheat flour. It has less fat and less gluten so I had to try it. I was skeptical – too good to be true, right? With less gluten, the loaf would surely be a dud.

Well, lookie here! I made my simple whole wheat bread and just swapped the whole wheat flour with sprouted whole wheat flour and I love it. It rose even faster than my regular wheat loaf. This bread is soft and moist and makes a good sandwich bread. I even made French toast with it this morning.

French Toast With Sprouted Wheat Bread

To make sure it wasn’t a fluke, I will bake a few more loaves and then post it as a new recipe. Meantime, if you want to try it, just use my Simple Whole Wheat Bread recipe and swap the whole wheat flour with sprouted whole wheat flour. – Jenny Jones

p.s. One of my visitors (Monita) beat me to it and posted her own loaf made with sprouted whole wheat flour. It worked for her too! See it here.

Feb 1, 2018

Photos from Fans (February)

I never expected my recipes to be made by home cooks all over the world – I love it! I hope you’ll share where you are from and please send your photo to: YourPhotos@JennyCanCook.com


“Hello Jenny! I hope it’s okay that I share a photo with you that I took of my first attempt at making your “2-HOUR Fastest No Knead Bread.” (I’m glad I took a picture because the loaf didn’t last very long!) I can’t wait to try more of your wonderful recipes! Thanks Jenny!” ~  Margaret Macaulay, New Westminster, BC.

~ Thank you for sharing your great photo. This bread doesn’t last very long around here either! ~ jenny


“LOOK AT THIS LOAF! JUST MADE THIS FOLLOWING YOUR DIRECTIONS. We are waiting for it to cool down. Love your humour and easy to folllow directions. ~ Bart…”

~ That crust looks awesome! Thanks so much for sharing your photo. ~ jenny


“Hi Jenny, this is result of your recipe. I added sultanas to the filling and I spread apricot jam in place of glaze. I make this recipe also with your poppy seeds filling. Excellent! Thanks ?”

~ Thank you for sharing your photo as well as these creative ideas. ~ jenny


“Hi Jenny! I was in a baking mood…(again…? )……so I decided to bake some hand pies for ? Valentines Day. ? I used your recipes for HOMEMADE APPLE PIE, both came out great again. The dough was easy to shape, no problem at all. This time to my apple pie filling I added some craisins, a wonderful combination. I baked some with a dusting of turbinado sugar and the others were drizzled with a vanilla glaze. Talk about a handful of yumminess, they were a hit! ? Thank you Jenny!  ❤️️Happy Valentines Day!!❤️️”

~ Your are both skilled and creative. Happy Valenine’s Day back to you. ~ jenny


“I trust your recipes so much I looked up the recipe for cinnamon swirl bread and tried it as an experiment.  Ate the whole loaf before it cooled. I made your recipe that Friday night, two loaves, for a charity sale … perfect.  Followed the recipe to the letter. Monday I made two loaves in less than 2 hours.  I added a milk wash on top after baking and more cinnamon sugar.  Sooooo happy. ~ Amables saludos, Pablo Prescott, Jubilado en el Paraiso.”

~ Thank you for sharing. They all look delicious!! ~ jenny

first trial…first trial…

4th try…


“Hi Jenny! Happy Friday which means it’s pizza night for us. I made your 20~MINUTE PIZZA DOUGH recipe for dinner. I made two 8″ pizza’s with that recipe. I let the dough rest for about 40-45 minutes while I was busy getting my other ingredients ready. The dough came out great, so easy to form into two small pizza’s. I topped them with onions, red peppers, black olives, small diced tomatoes and mozzarella cheese. ?They were DELICIOUS!! WONDERFUL!!? The dough baked up nicely, a bit crispy because I left them in a little longer, we like our pizza that way. Another simple and fast dinner idea, THANK YOU Ms. Jenny!! Have a nice weekend! Happy Cooking!”

~ Your pizzas look really good, better than most restaurants. Thank you for the photo. ~ jenny

Jan 27, 2018

Ten Grain No Knead Bread

Cracked Wheat No Knead Bread

UPDATE – January 2020: Good news! I experimented and found that it’s not necessary to soften the grains with boiling water. You can just combine them with the flours and other dry ingredients and add cool water. Using this overnight method, the grains soften naturally on their own.

(Jan. 2019) Always looking to add fiber to my breads, here is my easy no knead bread made with ten grain cereal. I use dry cereal and soften it for 15 minutes with boiling water and then put the dough together with even more fiber, adding whole wheat flour, bread flour, and rolled oats.

I use Bob’s Red Mill 10 Grain Cereal and instead of cooking it, I just soften it with boiling water for a few minutes.

This cereal contains a fabulous mix of wheat, rye, corn, triticale, oats, soybeans, millet, barley, brown rice, oat bran, and flaxseed meal. Wow! It provides lots of fiber and protein and a nice chewy texture to this wholesome bread. If you can’t find it, you can try another multi-grain cereal. This loaf needs time to develop so it’s made using the overnight method but it’s still very little work, just waiting time (but you’re sleeping anyway!). Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Jan 21, 2018

Whole Wheat Lemon Brownies

Healthy Whole Wheat Lemon BarsI love my lemon brownies. I realize that some baked goods are not as good using whole wheat flour but it works with my one bowl lemon brownies recipe. In fact, I always make them this way now and I want to encourage everyone to try them this way. Any time you can avoid white flour, it’s a good thing. It needs to be whole wheat pastry flour and the result is a lovely, soft, delicious lemon bar.

I made them today in an 8 x 8-inch square pan but you can use a 9 x 9 for a more dense bar. I had some meyer lemons on my tree and if you have meyers, which have a milder lemon flavor, well I can tell you they make delicious lemon brownies. Oh, I forgot to mention this is the easiest recipe ever. Everything goes in one bowl, no mixer, no butter, no white flour, and if you make them… no brownies left! Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Jan 6, 2018

Simple Pea Soup – It’s Fat Free

Best Split Pea Soup RecipeWhen it’s cold outside, make soup. This thick and hearty soup is just right for a cold winter’s day. You only need six ingredients and water – no fat, no ham hock, nothing you don’t want.

This is my version of Andersen’s famous (in California) split pea soup only I simplified it a bit and it’s deeeelicious! I like this soup thick but you can make it thinner using more water if you like. Or test it out and you can just add some hot water at the end of you want it thinner. The creamy texture comes from straining the soup through a fine sieve and it’s really easy using a soup ladle to press it through. I do not recommend using a blender or food processor because it creates too much foam.

Besides fiber and protein, pea soup has lots of nutrients including iron, potassium, isoflavones, vitamins B1, B5, K, folate, iron, magnesium, and zinc. What’s not to love? Click here for the recipe.  – Jenny Jones

Jan 1, 2018

Look What You Made! (January)

It’s so much fun to see my recipes made by other people and it helps my readers to see them too.  I hope you’ll share where you are from and please send your photo to: YourPhotos@JennyCanCook.com


“Hi Jenny. My first sprouted wheat bread from your recipe. Thank you so much for your recipe!”

~ I just bought some sprouted wheat flour to try. Yours looks good. ~ jenny


“Hi Jenny! ? This weekend was a bit of a chilly one here, the winds were a bit crazy. So I decided to make your BEEF STEW recipe, a warm and stick to your bones kind of dinner. I have to tell you that it was a….’melt-in-your-mouth’….. meal!! ? I had no celery left, bummer, so I added celery flakes, next time celery stalks for sure. I also paired it with your EASY WHITE BREAD (NO EGG), talk about a scrumptious dinner! Your bread recipes are easy and they never fail me, thank you! I can see myself making this recipe over and over, it’s a keeper for sure. Next time I’m adding peas for a little change up. Thank you for another tasty recipe Jenny! Happy Cooking!! ?”

~ The stew and the bread look fantastic. I love to dunk bread into my stew. ~ jenny


“Hi Jenny, I’m sitting here munching on a piece of warm and wonderful pizza, compliments of your Pepperoni Pizza recipe. I made dough following the recipe to a T and let the dough rest for an hour — then decided to mouse around the refrigerator for other toppings:  Italian Sausage, orange bell pepper, mushrooms, black olives, red onion, mozz,  a sprinkle of oregano, and of course, pepperoni.  Despite the extra toppings, pizza slices did not sag one bit.  It wasn’t because the pizza dough was thick (it is actually a cross between thin and medium crust), but because of the wonderful browning on the bottom.  Great recipe.

The only thing I would do different next time is not sprinkle some cheese on the top before I bake it.  My oven is very hot, so the cheese browned a bit. Next time, I will wait until a few mins. before the pizza is done before adding a little flourish of cheese on top.  By the way I baked my pizza for 12 mins, but I could have taken it out a minute or two earlier.   Thank you so much for teaching me and others how to make great pizzeria style pizza at home. – Bunny (in Chicago)”

~ Your pizza looks so good, and thanks for showing the salad. We need our salads every day! ~ jenny


“Hi Jenny. I followed the Faster No knead bread recipe except I used cold water and mixed the dough the night before. As you can see, the bread looks amazing! The  pan pizza  was also out of this world!! Thank you for sharing your recipes!  ??”

~ It looks picture perfect. Thank you for taking time to send this great photo. ~ jenny


“Hi ?We love this cake, it’s so delicate and tasty. Thank you for all your great recipes! ~ Efrat from Israel. ?”

~ Israel! It’s wonderful to know I’m appreciated so far away. Thank you so much for the photos. ~ jenny


“Hi Jenny! I was in the mood for some “summer-time” food. This cold is starting to get to me. Spring time can’t get here fast enough for me.  So I decided to make your NO KNEAD CRUSTY ROLLS and POTATO SALAD. Your rolls came out soooo wonderful!! I topped mine with some poppy seeds, caraway seeds and sesame seeds. My kitchen had such a wonderful aroma, nothing beats making homemade breads. I made mini bison burgers for our dinner with the rolls, yummy indeed! Your POTATO SALAD made a tasty side, it was easy and quick. The changes I made to the potato salad was yellow mustard instead of Dijon, I ran out of that. And I  added some diced sweet pickles to it. Thank you Jenny for your wonderful recipes! Have a wonderful day!”

~ Your rolls look fabulous – I love the seeds, and bison makes wonderful and healthy burgers. Thank you for sharing. ~ jenny


“Instead of pepperonis, I added chicken thighs and green bell peppers and they turned out absolutely amazing! I do wish the crust was more golden browned and crispier but my family still loved it ? My mom loved it and it only took 1 hour to make this entire this!! ? Thank you so much Jenny! You’re the best! ?”

~ I think the moisture from that much thighs & peppers kept the crust from browning. Next time try lean chicken breast and squeeze some moisture out of the peppers first in paper towels. But I must say it does look good. Thank you for sharing. ~ jenny


“Hi Jenny, I’m calling this my Jenny Jones lunch, since it uses your recipes.  I formed No Knead Crusty Rolls into Italian hoagie rolls (I love sandwiches on freshly baked bread), and baked them for 27 mins.  Next, stuffed them to make  Italian style sandwiches.  For dessert, I made your Chocolate Pudding   Delicious.  I put in a square of the 70% chocolate bar at your suggestion.  Such a nice, rich, chocolate flavor.  For a bit of flair, I added non-fat whipped cream and a few raspberries.  Thank you so much for all the recipes and inspiration. ~ Bunny (in Chicago).”

~ It’s great to see some of my recipes “in action.” Thank you. ~ jenny


“Hi Jenny. Our daughter Olivia in the kitchen again – inspired by your video. I think the ratio of fruit to crust is just about right. Peel left on for extra flavour (and fibre). It was seriously delicious with a spoonful of yogurt! All the best, Paul.”

~ What a beautiful job, Olivia! Thank you for the photo. ~ jenny


“Hi Jenny. Simple and delicious! Regards from Lisbon / Portugal.”

~ Thank you for the photos and especially for showing the cut loaf. Looks wonderful! ~ jenny


“Hi Jenny, I just wanted to let you know how much I loved your Chocolate Loaf Cake.  While the cake baked, I went outside to shovel snow and fill bird feeders in single digit weather.  When I walked in from outside, I was unprepared for the aroma of chocolate to smack me in the face the moment I opened the door.  Wow, whole house to smelled like Chocolate!

I love the intensity of the chocolate flavor in this unpretentious cake.  This is not a “little kids” chocolate cake, as the bittersweet chocolate flavor really shines through, and the cake is not too sweet or “bready.”.  No frosting required for this rich cake.   I added toasted walnuts and Ghirardelli Bittersweet Chocolate Chips to my loaf.  Moist and delicious.  Perfect with a cup of coffee or hot tea.  I offer one tip for those who have not baked very many chocolate cakes — be careful about over-baking this loaf.  If using a toothpick to test for doneness, you may hit a chocolate chip and it will look like the cake is not fully baked, when it is actually fully cooked. Thanks again, Jenny, for another marvelous recipe.  This is definitely a keeper. ~ Bunny  (in Chicago)”

~ Thank you for the great photos and for the extra tips too. ~ jennyOMG (Outstanding, Marvelous, Glorious) Crusty No Knead Rolls!  These are the best crusty rolls I have ever made, including KAF’s “Crusty European Hard Rolls” (Sorry, King Arthur Flour, yours came out dense even with extra time to rise).

 I did the overnight method using cool water.  Let the dough rise for 12 hours before shaping.  Just before popping them into the oven, I floured the tops of 2 rolls, then spritzed the other 6 rolls with water (instead of using an egg wash) to act as glue for various toppings (coarse salt, coarse salt with caraway seed, poppy seed, and black sesame seed.  I have not tried them all, but the coarse salt with caraway was really delicious. Moist and a little chewy inside, crusty on the outside. The 12 hour rise gave extra flavor to the bread, so next time I may try the 24 hour rise.

Just as a word of caution to others, the baking pan straight from the oven is SCREAMING HOT.  I could feel the heat even through my thick, padded, oven mitts and was so glad I had 2 racks near by.  One for sitting the hot pan down, and the other for transferring the rolls to cool.

For those who are crunch-a-holics or love hard rolls, when the rolls are done baking, turn off the oven and leave the rolls in the oven (with the door opened a few inches), for 5 mins. before removing for extra crunch.  I did not do this with my rolls, but just thought I would mention it as an option. Thank you, Jenny, for this amazing recipe.  Who knew you could make fabulous, gourmet rolls without fancy ingredients, special tools, or a lot of hard work!!!


“Oh, Jenny! (Ok, I mean Ms. Jones because we never met, and even though I’ve been away from the manners of life in Warsaw for thirty years, it just doesn’t feel right to call a stranger by their first name (to their face ;)).

But..Oh, Jenny! I’ve been trying to find “kaizerki” for most of my Canadian life, and even though we have some lovely Polish stores and bakeries in the area, I can’t find the ones I remember: little, crusty on the outside, soft on the inside and chewy all over. But I happened upon your No Knead buns recipe last night, and immediately went to the kitchen to mix the flour (just unbleached all-purpose), yeast, salt and water. This morning my Darling Geoff and I tasted heaven!!!! They turned out beautifully, even though I only gave the dough eight hours to rise and was a little worried.

So, THANK YOU! In one day you ended my search for my childhood bułeczki , and showed me that I CAN bake! No more looking! I’ll be baking my own from now on, and experimenting with different flours. Dziękuję ,dziękuję, dziękuję Pani bardzo! ~ Beata Latanska with Geoff Wozniak,  Toronto (GTA), Canada.”

~ I’m so happy to hear this. By the way, they freeze beautifully – I always have a few in my freezer. ~ jenny (a fellow Polish Canadian)


“Hi Jenny, Hope this email finds you well. Love all your recipes. This is my first try of it. The first time I did this I baked for 25 minutes cause i thought it was not baked. It became too hard. I laugh to myself remembering how you say “20 minute – Don’t make me come to your house” So the 2nd attempt I did it excatly 20 minutes and it was awesome. Here is a picture. Thanks for sharing the recipes. Your videos are simple to follow and you are very funny. Kind regards and take care. ~ Parames.”

~ I’m glad they finally turned out. Thank you for the cute photo. ~ jenny


“Hello Jenny ! Thank you so much for sharing this recipe online. Success on my first attempt. It’s a keeper for sure ! Cheers, Zarina – NYC.”

~ Congratulations on you first time. They look perfect to me… just like mine. ? ~ jenny


“Hi Jenny, Yesterday, making lunch for my family of four, I realised I´d forgot to buy bulghur for the tabbouleh I planned to accompany my carrot/halloumi patties. Panicking I went online to search for quick and easy flatbreads to make instead and luckily I found your recipe! It was my first time making flatbread and I was so surprised it was THAT easy!! Thank you for saving our lunch, my kids LOOOOVED the bread (in fact, they loved it so much they hardly tasted my patties….) ? I will NEVER buy tortilla, naan, or pita anymore, thanks to you! Best regards, Pia Maria, Malmo, Sweden.”

~ How exciting! My flatbreads made it all the way to Sweden! Thank you. ~ jenny


“Hi Jenny, Those muffins are just yum… Exactly like you described..I don’t like banana..So this way I utilized the overripe bananas.. And surprisingly I loved them this way..Thank you for the recipe.. Regards, Vani Arun.”

~ Those muffin tops look beautiful. Thank you for taking time to share your photo. ~ jenny


“Hi Jenny. I love the whole wheat loaf recipe. My daughter Olivia has been back in the kitchen and these whole wheat rolls came out really well for a first go! Happy new year from my family to yours. Best, Paul x.”

~ This is good to see so others can try making these rolls. Thank you for the first photo of the New Year. ~ jenny

Dec 25, 2017

Braided Christmas Raisin Bread

Best Christmas Raisin BreadMerry Christmas, Everyone!

This is my Christmas Wreath Bread made into a braided loaf. I used the same recipe, braided it, and just tucked in the ends and baked it as a loaf. I love it so much! It’s beautifully sweet, has no butter, and it’s ready in about 2 hours. I make this braided raisin egg bread throughout the year, sometimes with just a little glaze…

Easy Recipe Raisin BreadSometimes, I leave it plain for toasting…

Easy Recipe Raisin Bread

I also made a whole wheat version, substituting one cup of whole wheat flour for one cup of white flour.

Whole Wheat Bread With RaisinsIt’s not quite as soft but still delicious and healthier.

Easy Whole Wheat Raisin BreadSo it’s not just for the holidays. My Christmas Wreath Bread recipe is so versatile, you can make it all year, in different shapes, and even whole wheat. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Dec 22, 2017

Merry Christmas to Me

How To Make Caramel Corn

Everybody loves getting my homemade caramel corn for Christmas but this batch is for me. Why shouldn’t I give myself a Christmas present? It’s not like I would eat it all in one day! I could. But I won’t. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. ?

I hope all of your baking turned out and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. – Jenny Jones

Dec 16, 2017

Whole Wheat Sugar Cookies

Whole Wheat Christmas CookiesGuess what? I decided to try making my sugar cookies with whole wheat pastry flour and they turned out perfect! In fact, you will not be able to tell the difference. I wish I had tried this sooner but I only make these Christmas cookies once a year.

I used whole wheat pastry flour combined with all purpose flour and now these healthier sugar cookies, which already have half the butter and less sugar than most recipes, are even better. Since I give a lot of these as gifts, I prefer to use a cookie press – it’s so much faster and it makes smaller cookies so you can give more.

I’m not the best at adding sprinkles but I do recommend a very fine ground sugar if using a cookie press. A more coarse sugar will roll off the cookies but one that’s finely ground will stick. If you want to make my healthier Christmas sugar cookies even healthier, I hope you’ll try the whole wheat version. I even simplified the process so these homemadce sugar cookies are a breeze to make. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones