Nov 17, 2019

Christmas Snowball Cookies are So Easy To Make

Easy Christmas Snowball CookiesEveryone is making these easy Christmas cookies but it’s not even Thanksiving yet! What gives? I guess you’re all just testing them out to make sure they’ll turn out during the holidays. The only way to know for sure is to test out the recipe in advance and eat as many as you can because, you know, you can’t be too sure. I’m “testing them out” today and I can report that they did turn out really well. It’s just a public service I thought I should provide for everyone. šŸ™‚ I can confirm that this is the easiest recipe ever for Christmas pecan balls, so easy that even amateur cooks are making them. “I didn’t know they were so easy to make,” they say.

And there’s more. These delicious little Christmas treats keep really well so you can make them in advance, and they freeze well too. It just keeps getting better. They are sometimes called pecan balls, snowballs, or Mexican wedding cookies. I’ll just call them easy. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Nov 10, 2019

Spiral Chocolate Cinnamon Christmas Bread

Chocolate Cinnamon Raisin BreadI only make this holiday bread once a year (okay, maybe twice ?) because it may be called bread but let’s face it… it’s dessert. Here are a few progress photos of how to make my Spiral Chocolate Cinnamon Christmas Bread. First, you divide the dough in half, roll & press each half into a rough 9 x 9-inch square, and spread the chocolate/butter mixture all the way to the edges.

Chocolate Spiral Christmas Bread

Next, you cover each half with the brown sugar/cinnamon/cocoa mixture, all the way to the edges.


Now roll each of them up, starting at the right and left edges, rolling them towards each other. It’s a little messy but that’s okay. Oh, one more thing. You can also scatter about 2 tablespoons of chocolate chips on each half before rolling them up.

How To Make Spiral Bread

The fun part is twisting the logs into a loaf. Bring the logs together (it doesn’t matter where the seams go) and twist them together 3 or 4 times (like you’re wringing out a towel) to make a spiral, but messy, loaf. Tuck the edges under and plop it into your parchment paper-lined loaf pan.

How To Make Chocolate BreadBake for 30 minutes but after 15 minutes, put a foil tent on top to avoid over-browning. I hope these photos are helpful. For the recipe click here.Jenny JonesĀ 

Nov 1, 2019

Who’s Making My Recipes in November?

I loved seeing photos of my recipes being made all over the world! That’s why it’s great to see where you are from. Please send your photo to:


“Hi Jenny, My niece loves donuts (who doesnā€™t?) so I picked up a pan yesterday and made them today. I used the substitute listed on your site for buttermilk (milk and sour cream) and they weā€™re awesome. ??? Thank you! ~ Jennifer from the gta.”

~ Thanks so much for your photo. I am from just down the 401- London! ?? ~ jennyOven Baked Donuts Jenny Can Cook


“Hi Jenny, Ā the pros and cons of your recipes – Pros: they always turn out great, Cons: everyone wants one, the finished product I mean not the recipe. Ā Thank you for all your hard work in the kitchen !”

~ Wow, it looks perfect and I appreciate the before and after photos. Happy Holidays! ~ jennyJenny Can Cook Christmas BreadChocolate Cinnamon Bread


“Hi Jenny!Ā Pleased to report yet another success story – the chocolate cake & frosting recipes were truly easy and fast – it is hard to believe that they taste so good as well. (We added gold sprinkles for ā€˜flairā€™ in honor of National Cake Day!) I am now three for three in bringing the hits … your no-knead breads & pizzas were also well received. Next on the line up is Cinnamon Rolls – I feel pretty good about securing some ā€˜Most Popularā€™ status with the Family! ? Thank you for your efforts to create, fine hone and share these recipes. The videos are precise, funny and inviting. IĀ adore that my son has engaged in the experience – double super Bonus!Ā Please keep doing what you love.Ā Regards, Stacey.”

~ I love the sprinkles, and so glad to know your son is learning to cook. Thanks for the beautiful photo! ~ jennyJenny Can Cook Chocolate Cake


“Waiting to put the icing on, already claiming that middle bun!!! Thanks Jenny! Tabitha from NC.”

~ Thank you for your lovely photo. I noticed that the middle one is the biggest… just sayin’ ? ~ jennyJenny Can Cook Cinnamon Rolls


“Hi Jenny, I’m Gary, A new fan of yours from here from England, UK. I made your Cinnamon Raisin bread ( Cinnamon Tunnel Bread), all by hand as I don’t have a mixer. It turned out wonderful – my kids said it was the best thing they had ever eaten – and I agree with them. The only problem is that they said I must make one every day lol. Loving your videos and recipes. Best Wishes, Gary.”

~ It looks fantastic! I could make it every day myself. Thank you for your photo. ~ jennyCinnamon Raisin Bread Jenny Can Cook

Oct 28, 2019

Homemade Pecan Pie Bars

Easy Pecan Pie BarsWhat can I say? This is not a dessert to have every day but for holiday baking, pecan pie is a must. But I prefer pecan pie bars because the bars can be cut into smaller pieces than a round pie and no one should eat big pieces of pecan pie! I always use an oil crust and my oil of choice is cold pressed avocado oil. I tried using maple syrup in the filling but did not like the result so I went with the traditional corn syrup, which, by the way, is not the same a high fructose corn syrup.

I only make pecan pie or pecan pie bars twice a year for Thanksgiving and Christmas and it’s a good thing because holiday recipes can be dangerous to have around. This recipe is really simple with just the basic ingredients so it comes together quickly. What I can’t figure out is why my pecans sometimes rise to the top and sometimes don’t, but these easy pecan pie bars are always so gooey and sweet and delicious. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Oct 26, 2019

Your Photos/My Recipes (Sept/Oct)

I never expected my recipes to become so popular all over the world so I appreciate your saying where you are from. You can send your photo to:


“Hello, My name is Daniela Lesova and I’m from Bulgaria. I made Fall-Off-The-Bone Ribs and they turned out amazing! Best Regards ?”

~ How exciting! My ribs are being enjoyed in Bulgaria! ?? Thank you for the great photos! ~ jennyJenny Can Cook RecipesJenny Can Cook Ribs


“Hi Jenny! I just wanted you to know that last weekend I made my husband an all Polish meal. I had never made anything Polish in my life and since my husband is Polish, I thought it might be fun. (I have also never even tasted anything Polish) I am Italian and so that is my preferred menu. I “Googled” Polish food and your youtube came up. I can’t tell you how easy you made making stuffed cabbage rolls. I watched your vid about four times and then made then without a hitch. They were delicious. I also made Perogi, Dill Pickle soup and Paczki. Thank you for your great instruction and your delightful personality. I now have Polish foods added to my repertoire.Ā Regards, Nancy Plotkin (Plotkin is Polish. I think it came form Plotka which means white fish???) I live in northern California.”

~ You just made my day, especially seeing those browned pierogi with sour cream! I have never made dill pickle soup but it’s on my to-do list. Thank you. ~ jennyCabbage Rolls Jenny Can Cook

Polish Paczki Jenny Can Cook

Jenny Can Cook Polish Recipes


“Hi Jenny! Ā Thank you for the delicious apple bars and the scrumptious chocolate cupcakes. Ā They were so easy to make and everyone loved them! ~ Eva from Alberta, Canada.”

~ Thank you so much – you’ve been busy! I’m making apple bars tonight. ~ jenny


“Hi Jenny. I love all your recipes especially these delicious chocolate macaroons!! I hope I hope I will see this photo on Jenny Can Cook soon. I wait for new recipes. Thank you. ā¤ļø ~ Selenge from Santa Clara, California.”

~ These are my husband’s favorite. Thank you for the lovely photo. ~ jenny


“Oh my God!!! This is so easy and delicious – a hit with everyone. I make this over and over again. Iā€™ve added sesame seeds on top on occasion as my favourite. Iā€™ve even converted my 82 year old mum into making bread this way -vs- the traditional method. A WINNER.. thanks to you Iā€™m no longer afraid of yeast recipes. Love you Jen. – Kathy from Sydney, Australia.”

~ Thank you so much for your photo and the sesame seeds look great – I may try that too. ~ jenny


“Hi Jenny! Thank you for your cooking tutorials! They’re the best!! I made these lemon brownies for the first time, and as you promised they were 1) Easy to make 2) Excellent tasting! Problem 1) My best friend is mad at me now, because when she came the next day, they were all gone. I blamed it on my husband. Was I wrong to lie about the lemon brownies? 2) Also, I shared the video and now she’s mad because it keeps popping up on her FB timeline and reminding her that she didn’t get any lemon brownies.Ā  3) Now I’m out of lemons and we live on a farm in Elmwood Ontario Canada and we’re 15 kms from town!! Haaaha But seriously now, you are a pleasure to watch, I love your videos. The bread is next!! Warm (Get it?) Regards, Maryanne Holst – Elmwood Ontario Canada ??ā¤ļø?? P. S. Why did I bother to put them in airtight containers?!?.”

~ This is no problem. I blame everything on my husband and have been known to lie about missing brownies. ?~ jenny


“Hi JennyĀ  This is my first ever baking attempt.Ā It tasted very good.Ā Frosting tasted good but didn’t come out so smooth as I didn’t have a whisking beater. Had to use a spoon. I am enjoying your dishes as they are health conscious and very easy. My next try will be bread.Ā Thank you for the lovely easy recipes. – Rajashree Imandi, From India.”

~ Thank you for your beautiful photo – I love the strawberries. Good luck with your bread! ~ jenny

Oct 24, 2019

Save Cleanup With Wax Paper

Save Cleanup With Wax PaperMy thanks to Annie Y. for sharing this terrific helpful hint. I tried it myself and loved it, especially with my no knead crusty rolls that make a sticky mess on the counter. She said, “I donā€™t have a large wood board, so I taped a piece of waxed paper to the counter top and floured it, allowing me to work and form the dough easily and making clean up a breeze.” Thank you, Annie.

Oct 1, 2019

I Should Have Called Them Breakfast Bars

Crispy Top Oatmeal BarsEvery time I run out of these delicious crispy top oatmeal bars, I need to make more. They are one of my all time favorites and for lots of reasons. There is no white flour, lots of dark chocolate chunks, and the recipe is easy to put together. The crispy top is the best part, made with pecans, brown sugar, and coconut. I have made the top with avocado oil and with melted butter and there’s not much difference to me.

I like something sweet after every meal, even breakfast, and this is my favorite breakfast dessert. Well, between the fig bars and these oat bars, maybe it’s the fig bars, no,,, the oat bars… oh well. I just love sweets so I have to keep findingĀ  ways to make them healthier. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Aug 25, 2019

Easy One Pan Spaghetti with Cherry Tomatoes

Easy Spaghetti With Cherry TomatoesSome days, the faster I can make dinner the better. Today is one of those days and this easy one pan spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and broccoli takes 18 minutes, including prep. I mean it. I’ve even made it in 16 minutes!

This is one of my easy one pan meals where everything cooks in one pan, including the spaghetti. I use thin spaghetti because it cooks in 9 minutes but if you use regular spaghetti you will have to add a little extra time. Stirring is important to keep the spaghetti from sticking so stir it vigorously to separate the strands.

I rarely drain pasta any more. I’m making more and more one pan meals and besides being less work, there’s less cleanup – Bonus! Cherry tomatoes and fresh broccoli are always available so if you keep them on hand, you can always make an easy, healthy dinner in less than 20 minutes.

Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Aug 12, 2019

Photos from You (August)

I love seeing my recipes made in other kitchens and in other countries so I appreciate your saying where you are from. You can send your photo to:


“Pics of potato Pancakes at the start of frying, in an electric skillet; and a pic of the finished pancakes with the rest of dinner: Kielbasa and Sauerkraut, Mustard, Applesauce, Sour Cream served on the side to take care of individual taste sensibilities. As you can see, I use a less oil than many recommend. Still it needs to be there for the pancakes to finish brown and crispy. I get four generous pancakes from two potatoes. ~ David Kapral.”

~Kielbasa & sauerkraut sound heavenly to this Polish cook. Thank you for your photos. ~ jenny


Hi Jenny, I also love to cook.. it was by chance I ran across your YouTube video.. so glad IĀ  did.”

~Those are some beautiful cakes but I’m even more exited to see your photo. Thank you! ~ jenny

Aug 8, 2019

Almond Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies

Almond Flour Chocolate Chip CookiesI was surprised how well these turned out. I never thought I could make cookies without flour but for anyone looking to reduce carbs, or wanting gluten-free cookies, you can still make delicious healthier cookies at home. These really are chocolate chunk cookies because I rarely use chocolate chips any more, preferring to use a healthier dark chocolate bar. To get the health benefits of dark chocolate you need a bar with at least 70% cacao and that’s what I use for chocolate chips. I just take a 70% bar and cut it into strips and then the strips into chunks.

Dark Chocolate Chunks for BakingI’m also reducing sugar in my baking these days so these low carb cookies have less sugar and I don’t miss it at all. The texture of cookies made with almond flour is a little more chewy, but I really like it.

I’m planning to try more baking with almond flour and reducing carbs wherever I can so I’ll be posting anything I make that turns out. And these easy almond flour dark chocolate chunk cookies did turn out. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Filed Under: Sweets