Simple White Bread

Simple White Bread (with egg)

Simple White Bread

This is the same recipe as my simple whole wheat bread but it's made with white flour. Be sure your egg and oil are at room temperature and be sure to aerate your flour before measuring. No mixer? Just mix it in a bowl by hand but knead longer, about 150 turns. - Jenny Jones

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes

Makes: One loaf

Simple White Bread


  • 2 1/2 cups bread flour or all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons (1 packet/7 grams) instant yeast (or active dry yeast)
  • 2 Tablespoons sugar (use 1 Tbsp. for less sweetness)
  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1 cup milk (low fat or whole milk), heated to 120-130° F for instant yeast (or 110-120°F for active dry)
  • 2 Tablespoons olive oil (or any vegetable oil)
  • 1 egg
  • about 1/4 cup additional flour


  1. Place flour, yeast, sugar & salt in a large mixing bowl.
  2. Stir in milk, followed by oil and egg.
  3. Beat on high for 2 minutes.
  4. On low speed add about 1/4 cup flour until dough forms a mass.
  5. Place dough on floured surface and knead 50 turns.
  6. Cover and let rest 10 minutes.
  7. Shape dough into a loaf and place in a greased 8 1/2 x 4 1/2-inch loaf pan.
  8. Cover with a towel and let rise in a warm spot until it’s one inch taller than the pan, about 35 minutes.
  9. Meantime, preheat oven to 375° F.
  10. Bake for 30 minutes. After the first 15 minutes, I cover the top of the loaf with a foil tent to prevent over-browning.

Note: Check your package of yeast for the proper temperature. My brands require the liquid to be 120° F for instant yeast and 110° for dry active yeast. With dry active yeast the bread may take longer to rise.

268 Comments on "Simple White Bread (with egg)"

  1. James

    Are there any modifications I need to do to recipe for high altitude? I live in Denver, and it’s playing h*** on the recipes I try…

  2. Susan

    Oh.My.Gosh!!! This simple bread with egg is astonishing! My husband and I made a hundred loaves of different kinds of bread each week for Farmer’s Markets, so I know bread! I needed a quick, white loaf for a friend having an emergency gut problem and needing low fiber but healthy food. Wait til she sees this gorgeous, light, warm loaf I am about to deliver. Thank you SO much! Jenny, I’m so happy I found your site this morning!! 😀
    Susan Wyman

  3. Doug

    Hi Jenny I was wondering if I can use this recipe to make buns, and if so is the cook time different?

  4. Mary (Kingston On )

    Thank-you for this recipe . Your video was fun and so helpful, gave me confidence to try bread Have been making for several years now and our family loves it as well as many of your recipes ❣️Mary
    P.S. I have shared your site with many friends It’s the best !

  5. Maryann

    I made the white bread it seemed to crumble a little did I process the dough to much? It made great toast. I followed the recipe exact.

  6. Olga

    Incredibly good and very easy bread recipe. I used 4% milk and a high protein bread flour (Bob’s Red Mill). I will definitely be making this loaf again and will try yiur whole wheat recipe. Thank you Jenny for making the process so easy abd quick.

  7. Rosanne

    Dear Penny,
    Have you heard the phrase “If you do not have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all” ? Jenny is a great person that is generous with her time and all of her recipes. Snarky is not an adjective i would ever use to describe Jenny.
    Please be careful before commenting. This world needs more kindness. Best to you in your baking adventures.

  8. Penny

    I just came to say I don’t know why Jenny allows comments. Most people are either saying the recipe was great, or they are asking a question. Jenny will not answer questions. She will only refer you to her FAQ page or link to something else. I find her recipes pretty easy, but I find her to be pretty snarky.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Penny, my recipes are more popular than I ever expected since I only post them as a hobby. Questions come in every day. I answer as many as I can but sometimes I don’t know the answer so I depend on the kindness of other cooks to answer, which they often do. Other times, when I’m asked the same question over and over, I refer them to my FAQs. I’ve answered thousand of questions so maybe you didn’t check. I answered the one right below yours. This is not a business which is why you don’t see ads or product endorsements with links. It’s a hobby. I’m just sharing my love of cooking. I’m glad you find my recipes easy but I encourage you to look through the site or read my bio before you make uninformed statements. I’d rather hear how your bread turned out.

      • PG

        When making bread , there are no fast and hard rules about the amount of flour. Just see how it comes together and add more or less as needed. Using Bobs Red Mill Bread Flour seems to take about 3 cups total per loaf and about 1 cup of liquid, however,don’t add either ingredients all at once and you can adjust as you go to have a nice consistent dough to wok with- not too sticky and not too firm.

      • Sharon

        Jenny – Thanks for caring to share your love of cooking and desire to make it accessible for those tired of paying retail prices for lesser quality and nutrition. Your fun-filled videos and recipes simplify processes, ease fear of failure, and dare us to keep rolling when it happens. It’s inspired me to tackle bread making successfully and boldly experiment with variations. Comments show your efforts help conquer many cooking challenges. Hope you’re inspired to continue sharing your joy of cooking. Watching your videos certainly brighten my kitchen adventures.

      • danielboone

        People consider me a pretty good cook and i learned at the knee of the greatest cook of the 20th century (my gramma Marcella). In 67 years I learned a few things, do no harm, take no $#!+ and patience come to mind, but i never learned how to make a proper loaf of bread (or gravy from scratch).
        George Harrison said, “With every mistake surely we must be learning”. and while most of my fellow “men” obviously never heard this song…I did. The important thing here is to pay respect to the teacher.
        I set out on this mission, if you will, over a month ago when i got my new stand mixer. Bread, BREAD I am going to bake. I’m going to bake until I get it right. Your directions AND recipe I’m saving.
        Thanks again from the mountains of Montana to the Lakes of Minnesota

  9. Nadine

    On your Simple White Bread recipe, I need clarification on the total flour amount. Is it a total of 2 1/2 cups PLUS 1/4 cup, or 2 1/2 cups total.
    Thanks for getting back to me.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      It’s 2 1/2 plus 1/4 for a total of 2 3/4 cups.

      • Nadine Wright-Koser

        Thanks for the clarification. Will my loaf ber okay as I only used a total of 2 1/2 cups of flour?

  10. Bruce

    Took a bit of a break from traditional bread baking and have been consternating more on sourdough bread. Just this morning started on simple white bread with egg and wound up using 3 1/2 cups + of flour rather than the 2 1/2 cups + that Jennies recipe calls for (the rest of the recipe unchanged) and I’m wondering why. Could the humidity today a count for a full cup of flour more? One thought I have is the egg, and I’m wondering what the total liquid volume of the milk and the egg combined is supposed to be. Any idea?

    • Bert

      I was making this bread this morning following the recipe to a “T”. Using a fresh bag of King Arthur all purpose. I use the dough cycle only in my bread maker. I had to add at least another 1/2-3/4 cup of flour. Bread turned out great.

  11. Renate

    Love the recipes. I am baking these breads and rolls all the time, there is right now a bread in the oven. We quit buying bread, as homemade bread or rolls tastes so much better.

  12. MaMa

    Just made my first loaf with this recipe. It is a perfect loaf and tastes just as
    good as it looks. Thank your for the recipe.

  13. Judy

    What kind of kitchen aid mixer do you use?

  14. Cheralee

    I just made this bread recipe today and I almost cried because I’ve been looking for a simple recipe like this for a couple years now. My son has epilepsy and I just don’t have hours to make things. My family says this is the best bread they’ve ever had. Thank you so much for sharing ❤️

  15. Brenda Jaime

    Awesome!! I made 1 loaf of whole wheat and 1 loaf white. I have to say the whole wheat was my favorite. Thanks so much for sharing!

  16. Susan

    Love making Jennys bread recipes. They are easy to follow.

  17. Barbara

    I have lost count on how many times I have made the white bread as well as the wheat bread. I have never had any issues, and get requests from family to make extra loaves! I use the King Arthur bread flour both white and whole wheat. I am fortunate to have a Wolf steam oven with an auto stream bake setting with great results. I proof it in my oven that has a proofing option so I think this helps. Thank you Jenny!!!

    • Louise

      Can I use cube yeast in this recipe?

      • Marianne

        I make this all the time, Louise, with a fresh cube of yeast when I can find it. No problem.

  18. Barbara Metzger

    I have lost count on how many times I have made the white bread as well as the wheat bread. I have never had any issues, and get requests from family to make extra loaves! I use the King Arthur bread flour both white and whole wheat. I am fortunate to have a Wolf steam oven with an auto stream bake setting with great results. I proof it in my oven that has a proofing option so I think this helps. Thank you Jenny!!!

  19. Pat T

    I am so pleased and proud of my accomplishing such a great recipe from Jenny. The whole wheat simple method is just that . But the bread itself is delicious. The crust is perfect not to hard not to soft. Cuts into a beautiful store bought bread . Meaning the slices cut perfectly with ease. No tearing or smashing it just slices into a professional looking slice of bread. Had everything to do with the recipe. It will be my go to wheat bread . It is a nice soft but firm bread. Great appetizing and delicious. Also great for toast. Thank you Jenny

  20. Lainey

    I made this bread and my family LOVED it! It was easy to follow your instructions. My oldest niece, who doesn’t give out compliments often, raved over it. She took my sister’s (her Mom’s ) loaf home with her also. LOL! Her family ate theirs in 1 day. The younger niece wants to try making it for her family of five. Their loaf lasted 1 half of a day. And.. I don’t have a stand mixer. (Getting a KitchenAid this week) I made 5 loaves by hand and they were beautiful and delicious! I adore your artisan bread and had to try the loaf style bread. So glad I did. It has been like therapy for me to make it. Such a great feeling to be able to share something delicious with loved ones. Thanks, Jenny!

  21. Barbara

    Made this single loaf bread with egg today, the family truly enjoyed it. Did, however, cut back the sugar to 1 tablespoon. This will be my go to recipe for bread. Followed the tip to make a foil tent and cover top of bread for the last 15 minutes of baking. In all the years I have baked bread never before had a recipe called for making a tent over the bread for the last 15 minutes of baking. Worked out wonderfully, the crust is perfect.

  22. David

    I never get it to rise enough. I use all fresh ingredients. What’s the trick.

    • Charlotte

      I like to place my loosely covered bread pan in a warmed up oven that has been turned off, It rises very quickly within half hour or so. Remove from the oven after 20 minutes so you can preheat the oven before baking. This method has always cut my rising time in almost half!

    • Dawna

      I turn the oven light on an hour or so before the dough needs to rise and put the dough in the oven-covered. Leave the light on. Shut the door.

    • Brenda Jaime

      I’ve seen recipes on bread making where the dough rises in microwave oven (door closed)
      Alongside a mug of hot steaming mug of water.

  23. Jodi M

    I’ve baked this before-but never had an issue. Now 3 times in a row I’m getting a “flatness” when it bakes, even when it proofed higher. What am I doing wrong. Bought new yeast and temperature checked the milk.

    • April

      I have heard that if the dough proofs “higher” that can mean it over proofed and lead to the bread deflating. I don’t know if that helps. Maybe someone with more experience can weigh in.

    • Charlotte

      The other commenter is right- its more than likely overproofed. It over proofs and then collapses. Try proofing for slightly less time.

      • Joe in Colorado

        Also be very careful handling a proofed pan of dough as it is easily deflated if bumped around while placing it in the oven for baking.

  24. Bruce

    I just made a loaf following the recipe. The recipe said 2 1/2 cups flour and also said you may need an extra 1/2 cup, i used 2 3/4 cups flour. I did not use a kitchen aide mixer…..instead I used a Black & Decker bread machine, however I did not use it to bake the bread. I put the machine on the dough setting and it mixed, kneaded and rose the loaf. I then removed the dough from the machine, punched it down, kneaded it a few minutes and then shaped and put it in a loaf pan. I then put it in the oven on bread proof setting until it rose approximately 1 inch above the loaf pan. Let it rest on the stove while the oven heated to 375° F. Baked it for 15 minutes, tented it with tinfoil and baked a further 15 minutes. Turned out beautifully. There’s more than one way to produce Jenny’s wonderful recipes.

  25. Henry Baker

    Do you ever scald the milk when you use it in bread making. Another FB Page I have seen recommends always scalding the milk (170°F).

  26. Wanda G

    This is my first time watching your videos, they are very enjoying and interesting. Easy recipes to make and with the instructions in detail. Today I made the sliced bread and it came out perfect. I have tried other recipes and this is the easiest to achieve. Congratulations, I love your cordiality and humor.

  27. Jasmin

    I didn’t have a loaf pan, so used my 4 piece mini loaf pan for meatloaf 🤣 i cut in 4 pieces before rising, and cut bake time by 10 minutes. Other than that Follower step by step, and they came out beautifully!

  28. Jen

    Hi Jen
    I have been making your whole wheat bread for a while now..and just make your white bread..beautiful!!!..after I take it out of the oven.. it bubbles on the top..can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong here?..Its still amazing bread..I just want it to look perfect also:)

    • Breadmaker

      Need to degas more air out of dough and form your loaf by rolling your dough up into shape. Plenty of videos online

  29. Gabriela

    Jenny your generosity of spirit is awe inspiring not to mention the incredible life you’ve lived!

    I’ve made several of your recipes and my favorite so far is the white bread. I’m also a big fan of the blueberry coffee cake:)

    Thank you again for sharing all your recipes for free.

  30. Heidi Greenbaum

    I just love this simple, easy to follow, recipe, I use the one with egg. For some reason my bread takes a full hour to rise enough for my taste. My family are pure foodies, this loaf only lasts a few hours!

  31. Mary Ann

    I made one loaf today, and wish I made two—it’s delicious! Definitely a keeper recipe! I followed the recipe exactly, no changes, and it came out perfectly! I wonder how it would work if I added some cheese…?

  32. Betty clark

    I made this bread yesterday, and also made it artisan. I made 2 loaves and 1 i added mozzarella cheese putting on the sides folding the dough over and adding some to the center. It turned out yummy.. try it!

  33. Josh

    You never mention adding the water in the instructions😃
    Just wanted to add that you can also use almond or coconut milk and substitute in butter instead of oil. Also, half cup of potato flake & 1.5 tbs of apple cider vinegar will also condition the dough and give you an even bigger rise and softer bread.

  34. Sabe

    I just made this with my Kitchen Aid mixer.. Kneaded 50 times. I noticed really getting brown on top so I added the foil tent. Out of the oven and cooled. Delicious.

    I was making the round artisan bread, but my family ate it so fast I was making bread constantly. I needed a different method. So I doubled this to make 2 loaves with this recipe. Worked perfect.

  35. Karenkov

    Any suggestions on slicing your bread? Even after making sure it’s no longer warm, I always feel like the bread is collapsing as I try to “saw” a slice.😋

    • Jenny Can Cook

      The best way to slice homemade bread that I have found is to use a very sharp serrated knife that is dedicated only to the bread. I also have a small serrated paring knife that I rarely use so it’s always sharp and I sometimes use that to start the slice. Once I make that small first cut, it’s easier to switch to the large serrated knife. The knife does not have to be expensive, as long as it’s used only for bread.

    • daves

      I used to have an Amazon account, one of the last items I purchased was a bread slice r? ing? I can’t remember… stand… with the knife included. Life got a lot easier after I purchased it.

      I’m baking bread right now with my usual recipe but I am going to try this one because I have lots of laying hens now and I need places for the eggs! Ha ha Ha it sounds like a great recipe and I am going to try it.

    • Gretchen

      When I made this it turned out to make 2 loaves. Too soft to knead so I glopped it in my loaf pans and put one loaf in the fridge. Sliced great !

    • Pasquale

      Try using a sharper knife. A properly sharpened blade doesn’t crush the bread, but instead cuts it cleanly. A bread knife, with a wavy seration works for me.

  36. Barb Malzahn

    I don’t have a mixer so can this be done by hand?

    • Gramma toni

      Before everyone had mixers, all bread was kneaded by hand! No need for the gym when we “kneaded”!! (Pun intended. ☺️)

  37. Joline

    Why add an egg? What does it do for the bread?

    • Annette

      Hi Joline,
      I don’t know the original purpose of the egg but can tell you that I’ve made this recipe many times and always get compliments. I wouldn’t hesitate to try it without the egg, though, just to discover what kind of difference the change makes.

    • Steffi

      Hi, the egg is because this recipe is using an “enriched” dough – that’s also why it uses milk instead of water. The fats in the milk and egg yolk make the final bread extra soft and tender, and the egg white helps with the dough’s rise.

  38. Bobby

    Added twist Added apple cider vinegar to milk buttermilk
    Two separate batches for two loafs
    Using cast iron loafs pans
    Outdoors 14 inch Dutch oven on high grill trivet place meat trivet in oven when loafs are ready and oven is hot place both loaf pans in cover lid with hot coals bake turning oven and lid several times for hot spots brushing melted butter several times while baking

  39. Nancy

    Hmmm. I’m making this now, and reading the comments, I should have kneaded it more, since I mixed it by hand. It’s resting now, so I’ll just let it rise and bake and see what happens.

  40. Margaret McKlem

    I love love love your bread recipes!! But, recently I decided to try and eliminate dairy from my diet. My question is…do you think I could use OatMilk instead of regular milk? Thank you.

    • Rox

      I use oat milk all the time and it works fine for me.

  41. Brenda

    I love the recipe. Today I added 2 egg whites and I made bread and hamburger buns. Love ya Jenny

  42. Dick Hoffman

    Wow just added 1/2 cup fresh jalapeño peppers x didn’t change the recipe. Delicious

    • Kathie Funk

      I have added 2 teaspoons of cinnamon and 1/2 cup raisins, delicious.

  43. Wendy

    I don’t have a stand mixer but I just got a food processor. Can I use the food processor to mix my ingredients?

    Thanks so much!

    I cannot wait to try this out!

  44. Jen

    Wow! So so so good! I’m so grateful to make great food! You are raising everyone’s esteem Jenny. Feels good when you make something impressively good. Your recipes are making everyone happy. Delicious! THANK YOU!

  45. David

    Can you use butter instead of oil?

  46. Joan C

    Does this recipe translate well using gluten free flour? Any other ingredients needed? Xanthan gum?

  47. Brenda Hansen

    Can anyone tell me if using a dark pan if I should adjust oven temperature.

    • Kathie

      Well when you use a dark or glass pan you should reduce oven temp 25 degrees. This bread is the best white bread ever.

    • Beth Strait

      I’ve had no problems with time.I’m using a cast iron loaf pan. You can always check temp of bread ,usually around 200 degrees bread is done.

  48. Charlie K

    Jenny, Made this yesterday. The best white bread recipe ever. Can’t thank you enough. You are a wonder Jenny. And love your sense of humor.

  49. LINDA

    Tried this recipe with fast rising yeast and less sugar. It didn’t rise as quickly as the recipe states. After baking it was a bit heavy but airy. So not sure what happened. Will try again with normal yeast and see how it turns out.

  50. Sue

    Can you use a regular hand mixer? I don’t have a standing mixer.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Yes, you can or you can mix it entirely by hand. In both cases, you will have to knead longer, until the dough is smooth and elastic.

  51. Kelly

    Have had great success with both the white bread as well as the brown. Taken a few loaves to get the hang of it.

    Thank you 🙂

  52. Maria Moreno

    The best bread I made. Thanks

  53. Samantha

    This is my second attempt at making this loaf. After my first try, I made cinnamon rolls (a different recipe than this loaf) since this loaf turned out so well. I had previously tried to work with eggs in my dough, and I always had it too hot before. So thank you for having this recipe as it increased my ability to bake more sweet treats from scratch.

  54. Bruce

    Jenny, i just made this recipe with the following changes………I used 2 3/4 cups of white flour. Instead of 1 cup of 1% or 2% milk, I used 1 cup of 3 1/4% buttermilk. Everything else remained unchanged. You don’t state small, medium or large eggs, so I used 1 medium egg. I then cut the dough into 16 equal pieces and made them into small dinner buns, baking them for 12 minutes at 375*. They are the BEST yet. Unbelievably soft and light. So for those people who have asked if you can use buttermilk, the answer is a resounding YES. Jenny’s recipe is very forgiving.

  55. Debbie

    I love this recipe. After many attempts at whole wheat bread this has never failed me. Easy, quick and delicious.

    • Debbie

      Sorry I commented on the wrong recipe. However I am going to make this recipe next

  56. Karyl

    I always do a new recipe as written the first time, but I am already suspicious of this first attempt. You say add the yeast into the bowl with the other dry ingredients, but as I was kneading it I realized all my active dry yeast particles are in the dough like dots. They didn’t dissolve at all. I’m going to keep moving forward with this loaf, but I think I’m going to try this again (I always make two loaves anyway) and dissolve my yeast in the warm milk before I add it to the dry ingredients.

    • SS

      Hi, which method worked best for you?

    • Mark

      Karyl, sorry to hear that has happened to you. I have made this recipe many times and it always turns out perfect and I never see undisolved yeast grains in my dough. If anything, like another commenter has said, I find i need to add more flour as the dough mixes and is kneaded. I do that because I took a class once and learned (the only thing I learned) how a bread dough should feel to the touch.

    • T Wilson

      I haven’t made this particular recipe, but I make the whole wheat version weekly. I always buy active dry yeast and proof it for around 10 minutes ( with the milk and sugar) while I’m getting all my other ingredients together. Works great! Just thought I’d share just in case others buy active dry yeast too!

  57. Francine

    Your recipes are all so delicious and easy to make. Loved making and eating this bread!!!!

  58. Victoria

    I baked this bread one day this week and was amazed at how well it turned out, thank you so much! The dough ran up the beaters of my hand mixer and made a mess so I continued by following your instructions to mix by hand and knead for a longer time.

    • Rose

      Hi. When oi make the white bread of Jenny’s I always mix it elec mixer..I always have to keep adding more flour till it forms a ball.. otherwise it’s too funny n sticky yu can do nothing with it like her receipes!! Rose

    • Terry

      I read here that if you rub some oil on your mixer attachments, the dough will not stick and ride up the attachments. I tried it, and it works, good luck ;0).

  59. Randal S

    Hi Jenny,

    Just made the bread and it turned out perfect, its so good and easy to make. Thank you Jenny! love the videos.

  60. Chery from TX

    Can your yeast dough be frozen, if yes, at what point would the dough go to the freezer? What is the process for thawing and baking frozen dough . Thank you for all your recipes 🙂

  61. Chery from TX

    Can your dough be frozen, if yes, at what point would the dough go to the freezer? What is the process for thawing and baking frozen dough . Thank you for all your recipes 🙂

  62. Farida

    I made your Gluten Free Bread using 1-1 Baking Flour purchased from Bulk Barn and added some chia and Hemp seeds. After 4 years of searching for a Gluten Free bread I came across your amazing simple recipe and worked out wonders for me. Ye sterday, baked my 2nd loaf. It is delicious and no hard labour and very quick.

    Today, baked Sandwich White Bread for my daughter it is in the oven my 2nd one for her she loves it.
    Thanks again

  63. Lynn

    I made this bread and will be making it again. Great for sandwiches, toast and French toast. Thank You so much.

  64. JeanC

    Love your bread recipe. When you double do you double beat time and knead time ? Txs

  65. Daffy

    I substituted 22 grams of fresh “cake” yeast for the dry yeast. The directions did not state how long to mix until the dough forms a “mass” (step 4). Not sure what a mass should look like. So I ended up mixing with a Kitchen Aid on speed #2 with a dough hook for 10 minutes until the dough started to leave the sides of the bowl.

    The dough was too sticky and did not look like the video for Jenny’s wheat bread.

    After the 10 min rest, the dough was still sticky. It looked liked the center had a big ball inside. I was not able to roll it up. So I plopped the ball of dough into the rectangular pan and surprisingly, the dough filled into the edges and had a nice rise over the top of the pan. The bread ended up looking and tasting good. The inside was more yellow that white, though. Is that normal?

  66. Marie Nixon

    This recipe worked great for me I would categorize it as a white sandwich bread. I like that the recipe makes one loaf. There are so many recipes out there that make 2 or 3 loaves at one time. With my small family of 3, one loaf is perfect for us.

  67. Lorne

    I just took my second loaf of your white bread out of the oven. You would think it came out of a bakery it was shaped soooo perfect. (First time for me shaping bread). And you know what my kitchen smell like right now too! We’ve been looking for an alternative to the so-called bread from the stores and we finally found one. Thank you.

  68. Amy

    Awesome simple recipe I’m going to try to make this today.

  69. Nate

    I have made over a dozen loaves of this bread, the cinnamon raisin, and your wheat bread recipes. All of my children love helping me do these, and with 5 kids under 10, we go through a LOT of bread. I just want to thank you for putting these recipes up. During these crazy times, we have turned to your site and found comfort foods and family fun. Thank you so much!

    The Loftus Family

  70. Diane

    I made this! Thank you … so easy and turned out perfect! I didn’t have quite enough flour for the last quarter cup so it was a bit wet and sticky ?. No flour to dust the surface while kneading so it stuck to everything but I just carried on and kneaded as much as I could but not as much as you recommended and I let it rise longer the first time while I ran out to find more flour ?. It had risen nicely by the time I got home so I shaped it as best I could and let it rise in loaf tin …. baked it and was utterly amazed how it turned out! I’ve devoured half of it already!

  71. Larry

    I’ll never buy bread again , this was easy and tastes great

  72. MAIZEY

    Hello Jenny, I have been in quarantine with the rest of the country. I thought this would be a perfect time to learn to make bread. I have always wanted to do this, but was afraid I would mess it up. I had a hard time finding yeast in all the food stores. But I finally found it at Whole Foods. I wanted to make the whole wheat bread but could not find it anywhere. So I bought King Arthur Bread Flour. It came out wonderful, I followed every step and watched your video before under taking this. I had a lot of fun and look forward to making the Whole wheat Bread. I want to try making my own Cinnamon Buns. Thanks for all your help. You are a lifesaver.

  73. Robin Pontius

    I love your recipes Jenny, and your crack about the dirty baseball…I asked my husband (a know it all) if he new the name Jenny Jones..He told me exactly who you were. Lol

  74. Cathy

    This is the first time I made this bread and it turned out great and tasted delicious too! My son loved it. I will definitely make this one again. Thank you so much for the recipe.

  75. Debbie H

    I’m leaving this comment in case anyone clicks through Jenny’s link for making hot dog or hamburger buns. YES, this recipe made great hot dog buns. My family ended up eating the buns plain when they didn’t want more hot dogs at the end of the meal. I used a Kitchen Aid with the dough hook, and white bread flour. Super easy and I am glad to have an alternative to commercial hot dog buns that usually disappoint us.

  76. Gayle

    I wondered if machine with dough hook can be used for this recipe other than kneading by hand?

    • Debbie H

      Definitely. I just did it. I still ended up kneading it for a few turns on a floured board to help shape it, and it was perfect.

      • Debbie H

        And sorry, I forgot to mention – I used it to make hot dog buns, per Jenny’s suggestion in a different post. They were ridiculously good.

  77. Marcy

    Wonderful recipe!

  78. One happy baker

    Hi Jenny,
    I found you by searching you tube and I am so happy I did! I have been making your no kneed bread for everyone in my family. They all love and are requesting more. Thank you so much.
    I just want you to know that I’ve been making your raisin walnut bread with a twist that comes out amazing in you’re interested. I have added dated to the recipe and cut the raisin amount in half. I also just use all purpose flour not wheat flour or even bread flour and it comes out amazing.
    Thank you for your ideas. I look forward to seeing what your up to next.

  79. Sandra Duncan

    Good morning Jenny , I have been use your bread recipes and all other and I’m pretty happier how’s everything come out.
    Your recipe it’s very easy to fallow. Thank you so much for the delicious recipes you provide to us.

  80. Anna

    I made this yesterday, and it was so easy and came out perfect! We used it for toast this morning. Thank you!

  81. Gretchen

    I made this today and it came out perfectly! I wanted to use this bread for sandwiches, but it tastes so good by itself, we’ll just be eating it plain with butter or as toast!

  82. Elizabeth T.

    Such an awesome bread, Jenny! I look forward to trying something everyday. Thank you always!

  83. Lynn N.

    A BIG Thank you to you Jenny Jones. Due to the “VIRUS”, and the empty shelves at the grocery store, I was forced to make my own bread for weeks now…and I absolutely love it. It takes such a short amount of time and very little effort to make a delicious, lovely loaf. Even tried the English Muffins and Whole Wheat Bread, Coconut Cake and Spice cake…all really delicious and EASY. Best of all, everything turns out well due to your great instructions. I am very thankful that a year or so ago I ran across one of your YouTube videos which started this whole thing. I knew that KitchenAid Mixer should have been out on the counter and NOT in the cabinet.Thanks again!!!! Stay safe and stay well.

  84. Elie

    This a big thank you note.
    I have never backed a bread loaf before, this was so easy to make even without a mixer, on the second time making this I substituted oil for unsalted butter, and OMG it was even more amazing.
    Thank you so much for all your wonderful baking recipes! Stay safe and healthy

  85. Kathy

    Hi Jenny,

    I’m having a real problem! I just Know I’ve seen you before! I just can’t remember when. I wish you’d help me out and explain where I’ve seen your sweet smiling face.

    Also, Which bread do you think has a more “yeasty” taste? With or without an egg?

    Thank you so much!


    • Jenny Can Cook

      Please see “About Me.”

      • Kathy

        Well, hello! Of course I know you! I can’t believe I couldn’t figure that out! I love you even more because of all the great things you have done in your life. Blessings to you in all you do!

  86. Mabel

    Hi Jenny! I found your YouTube video on cinnamon buns a few months ago and have been making them, this bread loaf, sandwich buns, dinner rolls, no knead bread and the focaccia bread ever since! I look forward to trying your other recipes too! Thank you for the easy recipes and videos. I hope you and your family are staying healthy and safe. God bless.

  87. Joan L

    Hi Jenny, I’ve been making your recipes and loving them. The breads come out perfect every time. Your method for making bread is the best ever. Every recipe I’ve made looks like the one you post. I can’t miss when I follow your recipe exactly. I did add sesame seeds to the top of the bread. Thank you for sharing your wonderful recipes. Love your videos too. Always makes me smile watching your cheerful personality. I also bought your cookbook.

    • Toni

      Made this one egg bread recipe for Easter dinner for 2 since we are all staying n our homes under current crisis. Not a scrap of bread in house and certainly not going off to bakery. It was best results with a yeast bread I have ever had due to specific instructions. When family of 11 got together on zoom to share Easter together I showed off my bread. Now I have to add it to my Thanksgiving contribution to the dinner. Gladly!

  88. Susanbk

    OK, I have a Zo bread machine, which I love. Can this recipe be thrown into a machine?

  89. judith

    after years of trying and many many failures, the wheat bread was perfect and such a good taste. easy easy to slice (other recipes were disaster)
    now on to WHITE bread.
    thanks Jenny

  90. kathleen

    We only use skim milk, can it be used in place of low fat or whole milk?

  91. Mary

    Ok Jenny. Now , I am ticked!!! I am praying… that once on my lips will be forever on your hips!!! This recipe for SOOOOO good that I might have to set a trap for myself, so as not to keep eating slice after slice! Jenny you can REALLY cook! Seriously, a wonderful , simple tasty gave versatile recipe. Thank you!!! Stay safe and healthy!

    • Debbie

      I agree! Whatever you do, don’t make her cinnamon rolls!!

      I am staying with my daughter and her family to help with the kids while mom and dad work from home. It seems like every day we are baking something Jenny together. The kids are loving this (and the adults are too).

      What I love is that if you do EVERYTHING Jenny says, they turn out.

      • Karen B

        remember when in college you gained 15 lbs. with this Covid 19 I think my husband and have each gained 19 lbs. Oh how I love Jennys blog. Everything turns out good. Which for our waistline not so good.

  92. PodgeH

    If I make this bread in my Kitchen Aid stand mixer and used the dough hook, how long do I let it run?
    Love the simplicity of your recipes.

    • Cheryl

      I use a Bosch mixer and I let the mixer mix it 10min

  93. PodgeH

    Is it OK to used powdered buttermilk and appropriate amount of water instead of regular milk? If OK,any change in sugar or other ingredients?

  94. Lynne

    I followed your recipe to a T but my bread did not rise. Do you have any suggestion as to why? Thank you for your time.

  95. Angelina

    Hi Jenny. Am just trying out your recipe now. I am doubling it and would like to know if I should change the baking time or temp if I bake two at the same time.

    Thank you

    • Marjo

      Keep the time and temp the same… your dough will be divided among more loaf pans, but the time and time will remain the same


    Hey. I just had to try my new tweaked recipe of yours Jenny…where I added an extra egg but I only used one tablespoon of sugar(as I do not like my bread too sugary).

    IT IS TO DIE FOR!!!! According to my wife who is a very finnicikety ex HongKong lass and is presently demolishing it with butter….she sez…ITS THE BEST BREAD SHE EVER TASTED…

    Hope you have more gems which are quick n easy so a dinosaur can handle them.??


    Have used your recipe with awesome results…I just tweaked it a bit today…2 eggs instead of one and Ghee instead of Olive oil

    Anxiously awaiting results…past leaves were scrumptious. Just scarfed them with butter!!

    BTW I am very new at this baking biz.can I mix Almond flour with Bread Or All.purpose??just for fun!! But thanks again for your great recipe.

  98. Michelle

    THANK YOU! I light of our current self isolation and social distancing due to the covid19 pandemic my mom suggested I try your recipe (any of them, she loves you!) for my first loaf of bread. Today I baked my first loaf of bread ever and it smells and looks amazing! Cannot wait to serve it tonight with dinner. Stay healthy everyone.

  99. Susan Chriestenson

    just thought I would let you know that I have been using this recipe a lot and making bread to share, I double it and it turns out really good. thanks for sharing this quick and easy recipe

  100. Donna

    I have never made bread before and your recipe turned out great I am so excited I’m going to make the wheat loaf next and then biscuits thank you Jenny this was so much fun and such a surprise.

  101. Maria B

    No bread at the store, pressed for time and lunches need to be made ~ what am I going to do???!!! Jenny to the rescue. Delicious bread (not just for sammiches for sure) in just a bit over an hour! Unheard of but true! Fresh baked yummy bread. Absolutely amazing!

  102. Rex

    Oops, I was measuring for wheat bread which is 3 cups flour. When I was using all white and measured 1/2 cup too much. Well, it is raising now so we shall see what happens. Maybe a happy accident! Next one is cinnamon raisin bread but this time I will print off the recipe to follow.
    We love your sense of humor Jenny!

  103. Maggie

    This is a great recipe! I’ve made it many, many times and it never fails.
    If your bread doesn’t rise it may be your yeast.

  104. Carma

    Made this bread so far looking good. Although I proofed my yeast in the warm milk first with a little sugar to make sure it would work. Milk 110 degrees

  105. Paula

    Fabulous recipe and great results. This is such a satisfying experience. Thank you

  106. Jennifer Kurth

    As a former yeast killer the idea of making bread was terrifying to me! However I figured out the issue and was able to correct it making your bread a succe

  107. Guillaume

    This recipe does not work at all, after 1 hour the bread did not even rise an inch in the mold and I applied the recipe to the letter. Very disappointed.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I just made it again for Thanksgiving so I suspect your yeast may be the problem. Please look at these FAQs and try again: – It’s really good bread.

      • Sherrion

        I love every recipe and so do my family and friends. You are so cute and love your vidioes. You brighten my day!

        • Marsha Gilliam

          I agree with you! I use to watch her talk show. Her recipes seems so easy, quick & simple. I stumbled across her granola recipe video. I have not made it yet, however

    • Elliott

      Just made two loves of Arteasion Bread for Christmas with seven-year-old yeast! I checked my yeast first with a bit of warm water, sugar, flour for a half an hour to make sure it bubbled. One loaf with a three-hour rise and the other loaf an overnight rise, it more than doubled in size!!! Both were great!!!

  108. Jan

    Keep the videos with recipe coming your video and recipes are wonderful thanks to you I can finally make bread

  109. Bruce

    I just made this bread, however I used 3/4 cup of whole wheat flour as well as 2 cups of white flour. For the sugar I used brown sugar instead of granulated, and I added 2 Tablespoons of Chia Seeds. The rest of the recipe as written, and it turned out great. It made a great loaf of my Chia bread.

    Thank you, Jenny! Great recipe.

  110. Stormylin

    I love your recipes. You make the video and direction so easy. Thanks a lot Jenny. My family and friends love them also. Going to try the white bread with egg now. Have a great day and THANKS for your recipes.

  111. jackiv

    Well, slap my BREAD MACHINE! This loaf is perfect and the two tablespoons of sugar are very much needed. As someone else said, the next time I will use honey. Thanks, Jen. Love you to bits!
    I have one request. It is zucchini season. We need a heart-healthy zucchini bread recipe. I have a great zmuffin recipe that uses maple syrup for sweetness, blueberries (in all muffins on earth, please) and a banana to replace some of the oil. I also use tasted unsalted sunflower kernels in place of nuts. They are devine. I am happy to share with you.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      There is a place in the blog to share your recipe if you like.

  112. Anita

    OMG! This is sooooo good! It was easy to make too. This is the best white bread recipe you have Jenny! I tried the others and they are good too just not as good as this one. Thank you Jenny! (I did warm my egg in my bra and it worked very well. LOL!) Love your videos!

  113. Kimberly H

    Has anyone doubled this recipe? I’ve made some wonderful bread from this recipe but one loaf is never enough.
    I never made bread before in my 54 years. I was so excited when it came out of the oven looking and smelling like heaven.

  114. Joline

    I love your recipes and your videos always put me in a better mood. What is the purpose of adding an egg? I usually make my bread without an egg. Could that be why sometimes the bread is crumbly or would it be because I baked it too long?

  115. Mariette

    Thank you so much for the wonderful whole wheat and white bread recipes. I am in my 60s and just received my first ever Kitchenaid stand mixer as a gift and I am so happy! I have always wanted to bake my own bread and your recipes allow me to now do it and your recipes are so easy to make and follow. Thank you!

  116. sherlockb

    Jenny, I think I love You! 🙂 I am an 82-year-old great grandma. We were blessed with 8 children, and for whatever reason, I was not a “baker”. LOved cooking, but baking was to exact for my wanting “instant results”. Today I baked my first loaf of white bread. I am so EXCITED – it is absolutely beautiful, and the taste is delicious. Thank you, thank you – I’m so proud, and it looks just like your loaf.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I’m so happy to hear you made your first loaf of bread and I know it won’t be your last. You’re an inspiration to other seniors who just saw that you’re never too old to learn something new. ?

  117. Daysi

    Jenny, I was so sad when the same day I found you on YouTube, you made a comment in one recipe that you wouldn’t do any more videos 🙁 but after a month I got the brilliant idea (duh for me!) to check your profile and see that you have a web page!! I just want to tell you that you are a great cooking rol model and that my picky eater (aka husband :)) got me a thumb up when he tried the whole wheat bread I just made from your video in YouTube. Thank you so much!!! It is really delicious! And now I found the white bread recipe and I will do it once the whole wheat bread is gone. Thank you again and hope you can make more videos, I wish you the best!! Thanks, thanks, thanks!!!!

  118. Chandler

    If I don’t have an electric mixer and have to mix by hand will that change the final result?

  119. Shirley

    Can the milk be whole or 2%? What will be different to the rise and crumb?

    • Sunshine

      I used whole milk and it came out really good! In my opinion, it all comes out the same consistency.

  120. Karen C.

    I have made this bread before and love it. Last night we had freezing rain and then snow here, so I couldn’t get out to the stores this morning. I had no bread and was low on milk. I did have 1% buttermilk, so I thought why not…OMG it came out absolutely fantastic! It was so good I made another recipe which I made up as sandwich buns. Had them with burgers tonight and they were great too. Thanks so much for such an easy and versatile recipe. This will be my go to bread from now on.

  121. Jeanne

    Just out of the oven. House smells awesomely cozy homey and the loaves turned out beautifully. I made one for Thanksgiving and we’re going to cut into the other one while it is toasty warm…right now!

  122. Bruce

    First loaf of white bread, always made whole wheat before. Turned out beautiful….only thing I changed was to use 2 Tablespoons of Maple Syrup instead of sugar, and I added one capful of lemon juice. I also use my Black and Decker bread machine set on the dough setting, as it kneads the dough much more thoroughly than I ever could. I then put the dough into a loaf pan, and bake it according to your recipe. I love your bread recipes, Jenny and make them constantly.

  123. Suzan Winn

    Aww, Your awesome. Thank you for the so so easy white bread.

    • Stephen

      I love this easy recipe too. I usually divide the dough in two after it rests for 10 minutes and use two smaller loaf pans. You can get two generous loaves of sandwich size bread!

      • Shirley

        I assume the regular loaf is baked in a 9″x5″ pan. What size do you use when you half the doiugh?

  124. Kate C.

    Jenny: I made your whole wheat bread a week or two ago and it came out just as described. I realized…. I really don’t like the intense flavor of whole wheat bread…. so I tried using your white bread
    with egg recipe. I made two adjustments. I substituted 2 tablespoons of honey for the sugar, and replaced 1/2 cup of the bread flour with a 1/2 cup of whole wheat flour. I baked for 28 minutes to an internal temp of 190°F following all of your other instructions. This loaf was utter perfection! Thank you so much for simplifying breadmaking! Absolutely delicious!

  125. ? Olga ?

    Thanks to you, my entire family of 8 (6 children) can enjoy healthier homemade bread!! I tried quite a few recipes before trying yours & yours won hands down!! I no longer buy bread & I boast about your recipes to my family & coworkers!! Thanks so much!! ❤️

  126. T. J. M.

    I live in Colorado elevation 5,800+ my bread always flops. Do I need to put more or less of something since I do live in a higher altitude? It’s either very dry/crumbly or it falls in the middle while baking.HELP!

  127. Marilyn W

    I have been making this bread every third day or so for several weeks. My family (3 of us) will not eat old bread so making one loaf often is perfect. I have tried many many one loaf recipes and this is by far the best. We also love the wheat version. Thanks so much for sharing this.

    • Old Gray Mare

      Marilyn, 1 or 2 day-old bread is perfect for making french toast. We do it all the time.

  128. Lynda

    can I substitute buttermilk for the regular milk?

    • Patti

      I used buttermilk and I actually liked the bread better than with regular milk. I’ve also used almond milk, and that turns out fine too. The buttermilk separated when I heated it but that didn’t affect the bread.

  129. Anne

    I have made this and the whole wheat version. Both are delicious! After this, it’s hard to go back to store-bought bread. Thank you!

  130. Joni can cook

    I’m in the process of making this bread and realized I forgot to grease my loaf pan before putting the dough into the pan. Should I expect my bread to stick to the loaf pan after I bake it? I’m using a glass Pyrex loaf pan. Thanks, Jenny! Love this site, and I’m so proud of our Eagles for winning the Super Bowl.

  131. gin

    thank you for this recipe, very very good. i make this loaf at least twice a week. it’s so easy to make and taste better than store bought. the grand kids love it too, they are always asking me to make some.

  132. Lakota

    I LOVE your rustic bread recipes! I am trying to bake for my lactose intolerant brother, can I substitute water for the milk in this recipe?
    Just a note, I added some dill juice to your rustic rye, it gives it a great flavor!

    • Lakota

      Made the white bread yesterday using water instead of milk. Wonderful recipe Jenny!

      • Kirsten

        Thank you for this comment, I was wondering if milk was an absolute requirement for this recipe !

  133. Susie

    I just joined. You make everything look so easy. I don’t know if mine will look anything like that. You are hilarious. I am glad I found you. I am on WW so I am glad that you have healthier recipes. Thank you so much.

  134. Jules

    Hi Jenny I love your easy recipes. I’ve tried 3 of them so far and they are perfect. You are so entertaining! Who’s your daddy. Baa haa

  135. Lee

    The loaf I just made looks spectacular and has a wonderful “feel” (crumb?). It was certainly easy to put together. However, I think it lacks any real bread flavor. Perhaps that’s because it has only one, relatively brief rising? I used sugar, not honey. Maybe that would have given it some flavor. OR maybe it’s just me. . . .

  136. Kathy

    Love this recipe…so great not to buy bread any longer….this makes great toast and sandwiches…..I use my Kitchen Aid mixer which works well but found out the hard way that using the beaters can damage the mixer….which it did….now I use the dough hook as per the Kitchen Aid instruction book advises. It says “always use the dough hook when mixing and kneading yeast doughs” … it works just fine, I had to work with it a little more but it turned out great. Also says “NEVER exceed speed 2 when using the dough hook”…..Just sayin’….it’s expensive to fix these mixers…

    • Jody and Eddie

      I made this yesterday using my K.A. 4.5 Qt. with the dough hook. Since I was just making one loaf I didn’t pull out my 8 Qt. N.S.F. “Monster K.A.” LOL.
      Thank you for pointing out that the directions clearly state when using the dough hook never go above power level 2. I was bad and ran it on power 6!
      The reason I did so was to incorporate all of those ingredients, egg, oil, etc…
      Did you mix it longer than what Jenny states due to the lower power? Just curious.
      I agree with you, these mixers are expensive to fix. Sorry to hear what happened with your mixer. Both of my mixers are “direct drive” maybe that is why my smaller 4.5 Qt. that I’ve had since 1979 didn’t even get warm/hot mixing the dough at power level 6? Anyway, I’m heeding your advice and sticking with power level 2. 😉
      I’m also curious to know how high your dough rose during the 35 minute proofing time. Mine rose about 4 inches above the rim of the loaf pan! (Almost double) and I’m thinking of upping the size of the loaf pan to a 10″ x 5″.
      Thanks again for your sage advice. Happy baking.

      • Kathy

        Hello Jody and Eddie..I make this bread once a week and really like it. I am careful with my Kitchen Aid Artisan mixer after my experience…I do now use mainly speed 2 when mixing with the dough hook, but also knead until the dough is no longer sticky. Working very well with that combo. I also like to use 2 cups all purpose and 1/2 cup of whole wheat. I add a tablespoon of wheat germ at the end of the kneading…it adds nutrition and a little crunch. I think one of the main things is to have everything luke warm (pans, flour, egg, etc.) I put all under my hood light and get a nice rise….pan size is 9/1/2×5/1/2….Happy Baking….so much fun

        • jvackiv

          If you have a microwave oven, you have a proof box in your kitchen! Just boil two cups of water and leave them in there. Place your covered bread pan inside to rise. Close the door. The end and works every time!

    • Graham

      Could you let me know how long you knead in the mixer? I initially tried the whole wheat recipe to the letter, fresh ingredients, doing 2 minutes in Artisan then 50 turns but the bread came out crumbly and fell apart. Have tried a 2nd batch doing all in the mixer but wasn’t sure how long to knead in the mixer-ended up 8 minutes on the #2 setting. May have kneaded too long? as it was trying to climb the dough hook – a bit. But, w/this method (adding 1/4 cup addn’l flour), the dough never came away clean from the bowl. However, the bread is much better, not falling apart and not as crumbly.

  137. Char

    just found your site today, i am crazy about recipes, can’t wait to start trying yours the bread will be the first

  138. Claire

    I tried this recipe. It turned it great! How long can you store it for?

  139. Paula

    Hi Jenny, thank you for this wonderful FREE website without ads. I made the wheat bread for the 2nd time today and now I’m wondering what the best way to keep it is? It will be lunch bread for my daughters, so it needs to last for 2-3 days. I made the granola bars yesterday and both kids said they loooved them and no more store bought ones! I read your story, amazing! PS. You, Ricki and Montel were my tv addiction when I arrived in the States in -93 🙂 Good times!

  140. Mia

    Hi Jenny, made this loaf today and forgot to add the sugar. Also used whole milk. The loaf turned out perfect.
    Thank you. Will be trying more of your recipes soon.

  141. silvia

    Dear Jenny, I just love your recipes, I have made several and they came out fantastically well but I would like to ask you a favour.

    Could it be possible for you to include metric measurements for weight and volume? Since cups in Spanish are not used, and as you know, sometimes equivalences are not perfect (mostly for baking).


    • Jenny

      The best I can do is the metric conversion chart at the top. I hope it helps.

  142. Helen

    Hi Jenny, are you using a damp cloth to cover the dough to rise? I used a damp tea towel to cover but it always stick up to the cloth at the time I have to lifted up and the dough collapsed. Thanks

    • Jenny

      It should be a dry towel. (I tried plastic once and it stuck too!)

      • Steve

        Do you pour the hot milk in the yeast first and let it activate then add remaining ingredients

        • Jenny Can Cook

          No, I do not. I find that today’s yeasts do not need to be proofed first.

    • Connie S.

      I have baked lots of bread over the years…using a very damp paper towel to cover the loaf pan. IF the paper towel dries out before the bread has risen enough…all you need to do is spritz the towel with a spray bottle of water…to dampen it again…BEFORE you try to lift it off. I have used this method for many years and it always works.

    • Karen

      Using a clear shower cap works well The elastic holds tight to pan and has plenty of room above the rim
      Totally reusable too!

  143. Geraldine

    If I add in cinnamon and raisins in the 4th step, do I cut down on the sugar?And does it change the cooking time? Thanks! Love your recipies!

    • ChrisH

      If you add the cinnamon to the loaf it will change the color or the loaf, Will still taste great along with the addition of the raisins. You may not care for the appearance of the loaf . The sweetness is a matter of your individual taste. as the raisins will increase the sweetness of the bread . If you prefer If sweet keep the sugar amount as stated in this recipe, if not reduce it slightly. Or, make Jenny’s Cinnamon Raisin loaf recipe. Either can be braided or rolled to bake in a loaf pan. All of the recipes here are simple and easily adapted, if you felt the need to do so.
      Good Luck

  144. Carol S

    Hi Jenny, I’ve made both your white bread and wheat and both came out fantastic ! I love your recipes. Tried most of them.

  145. Ronda Tedder

    Hi Jenny,

    Will it make any difference between using 2%milk instead if 1%? Thankss

    • Jenny

      I have only made it with 1% milk but let us know how it turns out if you switch to 2%.

      • Geraldine

        I have made with whole milk today and it turned out as usual..great!

        • Char

          I am glad you asked about whole milk, that is all i use, hope mine comes out great like yours

          • Jody and Eddie

            I used whole milk yesterday. Turned out fantastic. The only thing I may try differently this week is to up the size of the loaf pan from the 8 1/2 x 4 1/2 to my 10 x 5 loaf pan (I use USA Pans, the same manufacturer that King Arthur & Williams Sonoma uses to manufacture their pans). The reason I’m going to try this is that the dough rose at least 3″ + over the top of the pan during the 35 minute rise time.

          • Jody and Eddie

            * * Correction to my earlier post. * *
            Duh! I should have watched Jenny’s YouTube video for making whole wheat bread!!! Jenny watches the dough during the 35 minute proofing time and doesn’t let it rise above an inch over the pan.

  146. Angelyn

    Hi Jenny!
    How are you?
    I was wondering, could I add like sultana or raisins in the bread and if so, which step should i put it in?

  147. Gaby

    Just fixed this bread, I doubled the recipe and the other half I made cinnamon swirl bread. Came out so good. Thank you for the recipe.

  148. Susi

    Hi Jenny!

    I make this bread so many times and everytime comes out soooo good, also I try the wheat, with egg & without, perfect everytime, thanks so much for making bread so easy and tasty!

  149. Me Me

    Found your site by accident 2 days ago. Since then I have been watching the recipes that you have put on video. I am a retired teacher and you are an excellent teacher. Your videos leave nothing to question about the recipe if you want to make it ‘as is.’ I am trying the white bread recipe with egg. I really appreciate all the comments from others that are included after each recipe. I am so happy I stumbled onto your website. Thank you!

  150. Susan

    I never knew baking bread was so easy till I started reading your receipts. At 67, I now love making bread every week. Thank you so much for your easy, foolproof method.

  151. Sandy B.

    Hello Jenny,

    Can I freeze this bread?

    • Jenny

      Any bread can be frozen but to me it’s always better fresh.

  152. June

    I have made about 20 loaves in the last 2 weeks. It is the easiest and best bread I have ever made. I will not buy store bread again. Thanks Jenny you are the best

  153. Michael

    I made this earlier today and it is TERRIFIC!!! and so FAST. I was low on milk so I used buttermilk What a flavor!!! Thanks Jennny from Canada.

  154. Gloria Cabeen

    I’m curious as to where you got the pink cooling rack. Must know!

  155. ChrisH

    I made this bread a few days ago, adding 3 eggs plus honey, and alot of grated white cheddar cheese in the final knead.. Of course a little more flour was needed but the original recipe is very forgiving. It was delicious!! Toasts great.

    Thank you so much for your recipes, Jenny!!!!

    Oh, and I cannot wait to make your cabbage rolls!!!!!!!!

    • Magart

      Did you use both honey and sugar? I like using honey, the bread stays fresh longer…and tastes better to me. The cheese sounds good, I may try it.

      • ChrisH

        Hi Magart,

        Yes, I used only honey and agree the bread stays fresh much longer plus has a very rich taste.
        I have two whole wheat loaves rising now that are about to go in the oven. With these I added a little honey, agave and molasses (I just eyeballed each) along with the eggs and milk. Can’t wait until they’re done.

        These recipes are very simple and easy to adapt other ingredients, if you want. Either way they always turn out perfect and are easy to follow.


  156. Beth

    I made this today for the first time. The loaf was tall, soft and so good. It is almost gone .lol
    Thanks Jenny

  157. Steve

    Jenny I have just found your site today and my mouth is salivating, your recipes look so easy, I have made the no kneed bread before but my water was only 110F and i let it sit for 12 to 24 hours….your version is so much quicker.

  158. Sal

    Can the eggless bread be doubled

    • Jenny

      I have only made it as one loaf. You could check around for other recipes to see about doubling.

      • Sal

        Thank you,i don’t think it would be a good idea since it is so fast

    • JIm

      Every week I make the egg version doubled. It works. I have done it in both my Bosch Universal and KitchenAid. I have used powdered milk and fresh milk, half white whole wheat/half bread flours; and both 100% bread or 100% white whole wheat. Every loaf has been eagerly awaited and eagerly devoured. This is a fantastic recipe, Jenny!

      The only thing with the doubled recipe is that the mixture creeps up the beater of the KitchenAide during the two-minutes of beating. It’s a bit of a pain to get it out of that spring at the top but I just live with it.

      I have also used the single loaf recipe divided into two small, 4″ x 8″ pans. It makes a more practical size for just one person.

      Tonight I’m going to try buttermilk powder and 100% bread flour. I like to experiment.

      • Jenny

        Thanks for sharing this helpful info.

      • silvia

        Dear JIm,
        Thanks for your comment, it is interesting for me, as I would like to know what difference it makes if done with normal flour or with bread flour, I suppose that bread flour will give a tougher, less moist texture than the usual normal one, used in cakes, right?
        Let me know the exact measurements, if you can, so that I can decide what to begin with, since it is always interesting for me to learn to get the best from everyone.
        By the way, I am from Barcelona, Spain… Far away from all of you guys, but thanks to email close enough to share anything ! If you want me to send you typical spanish recipes, let me know!
        My best regards,

  159. Theresa

    Jenny, I decided to try white bread after having such good luck making your whole wheat bread. I am wondering what the egg does to the bread. Knowing that may help me decide which recipe to try first; this one or your recipe without egg. Can you please explain to me how the egg changes the bread? Thank you very much!

    • Jenny

      I don’t know how it changes the bread but I know that this loaf is softer, taller, and more moist. If you try them both, please let us know what you think.

      • Theresa

        I tried the no egg version today and decided I would go eggless from now on. I can’t wait to try the whole wheat bread without egg as well. It turned out softer, lighter, rose higher and more quickly than with an egg. I think it also tastes better. This is the result I’ve spent years trying to achieve. I followed your eggless recipe exactly except I kneaded the dough for 10 minutes, let it rise (double the size) then shaped into a loaf and let rise to 5 1/2″ high. I baked it for 10 minutes then covered with foil and baked for an additional 15 minutes. Perfection!!! Thank you, Jenny!

        • silvia

          Dear Theresa,
          I would like to ask you what kind of flour did you use for this last option, which I would also like to make? I am from Barcelona, and love Jenny’s recipes!

        • David

          What’s the egg less recipe

  160. Hussain

    Looks great and easy.. I should try it. By the way, I like very much your way of presenting and cooking ? ?

  161. GRANNY

    LOOKS REAL GOOD. I HAVE TO TRY IT. GRANNY FAN from way back to your talk show days.

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