Pączki - Polish Doughnuts

Polish Doughnuts – Pączki

Paczki (Polish Doughnuts)

You can fill these with jam, lemon curd, chocolate pudding, or custard (my favorite). It's best to have the egg yolks & oil at room temperature and be sure to aerate your flour before measuring. - Jenny Jones

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes

Makes: 12

Paczki (Polish Doughnuts)


  • 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons (1 packet = 7 grams) yeast (instant or dry active)

  • 2/3 cup milk (reduced fat or whole milk) warmed to 120°F for instant/110°F for dry active yeast
  • 3 Tablespoons vegetable oil (I use avocado oil)
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • about 1/4 cup extra flour

  • 1 Tablespoon melted butter
  • 1/3 cup sugar for coating
  • 1 cup jam, custard, or filling of choice


  1. Place flour, sugar, salt, & yeast in large bowl.
  2. Stir in warm milk, followed by oil, egg yolks & vanilla.
  3. With electric mixer, beat for 2 minutes on high speed.
  4. Stir in enough flour until the dough holds together.
  5. On a floured surface, knead 50 turns, cover with plastic and let rest 10 min.
  6. If using custard filling, make it now so it can cool. (see recipe below)
  7. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
  8. On a floured surface, roll dough 1/2-inch thick. Cut circles using a 2 1/2 -inch round cutter, dipped in flour. Re-roll scraps.
  9. Place mounds on baking sheet, cover with a towel, and let rise in a warm spot about 45 minutes. (1 hour at room temp.) During this time, preheat oven to 375° F.
  10. When paczki are puffy, but not necessarily doubled in size, bake for 10 minutes.
  11. Melt butter and place 1/3 cup sugar in a plastic produce bag. Lay down some wax paper to save cleanup.
  12. Remove paczki immediately from pan to wax paper. Brush each one while warm (top & sides) with melted butter and roll in bag to coat with sugar.
  13. For jam, fill warm or cooled paczki using a pastry bag with a long tip, pushing into the side, or cut a slit in the side and insert filling with a spoon. For custard, cool paczki before filling. All paczki are best served right away.
  14. Custard Filling:
  15. In a small saucepan, combine 1/4 cup sugar + 4 teaspoons cornstarch. Slowly stir in 1 cup low fat or whole milk + 1 egg yolk. Bring to a boil. Cook & stir about a minute. (it thickens more as it cools) Spread onto a dinner plate and let it stand, undisturbed, to cool thoroughly before using - refrigerate if necessary.

Note: If using a pastry bag, choose a smooth jam and not one with pieces of fruit as they can clog the tip.

Polish Doughnuts – Pączki

605 Comments on "Polish Doughnuts – Pączki"

  1. Bernie Bartus

    Fabulous! I made them and like that I do NOT have to deep fry!!!! Smacznego! Happy Paczki Day 2025!

  2. KathyP

    If someone is dairy sensitive, could I make this with warm water in the recipe and then a little oil on top to hold the sugar?

    Another option would be a soy protein “milk”

    Dzienkuje for keeping us baking our homeland.

  3. Maria B Rugolo

    A fantastic recipe that received rave reviews! So light, so airy, and healthy! A win-win-win. I doubled the recipe and filled with raspberry jam. Thank you Jenny for a wonderful recipe and excellent instruction.

  4. Chelsea

    Hi. Your recipe differs from your video. Which one is accurate ? For example you said you use canola oil in the video, but recipe says avocado. In the video you say let them rise 10 minutes, your recipe says let them rise 45…
    May I ask, is the reason for no spirit because these are baked and not fried?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      They are both accurate. Like many people, I have switched from using canola oil to avocado oil but either one can be used. If you watch the video, you will see that the dough rests for 10 minutes (at 3:40 mark) and it rises for 45 minutes (at the 6:00 mark).

  5. TEE TEE

    That’s is where the Americans (stole) got the idea for jelly filled donuts. If it were not for the polish people we would not have a thing called jelly filled donuts. The polish people were the first to have a thing called jelly filled donuts. There are a lot of other things the Americans (stole) from other people from other countries.

    • Dana

      This is not true. These donuts are also made in different countries in central Europe and the origin is probably from Germany. There are many people in the US from Europe whose ancestors made donuts with jam at home. This is not unique to Poland.

  6. Judy

    If you have a little time to make these – they are delicious!!

  7. Ines

    Hi Jenny,
    I love this recipe! Wondering… may I fill the donuts with custard the day before I serve them? I’m assuming they would be stored in the fridge uncovered.

  8. JOHN



    • Cherie

      I use a squeeze bottle for condiments.. you can buy them just about anywhere.. Walmart, Amazon, etc.. the other thing I use are large 4-5” long by 1” or so wide 60 ml medical grade syringe. These worked well because I could consistently put the same amount in each donut.

    • Mary

      I bought mine on Amazon.

  9. Anne

    I want to make these gluten-free. Can I use Bob’s Red Mill All-purpose GF flour? Is there something I need to change in the recipe to do that? Has anyone made GF Paczki without a fryer? Thank you.

    • Elizabeth

      I have made them with Bobs Red Mill- they don’t rise the same, but they still are good in my opinion! Some of the GF blends are better for yeast doughs, Better Batter has one and GF Jules.

  10. Debbie Cielec

    I came across this recipe a few years ago, they never disappoint! I hated cooking them in oil, the baked ones are so much better, you taste the pączki, not the oil. I pass them out to family, friends, and co-workers and everyone loves them. Thank you, Jenny!

  11. Dan

    Jenny, I very much admire your presentation, Thank you

  12. Ines

    So it’s ok to leave the custard uncovered as it cools? Usually, cooked custard is covered with saran as it is cooled. I am looking forward to trying your recipe.

  13. Elizabeth

    Can I make the dough the day before I bake them? Maybe let them rise in the fridge overnight?

  14. JL

    Fat Tuesday or Fasnacht is coming up soon. These would be perfect.

  15. Kimberly

    Just to be clear here. Is this regular sugar or powdered sugar that the donuts get tossed in?

  16. robert

    tried to make these donuts and my dough is too sticky. what did i do wrong?

    • Kaye

      I floured my surface and kneaded the 50 turns it actually worked out exactly as it did in the video. After the 1/4 cup flour was still a bit sticky. It came together after I did the final kneading on the table! Hope that helps!

  17. babumjane

    I love her site, she is not in slow motion, like addressing brain dead people as a lot do. Her recipes are always great, easy to follow and as I said in normal speed.

  18. Suzanne

    If you don’t eat all of them right away, three seconds in the microwave will make them taste as fresh as just made.
    Literally, 3 seconds or the hot jam will burn your mouth off.

  19. Giovanna Dilauro

    I made your paczki for Fat Tuesday and they came out to die for! I viewed your video last year and I never made them till this week. I got so many compliments on how good they were…better than bakery! I made them a little smaller than indicated. I had to quadruple the recipe to make the amount of paczki I wanted. I filled up five baking pans, having a dozen on each pan. I baked them at 325 instead of 350 because they were turning out darker on the bottoms, which I did not want. I added vanilla powder with the powdered sugar dusting to give them more flavor. I will make these again soon and use them for regular donuts.

  20. Susan

    Delicious! Perfect and so light and fluffy. Just made these today…..actually I prepared them yesterday and then let them rest overnight in the fridge. Warm Jelly donuts for breakfast. A great recipe that I will be sure to make again.

    • Mike z

      The donuts are a perfect. Polish treat .
      I made then followed the recipe and came out perfect . Truly delicious

    • Elizabeth

      I want to do this too! Did you let them rise before you refrigerated them, or while refrigerating?

  21. Beth C

    I made this today. They turned out great, puffed nicely. They cooked well but I did have to turn on broil for 2 or 3 mins to brown the top.I made a mess with raspberry jam lol.

  22. Ray

    Good recipe and very tasty. My only problem is that the tops didn’t brown very much. Please advise.

  23. Joanie

    Could apple cider be used in place of milk?

  24. Carol

    Thanks for all your great recipes! I like that you make some recipes healthier. I would never make paczki if I had to fry them, although they would taste the best.

    I recently bought a convection/air fryer range and would like to figure out a way to make them taste more like deep fried paczki then the baked version. I haven’t used it very much yet. Do you have any suggestions? Or readers do you have suggestions?

    Also, I would love to see air fryer recipes, especially for a convection/air fryer range.


    • Miriam

      Carol, my understanding of air fryer ‘fried’ foods is that you should spray with a little bit of oil before cooking. That will give it a more fried taste and protect it from getting too dry. If you have an oven type air fryer, I would put them in the lowest position on a sprayed sheet pan and not directly on a grid rack.

      • Erin

        Thank you! Was wondering the same thing.

      • Krista

        Curious if anyone has tried to air fry? I am thinking they may need to be turned over halfway through?

  25. Lola maerozalia010947

    As a child we ate paczki with raisins inside so when I make them I will put raisins in them and use powered sugar on outside..this is the way I remember them…..thanks for recipe

  26. patricia

    what is nutrition, mainly carbs and any fiber….diabetic. thanks, patty

    • Debbie

      As a diabetic, just reading the recipe, doesn’t seem diabetic friendly to me. Still looking for a way to tweak it so that i can make them again, but for me!

      • Krista

        You can try using Monk Fruit instead of sugar as a low-cal alternative. For your filling, use a sugar free jam!

  27. Babby

    Hi, can you tell me the nutrition value of these, please. Thank you.

  28. Lina

    OMG !!! These are absolutely phenomenal! Thank you so so much for the recipe! I made them the night before, put them in the fridge covered well. I let them rise for two hours in a warm place and baked and filled them with jam and some with Nutella. Amazing! My daughter said never to buy them again and to just make these!

  29. Linda

    This is one of my best recipes ever. Never disappoints. I made a double batch today for kids skating on our pond and they were gone in a flash. By popular demand I usually fill with a spoonful of Nutella, but the custard is also sublime. I used to fiddle with a pastry bag to squeeze in the filling but I could never get enough in so now I just cut and opening and spoon in filling so I can send them out warm.I still don’t understand how these come out so light and airy..

    • Mila

      I used 3 % milk for this recipe instead of the 1% could this be the reason for not rising quickly

  30. Paula

    Looked good like donuts. I filled with them with Jam. Maybe that’s where I made the mistake, I should have filled it with a custard . They tasted like fresh buns with jam, not like a tasty donut. I could have spared myself the extra sugar and just made white buns. However I was excited about the idea of donuts without the oil from frying. But I think I will just stick to regular deep fried donuts from now on.

  31. Jeneen

    These doughnuts were very simple to make. I love the fact that they are baked & not deep fried. They’re light, fluffy & absolutely tasty. It was very helpful to watch the video showing how to do everything step by step. I will definitely be saving this recipe to make again!

    • Grace U

      I filled these with “chocolate spread”, lemon pie filling, stabilized whipped cream, coffee cream, caramel cream, banana pudding, grape jelly and “chocolate spread” with peanut butter. Even dusted the plain ones with cinnamon sugar. They were AWESOME!

      • Terri

        What kind of whipped cream did you use??

      • sunshine

        How big did you make them that you could fit all that filling in them?

  32. Sadie

    These are excellent. They’re light and tender and not too sweet. I filled half with a creamy chocolate ermine frosting and half with blueberry jam. Both versions were delicious and froze well. I’ve tried several recipes for baked paczki and the results have been consistent. It’s important not to add too much flour when mixing the dough. It should be slack, soft, and tacky. The only change I made to the recipe was to add a bit of nutmeg. The dough was slow to rise in both rises. I’ve learned from experience not to rush the second rise. The rounds should be well puffed before baking. To fill, I poked a deep hole in the doughnut with the handle of a wooden spoon then piped the fillings in using a large round pastry tip.

  33. Patti Patti

    Hello Everyone,

    Jenny is my go to recipe gal. I just love her style, recipes and kitchen format ~ Fantastic!
    I plan to make these donuts soon but wonder if anyone has a WHITE CREAM tried and true donut filling?
    Not all sugary and yukky that taste slickening like bad cake icing.
    We have a local Mom and Pop style donut shop that USED to make the best white filling. But like most places – unfortunately they probably changed their recipe to save money and stay afloat 🙁
    My sister was tipped off that they “used to use marshmallow fluff” in their white cream filling.
    High hopes for someone to come through

    Thanks 🙂

    • Sandy

      The white filling might be like the strawberry dip…half cream cheese and half marshmallow cream. This can be used for frosting too.

  34. Tom

    This is the 7th time making these for family and everyone tells me the BEST DONUTS. With a maple glaze on top 👌 😋

  35. Dawn

    I made these today and they were wonderful I used my homemade bluberry pomegranate jelly inside and nutella very small amount on top made a dozen and my husband and boys polished them off in minutes . thankyou for this easy to follow recipe and video.

  36. Carolyn in Toronto

    Outstanding. First attempt was picture perfect.
    Your videos and recipes are amongst the best on social media. Too often, recipes are written for people who can cook. Yours are well written, straightforward and easy to follow. Your videos as well are well done. I’m impressed!

  37. kylady717@gmail.com

    Looks good and looks simple to make…..

  38. Sheila

    I made this recipe for our Easter brunch. It was delicious! Soft, tender, easy to work dough. Thank you, Jenny! I enjoy your bakes and so does my family!

  39. June

    WONDERFUL!!!!! These came out terrific and i used my homemade jam so they were sooooo good. One drawback was they were so good my husband and I ate them all. Lol Now that covid is better the kids and grandkids are getting them. Thank you so much for sharing this awesome recipe.❤💯😁

  40. Marie-France

    They turned out amazing! 2 hours to make less than 5 minutes for my family of 4 to eat them up. Thank you for sharing your recipe and the tips you give in the video make a big difference 🙂

  41. Barbara Florentine

    Oh my!

  42. Sheinagh

    I made these today and Oh My! This recipe is excellent. I don’t have a piping bag yet so I sliced the bun 2/3rds through, put strawberry jam inside then a pile of fresh whipped creme. They remained me of the creme buns of my youth, when I was a child in Australia. I now believe that the Polish bakers must have started the creme bun craze there. I will post a photo. Delicious. I will not be needing supper.

  43. Mac

    I found the donuts were not as moist and fresh tasting the next day. I had to microwave them before eating.

    • Char

      As with most donuts, these are best eaten right away- just as stated in the recipe :). krispy kreme donuts are made with many added chemicals, that keep donuts fresh for longer- i’ll pass!

  44. Robin

    I made these this week. My husband & I both loved them! They were easy & turned out great!

  45. Melissa

    I have made these two times in the last two weeks, and they are soooo delicious! We live in Colorado, so whenever I go to bake something I usually have to tweak the recipe, due to the high altitude (the struggle is real), but I didn’t have to change a thing. They came out perfect!

    Thank you so much for sharing this recipe!

    • Mary

      I was so happy to read your comment regarding high altitude adjustments not being necessary for this recipe. New Mexico, where I live, has the same problem, so I am excited to try this donut recipe. Thank you!

  46. Susan

    Thanks Jenny, It was fun to watch your video. I love you kitchen. That is my dream kitchen. You are so cute in the videos it makes me feel like I can bake that. Well we shall see. Take care. Susan

  47. JeanneM

    Such a great dough! I actually rolled it out rectangular,(after making the doughnuts twice), brushed melted butter on it, cinnamon sugar, golden raisins, pecans, rolled it, baked it. It was delicious! Thank you so much for this recipe!

  48. Joann

    Video was really helpful! Thank you.

  49. Tracey

    I only have original dry active yeast on hand, can I use this?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Please see the recipe.

      • LAVONDA B in TC

        Did Anyone watch the Video before you started Recipie ?
        Jenny says to add flour as need to get the right “dough”.
        Little moist to start, flour surface, put dough down and add
        more flour as you need to blend Before the final 50 KNEEDS.
        Mine took almost an hour to Rise enough. I Sat them on stove
        surface (covered with towel) as oven pre heated.
        Vent along back, did the trick. Trust your gut! It will thank you 🙂

        • Nancy

          Anytime I bake with yeast and where a rising is required, I put the bowl on a heating ad that I only use for this purpose. It works great!

          • Charlotte

            Wow i love the heating pad idea. i’m gonna have to dig mine up! i usually use the oven(heated and then turned off, door shut) but with a family of 5, and being a baker, i’m always using my oven- so this would work great!!Thanks!

        • Jan

          The best way to raise dough is to put in the oven and leave the light on. This provides enough heat for it to raise.

  50. Karyn

    I’m Polish and a baker but had never made Paczkis. I chose this baked recipe over one that required frying primarily to save on calories. I filled half with a chocolate ganache/mascarpone whipped cream I had left over from Valentine’s Day and the other half with raspberry preserves. They were the most delicious Paczkis we’ve ever had! *Definitely added more flour than recipe called for. Probably additional 1/4 cup.

  51. Arv

    I just made these. They are so good. I made a real mess filling them. I found the same pastry bag they Jenny used but obviously I don’t have the knack yet. Some did not get much filling. I’m wondering if I can successfully double this recipe.

    • Karen

      Yes, you can easily double the recipe . However, you do NOT double the yeast I I got my information from King Arthur Flour a few years ago for something else and this is a general piece of advice . If you were working with a very “exotic” recipe you might need to alter it in some way but for general home baking like this don’t double the yeast .These are so good our houseful would inhale them coming in the door ! LOL Enjoy !! KRM

      • Charlotte

        Ok, now you got me really curious. ive heard about being cautious with doubling baking soda in recipes, but i’ve usually doubled yeast quantities when doubling recipes. What would the appropriate amount be when doubling?

  52. Donna Hutchinson

    Made these yesterday for today. They’re amazing. Not sure how to get the photo from my phone to here, but it’s on my FB page. Great stuff.

  53. Rosanne

    Made today. Delicious! I may have added too much flour, but still great!
    Made half raspberry filling and half custard. Did add vanilla to custard 🍮.
    Thanks for recipe and video!

  54. Beverly

    WOW! Complete fail. I followed the direction s to the “t.” I had to continue to add more flour to get it to a consistency to knead. What in heavens name did I do wrong?????

    • Beverly

      OK, I have never aerated flour and I’ve been baking for over 50 years. Maybe that was my problem? I measured the 1 1/2 cups of flour first then aerated it and then re-measured the flour to 1 1/2 cups. Was that my problem? Should I have just aerated the 1 1/2 cups of flour and used that?

      • Fran

        I have started weighing my flour, as I live in a humid climate. I discovered that a cup of flour is supposed to be 120 grams. My flour weighed 150 grams, and I didn’t scoop it. I’m thinking the humidity makes the flour stick together. Since I started measuring with my kitchen scale my recipes are coming out so much. better!

    • GinnyP

      I am making the dough now and have the same reaction – I’ve made soft doughs before and after they proof they’re roll-able, but I’ve added the additional 1/4 cup and am working in more because it’s almost like batter.

    • Chris

      I’ve made these and I recommend using as a little flour as possible. It’s not going to kneed like regular bread. It’s still kind of sticky. I mainly let my mixer do the work and then just before rolling I kneeded it a bit more. It’s very soft dough.

    • Linda

      When I made them today – I did have to add additional flour — the dough was more like batter without the additional dough — but the taste was wonderful.

    • Esther

      Probably the milk was either too cold or too hot. That usually is the problem with yeast dough.

  55. Maria Salerno

    This are my husband’s favorite so I am definitely going to make some, Thank you Jenny for this video you make it so much fun.

  56. Hannah Diana

    I m going to make it ‼️ No matter what ‼️ Can’t wait to make it‼️ Thank you Jenny

  57. Kim W

    Made these for Valentines Day – my husband said it was the best paczki he’s ever had- thanks Jenny for the fun video & delicious recipe!!

  58. Mae

    These are so yummy! My mom always made paczki on Sunday before Ash Wednesday, except hers were fried. These are so much lighter! We just split them open with a knife and put whatever filling inside that I have ready. Works just fine! No mess and not everyone wants them filled. Making right now!!

  59. Marion Lovell

    I would like to print the recipe, but i can’t figure it out!
    could you send it on my email?
    thanks, Marion

    • Lisa

      I had to open it in my phone on another app not chrome but Safari and I was able to print it.

  60. stacieH

    I made these for the first and fried some and baked some and boy oh boy everyone raved about the baked ones! what I’m having an issue with is the filling, I can make the custard fine but I can’t seem to get it in the paczki , I’ve got pastry bags, decorating tip and I just end up with a complete mess, I bought the one you had on your video and the seam exploded, now I cannot find another one like that one, that tip was a good tip. HELP!

    • Beverly

      I bought tips off Amazon after reading how bad that bag was.

  61. Kestrel

    Has anyone tried to make these gluten free? I’m thinking of substituting King Arthur Measure for Measure for the flour.

    • Michelle

      I have tried baking a yeasted dough with gluten free and it doesn’t quite work out. I think the yeast and gluten work together to make a fluffy texture. If you are interested in gluten free you might be able to find a recipe that uses the normal gluten free additives like xanthium powder or arrowroot and the like that try giving the dough some more elasticity. Either that or give it a whirl and do your own experiment! Good luck, I hope it turns out tasty!

  62. Helen

    Hi Jenny:

    I made your Pączkis last year and they turned out amazing.
    I want to make them again this year and wanted to try making some of them with chocolate filling. Do you have a recipe idea for chocolate custard or would chocolate pudding work?


    • Magoo

      Chocolate pudding would probably work, especially if mixed with Nutella? Imho😷🇨🇦

  63. Karen Blodgett

    I just made these for the first time, and they are BEAUTIFUL !! I am SO PROUD of myself! I sent pictures to my sisters, and they were amazed !
    Whenever I’ve tried to deep fry ANYTHING, I mess up, but baking was so much easier. I can’t wait to make them again! I have learned so much from this site, and I LOVE Jenny!! She makes everything seem so easy. I filled them with strawberry jam because that’s what I had on hand. I used my (brand new ) long pastry tip. Worked perfectly.😍

  64. Tammy

    I dont have a biscuit cutter. Could I cut in rectangles? Also, could I bake half today and save the other half for another day?

    I’m loving all your videos! I wish I would have found you at the beginning of the pandemic! Would have made isolating so much more bearable! You are a delight!

    • Joni

      Use a drinking glass (the part you put on your lips) dipped in flour. My mom always used one 😊

  65. Linda R

    This is a fabulous recipe. I’ve made paczki a few times before but always deep fried them. When they cooled they tasted heavy and greasy. I always doubted that I could get a good result with baking them, so imagine my surprise when I tried this recipe. Light delicious and so easy. Just got done serving them to a bunch of children playing outside on a cold day. They each had at least three and kept thanking me. Thank goodness I made a double batch. Also, the custard recipe is quick and excellent.

  66. Betty T

    I just ran across your site last night. I haven’t had to much time to look around . You were doing the Angel wings when I turned it on .I was so excited to hear you were Polish. Brings back so many memories. My Mom came here with her Mother when she was ten months old. Grandpa had come over earlier with his brothers to home stead. Any way I am use to all these recipes since I lived with my Grandparents when I went to high school. Plus my mom and my 7 Aunts all cooked the polish dishes. I will Continue to stop in and keep up with you .
    Betty in North Dakota USA

  67. Joy Fluckiger

    This is by far, the best recipe (and results) for Paczki. They were light and fluffy and the filling was wonderful (I used Rose jam, like I tasted in Krakow).

    I’d been searching for a baked paczki as opposed to a fried one.

    They turned out beautifully… each and every time. This is my “go to” dessert/treat recipe.

    thank you 🙂

  68. Judith

    Just found the Jenny Can Cook video series in my YouTube feed while I was looking for a no-knead bread recipe – who knew/how did I miss these when they originally came out? I loved the Jenny Jones Show & it has really cheered me up to see her again, as beautiful & classy as ever! The no-knead bread was a success but then I couldn’t stop thinking about making my own donuts. Reflecting on lessons learned as I snack on my first attempt with the stewed apples & custard (ie fillings) on the side: I think next time I would cream butter (I don’t have canola oil right now), sugar and egg yolks at high speed for 2 minutes first, add dry ingredients and some milk, and then 2. gradually dribble in milk until the dough looks the same consistency as the video, just like I would if I was making bread. During this attempt I poured in all the milk, but then it took nearly a cup of extra flour before the mixture took on the consistency of the dough in the video, and lots more flour was required to get through the kneading, resulting in an overworked floury substance that wouldn’t brown or rise much in the oven. Can’t wait to try again tho, several
    times over the years my sister has asked me to recreate a pastry from Norway called Skolebrød that she loves and I think this dough is a close match – I can bake it with a recess in the middle, add a blob of *lemon curd* in the center after cooling, & decorate with coconut!

  69. Bella

    Can you use bread flour if you’re out of all purpose?

  70. JeanneM

    Oh these are so good!! I did half jam & half custard, (not in the same doughnut, lol) This is a lovely dough. I’m wondering can it be used for other goodies?

  71. AJ

    Made this recipe with custard filling. Added a pinch of salt to the custard and a teaspoon of vanilla. I had to add around 1/4 cup of extra flour to get to the right consistency. This recipe is for keeps

  72. Ben

    These were delicious, and soft, however, I can’t, for the life of me, figure out how anyone gets 12 doughnuts out of this. I rerolled twice and only managed to get 8. And I only rolled to 1/2″ thick.

    • Gail Sustare

      Ben, I think you just need a smaller diameter cutter. Try a 2”, that is what it looked like to me, will end with a 3” donut. I think that could be your problem,
      Let us know if that helps.

  73. Beth

    Just made the donuts, they are lovely, the custard is awesome, my husband absolutely loves it and loves custard in the donuts and in a bowl. this is a real winner. thank you so much. I have to find something that gets the custard into the donut, the piping heads I have didn’t work well. it didn’t stop him he spooned it onto them.

  74. Anna Swistoski

    Hi Ms. Jenny,

    I have made those paczki twice: once was for the Paczki’s Day last year and one was yesterday. The first time I made Paczki I didn’t bake them. My husband was too excited to wait, so he pulled out the fryer and fried the donuts. Because of him, I had a chance to taste the fried paczki and the baked paczki donuts. I would like to say that I preferred the bake ones. The donuts are very soft and moisture. I couldn’t stand to eat 3 donuts at a row although I am not a fan of donuts and I planned to make those for my father-in-law, who is a Polish.

    In the second I made the paczki donuts, I used soy milk (120 Calories) and 3 oz of butter. I can’t feel the differences between milk, oil and soy milk, butter.

  75. Montreal Marnie

    Made the Paczki today. Easy just like Jenny’s video. Did half with the suggested custard and half with black currant jam. My husband thought I had bought them at a bakery?

  76. Edith

    Donuts are fantastic. Can they be frozen?
    Do you have a recipy for lemon curd?

    • Jeanne McNally

      Yes they can! I just took two out of the freezer for hubby and me! These jelly donuts are out of this world!!!! Thank you Jenny!!!!!

  77. Rebecca in MD

    I made this recipe for my husband, and the next day he FINALLY power washed the front porch (I had asked him to do a month ago). These are delicious and I really like that they are baked and not fried. I am already planning to make another batch on Father’s Day.

  78. Quarantine Baker

    Can you make the dough a few hours ahead of time and keep in the refrigerator until ready? I am trying to get the prep work taken care of so I can let my kids roll the dough and cut them to shape.

    • Kelly Huntley

      I know this response is a few months later, but I actually made two batches last night and stored in the fridge overnight. They were delicious enjoyed the next day, still buttery and moist. Everyone loved them.

  79. Connied

    Thanks Jenny. Love, Love, Love you! I’ve given your u tube recipes to my kids and family and we are all enjoying becoming bakers! I made this recipe and they were delicious. Taste like the jelly donuts we used to buy after sunday mass and have for breakfast. Is there a way you can make these the night before and pop in the oven the next morning to have fresh for breakfast?

  80. Linda

    I just made these and they look wonderful but my only problem was that it took another five minutes for them to brown on top. I’m not sure if that’s because I have propane gas for my oven, which usually runs hotter than a regular gas oven so I’m stump. They look amazing, they smell amazing and I can’t wait to put the jelly in them to have one! Thanks so much I love all of your recipes Jenny!

  81. Krystie

    Jenny! Thank you for this delicious recipe. These have been deemed the best thing baked in quarantine. The kitchen is covered in jam and custard but what a delicious mess. We added a chocolate glaze to a few custard filled ones like the other reviewer suggested — what a yummy treat. The custard recipe filled about 6 of them. The recipe made 15 donuts using a 2 1/2 inch cutter. Next time: i will double the custard recipe YUM. I will space them out onto 2 baking sheets. And I will bake them at 45 min. They rose alot in the hour…its early morning and the a/c is on so I let them go a whole hour but they were huge. We loved them!!!

  82. Katy

    Thanks, Jenny. I made the Polish donuts by following your you-Tube video and they came out perfectly!

  83. Angela

    My sister made these and they were fabulous. I would like to make them for my grandson who is allergic to dairy and nut milks. What could I substitute for the milk.
    Thank you

    • Thalia

      I find that both almond milk and soy milk work nicely. The flavor changes a little, but the dough come out the same! If you’re making it with custard, you can use almond milk, soy milk, or other milk alternatives. Another good way to go is substituting lemon juice for milk in the custard to get a delicious lemon curd.

      • Thea

        Does substituting lemon juice for milk really make the custard taste like lemon curd? Have you actually tried this? In sure it wouldn’t have the same richness but as a person who LUVs lemon curd, it would sure be a MUCH healthier version by eliminating all that butter and egg yolks!

    • Thalia

      Sorry, I meant to say oat milk instead of almond milk.

  84. Ellen

    I got up extra early Friday to make these donuts and it was well worth it. They were so pillowy and delicious. Thanks for a great recipe that my husband absolutely love. Will certainly be making these again and again………..I just love your recipes and videos!

  85. Joanna

    Yummy, I fried the paczki in lard the way my babcia used to. They came out unbelievable!

  86. Bob

    Homerun… thanks.. Tender and not greasy like a bought doughnut.
    Next up turning this into a cinnamon twist.
    Then leave the sugar out and try as hamburger buns.
    The dough is that good..

  87. Sarah Saunders

    Hi Jenny!
    I found your recipe on YouTube and decided to try it on my day off. I’ve only ever tried these donuts at the local bakery. But It’s really is so easy to make them! They are rising now and I’m looking forward to trying them once they’re cool. ? thanks for sharing your recipe.

  88. Jill

    If I’m using active dry yeast do I need to let the dough rise longer than 10 minutes? I noticed the recipe adjusts the milk temperature based on the difference in yeast but I didn’t see anything about rising time, so I’m not sure if it’s the same regardless of the yeast used. Thanks so much!

  89. Glenna

    Thank you for your wonderful recipes! I never knew how to pronounce the name of this donut before watching your video. I made them with custard filling–filled and ate fresh out of the oven. HEAVEN!! 🙂

  90. Margaret

    These are awesome! I made half of these as filled donuts coated in butter and sugar and I also made ring-shaped donuts out of the other half and glazed them with a simple milk and powdered sugar glaze. It was my first time baking with yeast and Jenny made it very easy for me. These will be added to my go-to recipes, and I will be making more this weekend for my boyfriend and his family!

  91. Lenore

    These were incredible! If you are making the custard, I think it would help to add 1/2 tsp of vanilla for a bit more flavor.

    • Barbara

      Thank you for this comment. In looking at the custard ingredients, it seemed like vanilla ought to be in there, right?

      • Jenny Can Cook

        I make it without vanilla.

        • Barbara

          Good to know, thanks! I saw further down that you also included your recipe for lemon curd – will def give that a try! Hopefully I can somehow find a pastry tip for filling (we’re self-isolating during this crazy time!)

          BTW – Your crusty rolls are a staple in our house. Seriously.

          • SamMitch

            Barbara, I found filling kit on instacart from my local Vons. Try that or Amazon. Jenny~ your recipes are creating a healthy way of snacking it up during the Covid self-quarantine. <3<3<3

            • Barbara

              Thank you for taking the time to suggest options. I did eventually find it at our local grocery store. And this weekend we’ll actually have an opportunity to make and (socially distance) share them – woohoo!

        • Helen

          Hi Jenny! Thank you so much for this lovely easypeasy recipe! Made them for the seniors snack tray at work, they went over very well. I am hoping you can help me in regards to multiplying this recipe to make this a dessert for them. It would need to feed minimum 110 residents. The filling would be a hazelnut/cream blend. Thank you so very much from Alberta!

  92. Julia


  93. Matt Barrett

    Wow! I impressed myself with this one. This recipe is a keeper. It was just as easy as the YouTube video demonstrated. They came out perfect!!! Soft, fluffy and delicious. Happy childhood memory of sharing jelly donuts with my Canadian grandmother. Thank you so much for this.

  94. Donna

    We are diabetic and I am converting what I need to for sugar free.
    With the shortages in the stores, I don’t have all purpose flour but I do have Kyrol high gluten flour or Pastry flour. Should I use the pastry flour, the Kyrol flour, or a combination? I also have artisan but very little.

    Thank you, in advance, for your opinion.

    • Debbie

      Fellow diabetic here! I was hoping to find a sub for the sugar in the yeast dough. May i ask what you used. Please and thank you!

  95. Ree Andersen

    I’m so glad I tried this recipe after discovering it on YouTube. I just finished making them and they are already over half gone. They came out of the oven looking exactly like Jenny’s in the video. I had doubts at first as I had to add almost an entire extra cup of flour to get the dough to come together. I just added a bit at a time after the initial cup and a half and then eyeballed it and went by feel as I turned it out on the floured counter. It’s a very easy to work dough with the right amount of flour. I’m not sure why it would have taken that much more flour, but I won’t complain with the result. I am in Montana at a higher altitude, but not that high that it really affects any of my other baking. Maybe larger eggs…who knows! Just know that the amount of flour may vary.
    When I cut them out after rolling I was able to get 14 beautiful specimens- with enough left for one ugly duckling that I let rise on the counter. The baking sheet would have been overcrowded with #15. I used the same size as Jenny-2 1/2″ round cutter. I also let mine rise in the oven after warming it a bit then shutting it off before I put the baking sheet in. It’s cool here today, with rain since last night, and our house is not 70 degrees. 45 minutes was the right amount of time. My oven runs a bit hot so I took them out between 8-9 minutes and the color was spot-on the same as in the video.
    I sugared half the doughnuts with regular sugar that I had whirred a bit in my spice grinder to make it finer. If I had superfine sugar, I would have used that. The other half I used powdered sugar as I filled those with Bonne Maman brand raspberry preserves. The regular sugared doughnuts were filled with chocolate pudding for my chocoholic son. I did reduce the amount of milk in my pudding recipe to make the filling thicker.
    I will definitely purchase the filling kit that Jenny used in the video for my next batch. I used a prepackaged frosting bag that I cleaned out after removing the chocolate frosting. I had it a while and knew I wouldn’t use it, and it saved me a trip to the store. The tip was too short to reach the center, so I made a “pilot hole’ with the skinny end of a chopstick and just forced the filling into the hole. Worked just fine albeit I wasted a lot of filling as it came out the top of the bag a bit- even though I tried to keep a tight hold. The bag was just too short, but that will be remedied with the right tool next time;)

    I did end up popping my ugly #15 doughnut in the oven after the first batch came out. It was very doughy and it was heavier and denser than the originals. Still…..a doughnut is a doughnut and it was not wasted!

    So that’s it! Very long-winded but I always get so much out of other’s comments about recipes before I tackle any new recipe myself. Hope I managed to help someone, as well as give kudos to Jenny for a wonderful recipe, and great instructional video! I will make the Lemon Brownies next!

  96. Melissa T in Little Rhody

    I made these paczki today. Oh. My. Word! SO good. Thank you for sharing the recipe, and for the video, it was very helpful for someone new to using yeasted dough. ♥

    • Susan

      Yeast! I wish I could find it!

      • Ree Andersen

        Same! But I’m lucky in that I have had a jar of bread machine rapid rise yeast in the fridge since before all the CV baking went full tilt. I will say though that my jar’s viability was a big question mark as it is almost two years past it’s best by date! That’s right! I knew it still worked before I tried this recipe because I used it in pizza dough a couple of weeks ago. The date is June 2017, and the lid says to use it within six months of opening. I was so relieved I had this old, but good jar:) Keep looking, hopefully the yeast will be back in the stores in no time.

  97. Clemmy

    These are so delicious, and I love your videos.

  98. Debbie

    can you use fresh yeast?If so how much would you use?

  99. John Doe

    can you use almond milk?

  100. Karmy

    Is there a way to use sourdough starter for this recipe?

    • Taryn

      I havent done it yet but just substitute half a cup of flour and half a cup of milk for 1 cup starter, that’s the norm for substituting. I’m planning to try it that way soon but just want to make them traditional for my husband to try who has never had them before.

  101. Pepsie Mae

    Jenny, thanks for your recipes..i love them so much, very easy to make, delicious and healthy.!!!!
    Thanks for sharing them .:)

  102. Kathy R

    I am not a baker, but I made these and they turned out wonderful. Must be due to the awesome teacher. Thanks so much for sharing.

    • Margie S

      OMG – I ran out yesterday evening to get the pastry bag and yeast. I had everything else since I started baking since covid.. I love to cook but baking was never my best. However I am getting better at. Im anxious to make those
      donuts today will be the perfect day. Thank you Jenny!!!!!

  103. Vickie

    I made these for dessert tonight. Recipe was easy and accurate. So good. I used raspberry jam that was thinned a bit with water to make it easier to fill the doughnuts. Will try with custard next time.

  104. Suzette

    I also made these for Easter breakfast and they were super easy SO GOOD!! Thanks for a great recipe. Told my college son about it and he’s going to make them for Easter dessert for his roommates. The video was helpful, too. Happy Easter!

  105. Bob

    Just made these for Easter Sunday breakfast. I was concerned about not frying the donuts, but they came out perfectly from the oven. So much easier and healthier. My wife was very happy with me. Filled with custard and a plum vanilla jam we had on hand. Thanks for such a great recipe.

  106. Sharon

    Jenny, Happy Easter! The Paczki are delicious! Love your videos and recipes.Dziekuje Ci

  107. PJ

    THANK YOU for posting the recipe as well as the video. I don’t take my phone or computer into the kitchen when I’m cooking. This way, I can write the recipe and print it off where for those who just do the video, I can’t type that fast.

    Thanks again, I’m gonna make these, maybe tomorrow.

  108. Donna

    I used active dry yeast and proofed it in the warm milk with a tsp of sugar.
    Instead of baking I used my Air-frier. I just brushed the oil+butter on them when I placed them on the baking sheet. When ready I preheated the air frier at 375 degrees, I checked after 3 min turned 2 min. When they looked done I rolled/shacked them in sugar. Yummy, love this recipe. The custard was delicious, just like my English Husband like it.

  109. Elaine

    Hi Jenny,

    Love your shows. Have a question about yeast.

    Watched your video but only have Fleishman’s Active Dry Yeast.
    Is the recipe prepared differently with that since I don’t have the
    fast yeast that you showed in your Video. I also was able to
    buy the same bag and tip on eBay. Thanks.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      The recipe indicates you can use either yeast.

  110. Pat

    Fantastic, light as air donuts.
    Keeping ourselves busy trying lots of your recipes. All have been amazing.
    Thanks for all you do.

  111. Carla

    I love these. They turned out great and the family loved them plain and with the custard filling. I will cut back on the cornstarch next time. It was too stiff to pipe into the donuts. Made a chocolate glaze and they became Boston cream donuts.

  112. Gloria

    Jenny, I accidently found you on You tube making your cinnamon rolls! When it was done I moved on then couldn’t find you again! I spent thirty minutes finding you again!
    I love your recipes and cannot wait to try them!
    Thank you Jenny

  113. Momb

    My new daughter in law is polish
    Thank you I will try these.

  114. Karen Buzzell

    I really messed up by putting the oil and egg yolk into the milk before heating. Trying to heat it at this point would probably make scrambled eggs, so I poured the cold mixture into the dry mixture and proceeded. Much to my surprise, they rose well, and with the addition of jam, they were delicious! Thank you.

  115. Earla Liedtke


    These are to die for … made exactly 12 small-medium size donuts and they are amazing – warm and fresh (like you say). Simply brushed with melted butter and dusted with sugar (from a spoon)on the baking parchment – worked fine!! Used kitchen scissors to slit for filling and simply spooned in homemade strawberry-rhubarb jam. Will be making this recipe for potlucks and EASTER 2020!!

  116. Bernie Pilarski

    My name is Pilarski. My mother’s maiden name was Rygalski.
    These Paczki not only turned out perfectly, but they transported me back to the doughnut shop in the Polish neighborhood of Pittsburgh where I grew up.

    Thanks Jenny. Excellent job.

    • Lizzie Sangi

      There is NOTHING this girl can’t do! JENNY even had her own TV Talk Show, on Ch 11 WPIX. JENNYS’ recipes are excellent especially during this time of self containment! This Monday, 23, was the beginning of my third week and these will be great for neighbors ’cause I don’t need to eat all if them ??. Also, looking to make JENNYS’ meatloaf. If you go on other recipe vids, “they” tell you, “Make JENNYS’ meatloaf”. Now that says something! Excuse this reply, please – self containment ?

  117. Sandra

    Hi Jenny… made these yesterday. My family loved them and so do I! Looking forward trying more of your recipes… thank you!

  118. Krysia

    Can I freeze the dough and how do I frfrost when zi need to bake?? Thanks

  119. Ania

    Two years in a row I have tried this recipe and had the same results. The paczki don’t rise and bake in the oven coming out flat like biscuits. What the heck am I doing wrong?!

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Please see “Problems with Yeast Baking” in the FAQs.

    • KMP

      Ania, I tried again too. I should’ve used a bigger donut cutter and I ended up sticking my tray into a warm oven to help rise. I have to remember to buy jelly filling without any whole berries in it. I wish I could post a pic of the completed donuts. I found a delicious white cream filling to fill most of them too. Delicious! Keep at it!

    • Deanne

      I put the yeast in the warm milk glass and a little sugar. Stir and let it sit for 10 minutes (or till it foam). Then I add to the flour mix.

      • Olivia

        Great idea since I don’t have Rapid Rise yeast. Did you let the dough sit 10 minutes to rest or did you let it rest for longer since you used regular yeast?

        • Jenny Can Cook

          She is just “proofing” the yeast to make sure it’s fresh. After it sits for 10 minutes and assuming she used all of the 2/3 cup milk in the mixture, you would follow these steps:
          1. Place flour, sugar and salt, in large bowl.
          2. Stir in warm milk/yeast mixture, followed by oil, egg yolks & vanilla.
          3. continue……

    • Lizzie Sangi

      Check your yeast. Make sure your other ingredients are fresh, also – flour. If they’re not rising, make sure your yeast is fresh! I never used a thermometer to check milk temps., but warm water must be added to the yeast. So make sure your liquid is at the proper temp. Would love to know what the problem was?

    • Karen

      This was lovely! Easy to make, a special breakfast. Thank you. It was the treat for a 101 year young lady that I care for. She was impressed!

    • Kira W.

      Same thing happened 2 me. Twice :/

  120. phil

    Hi Jennie, Can I make the dough the night before and refrigerate it and then take it out the next day to a room temperature before making them?

  121. Elizabeth

    Great recipe…simple to follow instructions and wonderfully soft Paczki!

  122. Laura

    Just wanted to say that I love your recipes and videos Kenny. So simple and delicious. As far as the whole Lord in vain debate..I don’t believe it belongs on this forum but for the record..there were 2 mins in our local dollar shop and they were OMG’N ALL OVER THE PLACE.

  123. Suzanne

    Has anyone had any luck doubling the recipe?

  124. Karen H

    Can you make the dough, cut out the circles and put in the fridge overnight? I assume you would then have to get them to room temp and let rise before baking…am I right?

  125. Tawnya Huntsman

    I love your recipes and watching you. But……I must turn off the sound. I believe your continual use of the Lords name in vain to be MOST offensive. The phrase “Oh my God”, is not a descriptive adjective for any thing other than prayer to God. You show your low standards for what many deem as holy. You think high fat content is not healthy for your body, and I think saying Gods name in vain is not healthy for the spirit.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Let’s please discontinue this conversation and focus on the food. Thank you.

    • Jeannine

      Oh my God is not swearing. It is a compliment to God. Please knock it off. You sound like a lunatic. If she was swearing, I would agree with you. People like you make people run from religion because of your uppity better than thou crap

      • Donna

        It’s using the Lord’s Name in “vain”….meaning loosely, candidly, for inconsequential purpose. OMGee is careless and disrespectful. Cut it out!

        • JM

          Most people on this Earth do not care about your god. Chastising them only serve to show you think yourself better than them.

        • BK

          OMG is commonly used as an expression to elevate a notion to a higher spiritual level. That is a positive. Prudes like you who espouse myopic views suggesting it is a negative are ignorant and certainly unenlightened. May I suggest you crawl back into the hole whence you came and let the positive unburdened folks live free from your malice!

          • MN

            Reread your comment. I hope you don’t consider yourself to be one of the ” positive unburdened folk”. The name calling and pontificating was over the top.

        • John Doe


      • Mohamed Li

        Well buddha, that is real news to me. Must be a sin of a Mohamed to not be able to say son of an allah once in a while. Holy visna

    • Mickey Goosmann

      If you think her using OMG is wrong then don’t watch the videos. Just print and make the recipes. I love watching you Jenny. I think you are hilarious and a joy to watch. I thank God for you and have learned so much from you. And I have been cooking for many, many years.

    • Janet

      Oh brother ?…if it offends you so much…go someplace else!

      • David

        It’s not a matter of whether I’m offended or whether anyone else is offended. It’s an offense to God himself and a violation of the 2nd or 3rd Commandment. Using God’s name in vain, or flippantly, was called blasphemy in the Old Testament, and was punishable by death.

        • Lisbeth

          I was brought up ‘strict’ Lutheran but to me now OMG is not sacrilege but an expression of how closely I dwell with God…at my elbow….and more an expression of awe, wonder, as in creation and on occasion a quick evaluation of perhaps needing Him to be at hand…Who IS this judgemental arbitrator of spiritual expression! (Rhetorical….Focus on the Food.)

        • Debbie

          That is YOUR opinion. EVERYONE has them. From time to time you’ll find that some will differ from yours. Grow up, and calm down.

    • Marian Davis

      No one is forcing you to watch or listen and no one will notice if you are here or not. Keep your comments to yourself.

    • Olliewood

      Oh please, people like you complain about everything & you obviously don’t live in the real world.

    • AndyB

      Since we are talking about a Old Testament commandment, you should look at what it says in the original Hebrew. The original text doesn’t say “any of God’s names”, it says literally “this same name YHWH”.

      As the great Talmudic scholar Shabbatai HaKohen explained, God’s name is “יהוה”, the 4 Hebrew characters that are often transcribed as YHWH or Yahweh. And it is ONLY THAT NAME that must not be uttered in vain. Any other form like “Dios” or “Dieu” or “God” or “the Holy One” is only a translation, an equivalent. The commandment does not forbid the use of these equivalents, ONLY God’s literal name יהוה .

      An observant Jew reading the bible aloud in Hebrew will never pronounce the letters יהוה but will automatically substitute another word, such as Adonai (“the Lord”) in the places where God’s name is written.

      • Rabbi

        Re The Talmud: In the Christian section, you will notice that we admit that Yahwey is a sarcastic name for God. We say it as an insult to God. A slap in HIS face, if you will.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      It’s probably best to let this go and focus on the food. Thank you. – jenny

      • nola2chi

        Very encouraging to see all of the excellent reviews.


        Good gracious! That comment reminded me of being told if you can’t say something nice then don’t say anything at all. And something about the first to throw … something.
        You are very kind sharing with others what you do that brings joy.
        Thanks very much!

    • Rysgram

      Cut it out. If Jenny doesn’t suit you then just quietly move on to someone who does. Thank you.

    • nola2chi

      So you’re the one that gets to cast the first stone. Impressive.

    • al

      Tawnya, if YOU are making the CHOICE TO CONTINUE to watch and learn from this lady then it is YOU to be held accountable for your own choice. You have excercised the free will that God gave all of us and God sees YOUR choice.
      No one is forcing you to watch.
      If you are offended, then simply disengage.

  126. Delano Duplessis

    Jenn: just came accross your recipes and printed 8 of then, you are a super cook and I love cooking. I’m retired age 83 and here I go to my little kitchen. Spent my life in manufacturing sporting good products, and building kitchens,but their is nothing like cooking. Here I go to prove myself,many thanks for your super talent. Del

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Cooking is the best retirement hobby I can think of. Good luck with the Paczki!

  127. Emily

    Just made these and they turned out amazing! My mother in law is Polish and she said they brought back memories from her childhood. Definitely a repeat recipe.

  128. Maria B

    I cannot believe I made donuts! I did use my stand mixer to knead the dough and it worked beautifully. I used a 3-inch wide glass and got 11 donuts. I only had strawberry preserves so I used a Wilton tip 2A to ensure it wouldn’t clog. I cannot wait to try other fillings, including the one in this recipe. I love that I was able to have a delicious result baking and not frying a donut. Thank you Jenny. Look forward to trying your other recipes as this, my first, was a great success!

    • George

      Thanks Marie I used a 3” glass and only got 11 also and thought I did something wrong. First time making and now I’m waiting the 45 minutes before I bake them.

  129. Mike

    I first watched the video on YouTube and became intrigued with the idea of a baked donut. I then followed the recipe on this page and they came out perfectly and are delicious. The only difference for me was that I don’t have a round cutter so I cut them into 2″ squares with perfect results. I used jelly for this first try but I’m sure I’ll try the custard recipe the next time.

    • Rochelle

      The square shapes sound awesome. I’m going to go with them and make the custard.

  130. Victoria

    Just made these and I did use butter instead of the canola. They are wonderful.

  131. Frank A

    love this recipe thank you

  132. Phyllis Benicewicz

    I’m so happy I found your site…I looked and listened and finally realized it is Jenny Craig lol….Love the recipe havent had these deserts since I was a child growing up in a predominantly Polish neighborhood in Baltimore Maryland.. Thank You, can’t wait to bake them…..

  133. Nelya Mushiyeva

    Wow these are absolutely delicious. The only thing I had to adjust is the flour measurement, I added one additional cup to keep the dough from sticking on my hands. The fact that they are baked makes it to my to do recipe

    • PKP

      This has always been my fav. I love the idea of baking instead of frying them. Thanks for sharing. I cant wait to try, this recipe.

  134. Irene

    Absolutely scrumptious! I’ve made them twice already. I’m not Polish but I’m going to a mostly Polish gathering and I’m going to make them to bring. I hope they “pass muster” and people ask for the recipe so I can say “It’s from Jenny, who can cook!”

  135. Melanie G

    Just made these, with the custard filling. Huge hit!

  136. Jack

    Just made this recipe, followed it to the T, and they turned out great. However, the 2-1/2″ cutter diameter seems a tad small. Has anyone tried a larger cutter, perhaps 3″.

    Also, I made the mistake of not using a coupler with my Bismark pastry cone…what a mess!

    Also, I followed the original custard filling recipe and it thickened up perfectly and tastes great…actually I added 1/2 tsp vanilla.

    Thanks for sharing the recipe and video!!!!!

  137. Dot B.

    New subscriber to Jenny Can Cook. Did my first test run for making this recipe: My oven was too hot at 375 degrees so the bottoms of the dough circles got a bit dark. I’ll need to lower the baking temp. The jam that I used did not work in the pastry bag, it kept clogging up the nozzle so I ended up cutting a little slit and filling the doughnuts with jam with a spoon. What a mess. Overall it was fun making.

  138. William

    Can this recipe also be used to make baked ring donuts differing in that when it’s time to cut the donuts, one cuts them with a donut cutter into a ring shape, producing donut holes as a byproduct and baking the donut holes too?

  139. Debbie

    I made these and they are wonderful! Thank you

  140. Becky

    Love this recipe. Can these be frozen BEFORE filling? Then thaw, then fill?
    Thanks for you time

    • Becky

      UPDATE! I just made a batch! They are amazing! THANK YOU?
      And I’m sorry I didnt read other reader’s questions about the freezing.

  141. Mary

    I really like these, but could you give metric measures as well? Thanks for the recipe.

  142. Jo Z

    I made these with Spelt. I added 1/4 cup more flour as most recipes say to when using spelt. Mine came out fine, but were more like a bun than a donut which was fine. I ate it with some jam and it was very good. I’m going to make these again because I really liked them. Thanks for the recipe Jenny!

  143. M Slocum

    Hi Jenny, I want to thank you for such an easy demonstration for these Polish doughnuts. I made them yesterday for my husband and he just loved them. I think my Polish mom would have been very happy that I was able to make these delicious treats. I will be making them again real soon and will be trying them with the cream filling. Thanks again

  144. Anh Truong

    Hi Ms. Jenny. Thanks for the recipe. I followed your instruction, except I used my homemade lard instead of using oil and I let the batter rise in the fridge overnight. Besides, the Paczkis were fried by husband because he didn’t know that I wanted to bake them. I made those for my father-in-law who is a Polish and he kept on commenting how good they were. I couldnt stand eating some paczkis too although I dislike donuts. I am glad that I found your website and the paczki’s recipe. I have a small question: have you ever added vodka in this recipe?

  145. Carol

    I followed your recipe to the letter. After adding the additional 1/4 cup of flour the dough was so sticky I ended up adding at least an additional full cup of flour and still I could not even touch the dough.
    Can you tell me what could have caused this. I could not roll it out so I had to toss it.

    • Anh Truong

      What type of yeast did you use? Did you use all-purpose flour?

      I used dry instant yeast which needed mixed in the warm milk for 15 minutes before adding into the flour. I remember that the batter was still sticky after I added 1/4c flour. I was afraid like you but I tried to stick to the instruction by scraping the batter onto the flour surface. After 50 folds, the dough became smooth but it was still a little bit sticky.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      It’s not possible to follow this recipe to the letter and have to almost double the flour. I suggest trying it again as you may have accidentally measured too much milk or oil. (I have done that myself!)

  146. Suzanne F. Lepage

    I have a question can I freeze them.

    Thank you very much. I love your videos

    • Chuey Bluey

      I have not made these yet, let alone frozen them, but i recall they used to sell some commercially that were jelly filled frozen yeast donuts (brand was Morton, i think; haven’t seen them in years–they were good). They must’ve been fast frozen to very cold temp, then placed in the store freezers, and from there to our nice warm home freezers. (!)

      As I recall, they were placed on a cookie sheet, frozen still, and warmed/thawed slowly in the oven, probably 325-350° for 15-20 min? The filling got hot– I recall a warning on the package, so take care!

      This does sound like a great idea, because you don’t always have time to bake, but you always want something good! You could just serve one or two people without much effort. I think it would be a good idea to wrap them individually and put them in a plastic freezer box thing. Very important to COOL COMPLETELY, before freezing. Going to have to make these soon.

      • Judy Worona

        What would you use to individually wrap a paczki for the freezer….Saran wrap, wax paper or aluminum foil….before putting in a freezer bag?

        • Cecile

          I would suggest open freeze doughnuts on a tray overnight first, then individually wrap in plastic wrap, (so that you can take out just the amount you want to bake) before storing all in a big ziplock freezer bag. Don’t freeze longer than 3 months.

  147. Jackie

    Looks great going to try this recipe. Thanks looks easy too

  148. Jackie

    Looks great going to try this recipe. Thanks

    • Roni

      Polish to the core! Belong to Our Saviors Polish National Church in Mosinee,Wi. Our Priest came from Poland as did his Mom and Family. Father buys dozens of these during Lent for the Parishioners.
      I can’t wait to try these and serve him some.
      Thank you so much. Love finding your awesome Jenny Can Cook site.
      Veronica (Roni)

  149. Renee Sheffer

    I made these and if I could post a pic I would..My kids are chomping at the bit to bite into one of these! They turned out great thank you Jenny! I grew up watching you on TV now my kids love you too!

  150. Pat

    I wonder if this would work with cherry pie filling. I had a cherry filled bismarck once that was spectacular. Trying to re-create it.

    • Ella

      The problem with pie filling is that it has thick chunks of fruit that you cannot pipe into the donuts. You would have no way to fill them with pie filling unless you cut them in half, spread on some filling then put the top back on and eat them like a sandwich.

    • Other Jen

      You could probably put the cherry pie filling in a food processor or blender to break up the chunks.

  151. Can't eat just one

    I’m glad I found your site and youtube vids.
    I surf youtube alot and found the choc. Cake / frosting video.
    Paczkis ARE addictive !!! Now I can make the baked filled ones.
    I always loved your shows and I hope you don’t disappear from TV forever !!!
    ThanX, Staci

    • Can't eat just one

      Many more of your recipes I got to check out too !!!! Cinnamon Rolls, etc

  152. Jan

    Hi Jenny,

    This recipe looks so easy and delicious. Planning to try it later this week on my husband and son. My husband always gets custard donuts when he gets his haircut at his favorite bakery which is nearby. They’ll be so surprised that Mom has tried to make homemade custard donuts. Also, I absolutely HATE to fry anything…thanks again.


  153. Molly

    I just made these! They’re fantastic! I will be trying the suggestions from PennyD to make hamburger buns from this recipe next.

  154. Helen

    Hi Jenny,

    I do not drink or use milk.
    Do you have a substitute for the milk in this recipe?
    Could I substitute water in lieu of the milk?

    Thank you!!!!

    • KennE

      Can you tolerate Almond or Coconut Milk? That would be a good substitute.

  155. pennyD

    Hello Jenny! I just came across your video on YouTube and ended up watching many more. Had to subscribe! These jelly donuts are amazing! After making them, I realized they had the exact texture I had been looking for in my search for hamburger buns! (most recipes are more like dinner rolls) I made the recipe again reducing the sugar to 1tsp and omitted the vanilla (also omitted jelly/sugared tops?) Perfection! Thanks for the recipes…and your entertainingly informative videos.

    • Donna M

      Penny, were the buns really strong enough to use for hamburger buns? Buns can fall apart or get soggy with juicy burgers. How big did you make them?

  156. TK

    I do not have a stand mixer, will a hand mixer do for the liquid part and then hand mixing for the rest?

  157. Onofrio

    Great recipe, great alternative to frying. Reminds me of pre lent donuts of Austria. Fraschen Kraphen ? Any make ahead tips ? Or freezing?

  158. Natalya

    Hi Jenny! Thank you for such great recipe. It was a breeze to make them. The only thing that I noticed is a difference in corn starch amounts in the written recipe of custard (it says 4 tbsp) and in your video (1 tbsp).
    Thank you for making a video – it was very informative.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      At the time of the video I was using 1 Tbsp (3 tsp) of cornstarch but I’ve since increased it to 4 teaspoons. Youtube will not allow editing of the video so I can’t change it in the video; however, either 3 or 4 teaspoons will work. I just prefer it a little thicker.

      • Natalya

        Jenny, thank you for clarifying this.
        I really like watching your videos. Keep them coming! 🙂

  159. Laura W

    That. Was. Delicious! Trying not to eat more than 2… may have to have one more to make sure they are still good. My kids are licking the bowl and my hubby is licking the plate of leftover custard! He has whispered he may need to have one more too ?
    I tried beating with my hand mixer but the dough kept climbing up past the beaters and actually pulled one of the beaters out when I tried clearing it off… I am going to try our ninja dough mixer next time. Our donuts did not brown like those in the picture. They still tasted amazing. Thank you for sharing. I am a quarter polish and don’t have too many recipes because the line is through my non-cooking grandfather’s side… it will be so special to share these with my mom.

  160. William

    Does this recipe work for baked ring-shaped donuts where I cut the donut with a donut cutter to make the traditional ring shape and oven-bake at the specified temperature the ring-shaped donuts and the donut hole?

    • Lori

      I have not tired this yet but i suggest just try it and see what happens.

  161. Eulie

    These turned out great and taste like my Mother-in-laws! I’d watch my Polish Mother-in-law make these every week!
    She deep fried hers.
    I like the idea of baking them!

  162. Modesta

    Delicious ! Thanks for sharing this recipe!!!

  163. Maryann

    Jenny. Loved your video and cannot wait to try these. They look wonderful


  164. Momy4kids

    So I have to tell you, trying to go sugar and oil free(since the oil I have is omega6), was very skeptical at first but then I said nothing to lose only the ingredients. So I replaced the oil with applesauce, the sugar with a erythritol, and another then more flour I needed because the dough was more sticky, they came out awesome. used spray instead of butter and erythritol powder with sugar free jam. To my surprise awesome. Thank you

  165. LISA C DUNN

    My son had a project for school and he chose these to make . We had to make 100 sample size . So we made a smaller version. We as a family had a blast making them . Great video perfect for us to follow.

  166. Ruth

    Made them today! So good! I doubled it and got 15 so maybe my biscuit cutter was too big? Filled them with Lemon pudding!

  167. Amelia

    I was skeptical because the dough only has 1/4 cup sugar. I used the custard filling, and made a dark chocolate ganache for a topping~ they were perfect! I didn’t know if I was supposed to wait until the bread cooked completely before filling them, since I couldn’t find anything mentioning that here. A google search came up with half the blogs telling me to let them cool completely, and the other half telling me to wait until cool enough to handle. I recommend cooling completely. The custard oozed out with hot rolls. The video was excellent, and the recipe superb! Thank you, Jenny!

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I fill them while still warm with jam but for custard filling, I let them cool first. I will add that to the recipe.

  168. Sandra Sanders-Martin

    I’m thinking this desert will add the perfect after dinner treat for my family. It’s simple and fun the girls love helping. A great day to be in the kitchen with you. Thanks

  169. Dutch

    Made these today. Sorry, didn’t like them. The dough taste like bread, with custard inside. It has to be fried to taste better

  170. KMP

    Well everything was perfect until I went to fill them, next time I will use seedless jam and I need to find the long nozzle that Jenny used. What a shame!! So upset with myself…need to try again!

  171. KMP

    Making today because it’s Fat Tuesday and my husband of almost 30 years (3-10) is 1/2 Polish!! Thank you Jenny for this recipe, I know I can do it!

  172. Janet from WI

    These are yummo!

  173. Lilly

    These are delicious! I had to make them twice, for some reason the fist ones didn’t rise. I put cinnamon and sugar on some and filled them w apple pie filling. The others I filled w rasberry filling. Thank you for this fantastic recipe.

  174. Susan

    I never really liked paczki when I grew up they all had prunes in them. Not a prune fan. So I had my daughter come over and we made these. Fill them with a raspberry jelly. They were wonderful, now i like Paczki. My daughter is excited to fill these paczki with many different fillings. These are very easy to make and the video was very informative. Thank you so much for the great recipe.

  175. Debbie

    This is one of the best baking videos I have seen! I can’t wait to try these. Thank you!

  176. Maria Valente

    Hi Jenny, I am so pleased to have caught your blog and videos especially the Polish doughnut. I was introduced to a Polish bakery in New Britain,Ct. where I first tasted this heavenly doughnut. I can’t thank you enough for bringing your recipes to the internet. You have such a pleasant way about you and you don’t rush what you are doing, you are very explicit with your directions. I will now look for more of your Polish recipes that I love. Thank you very much for your wonderful recipes and taking time to show us how they are done. Oh and you take the time to answer every ones questions.

  177. KMP

    Absolutely making! Just watched the video again!

  178. Nat

    Making these paczki for the third time – am annual tradition! Favourite recipe!

  179. Barbara

    I’m waiting for the paczki to rise. The 1 1/2 cups flour plus another 1/4 cup was not enough. The dough was very sticky. Suggestions?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Please look at the FAQs.

      • Irena

        Lady poczki are filling with rose jam or plum and fry , this is bulki . Keep traditional recipe and I put alcohol and lemmon juice for inside so don’t be too greasy. Have a good day

        • Babcia jolanta

          Pani jest bardzo Nie grzeczna krytykuje i poprawia a Paczki sa pieczony w piekarniku to po co alkohol! Bardzo Nie ładnie wsydzę się za Pania ????
          Jenny I love you recipes ❤️? have a great day ?

  180. Helen

    Making today!

  181. Maureen

    These look so delicious ~ can’t wait to make them. I just love your videos, Jenny ~

    This might be a silly question, but with the jam filling, could these possibly be frozen…or could they be frozen without the filling and filled after they thaw? Thanks ~

  182. Rosemarie B

    Happy to find a recipe for baked paczki that does not require a large amount of eggs and flour. I am anxious to try these “healthier” beauties in the next week or two. Thank you so much.

  183. Ala

    I am excited to try this recipe because the paczki are not fried, and the comments are overwhelmingly positive. My family likes the prune filling and rose jam fillings best. Does anyone know of a recipe for those fillings?

    • Donna

      my grandmother did the prune filling also (fried donuts) did you get any response to recipe for the prune filling?

  184. Donna

    Absolutely amazing recipe. Thank you. Love watching your videos. Please keep them coming. Love that you love to use wax paper as I do also 🙂

  185. Laura

    I made these yesterday and they came out beautifully! I was concerned that making 12 donuts for three people would be a waste. I didn’t need to worry. Outstanding recipe and really helpful video. Thank you!

  186. Sheila Nelson

    Hi Jenny, love all your videos I seen so far I will be making the Polish doughnuts in the morning. I can wait to taste them. They look scrumptious to me. Blessings

  187. aj

    This recipe is amazing! And the paczki tasted even better the next day. I am not a very experienced bread maker so working with yeast makes me a little nervous. This recipe is amazing. Works, not too big, easy. I cannot thank you enough for posting it and I am so lucky to have stumbled across it! I am going to try more of your recipes. This one is a keeper. My next batch will be an attempt at heart shaped paczki for Valentine’s Day.

  188. Joyce

    I am in the process of making the polish donuts. Wish me Luck!

  189. Heide

    Thank you for this recipie I rather bake it than fry to reduce caloaries. Never knew I could do this.

  190. Pat Weiser

    That is by far the best looking paczki I have ever seen!

  191. Grace

    Love these! (Was there ever any doubt? 🙂 ) Actually I have tried many many of your recipes and find them so…. comfortable to make. Your videos invite me into your kitchen and I feel as though You are teaching me side by side…. which is how I learn best. Also I have a friend who is autistic and she loves them as well, simple, delicious and …. comfortable. Sincerely….Thank you so very much! <3<3<3

  192. Claudia

    WOW! I just made these….WOW!
    At first, I was really interested in this recipe mainly because it is such a small amount, only 1 1/2 cups of flour, I thought this would be great as it is just my husband and I………..OMG………..they came out sooooo good now I wish I had doubled the recipe 🙂
    I am from Germany and these are AMAZING, we’d call them Kreppel where I am from 🙂 I never ever in my wildest dreams expected them to be this good without deep frying!

    • Donna

      My grandmother made these donuts (deep fried) from Poland and she called them Kreppel also, not sure of spelling, grandmother never learned to write in English.

  193. Beth

    I love this recipe! Super easy to make and my donuts turned out great! I used Christmas cookie cutters instead of the round ones. Made the dough on Christmas Eve and baked on Christmas Day. Everyone loved them. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely healthy recipes! Can’t wait to try them all.

  194. April

    These were simply delicious!! Thank-you for sharing this recipe!! It was so easy and turned out exactly as shown!!

  195. Jenny Can Cook

    NOTE: For making the custard filling, I increased the cornstarch from 1 tablespoon to 4 teaspoons. I find a thicker filling doesn’t seep out.

  196. debbie

    Thank you Jenny for such a fantastic easy recipe. I love the fact that they are baked. makes them almost…almost guilt free. Lol. i made the custard last time. this time (tonight) i will fill some with nutella and some with jam and they will be going into my #karaoketin. i bake something every sunday for my karaoke buddies and this will be a real nice suprise as i’m gong to make mini one (donut holes) so that i can share with a big crowd! Thank you again 🙂

  197. Sheila

    I love your videos & recipes!! You do a great job of explaining each step. And not only do you offer a huge selection of family favorites but you have mastered the art of simplifying recipes that some of us would not be brave enough to make without your awesome explanations and directions. I’m going to surprise my family with this wonderful donut. Thank you so much ❤️

  198. Irina

    Such a great recipe! Thank you very much. Definitely goes to favorite! Will make again.☺
    Ps: very nice website-fonts, color pallete, design, easy navigation, search, comments, love recipe instructions and how they are organized and photographed.
    Pps: everything is excellent!☺

  199. debbie

    I made these last night. i made mini ones. made the custard too! These are sooooo easy to make. dangerously easy! Lol. i shared them with a large group of friends and they were a huge hit! next time will fill with some sort of jam or nutella! Thanks (i think! Lol) for a GREAT recipe Jenny!!!

  200. Barbara

    Made these for my husband, he loved them . Wants me to make again. Very good and easy too. Thanks Jenny .

  201. Margot

    Hello Jenny,

    I enjoy your Polish recipes. The Jelly Donuts remind me of German Berliner, which are served at New Year Eve, but those took a long time to make. It seemed laborious compared to your easy way in comparison. Thank you very much for the recipe. Margot

  202. Marta

    Thank you for a recipe that doesn’t take all day!!! Jenny I’m going home this afternoon and make your recipe, including the dutch oven bread recipe. The Paczki and bread both sound fabulous. Thanks so much for the clear directions and videos that demonstrate all the little tricks to make the process simple and perfect. You are a great teacher.

    For those of you who are gluten intolerant, may I recommend you try gluten free dessert and bread recipes. Jenny’s recipe will not turn out properly using the non-wheat flour blends. Gluten free “flour” recipes need the help of extra ingredients to attain height and softness.

    I thought I was gluten intolerant, until I switched to non-gmo,100% certified organic, flour. Now I can enjoy real wheat bread again, with no ill effects. Commercially prepared flour is made from wheat berries that have been sprayed just prior to harvest with Glyphosates, a chemical desiccant, that is the active ingredient in Round Up. And you can’t wash it off. It is in nearly all commercially produced flour. This is why in Italy, where this chemical is banned, many people who thought they were gluten intolerant can enjoy wheat bread. Organic flour may not work every every single person, but it does for me, so I’m glad I gave it a try.

  203. Ernestine

    Jenny, love your videos. Where did you get the board that you roll pastry on I’ve looked for one to no avail. I want one so bad. Thanks E

  204. FROSTY

    If I make the doughnuts today, will they still be as good tomorrow?If so, do I need to put them in an airtight container?

    • Bvav

      she reccomends eating the same day for best taste but I’m going to make them, put in refridgerator and fill tomorrow

  205. Amy

    I just have active dry yeast not instant do I proof first

  206. Candice

    Two cups of vodka.

  207. Loida

    Hello, Jenny, I have been watching your videos and printing your recipes for the whole night! Your are so cute and your cooking is very healthy, good for our heart 🙂
    I have been a regular watcher of your simple cooking.
    Many thanks for sharing your gifted cooking talent.

  208. Joanne

    Can the be frozen? I’m planning a bridal shower and would like to make mini ones.


  209. Mary

    Can I use gluten free flour instead of the regular flour? I have a gluten alergy

  210. Claudia

    Finally! I found a recipe to make these! Thanks so much for sharing your recipe.

  211. Marianne

    Just made these and had to sneak one…. AMAZING!

    I filled them first. Then dipped them into dish with melted butter and then into bowl with sugar.
    Less of a mess for me.


  212. sheila

    hello jenny…you’re videos and recipes are wonderful as you are. can I make your polish donut recipe by hand…have a hand mixer with bread hooks but

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Yes, but you will have to knead the dough longer, until it’s smooth and elastic – maybe 100-150 turns.

  213. Danunia O

    Excellent recipe, well written, presented and easy to follow. Made them for Tlusty Czwartek (Fat Thursday) when Poles traditionally eat them. Filled them with organic raspberry preserves. Preferred them to the ones from the Polish deli. Shared them with cousins who immigrated from Poland and they told me to keep the recipe and make them again, at least once a month. Loved the 2 1/2 inch size. They look so cute and two are perfect with a cup of coffee or tea. Thank you for a wonderful recipe for paczki!

  214. Karen in AZ

    Tuesday the 13th is Paczki Day and I will be making Jenny’s recipe for the first time! My mouth is watering already :). The only thing I miss about Chicago is the Polish food. Thank goodness for my mom’s recipes and Jenny’s!

  215. Mania

    These are just yummy!! I am 100% Polish and my mom always fried them. We loved, but this version is so light & fluffy! Do NOT compare these to store bought! I tripled the recipe and they were gone the same evening!! (I had guests.). My mamusia is 93 and loved them! Asked me today when I’ll be making more! Thank you for this delightful recipe! Already shared with my sister!

  216. Tora Ann

    Thanks SO much for this wonderful, healthy version of our favorite donut.

  217. Kayleee

    Thanks you got me an a for school

  218. Mazie

    Because I was craving a filled doughnut tonight, I chose your recipe:) OMG….they turned out wonderful! I filled them with an angel creme and we can’t stop eating them. Reminds me of a cream puff from a bakery when I was a little kid. Thank you so much for posting this recipe. I can’t wait to share it with my kids and grandkids when they come to visit. We are polish and I love to make polish recipes for them.

  219. Isabelle

    I made these paczkis and they were delicious, just like on your video.
    I sent a photo to my friend in Windsor, Canada. She said ” are you sure you made these”?Her husband wants to come to visit? Actually I have made many of your recipes. They all turn out as on your videos. Thanks so much.

  220. Justinstl

    Yum I love these . Now if I only could find the raspberry Jelly that donut shops use . It has a taste of its own. If anyone knows were o get raspberry jelly donut filling with the texture the donut shops have please let me know. Jenny Keep it up Iove all of your recipes .

    • ACraven

      Have never tried this but sounds good!

    • Michael

      You can find a recipe for making your own Raspberry jelly/sauce at Food Wishes.com….Chef John is fantastic too…

    • anon

      Try Solo Raspberry Pastry filling.

    • Carol

      Justinstl – Look and see if you have a store in your area called Cash and Carry. You do not have to be a store to shop there just pay cash. Some bakeries buy supplies there. and they have tubes of various fillings for doughnuts or layer cakes. It is also fun to wander their aisles to see what they have.

  221. gin

    thank you for this recipe, these filled donuts came out so good, my grand kids loved them, they want me to make more tomorrow. the recipe is easy to follow and the best part it is not fried. i will bake some more of your recipes.

  222. Jerry Butler

    Fantastic recipe! I’ve been wanting to find the recipe for these Donuts forever! They’re famous in Baltimore where the local bakeries fill them with marshmallow cream thus calling them marshmallow Donuts.

  223. JR

    Jenny, I know this is not about the recipe here, but have you ever tried to make Kremowka? It looks wonderful and I know there are many different ways to make it and it’s very popular, but since you’re Polish and so is my family I wanted your input. It looks delicious and looks like it would be wonderful for the holidays. Sorry, for butting in on this recipe. You’re so good with pastry I thought you could help. Thank you.

  224. Saura

    I used 1 tbsp flax meal mixed with 3 tbsp water and let it sit 30 min to replace the 2 egg yolks. I also made a cooked apple and walnut filling. I make these often and this was my favorite version.

    • Aleksandra

      Thank you for sharing! My boys love authentic paczki straight from an old post- communist bakery when we go visit. One of them is allergic to eggs, so this encourages me to try this recipe for New Year’s Eve!

      Flax seed does not always produce desired effect.

  225. Odie

    this was not only a fun recipe, but so really simple and delicious too!


  226. Gail Golba Moore

    Mad them today and they are wonderful thank you for the recipe will be making more in the future

  227. Paul A

    The polish doughnuts are great. They look feel and taste like store purchased.
    The good part is they are low fat doughnuts. I will make them again next weekend. Thank You Paul

  228. Magdalena Thursby

    Thank you for the no fry recipe kocham paczki but I can’t just be frying tasty donuts whenever the mood strikes 😉 these are AH-Mazing!

    Do you think you could get good results if you just omitted the egg ?

    • Hello world

      Try banana instead of egg, no promises it will work great, but you usually just cant leave out the egg

  229. ROZ

    I am going to try them…….our local store had them until Lent begins today. Baking them is a good idea. I thought they had to be in a deep fryer. Thanks!!

  230. Toots

    Delicious!! Just made them today. One question; do you have to refrigerate the custard filled paczki?
    By the way, your custard recipe is also delicious and sooo easy, tastes like my grandmas…..just so delicious.
    Thank you so much, don’t miss the frying at all!!!

    • Jenny

      After the first day, I would suggest refrigeration with custard filling.

  231. KATHY

    hi Jenny,
    thanks for such a wonderful recipe! i will be trying it tonight. Question, do you have a list of the nutrition/calorie/fat content?

  232. Karen Lemon

    These are wonderful! I’m Polish & grew up with these delicious treats. I’ve also never cared for nor mastered the art of deep frying. We love these (& not just on Fat Tuesday!)

  233. Susan Tereschuk

    Thanks Jenny,
    We live in Windsor, Ontario, Canada just across the river from Detroit, Michigan and this area is paczki crazy this time of year. I just finished up making your Paczki recipe and they turned out great. We love them!!!!!

    Susan Tereschuk, Windsor, Ontario, Canada

  234. Lynn

    I made these today and they came out wonderfully. I thought maybe I had to add too much flour but I could tell taking them off the baking sheet that they were light. I added about 1/2 t. vanilla to the custard and dipped the tops of the custard filled in chocolate ganache. I filled the other half with red plum jam. Just delicious! I will make them again.

  235. Suzanne

    I thought I could use my hand mixer to do the mixing and learned that that’s a mistake. The dough climbs up the shaft of the beater so it really is necessary to use a stand mixer.
    I made a batch of these last year to bring to Polish language class and they were a hit. In fact my Professor asked me where I got them and he was surprised that they were homemade.
    Today I am making them for my neighbor who very kindly cleared my driveway with his snow blower so I didn’t have to shovel the heavy wet snow. I am really fortunate to have good neighbors who look out for the older folks in the neighborhood.

    • Brigitte

      The dough climbs up the shaft?
      You made me smile because it happened to me too. I don’t own a stand mixer and I do ever dough with my hand mixer.
      You just gotta plug in the hooks the other way. One of them has a little ring and when you look at the bottom of your hand mixer, you’ll see the little openings look different.

  236. Sherry

    Can paczki be frozen? Thinking of flash freezing rolled out rounds, then when needed defrost and overnight rise in refrigerator and bake in am. Just the two
    of us and a whole recipe would be too much at one time.
    Thx !

    • Judith in SoCal

      Did you try freezing the dough and using later? How did it turn out?

  237. Suzanne

    If I use a stand mixer how many minutes would equal 50 turns on the board?

  238. Nancy

    I am not familiar with the term ‘aerate’ the flour. Does this just mean to sift the ingredients together? Thanks

    • Jenny

      Please see the How To… in my blog.

      • Nancy

        Thanks, I have been doing it wrong all along. Probably why my cookies are always dry

  239. Jen

    Thanks so much for this awesome recipe! I made this with my 4 nieces (ages 5, 8, and 12) on New Year’s Eve. They turned out perfectly and we had fun making them.

  240. New Baker

    In your Paczki recipe when you say sugar do you mean granulated? Same question about the custard filling, is it granulated sugar ?

    • Jenny

      It’s always granulated sugar unless otherwise noted.

  241. Marilyn

    Hello, I will attempt this recipe tonight, just wondering how long will they stay good and fresh? Will they harden after a day and not be fluffy anymore or they will last a couple of days if they are well sealed in a container or with plastic wrap?
    Thank you!

    • Suzanne

      I have found it’s best to eat them the same day you make them. However if there are any left for the next day you can briefly warm them in the microwave and they are almost as good as right out of the oven.

  242. Magda

    Lol…NO!!! This is absolutly wrong recipe for polish doughnuts! !! You have no idea what is all about. ..wow!! Lol…

    • Gregory


      Since you say that this recipe is not authentic, would you mind sharing yours so I have an idea what an authentic recipe is.



    • Barbara

      This recipe is forgetting a very vital ingredient- rum is the usual ingredient in actual polish recipe

    • Edyta

      You are rude. I’m Polish and these are excellent. If you have a different opinion, how about responding like an adult with a counter recipe or suggesting what you feel should be different. The only “lol-ing” you should be doing is at your hilarious excuse for manners.

      • Karen Lemon

        Agree 100% I too am Polish & think these are delicious!

      • Melissa Copen

        Some people are all about the drama.
        Don’t ‘feed’ the trolls and they’ll go away. 🙂

    • Jan

      Kindness always wins! Why not share “your” recipe on YouTube video. Would really like to see it.

    • Theresa Dailey

      There are some people in this world who can’t use alcoholic ingredients in their cooking. I see no reason to add it .. the recipe sounds/looks delish just as is … TYVM!!

    • Bvav

      Better late than never but if your going to insult someone’s recipe, back it up with the corrected version. We’re not just going to take your word for it

  243. Jay

    Hello 🙂
    I saw the video for this recipe on YouTube and came to the site to save the recipe. I made these and they were a hit, I took them over to my in-laws and they were the first sweet to go!

    I made them mini to be bite-sized and didn’t bother with a filling, just glazed them with a mix of vanilla, milk and powdered sugar as soon as they were it of the oven.

    Thank you so much, almost better than deep-fried donuts!

  244. hawngirl

    Jenny!!! Miss you on tv!! I made these sinful goodies today and had 4 of them cuz I could not stop eating them! They came out exactly as you said and was delicious even without the cream filling or the jam…made some with the apricot preserve and some with your cream filling…but I love the ones with the butter and confectioners sugar the best!!! Thanks again from Hawaii!

  245. Erika

    Hi Jenny,
    I was looking for a recipe of baked donuts and I found yours.
    I really like your recipe but would you know tell me this one in grams, please? I live in Japan and the measurements probably are diferent and can change the final result.

    • Jenny

      Please refer to the metric conversion chart in my blog.

  246. loulou


  247. Priscilla

    I made these delicious polish doughnuts today and filled them with lemon curd and they were yummy great recipe

  248. Samantha

    Hi Jenny! This is my second time making your recipe. The firSt time they were such a hit and made i my polish family proud!! They couldnt believe they could taste so good and they werent fried!!!

    This time i made two single batches ( i was nervous to just double it) and used your custard filling recipe as well! Cant wait for them to dig in. Thank you!

  249. Natalie

    Hi Jenny, I really want to try this recipe recipe but I love in Australia and I know US and Australian cup and spoon measurements differ. Do you have measurements in grams and millilitres? Thanks

  250. Fikrat

    Great JENNY I made 15 Donuts it was Great with the Custard , You are simple as your RECIPE . FIKRAT

  251. aniket

    i halved your recipe and when i made it they weren’t even fluffy and when i did the rise it didn’t even rise and the dounuts didn’t work i may have added too much flour. HELP what did i do wrong!

  252. Pily

    Gracias por la receta, hice las donas y quedaron super sabrosas… mi relleno fue de crema pastelera… Deliciosas. Gracias

  253. Barbara

    My mom and dad, who are from Poland were so proud of me and impressed on how good they came out for baking not frying them.

    Thanks Jenny

  254. Natalie

    Hi Jenny!
    THANK YOU for sharing this recipe. My paczkis were tasty. They baked well….a little bread like.texture. I filled mine with lemon store bought pudding. Its too.runny, so I don’t recommend it. All in all they were ok, but a little too bread like for.what I was trying to achieve…… a light and airy doughnut. Love your videos!

    • Jenny

      Mine are extremely light and airy and not like bread at all. If you follow the recipe exactly they should not be bread-like. I wonder if you’re not aerating and using too much flour?

      • Natalie

        Thank you, Jenny. I will give it a few more trys. Happy Baking!

    • Charlotte

      My Busha made them and they were not light and airy. They were more rounded and cake like. She never put filling in her’s.

  255. KEN

    Can this recipe be doubled or tripled ! I made a batch , WOW so soft totally excellent !

    • Jenny

      I have never doubled but if you look through the comments, it’s possible someone has.

  256. Lana

    These look so yummy ! Will definitely make these for sure.
    Where did you get your wooden board they you knead and roll you dough out on? Would Love to have one.

    • Jenny

      I got it at Williams-Sonoma but it was years ago.

    • Karen

      Sam’s Club has a great one that is white and actually a cutting board.It is perfect for dough also . They are $11 , measure 15″x24″ and are DW safe (NSA rated) It won’t fit in my DW , but it is SO easy to clean it doesn’t matter . I store it in my pantry right up against the wall. These are a LOT better than wood for cleaning . I put “Rubbermaid” non-slip grip mat under it so it doesn’t slip on the counter. It comes on a rll and you just cut to fit ! A super little tip I discovered many years ago . Hope this helps ! I love my smaller ones too . These are at Walmart Target , etc. Happy baking.

  257. David

    Made some of these tonight. They are amazing. I don’t think I’ve had dough that soft before. Thank you for sharing this recipe.

  258. Amanda

    We made these for the first time and we LOVE them! They are now a family tradition!!!!!
    Thank you so much for the recipe!

  259. Paula

    Hi Jenny. My kids went crazy for them. I loved the fact is not fried and overly sugary. My son was saying paczki rules all day!. I wanted to ask if I can do 1/2 cup of Whole Wheat Pastry Flour instead of AP flour? Do you think it would have the same outcome?

    Thanks Jenny!

    • Jenny

      I use whole wheat pastry flour whenever I can but I would not use it in paczki.

      • Shmuel

        How about regular whole wheat flour with 14% protein instead of the pastry version? I cannot use white flour and I do not eat it, so even if it’s not as good and I use it anyway should I make any adjustments to the recipe?

  260. barb

    Just made these for my son for school turned out great and tasted great to. Will definitely be making these more often. I’ve made deep fried donuts and these top them by far. Thank you

  261. Fella

    Can we use granulated sugar when making the dough. I usually have granulated sugar at home, so if I want to grind granulated sugar to turn it into a powder form, then how much granulated sugar should be used?

    • Jenny

      There is no powdered sugar in this recipe. It uses granulated sugar for the dough and coating. If you want to make you own powdered sugar, there are many sources online for how to do that – I never have.

  262. Andrea

    Just made a batch and it was relatively easy until I attempted to fill them. What a mess! Eventually, I used a straw to create a hole first then inserted the nozzle. I’ve got a lot of custard filling left. It’s tasty so I’ll find a use for it.
    Excellent recipe and better than Walmart. I’ll definitely use it again. Thanks!

    • Andrea

      Ok, just watched the video and learned that I need to purchase that kit with a long nozzle. Everything else was spot on. Thanks Jenny!

  263. EllenE

    Jenny, I really enjoy your videos. I’m going to try your custard recipe today because others I’ve tried, I can’t get the consistency right. My Pączki are proofing as I type. I found a recipe for baked Pączki that I love that works for me because I just can’t get the frying right, too greasy, too dark, not cooked through. Can’t wait to take a bit and share with my church choir members tonight. Smacznego!

  264. Amanda

    Can you make the dough a day in advanced?

    • Jenny

      I never have. You could scroll down in the comments to see if anyone has.

  265. Karen

    Jenny: Thank you so much for this recipe…I just finished making 10 Dozen for family and friends…they came out awesome! I used a number of different fillings (apricot, blueberry, apple, etc)…I skipped the melted butter and tossing in sugar and just dusted them with powdered sugar after filling. Everyone is enjoying them and I have more to make tomorrow. Thank you again!

  266. Polish Lorraine

    Never heard of baking them. They are deep fried in oil. II have made them many times and all the bakeries on tv show frying them in oil to cover.
    Has anyone tried this method of baking them in the oven. If it works that would be great.

    • Jenny

      You could read some of the comments posted if that helps.

  267. Joy C.

    Thanks for the recipe. I buy them every year but I’ll give this a go!

  268. Michele A

    How do you store the paczki when done? My daughter needs to take them to school for extra credit and we plan on baking them Saturday and having her take them on Monday

    • Jenny

      Two-day old doughnuts will not be very tasty, especially homemade ones, which don’t stay as fresh as commercially baked goods. If your daughter is planning to serve them, I would not recommend it unless they are fresh. Any chance she could make something else that keeps well and travels well? Pecan balls, brownies, and biscotti would be good on the 2nd day so she can feel good about what she’s serving. But if she has to make paczki, do not store them in plastic so they can breathe a little (I think that’s why doughnuts are usually sold in boxes) and I would refrigerate them. Honestly, they will be a little chewy by the 2nd day.

  269. Pat

    Just bought some at Big Y to take to a friend,and approaching storm leaves me not going. Can jelly ones and choc. Covered be frozen by any chance! I can’t eat them all,even though would love to!

    • Jenny

      I have never frozen paczki but maybe you could ask at the place you bought them or find something online on freezing paczki.

    • Dotti

      Hi Pat, Big Y’s packis freeze really well.

  270. Paulina Dziubinska

    Hi Jenny, thank you for this wonderful recipe. Today is Tlusty Czwartek (Fat Thursday) and you are supposed to eat at least 1 paczek for good luck. It is a Polish tradition to eat paczki at this day. I am making your paczki tonight as I have done in the past two years since i found your recipe. I will eat at least 5. Good luck to you Jenny.

  271. Gail

    Do you have a recipe for cream filling that could be used on the paczki?

    • Jenny

      My custard filling recipe is included in my recipe and on the video.

  272. EllenE

    Jenny, are you familiar with Polish Tłusty czwartek? On Facebook Polish Food Culture and Traditions, we’ve been discussing Fat Thursday which begins Karnawal when the Poles enjoy their Paçzki day and celebrate during the week before lent. I wanted to check out your recipe for them because I use a baked recipe, too. Love your videos and the Polish gal in you that presents them to us.

    • Jenny

      Sorry, I am not familiar with tłusty czwartek.

      • Best Babci

        It is fat Tuesday not Thursday, night before Ash Wednesday….

        • Jenny

          Thank you. Or should I say dziękuję…

        • Tina

          Fat Thursday is a real celebration, and is separate from Fat Tuesday.

        • Sonda

          Fat Thursday is celebrated in Poland on the Thursday BEFORE Ash Wednesday.

    • Karen

      It REALLY is “Fat Tuesday ” the day before Lent starts on Ash Wednesday .

      • Robert

        In Poland it really is Fat Thursday. America mixes up multiple cultures’ pre-Lent celebrations together on the following Tuesday instead. If you are lucky enough to live in a city with very large Polish community, the ethnic bakeries now make paczki on both days.


  273. Karie

    How do you keep them fresh…How long do they last from the time you make them? Can they be frozen??

  274. Suzanne

    I made your recipe several times last year and batch #1 of the 2016 pre-Lenten season today. I use Polaner spreadable fruit, raspberry, about 1/2 a 10-oz jar fills one batch.
    I will make the custard filling next as that is my favorite. Have you made a double batch successfully or should I just do single batches.

  275. MichelleS

    Hey can I make the dough a day in advance then fry them fresh? or should I have to do the entire process on Fat Tuesday Morning?

    • Jenny

      You can make the dough a day in advance and instead of resting it for 10 minutes (step #5) you would place it in a bowl, cover the bowl tightly with plastic wrap, leaving room for the dough to expand a little. The next day bring it to room temperature first and then continue with step #7.

  276. cynthia

    Hi Jenny,
    I have been making Paczki for many years, family tradition, and every year I almost dread making.The traditional Paczki are heavy and frying in oil, not my favorite part. They taste good when freshly fried but if not eaten right away they get tough and taste awful.Your recipe was the best I have come across in many year. Light, fluffy, non greasy, and the best part, eating the next day as good as the first. Not only is this recipe easy to make but takes 3/4 the amount of time as regular Paczki. This year I look forward to making! Thank you,Cynthia

  277. Mausie

    I have not tried your recipe yet, I am sure I’m gonna like it. My question re: custard filling on the plate cools faster, can it still be spooned in the paper to fill in the doughnuts, quite a silly question but I am not very experienced in baking.Thanks!

    • Jenny

      The custard can be spooned just like any jam or curd filling.

  278. Deborah

    Hello Jenny, My Granddaughter and I are going to make your Paczki, What kind of thick jam should we use? Any specific brand name or do you have a recipe. Thank you, we love all of your recipes!!

    • Jenny

      I like Stonewall Kitchen and St. Dalfour jams but they may not be available in your area. I think it’s better to use a smooth jam like apricot, plum, or peach as opposed to chunky ones like blueberry. My personal favorite filling is the custard.

  279. Lynn

    Exactly what I was looking for… a baked jelly donut recipe, since jelly donuts are a tradition for Chanukah and I don’t want to fry them.

    Can’t use milk so wondering what to substitute with. What about water or apple sauce or apple cider?

    Also, means I can’t use butter. Would rather not use margarine. Would a light olive oil be a good substitute?

    • Jenny

      Apple sauce or juice does not sound like a good substitute for milk. A better choice might be almond milk or soy milk. As for the butter, I would suggest a dairy-free margarine so the sugar will stick on the outside. But honestly, you might be better off to look a dairy-free baking recipes because I only make my recipes one way and when you change the recipe, I can’t guarantee how these, or any of my baking, will turn out.

      • Wanda

        Bread dour can be made and shaped into loafs and frozen, as you regularly do until when you place in the pans to raise, but DO NOT let raise, place in the freezer at right away. When you removed from the freezer. Let it come to room temperature it will raise then bake as always. I haven’t tried it with Paczki, but it is a yeast dour.

  280. RAISA

    Thank you Jenny for the amazing recipes. I have tried the polish jelly donuts and they were just perfect! I just want to tell you to keep making food and sharing it on your website and on you tube. Thank you again!

  281. beatrice

    HI Jenny

    would these doughnuts still work with i cut them out with a doughnut cutter with a hole in the middle and iced them

    thanks beatrice

  282. kathleen & Joe

    Jenny you are the best. We love your recipes and your site is great

  283. Sylvia

    I made these and they were SSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOO GGGGGGGOOOOOOOOODDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  284. blindlady

    I have found my new love. Thank You Jenny. I am a huge fan of light and fluffy doughnuts and these definitely fit the bill. One batch is perfect. I can’t wait to pass them around to all my friends and family. P.S. They are also good without the filling. I will be making more of your recipes in the future.

  285. blindlady

    I just made these yummy doughnuts and I am in love! They are so light and fluffy. I couldn’t wait to try one so I eat one before I filled them and think they are very good without the filling too. I am a huge fan of light and fluffy doughnuts not the cake like ones and this recipe does it for me. I also like that it makes about a dozen and that’s all I need at a time.

  286. Sylvia

    Mrs. Jenny,

    Do you know about how long it takes to microwave the milk to 120 degrees? I do not have a thermometer at the moment.Please help!

    • Jenny

      I’m guessing it would take around 50 seconds. Liquid at 120 degrees is hotter than you think. Keep in mind that hot tap water usually comes out at least at 120 degrees (mine is 125) so you can judge the temperature compared to that. Instant yeast requires 120 to 130 degrees F.

  287. FathmathMoosa

    Very interesting & helpful.i love to make you recipes.thank you so much.

  288. Lane

    I have put them in the freezer, just don’t coat them in butter or sugar

  289. Sylvia V

    Can these be frozen for 30 days thawed and served? I need to know soon, so I can do this for a book review. Thank you. Sylvia

    • Jenny

      I have never frozen them so I can’t speak from experience but I believe they can be frozen; however, I don’t think I would fill them until after thawing. I hope they’ll be as good as fresh. You could freeze them and take out one or two a few days in advance to test them to make sure you’re happy with them.

  290. Maryann

    wow fantastic made these yesterday for a shop full of people they were amazing then made them again as a gift for friends thank you x

  291. Lane

    Made them for the first time and they were a great success.I was thrilled

  292. mr belvidere

    Do Me Buczi,made these last nite,used buttermilk and awoke this morn and they were GONE!.asked my lil one,oh daddy they were awesome.she has a peanut allergy so I prefer to handle the cooking as i am worry free and besides its cheaper.cant wait to try the cabbage rolls or the pirogie recipes.Thank you,Brian

  293. Kim Hajjar

    Hi Jenny

    I literally just finished making these doughnuts….and they are amazing!!!! They are so much better than fried. I made the custard and filled them with custard filling and plum filling. I just feel bad the recipe only makes twelve. I just have one question….if I make a big batch of these can I freeze them after they are baked and filled?

    Thanks so much!

    • Jenny

      I have never frozen any (they never last that long) but I see online sites that say you can freeze custard-filled doughnuts so I believe you can. Some say for just a few days while others say up to 2-3 months.

      • Kim Hajjar

        Thanks so much! I actually ended up making another batch as they are so good. I think I will try to freeze a couple of the custard ones and see how they are once thawed. I will let you know the result.
        Also, I used to watch your talk show and I really enjoyed it.

        Thanks again for the great recipes.

        Kim Hajjar

  294. Jeanne

    I’m so glad that I happened on your site. I saw your pan pizza at first, but then saw the Polish recipes. I was raised Polish and love watching your video’s.

    I noticed that you haven’t made babka (Polish Easter bread). It took me many years and many recipes combined to make a babka similar to my Babci’s. Even though I watched her and even recorded her voice my babka never turned out. It was so easy for her to make her babka and she filled every baking pan she could find so that everyone in the family could have their own babka for Easter. The problem is that she measured with her hands and fingers. Since she was a farm girl from Krakow she was use to making everything homemade and with the tools she had. This was many, many years ago.

    I have been making my babka, but only one, for a couple of years now, but would love to watch you. You make everything look so easy and your recipes are much easier than most I’ve seen. I do not add rum or any citrus to my recipe, which also has the sugar/flour crumbs on the top. I’d love to hear what your babka is like.

    Thank you for the joy you bring.

    • Jenny

      I don’t have a good recipe for babka because no one in my family made it. But I plan to scour my Polish cookbooks and work on one.

      • Jeanne

        Thank you

      • Bea

        The best babka I have had was made out of

        4 eggs
        225g sugar
        225g margarine
        225g self raising flour or plain flour with 1 teaspoon of baking powder

        Mix all ingredients and bake in a greased 23cm in diameter round tin for 40 min at 160 Centigrates. It always comes out perfectly fine. You can also pour orange juice made from two oranges when the cake is still warm. Enjoy.

    • Wanda

      Hands and fingers is how my Mom baked and cooked, and is basically how I do it. But, I do use a recipe if I haven’t made it before.

  295. Yoli

    Jenny, I have a quick question. Okay to use whole wheat pastry flour? Or half of it?

    • Jenny

      I try to use wwp flour whenever possible, even half & half with a/p but for me it does not work in paczki. I think you would find them too dry.

  296. Emma

    Hi Jenny

    In the recipe you say ‘serve immediately’, but I’m wondering how they go if they’re not eaten until the next day? I have to take a dish into my daughters school for multicultural day, so I’ll need to cook them the night before…

    Thank you.

    • Jenny

      They are still good the next day as long as they are not stored air-tight overnight. You could cover them with foil but not plastic, which would make them soggy. That’s probably why doughnuts are usually kept in a cardboard box.

  297. Liesl

    Hi Jenny,
    I love this recipe and have made it twice now following close instructions, both times however the bottom of the doughnuts formed a slight crust and blackened. In the second attempt I took them out a minute earlier and still there was a crust formation with a blackened bottom. Not sure if anyone else has this issue but I would love to know if there is a way to avoid this?

    • Jenny

      I’m sorry, I simply have no idea why this is happening. The only thing I can think of is that you are using a dark baking pan, which would absorb more heat than a shiny or lighter colored one.

    • Gerry

      If the pan is dark try lowering the oven temp by 25 degrees.

    • KEN

      Check your oven temperature with a store bought thermometer , you oven may be higher than the actual dial setting !

  298. Melissa

    Will this recipe work if I use the best milk on earth without water and msg added to it?? I only use 100% full fat vitamin d milk which right now I have brought down south with me straight from the farm. I wanna make some donuts for church tommorow whic I have never made yet but I have pans and the ability to bake so I wanna try it. I just gotta figure out to fill them cuz I don’t have the fancy tools and bags here… Please let me know if vitamin D milk will work here. Cuz it’s like gold to me and I don’t have much left, I hate to waste it. Thanks.

    • Jenny

      I can only guess since I use 1% milk. I believe it will be fine but since the full fat milk is heavier than mine it might make the dough a little stiffer and hard to beat. If that happens, you can stir it together by hand and just knead it longer, maybe 100-150 turns. To fill them, you can cut a small slit along the side and spoon in your filling with a small (flatter) teaspoon. Good luck!

  299. Laura

    Thanks for recipe, I love this Polish Doughnuts!!

  300. Ralph DeMasi

    Hello Jenny and Thank You for this Paczki recipe.My wife and I enjoyed making them.The texture and flavor match a fried donut.I have been making donuts using the donut pans and most of the recipes never come close to yours,so Thank You so much and we enjoy your videos that make everything so easy and fun to bake.
    Ralph and MaryAnn

  301. L

    Will this recipe still work if I use reduced/low fat milk?

    • Jenny

      My recipe uses 1% milk, which is low fat but 2% will also work.

  302. Ian from Australia

    OMG !!!

    Thanks so much Jenny – they were light, fluffy, and DELICIOUS 🙂

  303. Erika

    These were delicious! I filled some of mine with raspberry jam and some with chocolate buttercream frosting. Thanks for sharing!

  304. Maria Czarzasty

    Great recipe! Thanks to your baking modification pączki returned on our table.
    Dziękuje bardzo. Pozdrawiam Panią from Mississauga.

  305. Mirella

    Jenny, i made this this morning and they were awesome ! My husband loves European doughnut and we tried to fry some in the past ,but they get greasy. I wanted to stay away from fried food and do something healthier like baked some but i was afraid they would be hard . i came across your recipe on you tube and decided to try . I am happy i did , i was amazed on how beautifully they came out, like soft pillows. Thank you for posting ! We love them !!!!

    • Wanda

      That sounds great, my husband of 53 years are off fried foods, so I do every thing else. My question is: What temperature and for how long?

      I have a large wall timer and I am 75 and get distracted and forget I have something on the stove or in the oven, until I hear the smoke alarm go off. Now I take the timer with me while i do other things. Well, it works for me.

      • Jenny

        It’s in steps # 9 and 10 in the recipe. They bake at 375 for 10 minutes.

  306. Carol

    Just made these today for the first time and they came out great!
    I used my homemade blueberry jam and filled some with custard!
    Thanks for a great recipe!

  307. Janis

    Having moved from the Chicago area to Minnesota I have have not been able to find a good paczki. My mom has shipped them to me that last couple years from our favorite bakery. I was hoping to find a baked recipe and I am so glad you posted this one. Thank you!! I cannot wait to try this today,

  308. TVann

    Hi Jenny,
    How long is their shelf life? Should leftovers be put in fridge or left out? Also can you freeze them and/or the dough?

    • Jenny

      To me they are always better the same day but I have kept them, covered, on the counter up to three days. About freezing, I have never frozen mine (they don’t last that long!) but I see a lot of people freeze their paczki so I believe you can but I don’t know about freezing the dough.

      • Bob

        Thanks for the answer. I live alone and bought 5 different fillings but did not want to eat all in one day (well….. I did want to but did not want to be a piggy, lol). Since they have jelly or real fruit fillings I thought maybe I should put them in the frig.

        • Jenny

          I have left mine out on the countertop, covered, for 2-3 days with no problem.

          • Kelly Foti

            3 days covered lightly in plastic wrap 3-4 days..GREAT RECIPE!!! I love it and so does my family!!!

      • Lynn

        If filling with custard I would refrigerate. Or you could keep the filling in the fridge and just fill as you need them.

        Also, I am planning to dip the tops in chocolate… and use custard filling… as I used to get them in Illinois.

  309. Hannah

    Can the milk be replaced by water for lactose-free. Would soya milk or juice work?

    • Jenny

      Rather than water or juice, I would use soya milk.

  310. Mary Catton

    Hi, Nice to see a baked recipe. Our traditional Polish recipe uses potatoes. Do you know how I could incorporate the potatoes and still bake? Thanks

    • Jenny

      Wow, that’s an interesting question, and one I really don’t know how to answer. If you made a dough using mashed potatoes, it seems like it might be a little heavy for this recipe but if you try it please report back. I have a lot of Polish recipe enthusiasts.

  311. Carol

    Could I substitute butter for the oil? Can’t wait to make these on Fat Tues.

  312. zim

    you are the best
    thank you for teaching that delicious donuts

  313. Steve

    This recipe is superb and very easy.
    Doughnuts are brilliant and I’ll defo make them again.
    Thanks Jenny.

  314. Vafa

    I am Persian and remember as a kid the local sweet shop used to sell your EXACT cream-filled Paczkis which I loved so much.
    After so many years, I am delighted to finally find the recipe from you and try it again. Besides the recipe, your genuine kindness makes it so more pleasant. Thanks a lot and God bless.

  315. angelo

    Jenny Jones,
    You are a blessing to have as a cook book. Thank you for your wonderful recipes.

  316. Darlene Batwinski

    Thank you for your very informative video on Polish Pazcki. I’m going to try these real soon. Also, your Polish pierogi recipe.

  317. Salwa

    Hi many tks for the vidio it is very helpfull I made the donuts yesterday they are very fluffy and tasty .i ll try to see your other videos tks again

  318. Joanna

    Hello, I love your ideas for health cooking, but pączki – we dry in deep hot oil, this what you have done is bułeczki drożdżowe. Big hugs from polish girl 🙂

  319. joleen

    HI Jenny,
    I was making theses donuts, and was at step 9, but the donuts didnt rise even though i left them covered for more than an hour. Is there something I did wrong?

    • Jenny

      There are two possible reasons I can think of. 1) The yeast could be old or expired. Yeast has a short shelf life so I always keep mine in the freezer after it’s opened. 2) The temperature of the milk could have been too hot or too cold. Too hot could kill the yeast. Too cold would keep it from rising (although it might still rise after a number of hours). Even if you didn’t have a warm spot, the doughnuts still should have at least started to rise after an hour. If you still have them, let them keep sitting and they might eventually rise in spite of whatever the problem was. I hope that helps.

  320. decas

    Hello Jenny,
    It came out pretty good, very light and fluffy.
    in 2nd batch i have painted oil on them just before putting in the oven, came out nicely too,
    still different then my mom used to bake.


    p.s. the left over dough can just roll up in your hands then squeeze the ball on the cutting board to make flat enough and add to the rest

  321. decas

    Dear Jenny,

    I find your show quite fascinating. I would like to try some of it.
    I am usually a calm person but there are few things that would effect that.
    Similarly like you like to use 1% milk I like to have as precise measurements as possible.
    I do appreciated to have multilingual / cultural environment as well all kinds of measurement systems, nevertheless i find the imperial measurements not appeal to me as they are unreasonable complicated to scale it.

    Even US cup is not equal US nutrition cup Oz not = fl Oz, it is not so practical to have all that confusion, I prefer to move decimal point to scale the ingredients.
    I usually convert all of it into the metric system as well as calculate bakers percentage, to be able to try in smaller portions, eg. based on 1 egg instead of 4.

    As the internet is available in most of the world and your interesting site….,
    I would like to enclose my conversion table for people with metric heritage for convenience.

    One question does really 7gr of dry yeast in your recipe could be substituted with 7 gram of fresh yeast?

    thank you for the nice videos and shared recipes.

    187.50 gr all purpose flour mąka
    50.00 gr cup sugar cukier
    1.42 gr salt sól
    7.00 gr instant yeast Drożdże suche
    163.33 gr milk 120°F inst/110° fresh mleko
    41.17 gr canola or extra light olive oil olej
    2.00 yolks żółtka
    0.50 tsp vanilla
    31.25 gr flour extra mąka do posypywania

    temp f c
    110.00 43.3
    120.00 48.8
    375.00 190

    1 cup US (cup) in volume Equals:
    0.99 Nutritional Cups (US food labeling)
    0.95 cups Metric (cup)
    0.95 cups Australian (cup)
    1.04 cups Canadian (cup)
    0.83 cups U.K. (cup)
    1.18 cups Japanese (cup)
    source: http://www.traditionaloven.com/culinary-arts/volume/cup-us/volume-multimenu.html
    1 cup milk = 237 mL (rounded up from 236.58 mL)
    1 cup (8 fl oz) = 245.00 g, gram
    1 cup = 16 tablespoons = 48 teaspoons = 240 ml

    jumbo size chicken egg-s 21g
    extra large size chicken egg-s 19
    large size chicken egg-s 17
    medium size chicken egg-s 15
    small size chicken egg-s 13

    source: http://convert-to.com/722/chicken-egg-yolk-conversion-plus-nutrients-values.html

  322. Katrin

    I made this today and it’s very very good !!!! 😀 it was so easy, can’t believe it .. taste much better than those deep fried ones cause I hate the oil flavor that those have.

  323. Angeline

    Hi Jenny,
    Happy to share with you the success of this recipe of yours. The donuts were delicious! I half the recipe as I have a small family.

  324. Aunt Saucey

    Made these 2 weeks ago and they were so yummy!!

  325. jack

    Hi Jenny,
    This is my first time baking with yeast. Thanks for the inspiration to cook healthy treats!
    My paczki look beautiful, taste great, and have been well received this evening – but to me they taste a little bit like bread rolls. I had to add a lot of flour to get the dough to form, and even more as I was kneading and rolling – could that be the problem? Any tricks or tips to avoid that issue?
    P.S. – also, i only have a hand mixer but it has dough hooks, so i used those for this recipe. might the regular mixer attachments be better?

    • Jenny

      I don’t think the mixer is the problem but adding a lot of extra flour would dilute the flavor created by the egg yolks and vanilla so if it happens again you could increase the vanilla a little. The soft dough could be from the way you measure. Everyone measures differently. If you sifted your flour before measuring, it would measure less than you need or if you measured the milk a little above the line, that also can make the dough too soft. But even for me, sometimes the dough is perfect and sometimes it’s too soft and I have to add more flour than usual. It just happens with any baking. I guess that’s why the pros measure by weight. Don’t be surprised if you make them the same way again and they turn out perfect.

  326. Ralph DeMasi

    Hello Jenny,loved your video easy to follow.I have been trying to make a baked donut for. Ten years,this looks like the perfect recipe.Jenny,if I substituted cider for the milk and add some apple spice, would it come out like a fried cider donut they sell at the apple orchards?
    Thank You for making my day!

    Ralph DeMasi

    • Jenny

      I have never seen a fried cider doughnut but I’m not sure about eliminating the milk in this recipe, which provides moisture. I have only made this recipe with milk but if you try it please report back.

      • CC

        Hi Jenny,
        You mention buttermilk in the response above, but I don’t see it (or milk+lemon/vinegar:) listed in the ingredients. Could you clarify?
        Thanks, and thanks for the great site & videos!!

        • Jenny

          Thank you for your note. I thought I was replying about my plain baked doughnuts so I have changed my answer accordingly. I must admit I was not expecting the number of questions I receive between these recipes and my videos on youtube so sometimes it’s hard to keep up. Thank you very much for noticing my mistake.

          • Pat


            • Jenny Can Cook

              Thank you for your kind words and I’m sorry I do not have a recipe for this filling.

            • Kitcat60

              8 oz cream cheese
              Small tub whipped cream
              Beat together
              Add powdered sugar till right consistency.

              I also use this for Ding Dong cake.

  327. Alexandra

    Would it make a big difference if I used one whole egg instead of two yolks?

    • Jenny

      Most paczki recipes use two or more egg yolks because it’s traditionally a rich-tasting dough. I suppose you could use one egg but you may need more flour. I would suggest making the recipe as is first so you have something to compare to when you make changes.

  328. Kasia

    I am Polish and it isn’t tase and looks like polish doughnuts.

    • iran

      Hello and thank you for the recioes. i am irani . I will try it out today. <3

  329. Shz

    I made thes doughnuts and they are so light and sweet the texture is fabulous! If I doubled the receipe will it make it just as good?

    • Jenny

      I have never doubled the recipe but I think it would double easily and turn out just as good. Please let us know how they turned out.

  330. Beyza


    There is local coffee shop I go, and the owner—who is Polish–make delish Paczki. I tried your recipe today and it turned out PERFECT!! The texture is so soft and the ingredients are just as you described. The only problem I had was with the filling because I thought I was filling them totally, but it turned out they were not filled. I guess that comes with an instinct as you say. Thanks a lot for this recipe!!

  331. Debbie

    I just made these yesterday and this recipe is so easy to follow! I loved the video which helped me create beautiful Paczki donuts. These donuts tasted very good the day of, but I have to tell you that I just ate one and I think they taste even better the next day. I put a glaze over mine but I am still trying to find a glaze recipe like the bakeries use. I filled them with seedless black raspberry jam. Absolutely the best donut I ever made, better than fried. Here in Buffalo, NY they sell these donuts for $1.50 a piece on Fat Tuesday, that’s $18.00 a dozen. I am so glad that I can make these donuts myself now without having to get up at 5:00 a.m. and stand in line for an hour just to buy them. People here in Buffalo go crazy over these donuts. Thank you so much Jenny for sharing your recipe, from one polish girl to another!

    • Jenny

      Thanks for the nice note. You could try the glaze recipe from my “baked doughnuts” and thin it with extra milk if you like.

    • Bob

      Debbie I’m from Buffalo now living in Sarasota Fl. I’m going to try to make these donuts. Have you tried Paul’s Donuts and now does it compare I can’t wait to make them. Thanks Bob

      • Jenny

        I have not tried Paul’s Donuts but I can tell you these are really good.

  332. Ally

    Jenny, I made those for Fat Thursday and they came out perfect! I’m Polish myself and I love your Polish recipes. I’m not a fan of traditional Pączki but your baked version is superb:)

  333. Thao

    Hello Jenny,

    I made these today and they came out amazing! I ran out of vanilla extract so instead I used vanillin sugar. And they smelt amazing! Thank you for the recipe and i will definitely make more of these if occasion calls for!

  334. Darlene

    Awesome video. It is very well put together. There is no doubt i’m going to make these.
    My husband going to love them. U are now in my Pinterest. Thank-u so much.:)

  335. Staci

    Happy Pączki Day!

    I just finished dusting my pączki with sugar and I have to say that this is an absolutely delightful recipe! The pączki are so light and fluffy. Since these were a last minute decision and didn’t have everything on hand, I made smaller pączki. I spooned in about a teaspoon of apricot Solo filling and then pinched them closed. I also used coconut oil and brushed the pączki with melted light Promise spread instead of butter. This recipe is a keeper! Thank you for sharing!

    Growing up the pączki my Baba made didn’t have filling. She fried the dough and tossed in sugar hot out of the grease. So yummy and yeasty.

  336. Lauren

    This is a great recipe!! The only thing I did differently than the recipe was that I mixed the yeast and milk together and let it sit for about 10 mins before mixing it with the other ingredients because I just wanted to make sure the yeast completely dissolved. I figured these would not turn out as well because they weren’t fried but I was very wrong! These are fantastic!!

  337. Lilly

    Excellent recipe! I am polish and my husband is Norweigan and absolutely loved these!!

  338. marlene

    i want to make these for work on tues. if i make them on monday evening, will they keep for the morning? or should i heat them in the morning and then add the filling? thanks

    • Jenny

      Yes, they will keep so you can make them Monday night. I enjoy my paczki just as much the second day but I do not recommend sealing them up air tight with plastic wrap overnight. That’s probably why doughnuts usually come in a box – so they are able to breathe just a little. I cover mine with a cake cover or I put them on a plate and cover with the lid from a large pot. I think you could even keep them in a bowl overnight and cover it tightly with foil. Good luck and I hope they like your treats.

  339. Leslie

    I made these for the healthier alternative for the fried Paczki and they were so good! I am scared of using yeast recipes but these came out perfectly. They were so light and fluffy. I used the custard filling too which was tasty too! Thanks for the great and easy recipe.

  340. Anne

    This was a great recipe! My only complaint is that I barely got 9 out of this, not 12. And I wasn’t rolling it 1/2″ thick, more like 1/4″, so I would have expected to get more, not less.

    • Jenny

      The only thing I can think of is maybe your cutting tool was a little bigger than 2 1/2-inches. And are you re-rolling all the scraps of dough? I’m glad to hear they turned out anyway but let me know how many you get next time. It’s important to me that all my recipes work as expected for everyone.

  341. Ewa

    Jenny, I’m Polish. I love your recipes. Paczki are great. Tomorrow is “Fat Thursday”. Polish people eat on that day many , many paczki :). Mine are rising currently:).I doubled all ingridients. I ‘ve already tested several of your recipes and all of them are wonderful. I love your healthy approach to cooking. Thanks to you I finaly learned how to fry placki ziemniaczane ( patato pancakes) which are not greasy and crepes which are round and smooth. You are so clever in the kitchen. Thank you so much for all your advices. And I ask kindly for more recipes. All the best.

    • Oleska

      Yeah, Tlusty Czwartek today! My donuts are in a making, hope they will turn out yummy. I love the idea of baking instead of frying.

  342. Frankie

    Could the custard be lemon? If so how would you do that? You’re awesome and I am so glad I found your page. Thanks

    • Jenny

      Lemon filling would be awesome! Here’s my recipe for lemon curd…

      3 egg yolks
      2/3 cup sugar
      1 Tbsp. cornstarch
      ½ cup lemon juice
      zest of 1 lemon
      ½ Tbsp. butter

      • Whisk and cook everything except the butter in a small pan until thick, about 5-7 minutes.
      • Stir in butter.
      • Cool uncovered, stirring a few times.

      • Ann

        Jenny, what about chocolate filling? Should i use melted chocolate or chocolate powder to replace the lemon juice?

        Thanks …

        • Jenny

          There is no lemon juice in this recipe so please clarify that part of your question. For a chocolate filling, I just use my recipe for chocolate pudding.

  343. Joanna K-ski

    Hey Jenny! I’m making these now! But no hand mixer so I’m using my muscles for the “high speed 2 minutes” Its so odd… I was watching some of your videos lately as I’m starting a cooking blog and I never realized you were the Jenny I grew up watching on tv! I kept looking at the videos and thinking, do I know this woman? is she a someone I met? I thought… hmm I’m polish, she’s polish maybe we have met! but then I looked up at Jenny Jones! ha I was smiling so much! Missed your shows!

    big hugs!

  344. Teen Jules

    I made the paczki donuts! NOM NOM best ever

  345. Lisa

    Hi Jenny, this recipe was amazing. The doughnut turned out soft and yummy, better than the deep fried ones. Thank you for sharing!

    • Jenny

      I’m so glad to hear it – thanks for letting me know. And Happy Holidays!

  346. will

    I have only instant yeast.Could you tell me what I should do ?

    • Jenny

      Instant yeast is fine for this recipe. I will adjust the printable version to indicate that.

  347. Lisa

    Thank you for the recipe! I will try it out tonight. One question though, I only have instant active dry yeast, will I have to let the dough rest longer before I roll it out?

    • Jenny

      I would do it the same way with any kind of yeast. I used to think that a 10-minute rest only worked with this RapidRise yeast but I’m finding that with any yeast, the 10-minute rest still works. Let me know how they turn out.

  348. Frawla

    Hi .. I made them few hours ago
    and they are so soft like marshmallow and so yummy
    I was wondering if I can use the dough for other recipes
    thank you so much for sharing 🙂

    • Jenny

      I never thought of using this dough for another recipe, except maybe plain baked doughnuts with no filling. You could roll them in cinnamon sugar at the end.

  349. danuta

    jenny it good to have someone to help me cook polish food thank you love them all

  350. tosmum

    I made these today. Yummy Yummy! Thank you!

  351. yew2oob

    Hi Jenny. I made these today for the first time and they turned out great! The taste is similar to a regular jelly donut, but much lighter since there’s no greasiness from frying. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  352. Jennie Baez

    I made these doughnuts and they came out soft like pillows. Thanks Jenny for such a wonderful recipe. I can’t wait for your new cookbook.

  353. Meshellibel82

    This is a great recipe! I make donuts as my job; and I hate bringing home the donuts for my family because they are so unhealthy, this is a great healthier alternative that I can actually involve my kids with the preparation. Thank you!

  354. Shirley

    Hello and thank you for the recipes. They all look good. I copied the 2 baked donut recipes. It’s so hard to find one, everything seems to be deep-fried,and we try to eat healthy too. I will try them and let you know how they turned out. They’re especially nice now, with Lent coming. Thank you so much again, and keep cooking!! The pictures are very appetizing!!!

    • Bernie

      I make 9 only should I double the 1-1/2 cup of flour, correct me . I really love it.. Jenny thank- you very must …

      • Jenny

        I would not double the flour unless you double the entire recipe. You could try using the original recipe and rolling the dough a little thinner or using a slightly smaller circle to cut. Even when I bake, sometimes I make 12 and at other times I make 10 or 11.

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