10 Grain No Knead Bread
NOTE: THIS RECIPE WAS UPDATED & SIMPLIFIED JAN. 2020) This overnight recipe makes for a grainy, chewy loaf with lots of fiber. You’ll need a 5-quart Dutch oven with an oven-proof handle and parchment paper (Reynolds brand is best). BE SURE TO AERATE YOUR FLOUR BEFORE MEASURING. - Jenny Jones
- 1 cup whole wheat flour
- 1 cup bread flour or all-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup rolled oats
- 1/3 cup 10 grain cereal, dry & uncooked (I use Bob's Red Mill)
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon yeast (instant or active dry)
- 1 1/2 cups cool water
- about 2 Tablespoons extra flour for shaping
- Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl. Stir in cool water until it’s well combined.
- Cover with plastic wrap and let stand at room temperature overnight for 10 to 12 hours (even longer is fine).
- Dough will become puffy. Transfer it to a floured surface and sprinkle with a little flour. Using a scraper, fold dough over 10-12 times & shape into a rough ball.
- Place in a parchment paper-lined bowl (not wax paper) and cover with a towel. Let stand on counter top for 1 hour.
- After 25 minutes, place Dutch oven with lid in a cold oven and preheat to 450° F. My oven takes 35 minutes to reach 450°.
- When oven reaches 450° (& dough has rested for 1 hour) carefully, using oven gloves, lift the parchment paper and dough from the bowl and place gently into the hot pot. (parchment paper goes in the pot too) Cover and bake for 30 minutes.
- After 30 minutes, remove lid and parchment paper. Return, uncovered, to oven and bake for 10 more minutes.
Note: Softening the grains with boiling water is not necessary. With the overnight method, they soften naturally.
There's more on this recipe in my blog. Click here.
Hi Jenny Thanks I love this bread
Can you post the nutritional values for this bread? Cooking for a family member that must count protein and fiber grams. Thank you.
I have been making bread for over 35 years and saw your recipe. Tried it. Not happy.. A very wet dough,stuck to my fingers. Followed the recipe exactly as you have it. I used a new package of yeast..using amount you had down.
Wished it turned out.
Mine overproofed I think 🙁
Tested the yeast, and it foamed up.
Left it for 12 hours. Has anyone else had this happen?
It’s flat and sad looking.
Other factors that may have had an effect – the temp of the room changed from 79° to 73°F during the 3rd hour (I needed some relief before bed haha). It grew really quickly in the first couple hours, but hardly any change after that.
I also added shredded carrot to the dough – I just had a nub leftover and thought why not. Could the extra moisture from that make a difference?
Love all your videos and recipes. Afraid to try this fancy looking rustic bread but it’s so good with all your instructions. Thank you My family loves it !!! 😍
What temperature should the water be?
Like a baby bottle. If it’s too hot for your wrist it’s too hot for the yeast. It’s never failed me!
The picture below is of my second attempt with this wonderful recipe! I didn’t have any 10-Grain cereal, but I did have Bob’s Buckwheat cereal. It gives the bread a really nice additional layer of texture and flavor. Also on the 2nd try, I increased the yeast (hey…that rhymes!) by just a pinch more. Also because our tap water is very chilly in our neck of the PNW, I used tepid water instead of cold. It turned out amazing! I’m replicating it again today…it goes fast!
You can only send your photo using this email link: MyJennyRecipe@gmail.com
I made my first loaf and loved it, but it’s small. What adjustments should one make (I.e. time cooked etc) to double the size?
Hi Jenny!
I searched many similar recipes and preferred yours. Just mixed and set for overnight. Why no sugar? Doesn’t yeast need sugar to ‘feed’ upon?
Can the recipe be reduced to fit a 3-quart baking container?
Ordered Bob’s 10-grain cereal (a few months ago) for your recipe. Started the dough last night and JUST baked this morning.
OKAY….THIS IS the BEST no-knead bread I have ever baked (am 65+ years old and have been baking bread for many years)! Have made Jim Lahey’s version of the no-knead method bread recipe that was found online a few years ago (from the New York Times website’s Mark Bittman). YOURS TASTES BETTER, especially with the enhancement of the 10-grain cereal!
I did add some poppyseed and sesame seed on top and along with the 10-grain cereal in the dough (about 2 TBSP into the dough).
It taked someone who is truly gifted (like you) to come up with and share these geniously created recipes in a simple fashion for all of us.
Thank you Jenny!
Me too! I add 2 TBSP vital gluten to try and get more rise- sometimes add nuts- I let cool then slice and then ziplock and freeze- so its ready to toast w avacado or an egg- good alternative to eating oatmeal to get some whole grain fiber into your day
You say to aerate your flour. What do you mean by this?
Please see the FAQs.
A good way to avoid wondering whether your flour is aerated enough is to use weights instead of cups – which are really meant for liquid measurements anyway. You can by a decent baking scale on Amazon for under $25 and it will make a huge difference. I translated this recipe to grams, but your scale should have a the option for ounces. My conversions, using the King Arthur web site (because that’s what kind of flour I use) are:
113g whole wheat flour
120g all purpose flour
45g rolled oats
I think it’s best to measure out the cereal mix, because they’re all different
Hope this helps!
Thank you, very helpful
I love you, please use grams for everything, it is so much easier!
Hi Jenny, would you tell me what’s your “room temperature” where you let it rise overnight? I have a bread proofer and like to rise in there since my house is always cold. Thanks!
Can this be baked in a loaf pan?
I made this bread and made it in a loaf pan because it was so small and also did not rise overnight. The yeast seemed like a very small amount and I put 1/2 tsp. instead of 1/4 tsp. called for.
Is this a very small loaf? Do other people get a rise?
I added sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, flax, and poppy seeds to up the fiber and flavor : )
Did the recipe exactly and it turned out perfect ,great tasting bread
Thank you for the recipe
I really want to try this but do I get the Bob’s Red Mill 10-Grain Cereal or the HOT 10-Grain Cereal?
This bread is delicious – I love the nutty grain flavor. I took a few tries to get a loaf I am happy with. I’ll preface my experience by saying I do not own a cast iron dutch oven so I used my 4.5 quart All Clad stockpot with heavy duty aluminum foil and the lid to seal. The first two times, I followed the recipe instructions exactly and ended up with more of a large English muffin – about 3 inches high all over and way too moist/wet – even with increasing the baking time the second try. The third time, I reduced the liquid by 3 Tbsps (I started with reducing by 4 but had to add 1). For the second one hour rest time, I put the dough in the parchment lined bowl in my oven’s warming drawer on the bread proof setting instead of the counter. I baked as directed and got a perfectly shaped rounded loaf! I did not get a super crusty outside but did achieve the “cracked crust” in the center; perhaps a longer second bake without the lid would help. The inside was moist but totally cooked through – I tested for the hollow tap on the bottom of the loaf. I always enjoy this bread toasted so I’m not sure I will bother to increase the bake time.
would you tell me what’s the temperature of the bread-proof setting that you set used? I don’t have an oven with bread-proof options, but I do have a bread proofer. and how many hours did you leave it to proof? Thanks!
Austin, set my proofer at 80, works perfectly, hope that helps
Just turn on your oven light and you have a great bread proofer, works great
I had the same problem with the dough being too wet. Loaf came out flat. Big disappointment. Jenny should update this recipe to reduce the water amount.
Same, tons of great reviews with no changes noted, but I have done this recipe twice to ensure I didn’t measure wrong the first time and dough is super wet once all mixed, not a dough like consistency…
less water or more flour needed originally? Or will the cereal and oats absorb water as it sits?
This created a tasty bread, but I didn’t get the rise from it that I get with similar Dutch oven bread recipes. I might try doubling the yeast amount and reducing the liquid to one cup because the dough still seemed too wet after the 12 hour rise.
These dutch oven breads are wonderful. I use 30% wheat flour and then blend bread flour with all-purpose flour. Bob’s Red Mill grain cereal adds a nice flavor. Sometimes I add honey and sunflower seeds to the dough before rising. After the initial 30 minutes of baking, I take off the lid, brush with butter, and top with flaky sea salt. Bake 10 more minutes. Family devours it. Incredible! Thanks Jenny!
Jenny, a question regarding salt and yeast. Is it not true that salt kills yeast and that you should first mix everything together EXCEPT the yeast and water? That you should mix the yeast and water in a separate container and when the yeast bubbles, then you add it to the dry ingredients?
Don’t worry, mixing the dry ingredients, including salt and yeast, then adding the water works. Never had this recipe or similar ones fail!
Do we have to use the 10 grain mix? I didn’t see until now that it actually contains sugar 🙁 and quite a bit of it
I have used any of the Bob’s Red Mill grain cereals in my breads. The 5-grain and 7-grain taste wonderful. I have ordered the grain cereal online, but they are cheapest at the grocery store if in stock. Enjoy!
I would like to know the answer as well. All we got was an advertisement.
I don’t see any added sugar in this mix, only 1 gram that occurs naturally.
Why cool water and not warm water yo activate yeast?
When the proofing is overnight, warm water is not necessary 🙂
❤ this recipe! Will this also work as smaller roles?
I am just wondering if you have the nutritional info for this loaf? I am curious about fibre and calories per slice.
I really enjoy your healthy recipes and watching your videos! The no-knead 10 grain bread sounds a lot like Poolish bread which is so healthy for you – it’s basically a faux sour dough bread. Delicious !
Hi! I cannot find the 10 grain cereals. Where did you find yours?
I got it on Amazon
I just wanted to add, I’m in Canada and also got mine on Amazon.
Hi Jenny,
Can this recipe be used with 8×4″ pan.
Has anyone tried baking the 10 grain bread in a loaf pan as Sean asked about? I just made this for the first time today. The dough was very wet and sticky. I added a little more flour as I was folding it. Still very sticky when I put it in the bowl with parchment paper. I followed Jenny’s recipe exactly. My bread was less than 2” high. I think one problem is I’m using a 6qt Dutch oven. Any suggestions?
BTW, the bread was delicious.
The dough will be sticky. Try adding a bit more yeast for better rise.
I followed the recipe exactly and though the dough is sticky, it bakes nicely. I use a 6qt cast iron Dutch oven. I’ve made it several times and never had to adjust the recipe.
I have just been venturing into this no-knead world and love it. My favorite bread is oatmeal molasses, but I am not yet familiar enough with the quirks of no-knead recipes to dare to try it without at least asking your advice about how to add some molasses in…I was thinking mixing it with the water?
Hi Jenny I love you recipes. Please tell me what size Dutch Oven do you use to make the bread? Is it a 6 QT. or smaller or bigger? Please email me with your answer.
Sincerely, Joselle
I use a 5 1/2 quart Dutch oven.
Hi Jenny,
I was wondering if i could use coconut flour to make the bread?
Thank you.
You will definitely not get the same result using coconut flour. If you did want to try you would serously have to increase the liquid but I would be extremely doutbtful if it would work. Coconut flour is very absorbing. It has entirely different properties to wheat flour. I dont believe there would be any substitution that would work. But you could experiment!
Jenny!! Making your 10 grain bread now, but don’t have rolled oats, just old fashion ones, I DID aerate my flour though. Do you think this sub is OK?? Also will probably use a bit more yeast just in case.
Jenny!! Making your 10 grain bread now, but don’t have rolled oats, just old fashion ones, also using Bob’s steel cut oats instead of 10 grain. I DID aerate my flour though. Do you think those subs are OK?? Also will probably use a bit more yeast just in case.
I love your 2-hour no-knead bread recipe! I’ve been telling all my friends about it!! Wanted to try something with more fibre (as your blog says!) but I only have steel-cut oats. Will that work too?
Yes, I have used steel cut oats.
It turned out well! Didn’t rise as much as I thought it would so I ended up making biscotti shaped slices ? Can I put this in a loaf pan instead?
Can I sub 1/3 cup of Bob’s Oat Bran for his 10 grain cereal?
Thank you, Jenny.
From my experience, oat bran creates dense baked goods so I’m not sure you would like the result, especially after such a long soaking.
Amazing fete with no kneading! The bread is some of the best in my 76 years! This recipe I doubled for a larger loaf; added 15″ to baking time, 15″ w/o paper and cover. I’m not wondering if I can cook, too! THANKS, JENNY!
Started this recipe yesterday…baked today. It was fabulous. So easy. Thank you so much. Glad it didn’t turn into a huge loaf. I will be able to start another loaf sooner then.
NEWS: I found that softening the grains with boiling water is not necessary. They soften naturally during the long overnight rest so I adjusted the recipe eliminating that step.
I made No-knead 10-grain bread and it didn’t rise … very disappointed. Followed the recipe exactly … any idea why it didn’t work?
Sevetal possibilities: Yeast was no good, room was too cold, sometimes it just doesn’t raise. Try using more yeast, maybe double, can’t hurt.
This and other breads made with whole grains never rise as much as the white versions. You could try reducing the oats and whole wheat flour and increasing the bread flour by about the same amount.
Hi Lorraine! Mine didn’t rise significantly either; not like the white flour version (as Jenny comments). But it was very moist and delicious. Maybe we should double, triple the yeast amount? Mine also did not develop cracks on top as in the photo (but the white version does). Let’s continue experimenting!
A smaller pot will cause the bread to rise up and give you a taller loaf ( instead of dough spreading out flat)- I use a big enough piece of parchment so sides of pot are covered. * I use whole wheat flour only – no white flour- and since it doesn’t rise as much as white I found this method results in a taller loaf not the usual flat loaf. Hope this works for you!
So you really only use whole wheat flour and no white flour at all? I assume you still use the oats and 10 grain bread mix? Thank
I think the recipes calls for 10 grain cereal, NOT 10 grain bread mix
I add 1 tablespoon wheat gluten per loaf when I bake bread with whole wheat or rye flour. It seems to help with the structure and makes it a little chewier.
This looks awesome as all your recipes do! I have one question about step 8. It says, “After 30 minutes, remove lid and parchment paper. Return, uncovered, to oven and bake for 10 more minutes.”
Do you lift the loaf out of the pan to get the parchment out, then return the loaf to the pan for the last 10 minutes?
Thank you
That’s how I do it. You can see that on the video attached to the Faster No Knead Bread.
…I have a questiion about the correct amount of flour, as I would like to measure both accurately…: would it be safe to use a baking scale and just go by ‘weight’ and not by ‘volume’? Thank you for your kind reply! 😀 Most appreciated…..Jude
How can I covert this recipe to gluten free?
I too would like an answer to the Glutten Free? Please help us
I tried making gluten-free no knead bread (see the FAQs) and it did not turn out without gluten. You can try a search to see if anyone has come up with a gluten-free version.
Try this. I haven’t made it, but looks easy.
I am new to your website and I saw this bread recipe – something I’ve been looking for, for several years. I mixed it up Tuesday evening and baked it yesterday morning. The loaf turned out wonderful!! Crispy on the outside moist inside with perfect texture. I am truly amazed! Thank you!
Can I bake this following the No Dutch Oven procedure?
Perfectly great bread. Thank you.
I have been using my old Romertopf clay pot for NK bread & it just works wonders. Also no need to preheat & much lighter, easier to get in and out of the oven. Glad I kept hold of it.
I think I just dated myself?!?
Can I bake this bread in in a pan instead of Duch oven and for how long and what temp?
Have you ever tried making a lower carb bread? I just found out I have diabetes 2 and will be missing crusty wonderful bread unless I can find a good recipe from someone experienced.
Thank you
Bonnie, if you want a “low carb” crusty bread you’ll have to slice a tiny slab from the crust (about 2×2 with just the crust because bread is loaded with CHO; sorry. The ADA directions say 1 slice per meal. Dave’s killer bread has a 60 calorie/slice.
Marilyn, RN
I do not have a Dutch oven, what to do? Can I still make it?
Please see the FAQs.
Sometimes I use a covered Corning ware dish when I have several loaves. Corning ware doesn’t retain quite as much heat as cast iron, so the crust may not be quite as crunchy.
Hi Jenny, referring to your 1/3 cup 10 grain cereal, dry & uncooked (I use Bob’s Red Mill) I need more help on the cereal. I found the Bob’s Red Mill, but there was such a choice. How do I know which one? Does it have to say 10 grain on it? Could you post a picture of the sack cereal? So excited to try this new recipe.
Thanks Jenny
Please use the link to my blog at the bottom of the recipe.
That answers it! Thank You.:)
It will say 10 grain Cereal. I saw it on Amazon. The little label in front is orange and brown. WHOLE GRAIN
Hope this helps! ?
When making bread, can I just mix anything as long as it’s three cups of base? Then Lemmon zest, spices etc!
Janet, you are the baker! Add what you want to, in the quantities you think best, (go by feel & looks as well)…take good notes and then just bake what you have, let cool, slice it, eat it, and then post YOUR results! Experiencing the unknown is how other come up with their recipes and great breads! You can do this without someone else telling you that it won’t work! I’m a 74 yr old Marine, who just started making bread and already changing & adding stuff to my liking and guess what?…every loaf has turned out good and was devoured at the table! You can do this!
again.I have tried some of your breads in the past with success.Thanks I never thought I could make bread lol.I am wondering have you tried the ancient grains or what I guess some would call the original grains like Eikorn wheat in any recipe?
I have recently started trying to get more fiber in my diet. This bread looks like a wonderful way to do jus that. Thanks Jenny
Oh this sounds delicious, I’d make it tonight but the store is closed and I’m o ut of wheat flour, the neighbors lights are all off so I can’t go borrow. Tomorrow I’ll try it and I know I’m gonna love it. Thank you so much
Jenny, I ❤️ Your videos. Please come back and make more. You’re so easy to follow and replicate. Your humor is too funny.
This sounds delicious, can not wait to give it a go.
Thank you for all your great recipes I’ve loved everyone of them you are the best Jenny.
I made this bread. I froze this bread. I eat this bread and feel good about it !
❤️ your recipes! Thank you!!