Jun 1, 2020

Photo of the Week

How To Make Pizza DoughWhen I saw this photo from Terri in Oklahoma City, I wanted to reach through my screen and take a bite. Terri said she loves black and green olive pizza but hardly any pizza franchise makes them so she decided to make her own using my 20-minute pizza dough. She didn’t have a pizza pan but says her non-stick 8 inch cake pan worked perfectly. And I learned something too, that a cake pan works for pizza. Thank you, Terri, for this delicious photo and for the cake pan tip.

Filed Under: General

2 Comments on "Photo of the Week"

  1. Dalila G.

    WTG Terri!
    ?Great looking olive pizza, one of my favorite ways to eat pizza. ?
    Pizza jokes….
    Q: Waiter, will my pizza be long?
    A: No sir, it’ll be round.

    Q: Where does pepperoni go on vacation?
    A: The Leaning Tower of Pizza!

    Q: What do you call a sleeping pizza?
    A: A piZZZZZZZa!

    Have a great day! ?

  2. jean grosklaus

    Hi Jenny, I didn’t see my problem under FAQs. I followed the recipe to the letter.
    Everything looked great but after 30 minutes my loaf was crusty but very white. Nice crust on the bottom! I left in with the lid off for the 15 extra minutes and it did turn brown. what did I do wrong? it tasted good, but chewy

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