May 4, 2020

Photo of the Week

Jenny Can Cook Chocolate CakeThis  picture brought me so much joy last week. Mike here is from Virginia and just baked his first cake ever at 86 years old. His daughter, Carol, sent in the photo saying, ““My dad, first cake he’s EVER EVER made! I baked your single layer chocolate cake last week, then sent your site link to my mom (sharon). they watched the cake video, then my mom walked my 86-year-old dad (mike) through baking this cake. she said it turned out great ? he mixed the cake, baked it, and frosted it all by himself… they cut half and froze the other. we’re from coastal virginia. ? thanks jenny!!!”

This photo is sure to motivate other people who think they can’t bake, How about some of you “youngsters” in your seventies?? You can do this! ?

Filed Under: General

3 Comments on "Photo of the Week"

  1. Melissa

    That is adorable! We could use happy stories like this,

  2. Cynthia H.

    I made this again last night! I is a real hit in this house!!

  3. PAMK

    I love to bake but baking for ONE these days is not much fun ( I usually share what I bake with fam and friends.) Just found your blog and this cake recipe. I literally went right to the kitchen and checked to see if I had all ingredients and I did….so easy to make and now this single layer cake is in my oven ( 23 minutes to go.) The 2 T of butter for the icing are on the counter softening. Perfect size for me at 70+ to eat and freeze the rest. YUM! Thanks and I will follow your blog!

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