Apr 24, 2013

Paula has granola ideas

Hi Jenny,
Have a question on the “Easy Granola” recipe – instead of adding 4 cups of rolled oats, have  you ever tried adding different cereals, for example: rye flakes, spelt flakes, oatbran flakes, buckwheat, barley, millet – maybe just mixing two different cereals at a time.  Would they be suitable for toasted Granola?  What about seeds – can these also be added, like in your Granola Bars – which really are great.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
P.S. you have a great website with lots of interesting info and ideas and I love your videos.

My response:

My answers are yes, yes, and yes. One of the best things about making granola is you never have to make the same recipe twice. My sister makes it all the time and she told me she changed it so many times, she actually forgot her original recipe. So try some new additions (make sure it’s “rolled” spelt or barley) and seeds are always a great addition. I sometimes add wheat germ to mine, too. Let us know how your creation turns out.

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