Feb 21, 2020

No Knead Whole Wheat Bread

No Knead Whole Wheat BreadIt seems like everyone in the world is making no knead bread and it’s no wonder. I make it all the time myself. I have my favorites like multi-grain and 10-grain but today I made a whole wheat loaf and it’s just so good and so easy. I often use the overnight method because it’s ready for baking first thing in the morning.

Whole wheat Dutch oven bread doesn’t bake as tall as the white version but it’s still delicious and hearty, like the farm breads I grew up on. If you haven’t tried it yet, I urge everyone to try some of my high fiber no knead breads, like this no knead whole wheat loaf. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

13 Comments on "No Knead Whole Wheat Bread"

  1. D Smith

    I plan to make this with Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free flour this weekend…..(must work around wheat allergies). So wish I could do gluten-wheat….but if this works I will be thanking God and you Jenny!

    • D Smith

      Just changed a few things to make this recipe work with Bob’sRed Mill Gluten Free Flour: Used 1teaspoon of yeast, and 1 tablespoon of Agave Syrup….first rest/rise was 6 hours instead of 3 hr, and baked it for 24 minutes, brush tops with olive oil and 1 more minute of baking. So pleased it turned out crusty with soft well textured interior. Thank you Jenny!

      • D Smith

        Oops! realized this was the crusty bread recipe, but my comments refer to Jenny’s crusty roll recipe…. sorry , but so good!


    I only have bread machine yeast,
    How can I find out how much to use to replace 1/4 tsp rapid rise yeast ?
    Please and Thank you
    Love the receipes and videos
    Keep them coming

  3. Mary Strong

    How to store no knead homemade bread?

  4. C.Hoffman

    I found your bread recipe today, by accident on YouTube 🙂 wasn’t looking for any recipe at all. I checked my pantry and had all that I needed, just didn’t have the non wax paper. Did not watch the video, as the recipe was so well explained. My bread turned out amazingly delicious and beautiful. I have a very picky-judgmental-great cook-foodie daughter, and she was impressed :-)!
    I used a Le cruisset , no paper, no fuss. Thank you so much for such a great gift during this Coronavirus time.

  5. Lesley Nanny

    Dear Jenny, This may be A challenge, maybe? However I am so impressed by your style and knowledge, I ask with trepidation….

    Do you bake any thing gluten free or Paleo ? My husband is gluten free because of his heart and blood pressure issues. I eat Paleo, minus walnuts, because of allergies and celiac type issues.
    Any help would be awesome and much appreciated ??.
    With admiration,
    From Lesley and her husband…

  6. Linda

    I made the Dutch Oven bread and an thrilled with the results. Used the overnight method, in fact it was a lot more than 24 hours before the bread got to the oven. The crust got a little too brown but that was because I am having temperature issues with my oven and I need to call the repair person.
    I loved the flavor of the bread and will be making it again and again. I do have a question. I found that the crust on the bread was very tough and I’m wondering why and if there is a way to change that with my next loaf. Any feedback would be appreciated.
    Thank you for the fabulous recipe and for your help.

  7. Valentine1932`

    Hi again Jenny, sorry but should have checked before I wrote and asked about the iron pot. Here is one of many, many comments on the web that I checked and all were about the same. I don’t know why these people put stupid instructions in with their stuff. I am using mine to 450 on my next bread for sure.

    (from the internet section for this question)

    I’ve used my cast iron under the broiler and in a 500 degree oven without any ill effects . Anything up to 700 is safe, and not sure anyone would want to use that temp:-)

  8. valentine1932

    I too am happy I found your website, I love your down to earth way of talking to the audience, without all the silly stuff in some of the others, and enjoyed making the iron pot bread. It was delicious!! And, I used one of my recipes for 3 seed bread w/2/3 whole wheat and it worked great. I’ll be looking forward to trying some new things. I have hundreds of recipes and am a New Orleans cook, but you never have enough when you love to cook. I cook for my daughter and myself, and especially do breads and things for 2 music groups that come to my home to play some renaissance music. I look forward of trying my iron pot on some of your recipes.

  9. Valentine1932

    I bought a new iron pot as I didn’t have one, foolishly sold my le Crueset in a garage sale years ago 🙂 Anyway, the new pot instructions says to not heat over 400º. I am 88 and always used iron skillets, pots, etc and we used them to cook steaks in at a high temperature, etc. I tried a loaf of bread with one of my recipes and it came out beautifully at 410º for 30 min., then 15 min uncovered.
    However, does your iron pot say not over 400? That seems incorrect to me or do you just ignore their instructions? I would really appreciate an answer if you have time.

  10. Zoss Vega

    Will you be publishing more videos on your Youtube channel soon?

  11. Brenda Hobbs

    Hello! I am just so happy to have found you! Loved your shows and your down to earth recipes! You are a wonderful cook! Always important to have a sense of humor too! Thank you so much for sharing your time, know-how and common sense. My regards.

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