Apr 22, 2015

No Knead Bread Solutions

No Knead Bread

Questions about your no knead bread or rolls? These notes should help…

My dough didn’t rise.

  • No knead dough doesn’t rise like standard yeast breads, it only puffs up and gets bubbly. It will be a little bigger after the resting time but don’t look for a much larger volume.
  • Your yeast may not be fresh and should not be used past the expiration date. Even with a good expiration date, yeast has a short shelf life once a package is opened. Even with the small packets, once it’s opened, yeast should be tightly sealed and kept in the freezer, not refrigerated.
  • Your water may have been the wrong temperature. For the faster method, hot tap water is usually around 125 to 130°F. Anything hotter than that is too hot. And boiling water is definitely out. For the overnight method, cold to room temperature water works.
  • You changed the recipe. It’s best to follow the recipe exactly for the first time. That way you know it works. Don’t change the recipe the first time, paying attention to every detail. You can get creative later on.

My dough was too dry.

  •  You did not aerate your flour before measuring. Flour always settles in the bag or container and must be aerated before measuring; otherwise, you will be using too much flour. To aerate flour, using a large spoon or spatula, stir the flour around to incorporate some air. To see a short video on how to aerate flour, click here.
  • You measured the flour incorrectly. To measure flour, use a flat-topped measuring cup, gently spoon the aerated flour into the cup until it’s mounded above the rim and level off the excess with the back of a knife. Do not tap the cup or the container of flour.
  • You changed the recipe or used whole wheat flour.

My dough was too runny.

  • You used too much liquid or not enough flour. Use a cup specific for measuring liquids, have it on a flat surface and view it at eye level to make sure your liquid is at the correct line.
  • You sifted the flour before measuring, which would cause you to use less flour than required. Never sift flour before measuring unless specified in the recipe. You should only aerate your flour before measuring. (see my Flour Basics on how to aerate flour)
  • You changed the recipe.

My bread wasn’t cooked inside.

  • Your oven (and pot) were not preheated long enough. Use an oven thermometer to make sure your oven has reached 450°F. It can take over half an hour.
  • You sliced it too soon. After bread is removed from the oven, it will continue to cook inside. It’s best to let it cool completely before slicing (I know it’s hard to wait!)

My bottom crust was too hard.

  • Your pot was too close to the heat. Try raising the oven rack so the bottom is not as close to the heat.
  • Your oven may be hotter than you think. Use an oven thermometer to assure your oven is the proper temperature.
  • Try placing a baking pan on the rack below the bread to block some of the heat.
  • Try a slightly lower temperature by preheating to 450°F but lowering the temperature to 425°F to bake.
  • If using a black cast iron pot, try another one that is not black.
  • Do not bake any longer than indicated.

I don’t have a Dutch oven.

I have only made this bread in an enameled cast iron Dutch oven (Le Creuset) but other people have commented that they had success using:

  • a glass pyrex dish with a lid
  • a stainless steel pot with a lid
  • a stainless steel pot with foil on top and the original pot lid over the the foil
  • a clay baker
  • a springform pan with an aluminum foil top
  • a pizza stone with a stainless steel bowl as a cover
  • several people posted here that they used a black cast iron pot with a lid
  • a roasting pan with a tightly sealed foil heavy duty top
  • a heavy soup pot with a lid
  • a corning dish with a glass lid
  • a Romertopf clay pot
  • a crock pot bowl with a lid
  • two nonstick bread pans, no parchment paper – put the dough in one of the bread pans, flip the other pan upside down over the first pan and put binder clips on the two ends to hold the pans together.
  • an oven-safe stoneware insert (removed from a slow cooker) with a cookie sheet over it as a lid.
  • a cast iron skillet and foil as a lid
  • 2 1/2 quart corning ware casserole.

Keep in mind that any lid must be tight fitting because you need to create steam inside the pot and the lid should have an oven-proof handle (not plastic). Your pot will need to hold at least 3 quarts but 5 to 6 quarts is most common. Or… You can make my No Knead Ciabatta Bread or No Dutch Oven Bread – they both bake on a pan, no Dutch oven needed. Click here for the recipes.

My parchment paper stuck.

  • If your parchment paper stuck it’s from using an inferior brand. Reynolds brand will never stick. If you can not get Reynolds brand you need something to lift the dough and place it in the Dutch oven. You can try using a well floured kitchen towel to transfer the dough, letting the dough roll off the towel into the hot pot. Do not leave the towel in the pot, only use it as a means of lifting the dough. Do NOT use wax paper in a hot oven. It will melt onto the bread and it will be ruined. I don’t use a towel because my dough always sticks to the towel. Parchment paper makes the job super easy but inferior papers can stick. I always use Reynolds brand – it never sticks.

I don’t have parchment paper.

  • You can make no knead bread without parchment paper. Parchment is the easiest way to lift the dough and place it into the hot pot.
  • Another way is to place the dough directly into the (ungreased) hot pot. You have to be careful because the pot is very hot.
  • Some recipes use a floured towel to rest the dough and you would use the towel to transfer the dough into the pot, letting it roll off the towel in to the hot pot. For me, the dough usually stuck to the towel, even though it’s floured, so I switched to parchment paper.

Can I add extras to the dough and when should I add them?

  • You can add extras to your dough at the very beginning when you first mix it up.
  • I have added nuts, raisins, sugar, caraway seeds, 10-grain cereal, oats, and olives. You can see all my variations in the Breads category.
  • Other commenters say they have added: cheese, rosemary, Italian herbs, crushed garlic, garlic powder, blueberries, cranberries, honey, cinnamon, molasses, jalapeno peppers, olive oil, sun dried tomatoes, maple sugar, and “Everything But The Bagel.”

Can I double the recipe?

A helpful woman named Marion says yes. “I doubled everything, flour, yeast, salt and water. Used 5 quart Dutch oven. It was a little tricky getting the folded dough into the paper basket but otherwise smooth sailing! I’ve seen this question up here many times and no one has answered it, so that made me think it might be a no-go but actually it’s great.” (Thank you, Marion)

I live at a high altitude. Any changes needed?

Several people have commented that they live at high altitudes (from 4,500 to 8,400 feet) and made no changes to the recipe, and their bread turned out very well.

How do I aerate flour?

  • Flour must be aerated before measuring because it often settles in the bag or container making it heavy  and compact, resulting in too much flour being measured. Aerating basically means fluffing it up and is not the same as sifting. Flour should not be sifted before measuring unless the recipe states to do so.  Sifting will result in too little flour being measured.If you dip into flour without aerating, you will be getting too much flour and your dough will be too dry. To aerate flour you simply stir it around with a spoon before measuring. To see a short video on how to aerate flour, click here.
  • After aerating, be sure to use a flat-topped dry measuring cup. There are two ways to measure the flour: 1) Scoop & Level – Gently scoop the flour up with a spoon and sprinkle it into your measuring cup until it’s mounded above the rim. Do not tap the cup or the container of flour. Finally, level off the excess flour with the back of a knife. 2) Dip & Level – Gently dip your measuring cup into the flour until it’s mounded above the rim and level off the excess flour with the back of a knife. Sources vary but in my kitchen, a cup of flour weighs between 4 1/2 and 5 ounces.

Can I make it with Gluten-Free flour?

  • Well…. you can make it with gluten free flour but you may not like it. I tried it and the loaf was smaller and more dense and chewy, without the traditional big holes and it didn’t taste anything like the original recipe. I tried it once but nobody wanted to eat it.

Can I make it with Sourdough Starter?

  • I’m sorry I have no experience with sourdough starter but there are many comments from those who have used it.

Don’t  you need sugar to feed the yeast?

  • No. You do not need sugar to activate the yeast. This is a half-true old wives tale left over from when yeast wasn’t preserved as well as it is today.

Doesn’t hot water kill the yeast?

  • No. Hot water does not kill yeast but boiling water will. Today’s yeast is more sturdy and accommodating than years ago and can tolerate water or liquid up to 130°F. The killing point for yeast is 140°F.

What size Dutch oven do I need?

  • The ideal size of Dutch oven for no knead bread is 5 or 5 1/2 quart. I make mine in a 5 1/2 quart enameled Dutch oven but I have also made it in a Dutch oven that measures 3 1/2 quarts.

A Final Note: If you have followed my recipe exactly with no changes at all and it doesn’t look right before baking, don’t make adjustments to try to “fix” it. Trust the recipe, don’t change anything and continue as directed. You may be surprised that it turns out after all.

1,030 Comments on "No Knead Bread Solutions"

  1. Bobby J

    I like to make the loaf a bit larger but not double. I was thinking;

    4 cups flour
    2 cups hot water
    1 1/4 tsp of salt
    1/8 heaping tsp of yeast

    What do you think?

  2. Donna

    I’ve made this bread twice, followed directions, but my bread was flat and dense. I only have 4 and 6 qt pots. I believe I made both in the 6qt pot. Do you think that may be the issue? I’ll try the 4 qt pot next.

  3. sebi & leigh

    I love this recipe. followed exactly. i live at 7500ft. outside crust is perfect. inside is always just a bit too “dense”. suggestions?! ty so much.

  4. Kym E

    You are so adamant about following the recipe…so I did. BUT I didn’t know about aerating so my dough isn’t rising 🙁 Dang.

  5. DonnaMercer

    Baking the crustyrolls
    Can the 3 hr sitting time be altered, or the 35 minute sit time?
    Dont want to stay in all day……

  6. Susan

    After preparation my dough is not sticky like uours should i add more water

  7. Kathy

    I don’t have rapid rise yeast. I have Red Star Active Dry. What difference will that make? I assume longer rise time. Do you have recommendations for using this yeast?
    I have made and love your recipe with rapid rise but have the slow rise available.

  8. Kathy Hunter

    By crinkling your parchment in a ball and then flattening it out, it’s much easier to use in the Dutch oven

  9. Geno

    How do I make more than one loaf at a time?

  10. Coni Osborn

    I live at 7800 feet and need this recipe changed to high altitude. How do I alter it?

  11. Cindi

    Hi. I followed the recipe exactly as noted, bread came out looking beautiful but was hard as a rock when knocking on it!! What do you think happened?
    Want to try it again but any thought would be appreciated.

    • Molly Mitten

      Cindi, hopefully it still tasted terrific, it should have! I have a lousy oven that does not heat evenly & have had loaves that are pretty hard when they come out, especially on the bottom.
      An easy fix is to BRUSH MELTED OR SOFTENED BUTTER all over the loaf as soon as soon take it out, or while it is still hot. It softens the crust and keeps it soft. I often only butter the bottom which can be rock hard, but leave the top as “crunchy” as my family loves a very crusty bread. Hope this helps : )

  12. Vivien

    HI! I love this recipe and have made it many times! But I’m no expert bread baker and I always wonder when I get slightly different results, what caused those changes. Last time I made this bread, the “crumb” came out quite a bit heavier and denser than usual. Does that mean that I should have left it to rise longer? Or would that be due to something else? The only major difference from when I made it this time compared to other times in the past was that I used all purpose flour instead of bread flour. Any insight from anyone with more experience would be so appreciated! thank you 🙂

    • Geno

      Add 1 1/2 tsps gluten per cup of flour to convert all purpose flour to bread flour.

  13. kimberly

    I did everything you said and even looked over the solution page. My dough seems so dry compared to yours when you mix it to set aside.

  14. Rachel

    Hi there! I’m on a weight loss journey and I was wondering if you by chance had the nutrition facts/calorie count/serving size in grams for this fresh bread? 😊

  15. Diane

    I buy my yeast in a small glass container (Fleischmann’s traditional active dry yeast) and keep it in the refrigerator. Would it be better to keep it in the freezer?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Yes, once opened, it’s better to keep yeast in the freezer.

  16. Bak Choi

    While crusty, sometimes my bread is a bit flat and does not crack open on top so it’s not that pretty. Usually it’s a bit shiny even though still tasty. Any ideas?

  17. Amy

    I saw this recipe on your Youtube Channel. I copied it exactly. I believe you said… 1/4 tsp of yeast ( not 2 teaspoons as per this website). The bread came out delicious and perfect with that recipe. I am afraid to switch it.

    Which amount of yeast is correct? Thank you.


    • Jenny Can Cook

      You are looking at two different recipes. (“Faster” and “2-Hour Fastest”) – both are correct.

  18. Ed and JENNNNAYYY

    So. Jenny found the lovely Jenny can cook recipe. We have hardly bought bread fit seven years now. Most times we do we are disappointed. Except fir our local Georgetown bagels in St. John’s Nl Canada’.
    Yes. You can leave it rise overnight.
    Yes you can leave it fir the second . Rise for 1,2,4,8 hours. Get it ?
    Yes you can double the recipe but in our case we found we had to prolong the first and second bake time to 40/15-20 minutes

    You can do anything !!

    Such a forgiving snd easy method. Thank you Jenny

  19. Levent

    I have a very easy way for all complaining about their dough is not rising.

    Use the faster recipe with 2 table spoon of active dry yeast and put all your ingredients in a gallon size ziploc bag mix it up very easily. No kneading too much.

    Then put the bag in a big bowl of warm water and cover with a kitchen towel. Leave it for and hour or two and change the water in the middle to keep it warm.

    It comes out so nice and bubbly. Follow the recipe to bake. I also used white whole wheat and whole wheat flours. My bread came out a little denser then white flour but it was still amazing with nice bubble holes.

    Have a nice baking.


  20. Janet

    Your “solutions” are great – thank you! One question I didn’t see addressed: I live alone and want to make half a loaf at a time rather than a full one. How long should it cook? Any other suggestions?

    My plan I to make a full recipe but cook half at a time, leaving the other half in the fridge or freeze it for later.

    • Ed Lewis

      You could try this – it works fine for me… make the whole thing. After an hour or two after thoroughly cooled, cut loaf into slices and freeze, do NOT refrigerate. I take out a slice or two at a time, score and snap in half for the toaster. It will keep like new for several weeks.

    • Colleen

      I used white lilly flour which is a soft flour but it was to liquided so I added more can you tell me how much flour I should use if using this flour also yeast thanks

      • Jenny Can Cook

        White Lily flour is low in gluten and protein and not suitable for yeast breads. Bread flour or all purpose flour would be better to use.

    • Daniela

      I am curious about this too. We have a tiny oven and small Le Creusets.

      What would be the appropriate baking time when only making 1/2 of the dough at a time?

      Thank you in advance.

  21. Gisela

    I made this lots of times, but I have to share what I made today
    My son got me an instand sourdough package to make a bread. You use the package as you use normal yeast, and it it came out fantastic.
    Love your recipes so much, thank you for sharing

  22. Candice

    My dough didn’t have the bubbles after 5 hrs. Does anyone have any suggestions or is it OK to move on or should I start over?

  23. Lisa

    I’ve made artisan bread many times with several different recipes. When I saw the size that went into the pot, I wasn’t impressed. Once it cooked and cooled, we sliced the bread and were pleasantly surprised. It was great!!! A keeper for me. It was so good that I gave a copy of the recipe to my neighbor who isn’t a cook, but is willing to try this.

  24. C Hush

    I’ve made this delicious bread several times, using all purpose flour and bread flour. Super easy and everyone LOVES it!! My loaf never gets the beautiful split on top like yours. I’ve tried splitting it with a razor after lowering into Dutch oven, but it still came out relatively smooth, no dramatic split. Is there a trick to get that embellishment? Thank you!

  25. Anna

    Is this considered a sour dough bread?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      No. It looks like sourdough but sourdough bread can only be made using sourdough starter.

  26. Cyn

    I cannot tell you how many times I have made this bread. It is AMAZING!! Perfect every single time. Thank you for your witty videos and making me a bread expert!

  27. Ashley Hutchison

    Followed the recipe to the letter but the dough was so sticky. What’s wrong.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Please see the FAQs.

      • diane

        Do i need any adjustments for high altitude. Approximately 7500 feet.
        thank you.

    • Ashley Hutchison

      After using the scraper the dough did not form a ball. I did it anyway and am waiting for results. Any suggestions.

  28. Jackcycles

    WHY WHY WHY? It is so more precise to weigh your flour, preferably in grams! I have found that using different techniques for measuring flour gives me from 4.0 oz/cup to 5.3 oz per cup. Please use YOUR technique 3-5 times and give us the WEIGHT you got for your average cup. I presume you are using all purpose flour.

    In the days before I spent $10 on a digital scale, I found that 4.8 oz worked with most recipes.

    • Molly Mitten

      All my bread baking friends use a scale for measuring their flour and swear by their accuracy. I have so far done 3 experiments, borrowing 3 different scales from friends, and making 2 loaves of THIS recipe each time, one where I weighed and 1 where I measured. Each time the weighed and (somewhat haphazardly in one case) measured loaves were indistinguishable- in rise, in texture, in volume, & taste. Using a scale seems great, but living in the tiniest cabin, I have to simplify the gadgets I have on hand & need to find places to store : )

  29. Irene

    I’m very anxious to make your no knead bread. The only Reynolds parchment paper I can find is good up to 425 degrees. What do you suggest? Thanks so much!!!

    • Jenny Can Cook

      That’s the one I use at 450 with no problem. The edges sometimes burn a little.

      • Irene

        Thanks so much for answering my question! I’ll be making it in the next few days. Can’t wait!

    • Irene

      Great! Will be making it soon. Thanks again!

  30. Barbars

    When I measured the salt, I thought I had a tablespoon, but it was a teaspoon.
    Would that make the dough not set up?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      The recipe does call for 1 teaspoon of salt but some people use more than that. It should not interfere with the recipe as long as the salt is mixed well into the flour & yeast before adding water.

  31. Irene


    • Stacey

      I love this idea! What would the substitution be? I’ve never used spelt for bread before. Thank you!

  32. Suzi

    I no longer buy bread – I bake this every weekend and my husband loves it. It’s also the only bread that doesn’t give me an upset stomach. I thought Jenny looked familiar…then I realized it’s Jenny Jones! I loved her talk show and think she is still hilarious!

    • KristineT8

      Hi Suzi, is that you? If so it’s so weird I found you here in these comments, while I’m looking for a good bread recipe! If it’s not the Suzi I know from Bonnie, then oops my bad 🙂 lol

    • Cathi


  33. Barbara

    I don’t have a Dutch oven,can I use a baking stone?

    • Craig

      No. The purpose of the dutch oven is to trap and concentrate the moisture to create a better crust and texture, which would otherwise be lost if you simply baked it in your oven. The stone might actually pull more moisture out, where you actually want that moisture.

  34. Cyn

    I have been making Jenny’s breads for years, I just stumbled upon this recipe and decided to give it a try. I think I’ve baked about 15 loaves in the last couple of months. It is my go to bread and I bring a loaf to dinner with friends along with some homemade tarragon butter and everyone says I should sell it. Always amazing and comes out perfect every single time! Thank you!

  35. David

    Are you sure your to use 1/4 of teaspoon of active dry yeast?
    It didn’t rise.
    I’ve all ways made this recipe with one packet of yeast. Really all your recipes never rize. Loafs of bread do ok but not up and over rim of pan.

    • Kat Mize

      I’m not a bread guru, but I remember from a baking class how to test yeast for viability before using it in bread. Pour pkg of yeast or tsp of yeast into 1/3 to 1/2 cup of warm water which you previously dissolved tsp of sugar in.
      If active, the mixture will start making bubbles after 15-30 minutes. REMEMBER- water shouldn’t be over 130 degrees or your yeast will quickly die which won’t make bubbles showing activity of yeast.

  36. Aleksandra

    May I use fresh yeast and if so, how much?

  37. Roxanne

    Making this right now and praying it turns out well. Never made bread before. 🙏

  38. Brian

    I love you Jenny. I remember your show being on after Richard Bey on channel 9… and your show was not like the other shows. Maury, Springer…etc… Cesspool shows. It was better.

    I just want to say you are a beautiful woman… human being…

    And you can drum too?? holy shit. Relax I am 48 yrs. old… You’re too young for me.. 😉 I like older women. Kidding..

    You are a beautiful soul. It’s great to see you doing well.

    One thing.. stay away from microwaves.. not healthy… banned by Soviet Union in 1976.

    Hoping you thrive and stay alive,
    Brian from NJ.

  39. Mauro


    Without seeming braggadocios, I am a pretty good cook, but I had a great advantage, I learned from my mother who was a FABULOUS cook…..in an extended Italian immigrant family where all the women (and men) cook….they all bowed down to my mom as…”da besta.”

    Anyway, I was making some fresh ricotta today and I always feel guilty when I throw out all the leftover whey from the ricotta pasta…..so I thought, “what the heck……I used it as the liquid for your bread recipe!!

    It was great.

    Wish I could send you a photo



  40. Jan

    I tried it with whole wheat ( whole grain) flour as my white flour version was so wonderful. I needed to add more water to get the dough to come together. After baking and cooling to slice, the dough was very wet, unbaked inside. Crust was perfect and bottom very dark ( so felt I couldn’t have baked longer.) Is this recipe only suitable for white flour?

    • Barbara

      Did you cut into your loaf before it was completely cooled? It keeps cooking while cooling.

  41. Ronnie

    After I mix all the ingredients together, can I proof the mixter in my oven? I have a setting for proof. If yes, how long should I leave it so it does not over proof?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      No knead breads do not call for warm proofing, only room temperature.

  42. susan

    Hi My oven won’t reach 450 – it will go to 425 so when I cook it should I cook it longer and do you know how much longer?

    • T

      I cook mine at 425 because my oven sets off my smoke alarm at 450. Cook at 425 for 40 minutes with lid on and an additional 15 minutes with lid off. Bread is perfect every time

  43. DebS

    My dough was like soup after 3 hours. Before letting it sit it was fine . Thick and sticky

  44. Marilyn

    I made this today after trying another similar recipe with slightly different proportions of ingredients. The recipe I tried yesterday was a mess – too much water was used – and I had to throw it out. But I know I can trust Jenny’s tried and true recipes so I gave it another go. I was a little worried that it looked too “small” going into the pot and might make a dense, inedible loaf, but it came out perfectly! I never need to buy bread again – seriously. So good with lots of butter. I wonder if I can shape it into a French loaf style…

  45. Debbie O.

    My bread turned out great. I got a thrift store Le Creuset dutch oven. The inside was stained. Got it for 5 bucks. I replaced the plastic handle with a metal drawer pull (and washers to get it to fit right). Since I made the bread, I thought I’d try harder to remove the stains in the pan. I tried all the ideas on youtube but none worked very well. Helped a little. Then I remembered that swimming pool shock will remove organic stains. So I threw some pool shock into the pot and filled it to overflowing and put the lid on it. The stains are coming off! I go in there every so often and add some water in to overflow the scum that’s forming on top by loosening off the pot. I might not want to use it for bread if it looks like new again. House smells like a pool, but I’ll probably leave it another hour or so before dumping it out. I have ceramic elements in the pool. Shock keeps them looking bright and beautiful.

  46. Deborah

    Is it possible to let the bread wait more than 30 minutes before baking??

  47. Ann

    When you talk about using an oven thermometer to make sure your oven actually heats to 450, it reminds of the experience I had with my first oven. For years and years, I thought that my oven ‘just ran cold’ so I would adjust the temp up 15 degrees for whatever I was baking. Then one day we had a handyman over to work on our dishwasher and, in talking to him, we mentioned our cold oven. He said, “Oh, I can fix that,” and he did! I didn’t know, and I’m sure many other people don’t realize that ovens can be calibrated to the correct temperature. In fact, it probably tells you how in the oven’s user’s manual. If you don’t have the paper manual, almost everything can be found online these days. It’s quick and easy to do. Hope this helps someone who might be having the same problem I had!

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Thank you for this great post. Add me to the list of people who did not know you can calibrate an oven yourself. This is sure to help a lot of other home cooks.

    • Marilyn

      Thanks! Actually I will try to look it up because my oven drives me nuts with its unpredictability. That’s what you get when your husband buys you a “new” one on Kijiji for $100 bucks…

  48. nicole

    How long should bread cool before storing?

    Can the first rise be done overnight?

    Thanks 🙂

    • Dani M

      No, I would not prove overnight. It would prove way too much and wouldn’t bake right.

  49. Joan

    I have been making bread for ever ( I am in my 90’s) and this recipe was my first flop. Followed your recipe to a tee and made a very dense flavorless hunk of dough, to say I was shocked is putting it mildly. Guess I’ll go back to kneading. PS the bread did make nice crutons.

    • Marilyn

      You’re a treasure! I say if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! Plus you get a great arm workout by kneading and that’s what’s keeping you fit and active. My beloved grandma Eleanor lives til 94 and she was bemused when I told her she was inadvertently doing a yoga pose called the downward dog as she could bend down and touch the floor then walk out her hands to a bridge. All because she kept swimming lengths at her local YMCA as long as she could.
      Love and hugs from Canada!

  50. Christina

    So I made the dough & it’s covered in plastic rising on the counter top but realized I won’t have time to bake it tonight. Can I put it in the fridge after the 3hrs & bake in the morning?

    • susan

      I had to go out after the dough had risen the first time, so I folded it for a bit and then put it in a bowl in the fridge covered with plastic wrap. It continued to rise, but slowly. As soon as I got home I folded it again and let it rest while I heated the oven. It turned out great.

    • Kathy

      I just made the Crusty Rolls and left the dough, in a bowl covered with plastic wrap, on the counter overnight, then formed the rolls and baked this morning. No problem!

  51. Audrey

    Is it ok to let the dough rise for more than 1 hour? Like 2 hours?

  52. Paul, Montreal

    I’ve made several loaves during the last couple of years and I love it. So easy and tasty. However I always find the crust too hard. Any solutions? I would appreciate any suggestions.

    • Marilyn

      Jenny did mention above to try a lower temperature like 425, and what about baking it for less time? Also you could try leaving the lid on the whole baking time to keep the steam inside.

    • Lorraine

      Love the Bread !!!! So easy to make. Its a little to crispy for us. What can I do ??

  53. J

    Hello, this recipe looks amazing. I was wondering about the oven temperature. I have a Le Creuset dutch oven that is recommended for maximum 375 degrees F. Can this recipe be modified so that I can bake it at 350 or 375 degrees? Thank you from a beginner baker!

    • erika

      It’s likely the knob/handle on the lid – not the Dutch oven itself. You can swap the knob for something that will withstand the higher temps needed for baking the bread – le creuset sells a metal knob, or there are other substitutes for less $

    • Mary

      Amazon has metal lids at a reasonable price

  54. Judi

    Expecting a crown for Easter. I would like to double the recipe – after researching this site, I found that people have doubled the recipe successfully. However, they did not say how longed they baked it – Is it the same – 30 min. then 15 uncovered, or do I cook it longer? Also should I rise it an hour longer? Thanks if anyone can answer.

    • TEE TEE

      You can double it. You will get two loaves of bread. The cooking time is the same if you cook them together or one at a time. If you want a softer crust cook it with lid on the whole time at 425 degrees. Remember to first preheat oven 450 degrees then lower the oven temperture to 425 degrees once it has reached 450 degrees. The lid locks in the moisture in and it makes the crust a little soft. Try it out and see for yourself what works best for you.

    • TEE TEE

      As far as raising it for an hour longer you can try it and tell me how it worked for you. When I doubled mine I came out with two good loaves of bread by following the recipe to a tea.

  55. Judy

    Can this bread be baked in an air fryer?

    • Dani McMillen

      You should try it and report back! I’ve made bagels in the air fryer with good results.

  56. Tracye

    I am at high altitude do I need to make any adjustments to the recipe??

    Thanks, attempting my first time and the dough doesn’t look quite right as it was in your video

    • OneFunMom

      She answered that – hence “PLEASE SEE MY FAQs IF YOU HAVE “QUESTIONS!

    • LG

      I’m at 5,300 feet and made no changes. Came out perfectly!

  57. CL

    can I use rice flour?

  58. Sara

    I’m here at the market and remembered your yummy looking bread and decided to try it. Oh No, I’ll have to wait and watch the entire video again to get ingredients and instructions. I tried finding a link where it would be written but either my eyes can’t see or there is nothing to see. If it isn’t written anywhere I hope you’ll consider doing so for folks like me. You see, I’m alone with poor health and disabilities which makes most all I do without planning but done on the sudden moments my body allows me such freedom. I am so hoping to try the recipe; you had me at CRUNCH😍YUM😋 It will be my first when I do!

  59. Noni

    I have a question, please. Does the 2 hour bread bake up to be the same size as the No Knead Bread? Do you taste any difference?

    • Marianne

      I think this recipe is great for baguettes I’ve a 2 loaf baguette pan & put a pan of hot water on floor of oven for steam changing cooking time

      • Leslie

        An easier and safer alternative to a pan of hot water in the bottom of the oven is to throw 2cups of ice cubes in the floor of the oven. No trying to lift out a pan of hot water. They all evaporate by the time the bread is done.

  60. Annmarie Bingham

    My bread seems crumbly what am I doing wrong?

  61. Marie

    My no knead bread looked great but when I cut into it the inside was very dense not airy with pockets of holes. Also, I didn’t feel my dough was sticky enough as soon in your video. What do you think I did wrong. Could a drier dough lead to densness or has that got nothing to do with that problem. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

  62. Lisa T

    Delicious bread! Only problem I have, is, the texture. I followed everything to a T, but the ‘inside’ was ‘very moist’. As I sliced, after 30 min of cooling it, the shape got flatter and got disfigured. I am hoping it won’t happen next time. What can I do to improve this problem.

    • JML

      I make Jenny’s bread all the time. I follow the recipe exactly as instructed but I do add a cup of cranberries and 3/ 4 of a cup of finely chopped walnuts. But I find 30 minutes too short of a time to slice. One hour I think is the magic number. My bread thanks to Jenny is always perfection.

      • Sherri

        I’ve actually needed it right away and have cut it right out of the oven (so hot I needed a mit to hold it) and it was the same inside as it is if I let it sit. I’d refer to the FAQ’s! Maybe your oven isn’t getting hot enough? Are you putting it back in to brown?

  63. Debbie

    I love this bread! How many calories in a slice?

  64. Peaches

    I just made this and it looks lovely. I haven’t cut it yet. It came out a bit small. I think next time I’ll increase everything by 50 percent. Thank you for your expertise. Happy New Year 🎉

  65. Peggi

    Please speak about cooking with a convection oven. It is never mentioned anywhere; not in cooking shows not in recipe books.
    Should I use convection or the conventional setting?

    • Bst

      Since the bread is in a covered pot, there is no advantage to setting your oven to “convection”.

  66. TJ

    I have 16 loaves of bread I need to make and wonder if there is a time limit for how long it’s ok to proof the dough for?

    • Angela

      I’ve made double recipe, baked 1/2 and kept the other 1/2 refrigerated for 3 days before. My refrigerator is set at 36°F. I oiled the gallon sized ziplock bag first and removed extra air from the bag before sealing it, The flavor was great and the artisan holes in the crumb were bigger, like a traditional biga starter for ciabatta, but easier. You should leave extra final rise time out of the refrigerator before baking. Also, be cautious of over-proofing and don’t slash it, or it can collapse in the oven. I tried one at 5 days, but it would only make excellent flat bread or pizza. Failing all else, I could have used it like a sourdough starter.

      • Daniela

        Angela, I am curious as to the baking time you used when only making 1/2 of the dough at a time. I would love to try this and have fresh bread a couple of days in a row! Thank you in advance.

  67. TJ

    I absolutely love this recipe!!! I have 16 loaves of bread I need to make and wonder if there is a time limit for how long it’s ok to proof the dough for?

  68. LzaMnzo

    Are the last 10 minutes of baking (uncovered) just for the purpose of the crustier crust? If I like the soft crust after the original 30 mins (covered), does it still need to bake an additional 10 minutes, or can I call it done?

    • TJ Crawford

      I have done both. You really dont need the extra time if you dont want the browner more crispy outside

  69. Jay

    In the video for no knead bread, you say that it’s ok to use whole wheat flour. After mixing all the ingredients together, the dough looks dry. In the past, when I followed the recipe using all-purpose flour, the dough was very moist, just like in your video and the bread always tasted great. I noticed that one of your explanations for too dry dough, was the use of whole wheat flour. I am not sure if I should add more water to moisten it up.

  70. jane

    hi, forgot, and it was mentioned? how long keep empty pot in oven.

    • Joe Williams

      35 minutes while your oven heats to 450 degrees

  71. Amy

    I’ve been enjoying making this bread this past week. Today’s turned out even better imo… cuz I was in a hurry and forgot to take the lid off for the last 15 minutes. I kind of like it softer and easier to cut 🙂 I also put a heaping tsp of honey in the hot water before mixing and I like the idea of having it in there too.

  72. Laurel E Zollars

    I use your no knead bread recipe half whole wheat and half bread flour and add dried fruit, nuts, and seeds and I love it and do not tire of it.

    Although I do not have celiac disease einkorn flour allows better absorption bythe gut without allergies or developing diabetes. It doesn’t have the 7 gm protein of whole wheat but I am interested in better bowel absorption of food without the inflammation of modern wheat. Have you tried a no knead Einkorn all purpose flour since there is no benefit protein wise with whole grain einkorn. Specifially with nuts, seeds, ang fruits?

  73. Grandma

    Love your channel!! Just wanted to know if I could cook think a stove top or camp stove in case of power outage. Thank you!!

    • Grandma

      I’m sorry….darn “auto correct”!

      I wanted to ask if this bread could be baked in a dutch oven on top of a camp stove in case I lose electricity. Thank you.

      • Joe Williams

        I didn’t try making this bread over a fire, but I did a corn bread mix!
        Tricky, but if you have a concave lid, it’s best then you can put hot coals on top and under to keep a more even heat. I’m always cooking over a wood fire and experimenting things all the time.

    • Annie

      YES! I used this specific recipe and did mine in a campfire. This recipe is AWESOME! Mine turned out great. I suggest you use parchment paper like Jenny. It does two things: prevent sticking and it makes it easy to lift out of the HOT dutch oven when done. Be sure to use a steamer or canning rack on the bottom of your dutch oven to prevent burning the bottom of your bread. I use a steamer that I unscrewed the center lift handle off, and once I used a bunch of metal knives (a layer of flatish rocks would do btw) because I forgot the rack(both worked). Also, place your dutch oven on a few rocks above the coals, it helps with more even heat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm5E5_KALb4

  74. Breaking Away

    Jenny, I just love your 2 hour no knead bread! I live at 8500 ft and have always been terrified to try bread. So I spent a week at sea level and baked your recipe 3 times, all came out great. I now had a feel for what the consistency of the dough should be. One problem at this altitude (8500) is the flour tends to dry out, leaving the dough too dry. So upon trying it at home, I added additional water a tablespoon at a time until the dough felt the right consistency. At home, it is usually a total of 1 and 2/3 cups water, but some days it is less depending upon how arid the air is. I have also reduced the amount of yeast to 1 and 1/2 teaspoons and increased the salt (rounded instead of level). So – in keeping with other bread recipes I researched, more water, less yeast, more salt. Of course it will be different depending on your altitude, but I am now consistently making delicious bread at home. Thank you for your recipe!

    • Breaking Away

      PS. Regarding the salt, more salt retards the effect of the yeast, which is what you want at high altitudes. This is from the King Arthur website: “In the presence of salt, the yeast releases some of its water to the salt by osmosis, and this in turn slows the yeast’s fermentation or reproductive activities.”

  75. Chris

    First off, I LOVE your recipe. My dad was a chef growing up but not necessarily a baker and the recipes he’s shared have always been the LONG way to make bread. All good, but too much work. I tried your 4 hour recipe first and love it. It came out the consistency yours did in the video. My next 7 tries were all too dry so I was thinking I didn’t aerate enough. I just added water until it was the right consistency and they all turned out great. I tried this recipe and the same thing happened so I did some research. I live up in the mountains and our humidity swings a lot! What I’ve found is that one day the measurements work great and another they don’t. My message to all the other folks struggling is “don’t sweat the small stuff!”. If it’s a little too dry, add a bit of water. If’s it’s too wet, add a little more flour. Go for consistency more than exact measures and everything works just great! Thanks for an amazing recipe, Jenny!

    • Jenny Can Cook

      This is great advice – thank you for sharing it.

  76. Sully

    I have made your bread so many times. Every time it turns out delicious and thank you for posting double the recipe. Absolutely love your energy and your positivity made me try to bake bread for the 1st time in my life!

  77. Vicki

    Have had much success making this and rave reviews. If I want to use 10-grain cereal, as Jennie suggests, do I reduce the amount of flour correspondingly? Thanks!

  78. Carol

    Please could you tell me this answer. In your No Knead Bread it says cover in plastic and leave 10 to 12 hours or more. What is the maximum time that would work???
    Thank you.

  79. BrendaK

    I would be using a Romertopf oven…should I soak it before putting in and cooking the bread?

    • Rhonda

      Yes, you should always soak your Romertopf clay pot. Initially soak it for 30 minutes, then clean thoroughly with hot water and a stiff brush to remove any clay dust left from the manufacturing of the pot. After that, you need to soak it for 10-15 minutes prior to any use. Also always put it in a cold oven then preheat to the correct temperature for the bread you’re baking. This presoaking provides the steam necessary to give your bread the crispy crust found in artisan breads and made so long ago in artisanal bakeries. Remove the lid for the last minutes (10-30 minutes) of baking to brown the top. I put my dough in a hot clay pot using the parchment paper “sling”, which makes it easier to remove when done as well. I find putting the dough into the cold pot during the preheating part causes more room for error in baking time.

  80. Sonja

    Hi Jenny,

    I really like your recipes, but please use metric system as well.
    I do not like using cups, and also there are different types of flour, and not all weight the same amount in the cup.

    Can you put measurement in brackets for metric system – you do not to video it, jut put numbers.
    Thank you

    • Mary

      OR, here’s an idea…. You can stop being lazy, and do the conversions yourself. Lots of free conversion charts online for volume, weight, temp, oven settings. She’s American, I’m American, she’s talking to everyone, but especially her American audience. I don’t complain when an English chef uses metric, I do the conversion math myself. It’s easy. Get used to it.

  81. George Simonis

    Hi, Jenny, My wife and I bake the bread at least once a week! FABULOUS!! One question:
    If I want to do the overnight recipe, I thought I heard you say that the salt and yeast used went up…Other overnight recipes online seem to double the yeast and add a half tsp to the salt. What’s the real scoop?
    ALSO: the cabbage rolls are the BOMB! I never could roll them properly ( always had to use toothpicks) until I watched your video! Keep making the easy stuff for us, OK?

  82. Rola

    Instructions say 2 teaspoons yeast and the video says 1/4 teaspoon yeast.
    Which is correct?

  83. Fran

    How do I remove the parchment after the first 30 min?

  84. New Baker

    I have a new gas convection oven. Do I bake the bread in my enameled Dutch Oven on the “Bake” setting or the “Convection Bake” setting? What about when I remove the lid during the last ten minutes? Do I change the mode then?

    Where do I place the Dutch oven? I have a roller track on the first level. Is this too close to the bottom or should I raise the Dutch oven up to the second rack while it is baking? My oven has five racks/levels for baking.

    Again, thank you.

  85. GG Cookie

    This bread is amazing… had a big pot of soup and needed some crunchy bread… and this recipe delivered, hands down!,,,

  86. C Gruen

    Can one weigh the flour instead of measuring it?

    • Lina

      @ C Gruen
      I prefer to weigh my ingredients and it works just fine. Sometimes the amounts appear to be more than when measured in cups and spoons.

  87. Cristina

    Firstly, I’m so glad I stumbled upon your page your bread is fantastic and love all your recipes!

    Question I was making your bread recipe regularly and started up again and I’ve noticed that my Bread loaves have become smaller significantly do you think it’s because my yeast is older? Not sure what I’m doing wrong?

    Stay healthy and thank you, Jen!

  88. lorraine

    Just finished my no knead bread. Tastes wonderful, but it is too dense for me. Followed your recipe to a tea, any other suggestions? It looks as if it didn’t rise quite as much as yours, and the top never cracked.

    Thank you


    • Jenny Can Cook

      Please look at the FAQs.

      • ANGE SUAR

        Hi I just purchased an iron 2 quart seasoned ready to use pot (just to make bread) are your recipes size wise ok for this size pot ?

        • Mary

          Watch Jenny’s video first!!! Look what she uses, what most of us own! Two quarts is way too small for a normal sized loaf. You need a 5-6 quart size. Bread expands, and steam also expands and needs headroom to circulate. And also: if you buy a 5-6 quart pot, you can also use it for soups, stews, casseroles, all kinds of dishes. More bang for your buck. Even if you’re just baking for yourself, you’d have to reduce the bread recipe considerably if your pot is that tiny and it might not work.

          • JML

            You don’t need anything larger than a 3 and half quart Dutch oven. Works perfectly for me every time. I always get a very well rounded and risen loaf.

  89. Joseph

    How do you get that great, cracked crust on the top? I’ve been making a loaf a wee for some time but haven’t gotten it.

    • Glor

      Today I discovered that placing the smooth side of the dough underneath and the rougher side on top gives that cracked look.

    • PM

      I score the top of the bread once I put it into the Dutch Oven. After the first half hour of baking, I take the top off of the Dutch Oven and let it cook about 10 more minutes. It was actually looking nice after the first half hour, but more colorful after the additional 10 minutes.

  90. john daniell

    Does an electric oven require any change to temp. and/or time.
    I followed your recipe but I found the dough was much too dry so I had to add more hot water which seemed to look more like yours did. Also the bake time required 40 mins and 20 without the lid. My bread is a little flatter than it should be…maybe I added too much hot water.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      My oven is electric so there is no change needed. I might suggest you use an oven thermometer to make sure your oven temperature is accurate.

  91. john daniell

    I watched your video on no “knead bread” which I thought was great. So I went to Walmart and ought a Lodge 5.5 QUART dutch oven. This is cast iron covered in baked glass at a very high temperature. In their instructions, it says not to heat it empty. You heat your’s in the oven prior to adding the dough. Is it absolutely necessary to preheat the D/O. What do you suggest?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I believe they mean not to heat it empty on the stove top.

      • john daniell

        I followed your recipe and after letting it sit for 5 hours, it was too dry so I had to add more hot water which seemed to solve the problem. After 30 mins in the preheated D/O, I could see it wasn’t baked long enough so I gave it 10 mins more..lid on of course. Then I removed the lid and gave it 20 mins which salvaged it to the extent that I can eat it. I have an electric oven, does that change anything?
        I think My next attempt will be be better…hopefully.

        • Chris

          I’ve learned something over making this recipe many times. I use the consistency in the video as my method for judging my measurements. I start with the flour and water per the instructions but if it’s too dry or too wet, I adjust either one to get it to that consistency. It turns out EVERY time if I do that. I would guess that it was on the dry side when you mixed it if it was dry at 5 hours. The wetter dough gives off a nice steam in the pot which is what makes this bread so good. Hope that helps.

      • Traditional Baker

        I have a similar DO that I use for my no knead breads. My oven is electric, and I have had no problems with this method and pot. I have been doing this now for about three years. I am careful always to use parchment paper and to make sure the pot and lid are cold if I need to wash them.

        I hope this reassures you.

      • Judy Muggelberg

        I love your no knead bread. Is it possible to make the dough ahead and not bake it for several days. If yes, how many days in advance can it be done?I am hoping three to five if possible. Thank you.

  92. Annette

    Great no-fail recipe, Jenny! Made it three times already and it came out perfect each time. Thank you for sharing it. Would you please comment on how to store the bread so it remains fresh the next day? Will upload a photo from tonight’s bake.
    Thanks very much,

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Please see the “How To” Section in my blog.

    • john daniell

      Wrap it in a damp tea towel if you are going to use it the next day.

  93. Alida

    Why is my crust so hard., it’s difficult to cut

    • Koren

      You can spread some butter on the loaves after they are out of the oven. This should soften the crust of the loaves.

  94. Mille

    How do you end up with too much flour if you use a scale?

  95. Vi Brown

    I’m not a baker but wanted to make Chicken Pot Pie with the required crust. I watched your video and my chicken pot pie was wonderful! So today, I’m trying your Polish Hunter’s Stew. While it is cooking, I read ‘About Me’.

    You have had several careers as a result of your many talents as well as many difficulties. You are certainly very resilient and very blessed.

    It is fun to watch as you instruct us in our new and old cooking creations. Time to check on my stew!

  96. Dee

    I dont have plastic wrap to cover it can I use aluminum foil?

    • Eric

      You can use a damp cloth towel to cover the dough. It should not be airtight you want some of the gasses to be released while keeping the dough from drying out. Good luck.

      • Michelle

        You said the bowl should not be airtight when we cover it with tea towel,but what about plastic wrap like Jenny used? It looked airtight and she did not indicate otherwise. I noticed moisture buildup on the plastic wrap..is that ok?
        My loaf is currently baking..so I am hoping it comes out edible😁

        • Michelle

          It came out perfectly!! I had my doubts along the way but I did as Jenny recommends for your first attempt …just follow the recipe as directed. We are so delighted!! Thank you Jenny!!

  97. Shelly

    My dough remained shaggy and didn’t get bubbly. It is dry even though I aerated the flour first. It doesn’t look like it raised either. Definitelynot wet. I let it stand for 4 hours. I did everything according to the recipe and made a double batch, one for the fridge. Last time I made it I made a mistake do I made sure that I was doing everything according to the recipe. I haven’t baked it yet but I imagine it’s going to be dry. I’d there anyy I can do to salvage the other half of the dough in the frig which I was going to leave in for a few days? Thanks so much

  98. Tara

    Are baking times assuming a regular or convection oven?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Always regular for my recipes. I do not use convection.

  99. PD57

    Hi Jenny. I’ve been using your no knead bread recipes for a while now very successfully. I’m looking for more variety and wondering if you have some guidance other than experimentation:

    Cracked wheat
    Multiple flours (ww, rye, etc)

    I’d appreciate any guidance. Thanks!

    • Jenny Can Cook

      You might like some of my variations in the “No Knead Breads” category.

  100. regina

    i have made this bread many times but it seems like the bottom is always hard ,my girlfriend has the same problem any solution please rhank you very much

    • Elizabeth Sidney

      For the first 30 minutes of baking I put my bread and Dutch oven on the second rack from the bottom and put a cookie sheet on the bottom rack. (Preheat the cookie sheet when you preheat your Dutch oven) For the last 10 minutes I move the bread and Dutch oven up to the third rack from the bottom and I leave the lid on the whole time and leave the cookie sheet on the bottom rack. It keeps the bottom of the bread from being too hard or too dark but it’ll still be nice and crusty.

      • PY Fabrications

        My oven must be a different size than yours.Would you please clarify if the initial bake has the dough in the center of the oven, 1/3 from bottom, 1/3 from top, etc? I believe I would be more successful with your comment if I had this information. Thank you

    • Lynda

      I use a black cast iron pot and the bottom used to get too hard and dark. I cut a silicone baking mat to fit the bottom and it comes out perfectly now.

  101. casey

    when I don’t have a dutch oven, I put a dish of boiling water in the preheated oven and let that steam up the oven for 30 minutes. Then I put the bread in a pyrex dish and bake for however long it says to bake with the dutch oven lid ON. Then when the recipe says to take the lid off, I take the water out of the oven.

    • Theresa

      So when you use a Pyrex dish, you don’t use the lid? You have the water in the oven for steam, bake the bread, then remove the water for last 10 mins?

  102. Colleen

    I’m baking bread for my mom who is on a salt free diet..is it integral to the recipe to add salt?

    • casey

      I don’t think it is! It may soften up the gluten a little bit, but for the most part, salt is used to bring out the flavor of the bread. It’ll only make the bread seem less flavorful, but you can always add salted butter or other toppings to your bread after it’s been baked.

  103. JessicaB

    Is this able to be made somehow with active dry yeast and not instant?

  104. Joyce

    Would like to make this into not a round but a semi long loaf using a Pyrex pan with foil for the lid. Do I put the Pyrex pan in oven to get it hot before placing the loaf in it? I would put the loaf on parchment paper to transfer it to the pan.

    Have enjoyed making the crusty buns.

    • casey

      That seems like a good idea to me! When I use a pyrex dish, I don’t preheat it beforehand. My bread has always turned out though!

    • PY Fabrications

      For our second loaf my brother and I successfully used a Le Cruset long covered loaf pan.

  105. Michele

    I made the No-Knead bread today..i did use professional parchment paper but it still stuck not bad but still stuck. the bread came out just like we like it…dense and soft on the inside crusty on the outside..next time (and there will be a next time)im gonna try a little olive oil and rosemary..ty
    sincerely Michele

  106. Tisha

    Bread was delicious by my crust was very hard. Any suggestions?

    • Danny

      That happened to me on my first try. but the next time i simply left it in the oven for just under ten min. after removing the lid. also make sure your pot is at least in the middle or further from the heating element of your oven.

  107. Amber

    Can you use this same recipe with oat flour?

  108. yankee dancer

    love the bread. have added honey and dried fruit to make it sweet. my question is “can you bake it in an airfryer”?

  109. Michel

    When i make multiple loafs, the third and fourth come out flat. Is this normal or am i doing something wrong?
    Thank you.

    • PY Fabrications

      I have the same question. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work as long as between each loaf the oven temperature is raised back to 450 degrees. Hope someone else has experience with this.

  110. Sandra

    I have tried this recipe twice. The first time whole wheat flour, the second with bread flour. Neither rose or doubled in size. I followed the recipe and very disappointed. I’ve made other bread recipes and have great success. Any tricks or tips would be appreciated.
    Many thanks

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Any suggestions I might have are all in the FAQs.

  111. Pat H.

    Hi Jenny,
    Made your no near bread today but I never seem to get the dough to rise very well I am at 6500 Ft. Followed the recipe exactly, have a warm place in my furnace room for rising. used a iron Dutch oven but did not have Parchment paper so sprayed pot well with cooking spray. it tastes great with crunchy crust just like in Italy but did not rise very well. Should I use more yeast, hotter water? Proof the yeast first? need suggestions. I am trying to master yeast this winter since I am stuck in the house. Pat H.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      If you look through the FAQs above you should find a lot of solutions.

    • Danny

      that surprised me also when i first made it. but it baked well and was delicious!
      then I saw jenny’s comments on this issue. plain and simple…It doesn’t rise like traditional kneaded bred. and my yeast came from an open package that was folded up and left in my drawer. that was a no-no. always open a new packet and when done with it seal it up tight and keep it in the freezer. .

    • PY Fabrications

      I am at 4000 ft elevation and have also had this problem. I wonder if it needs more yeast??

  112. EmmyJoyful

    For warm water in a recipe usually it is healthier and just better to use cold fresh water and heat it on the stove. Hot water from the tap normally sits in the water heating tank for long periods and if your pipes are old and have any lead welds etc. then you many be ingesting lead. Fresh cold water re-heated wins out every time, and if it is filtered all the better.

    • Danny

      Galvanized pipes were gradually phased out in the 50’s and not used at all around the mid 60’s. led solder for the newly used copper pipes was stopped in 1986. however there could still be rust issues with an old hot water tank.

  113. Marcie

    I love this bread and so does everyone a gave some to. I need help with the kneading and additional flour. The first time I only used the additional 2 Tb of flour, but it remained very sticky. I just got it onto the parchment paper and continued on. As I said it turned out great. This time I tried to make it as it appears in the video of you shaping the dough. . . . I added more flour, but it still remained very sticky. Any advice?

    • EmmyJoyful

      If it turned out great, why worry about it? 🙂

      • Kim

        Mine comes out quite loose..I don’t get that shaggy look like she does and it makes it very hard to handle..folding and such.. I have aired the flour, added more flour, made sure of water temp, and amount of water.. don’t know what I can change.. It does still cook up but hard to work with. Any more suggestions?

    • PY Fabrications

      We have had the same problem and overworked the dough and added too much flour, resulting in failures. I would appreciate knowing the weight of the “aired flour” that makes a successful loaf. Thank you

      • Barbara

        Converting from volume to weight measurements has its problems, but I’ve made this bread weighing out the flour according to what the mill states is the gram equivalent to their 1 cup of flour. For example, using King Arthur’s Bread Flour, 1C weighs 120gms, which is also the weight of their All Purpose flour. However, 1C of KA’s Whole Wheat weighs 113gms. Using either KA Bread or All Purpose flour I measure out 360gms for the 3 cups called for. If I want to add some Whole Wheat flour, I weigh out 113gms for 1C, and for the remaining 2C, add 240gms of Bread or AP flour, resulting in 353gms total.

        Note from KA website: “Higher protein flour like bread flour will absorb more liquid than others. When baking with bread flour, add about 2 teaspoons extra liquid for each cup of flour in order to produce the proper consistency of dough.”

        I didn’t add additional liquid for the whole wheat and bread flour dough (whole wheat flour also absorbs more liquid than AP). I did notice that the dough was stickier with the 100% Bread flour; perhaps the whole wheat helped absorb more liquid. When I used a different brand of AP flour I used their 1 cup to grams equivalent, but the relative humidity was higher than previous days because of rain, so the dough was slightly stickier. I should have used a bit less water.

        That’s my method, and so far it has worked well for me. Here’s a couple of questions and answers regarding this issue, though it seems to pretty much come down to experimentation. https://www.177milkstreet.com/discussion/discussion/388/bread-flour-brands-have-different-weights

  114. Danwood

    Thank you fir getting down to the nitty-gritty of bread making. As I wrote in a comment to you, I have made my fair share of not-so-well-made breads, so to correct it I find it helpful to learn what I may have done wrong. I very much like your advise of Follow The Recipe – and then you can begin to experiment.
    Keep ’em coming 🙂

  115. Melinie

    This is my go-to bread recipe. I’ve made it at least 10 times. I use to make the original New York Times overnight no-knead bread, but I had to start it the night before…and I often forgot I can make this in the late afternoon and we have warm bread for dinner.
    Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful recipe with the world!

  116. Christine Sabol

    Does this taste like sourdough bread? I am not fond of sourdough and I’d rather not take the time if it does. Thanks

    • Vicki

      Hi Christine, I don’t care for sourdough either. I love this bread – as do many of my friends. I always feel guilty that I don’t make two loaves, one for us, one to share . . .

  117. Chuck

    I watched your YouTube video on ‘fastest no knead bread and you called for 1/4 tsp of yeast but when I looked up your recipe it called for 2 tsp; which is correct. I have no idea as to which is right and I’d rather not waste ingredients in a guess.

  118. Linda

    I made the rolls. Must have over aerated the flour. Dough was so thin it ran back together when I tried to divide into 8. I added at least a full cup more flour to make it workable. While difficult to shape and not pretty, it did produce a very crunchy roll.

  119. Cindy

    I’ve seen people using a Razor blade to slice the top of the bread. Is this done so steam is released during baking? My jalapeño cheese bread comes out of the oven raised only to fall 5 minutes later. Thanks Cindy

  120. Grace F

    Hi Jenny, I have made this bread several times and I love it. However, it never seems to rise enough in the oven. It comes out rather dense and not quite ‘light” enough. Any suggestions?

  121. Rhonda

    My bread was very dense,is this normal.

  122. Sandra Land

    Have already emailed about easy bread, but couldnt remember, instapot. Can it be cooked in instapot?
    By the way used to love your talk show.

    • EmmyJoyful

      I used to bake bread in my crockpot back in the day, when I had no oven. I think it might be worth trying in the instant pot but not under pressure.

  123. JOANNE


  124. MJ

    Hi Jenny. This was my probably 5th attempt to make the dutch oven no knead bread and yours finally is the one! All previous attempts made the dough so runny so it didn’t rise at all. Inside the bread was very dense and was not flavorful at all. I caught you saying ‘no more than 2 table spoon’ of dusting flour. That was really helpful. Also I hand mixed the ingredients this time, instead of using a stand mixer. Does it make a difference??

  125. Maya

    I did not aerate the flour. It is sitting covered in plastic wrap for 3 hours How can fix it or so I need to start all over?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Just keep going. Not aerating the flour does not always cause problems.

  126. Karin

    Having never mad4e bread before, since I discovered this,I sometimes make about 4-6 loaves a week of this bread with all kinds of variations: Everyone loves it.
    Maple oat – 1 1/4 C WW flour, 1 1/4 C white flour, 1/2 C oat flour. for liquid mix 1/8 C maple syrup into water to total 1 1/2 Cups liquid. Rest of recipe and baking the same.
    Alternately switch the oat flour for buckwheat and the maple syrup for honey or molasses.
    Same thing with barley flour or corn flour.
    They are all delicious and the bit of sweet just adds something yummy.
    This has been the highlight of staying home – for me and all those to whom I give my breads.

  127. Paula

    Bought an enameled cast iron bread Dutch oven. Made this recipe today. A beautiful loaf. We are hunkering down for hurricane Laura. In NW Louisiana.

  128. Jack s

    I’ve been regularly baking your no-knead bread for at least a year. I’ve noticed recently that, after a couple of days of storage, the centre is very moist and sticky A quick read thermometer inserted in the bottom of the loaf is at least 200 degrees. Any thoughts?

    • Faith Girdler

      I have noticed the same thing as the other guy…after a few days if storage, the center gets soggy….why?? And what can I do to not have this happen?

    • tim sickels

      I’m amazed that you still have some of this after 3-4 days. Mine is always gobbled down quickly, often before it has a chance to get fully cooled.

      • Randi B.

        I was thinking the same as Tim. Our family of four devours the single recipe – usually with an EVOO/fresh black pepper/Parmesan bowl to dip in. Great recipe, Jenny!!

  129. Ewa Rosiak

    Thanks for all information

  130. Harriett Ringold

    My family is Kosher and lactose intolerant. Is there a substitute that you can suggest a substitute for the dairy product? eg. milk, yogurt, butter
    Thank you.

    • Fran

      Use pareve margarine instead of butter, soy milk for dairy.

    • Melanie

      What’s to substitute? Flour, salt, yeast and water? Nothing that is not kosher.Did you read the recipe? There’s no butter or milk in it.

  131. margiemi

    My no knead bread tastes great but has a lot of “air” bubbles…big air bubbles. Any idea as to why?

  132. Sara Aguilar Dutton

    Your dough looks more voluminous than mine. What size bowl are you using.

  133. Maria J

    Hi Jenny,
    Thank you for your video. It’s very helpful. Here are my questions for you, please…I didn’t use hot water with my instant yeast. Is that going to be an issue? My first time and I didn’t know there were different types of yeasts. The recipe I was following calls for active yeast. 🙁 The other question is, if room temperature water still okay, how long should I leave my dough out to rise before baking?
    Thank you!

    • Jenny Can Cook

      As long as the water was warm I think it will be okay. I suggest just following the recipe as planned. Please let me know how it turns out. Good luck!

  134. Dixie

    Has anybody tried this recipe in a bread making machine?
    Just asking before I try and have to discard it.

  135. Peggy Ann

    I just realized that my enameled Dutch oven has a limit of 400 degrees. I can’t preheat to 450. What adjustments can I make? Or am I doomed to fail before I even bake??

    • Dab

      I made your bread ok following your directions but had no Dutch oven so I used my glass (oven safe ) bowl and lid ok and my family said it was good ….I had two strokes and can’t talk or swallow so I sort of did your formula blind as I couldn’t cheat and taste anything .

  136. Kathy Dougherty

    I made this bread for the first time yesterday. I added chopped sun dried tomatoes (in oil) and chopped fresh basil. I took It to a dinner party and everyone wants the recipe. The bread had a crispy crust and was light and fluffy inside. Amazing!

  137. Bridget

    Can I cover with a towel instead of plastic wrap???

    • Niwashikun

      I’ve used a wet kitchen towel several times without problem. It’s my understanding it’s just to keep the moisture in and the air out.

    • Janine

      I use a glass lid to cover it instead of plastic wrap and it works just fine.

  138. Nancy

    Can kyrol flour be used for no knead bread or does it need to be mixed with other flours?

  139. Susi

    Thank you – your information was very helpful!

  140. Sammy

    Hi Jenny….. I baked this in my Dutch oven triste as directed and it came up perfect. Crunchy crispy on the outside and nice and soft in the center. My question is is there a good way to store the bread to keep the outer crust nice and crunchy?

  141. CarolD

    My bread turned out lovely. It’s delicious toasted the next day. Heads up I‘m not sure if this will matter, those small yeast packets of Fleishman’s Quick Rise packet are 8g not 7g so be sure to measure do not just add the packet.
    Jenny, I now live in Calgary but lived in beautiful London, Ontario for many years.

  142. Lolo

    I just LOVE this recipe!! So easy and turns out so perfect ,beautiful and delicious!
    Thank you so much for sharing! I love watching you on YouTube. By the way I have been making the bread in a small oval enamel roasting pan.

  143. Susan

    Love your easy but gorgeous recipes! Thanks!

  144. Vivienne

    I cannot bake anything above 395 degrees in my oven. For some reason, my fire alarm will go off whenever the oven is set above 400 degrees. So, can I still make this bread at a lower temperature than 450 degrees? At 450, definitely smoke will come out of the oven and fire alarm goes crazy!!!

    • ann

      what is that got to do with baking the bread at 450.
      Just take the darn alarm of its socket and don’t waste people’s time please.

      • rking

        No need to be hateful, Ann. She was just asking so she could figure out how to make this delicious bread. Your reply would have been very helpful minus the last part.

      • Dixie3150

        Advising people to use commonsense is not insulting….it’s giving them sound advice.

        • Vickie C

          Common sense shared with.kindness is
          preferred. Rude sharing of common sense is just rude.
          This is good common sense, hope it helps.

      • Judie Dixon

        There is no reason to be rude !! It is a perfectly reasonable question ! What does it have to do with baling, you ask ??? She asking if she can cook it at a lower temperature, Personally, I’d like to know the answer, as I am 67 years old, living by myself and don not dare get up on a ladder to disassemble a smoke detector. Thank you very much.

      • Margaret

        I was taught that there’s no such thing as an ignorant question, just ignorant answers. There’s too much hurtfulness in the world. Let’s try and practice “cancel culture” on that – let’s be kind. Or, as the Bible says, “go on conquering the evil with the good.” Love, Grandma

    • Liz

      Maybe the oven interior just needs a cleaning? But if the oven is clean and it still smokes at 450 degrees, I’d get it checked out.

    • Vicky P

      Maybe your oven needs to be cleaned. If it’s not self-cleaning, then get a good spray oven cleaner & go to town on it! That should stop it from smoking when set to a high temperature. Otherwise…I’d go shopping for a new stove. Good luck!

    • Vickie

      Maybe clean the oven and stove top

  145. Anna K

    I baked it today for bringing to 4th of July house party tomorrow.
    How do I store it to keep it crunchy?
    That’s the best part of this delicious bread!

  146. carol w d

    I have made this bread so many times and everyone loves it. My only problem: after the three hours, I place the dough on a well floured surface and it is so soft that it mostly sticks to my fingers and the counter and it is really hard to knead it – if really at all. I do the best I can and it does come out so delicious. Any hints? Happy Fourth of July!!!! God bless America!!!!

    • MarG

      The same happens to me. It is runny and hard to fold.

      • Debbie

        When you watch Jenny’s video she uses a steel scraper to move the dough around after flouring the board and top of the dough. I initially used a large blade flat knife to fold it but bought a steel scraper and it works extremely well. They are not expensive, under $10.

    • NYCBOB

      I find if you wet your hands, it is much easier to handle. I let my faucet trickle while I fold and shape.

  147. Dina Boyle

    I have a 9 qt Le Creuset, so I doubled the recipe and it came out perfect, twice! We gasped in awe of the beautiful loaf. The crust was glorious and it tasted amazing!

    • Stephanie

      When you double the recipe, do you double the baking time too?

  148. Valerie

    My bread came out lovely but it was dense inside. What could of happened ?? I followered the instructions to a tee

  149. Casandra Yaz

    Can I make half(½) the dough? My Dutch oven is a small one.

  150. Joanne

    Can I add gluten to this bread?

  151. April King

    I have a wolf convection steam oven. I skipped all the dutch oven steps and placed the dough in the cold oven and hit “bread medium browned” mode. Bread is perfect every time! No need for warm dutch oven or pot.

  152. Shelley C

    Hi Jenny, I am enjoying you so much! I’m trying my 2nd loaf (the first No Knead No Dutch Oven went well, thank you!), this time I’m trying your No Knead Rye recipe. My question is: the final instruction, #7. – When you remove the parchment paper and “return the bread to the oven 10 minutes” is that directly on the oven rack, or back in the same baking pan? (the Dutch oven if that’s what it baked in for the first 30 minutes)?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      It goes back in the pot (no lid) into the oven for the final 10 minutes.

  153. Heidi

    JENNY!!!!!! This was the most amazing, easiest bread I ever made! Wondering if I can add extra bits like rosemary, cheese or olives?

  154. jackie

    the conversion rates are all messed up – 3 cups = 24 oz., 3 cups =450 grams.
    Kept wondering why the dough was so runny..love the bread have the proper allowances with no additional measuring – wonderful bread! Thank you!

    • Jenny Can Cook

      This is incorrect. 24 ounces of flour = 5 1/2 cups and my no knead bread calls for 3 cups (12 3/4 ounces).

      • Richard

        Jackie is confusing volume with weight! A cup is 8 oz in volume, but what that 8 oz of volume weighs depends on what the substance is–a cup of feathers weighs less than a cup of flour, which weighs less than a cup of water, which weighs less than a cup of pie weights, etc.

  155. Sonia

    Jenny, I was so excited to try this recipe!! I used 100% whole wheat flour, aerated, measured and follow directions to a T. My tapwater doesn’t come out as hot as 120 to 130°, so I microwaved it and checked it with my thermometer. I used it at 120°.The loaf came out quite dense. I’m trying it again today with bread flour. I hope it works out!

    • Cynthia student

      I hv made this bread about 6 times, using dutch oven. I hv thermometer in oven as seems things were too hot, & sure enuf, 450 was 550. So turned down 400..but i hv had varying results, from tough bottome, to doughy, heavy, more flat. I did make mistake cutting when out oven, as looked undone this last time. I dont brown last 15 min. I was looking online again, & saw exact recipe, but using instant yeast, so wondered if that was my issue. Played Jen vid again, she states doesnt matter. Am going test yeast, see if went bad, as I didnt open for 6 mnths, and sfter, i didnt refrig, but put in glass jar. I might try to proof yeast first this next time. We toast bread, so kind of cooks it again. But i wud like be less doughy, dense.. Also I read 95° perfect temp for water, jen says can be 130 even. What hv u figured out

      • Jenny Can Cook

        Cynthia, please look at the FAQs for some solutions.

    • Diane

      Sonia, I made this recipe with white flour and it was amazing the first time I made it so I tried whole wheat flour and it was dense. Nothing like the first one. I’m going to try aerating???? If you find a solution. Let me know!

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Any whole wheat bread will never be as light as a white version so some white flour is often added. Try my own whole wheat version: https://www.jennycancook.com/recipes/whole-wheat-no-knead-bread/

    • Pamela Harnois

      I did mine with whole wheat flour and it didn’t rise. I followed Jenny’s recipe to a T. I’ll try again.

  156. AL Salerno

    Can I make the bread dough cover with plastic wrap and let it sit on my counter for 8 hours? then make the recipe the next day?To bring to a friends house for dinner?

  157. Jeff Young

    Hi Jenny! Thanks for this great and simple recipe. I doubled the recipe and cooked it all in my Dutch oven and it turned out great! I have made pizza dough before but never bread. I”ll be making this for years to come! Best regards, Jeff

  158. Elsy

    Hi Jenny,

    The crust did not remain crusty. The bread gave me a sourdough texture.


    • Jenny Can Cook

      See the How-To section of my blog for how to restore crusty bread.

  159. Evelyn Boggs

    Your video you say 1/4 teaspoon yeast, and the printed recipe says 2 teaspoons instant or RapidRise yeast(1 packet/7gm)
    I want to try it today in about 3 hours.
    Please tell me which.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      They are two different recipes. You can choose the “Faster” (with video) or “Fastest” (no video) version.

    • Teresa

      Evelyn, did you see the different recipes? using 1/4 tsp yeast the bread will be ready in 5 hours. using 2 tsp, ready in 2 hours. I hope yours worked! Mine did… tried it for the first time yesterday.

  160. Cathy DeSimone

    How many calories is a slice – of course how thick is the slice?

  161. manya

    Best bread EVER… :O)

    Ty ty ty…you are AMAZING!!!!

    EASY, fast, delicious …….Yummy

    i did it with
    whole wheat
    1 Tsp yeast
    1/2 extra water,
    1 cup seeds (chia, hempseeds, sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, sesame seeds

    mmmmmmmm………the BEST

    BAKE in a loaf pan 11” X 7” for
    30 minutes at 400 F
    30 minutes at 350 F
    Delisiousssss…….. Ty ty ty…you are AMAZING!!!!

  162. Cindy S.

    I tried the bread for the first time exactly according to your recipe. The dough was wet, as it is supposed to be, and it came out fine. I decided to try it with bread flour. I used stone ground white bread flour. It’s 100% hard white wheat. The dough was dry. I was even able to handle it without sticking. The bread came out ok but, can I add more hot water to the recipe? Let’s say 1/2 cup more?

  163. sandi

    making the no knead bread..using whole wheat bread…noticed the dough wasn’t as string or fluffy as. your flour..tryin it anyway…anything special I should know about recipe when using the whole wheat flour ?

    • Tina

      I believe anything made with wheat flour needs to be mixed with white or it WILL be dense and heavy. At least thats what I read. I used one cup wheat, at room temp, two cups white and it was wicked delicious. Today I am doing half wheat and half white. I am sure it will be fine since we toast it anyway. Good luck

  164. Shari Morosky

    Hello, can I cook this in my Ninja Foodi. I have pressure cooker, steamer, roast/bake, air fryer. Can you give me a clue how to cook the bread? Thanks

  165. Brazilman8

    I haven’t really seriously baked in years, but used to all the time. A friend sent me your recipe and I just finished up. Just Wow! This bread is beautiful! I wish I could share a photo. It’s gorgeous!! Try it everyone, you won’t be sorry.

  166. Stephanie

    Made your no knead bread. It worked well, i know my oven is slightly off so i adjusted the temp myself using thermometer. Looked great, thermometer read that it was cooked internally. I let it rest and then when i cut in the air bubbles were great, crust was good but the inside looked shiny and wet. We’ve had this problem with all types of bread and i’m wondering if we’re doing something wrong or is it more environmental. We also use electric oven instead of gas.

  167. Roseetta

    Bread was tasteless. Needs sugar, oil and more yeast.

    • JJ

      I made this as directed and it came out perfect. Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. But then – I’m so disappointed because it has absolutely no taste! I’ll need to add something, or some things, to it next time. I kept eating it, hoping for taste (duh) but end up just consuming extra calories.

      (I then got out some soup to eat, to check my taste, in case I have COVID, but my taste is fine. Whew)

      • Jenny Can Cook

        Some people prefer more salt so you could try that.

      • Joanna

        It’s because of the tiny amount of yeast being used! You expect that lovely yeast flavor you get in homemade bread don’t you? But, toasted and generously buttered, it’s pretty good. My complaint is the density of it. Otherwise it’s a lovely recipe.

    • Dianne Knapp

      Can rye flour be substituted for all purpose flour?

      • Jenny Can Cook

        Please see my rye version under “Breads.”

  168. Diann

    Made the crusty bread twice and looks just like yours. Love it. So crispy it’s even hard to slice. It’s a little too doughy inside. What can I do? Cannot cook it anymore or would not be able to slice at all. Really love the crust.

    Thank you.

    Side note: I’m not much of a cook let alone bread baking. I made this on April 1st the first time. As I said it looked just like yours. I sent pictures to my friends. They couldn’t believe that I baked it and thought it was an April fools joke!

  169. ChicagoLeslie

    First time making bread and it was easy and delicious! Love all the tips and comments. Great site.

  170. Warren

    I used 360 grams of bread flour and exactly 1 1/2 cups water. It rose nicely, but it was very sticky. I see other similar recipes use up to 440 grams of flour for 1 1/2 cups of water. The FAQ doesn’t quite address this. Does 3 cups of aerated flour really only weigh 360 grams?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      People keep correcting me so I don’t know any more. The standard (per King Arthur Flour & others) says that one cup of flour weighs 120 grams. When I weigh it myself, one cup weighs between 125 and 130 grams. I give up. Just try whatever works for you and report back. I never expected international visitors and was trying to help but wish I hadn’t. I will adjust my metric conversion chart (again!).

      • Lynne

        Hi, All:

        I made my first loaf today and I used the 130 grams = 1 cup method.

        I’m not a baker and also live at high altitude, so when it was sticky I wasn’t feeling confident. BUT, I just sent pictures of my gorgeous loaf to my very surprised family and friends. I’ll wait longer before slicing into it. And next time I’ll use more salt. I used kosher vs. sea.

        THANK YOU.

  171. WendyM

    Can I use GF flour?

    • JMac

      I feel you, but per FAQs above:

      “Can I make it with Gluten-Free flour?

      Well…. you can make it with gluten free flour but you may not like it. I tried it and the loaf was smaller and more dense and chewy, without the traditional big holes and it didn’t taste anything like the original recipe. I tried it once but nobody wanted to eat it.”

      If you’re celiac, you might be more forgiving of the gluten-free flour.

  172. mommab

    This was amazing, followed recipe exactly! How do I make a larger loaf?

    • Shereen

      Double the recipe and after mixing use two bowls and bake one at a time- remember to heat the pot again after the first loaf. It’s delicious

  173. Elesha G.

    Hi! I’ve made this bread many many times and love it! But the flour I have is whole wheat flour, I heard you mention you made a similar loaf, and I was curious if you did anything different? Like add more water, or give it more time to rise? Thanks!!

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Please see my other variations under “Breads.”

  174. Elaine F

    Love this recipe and have shared this with several friends…the bread is fantastic, but the best was your video.

    Does this work with white whole wheat flour?

    Thanks –

  175. Kzneft

    Mine turned out PERFECT !!! First time making bread.

  176. Sue

    Can you double the recipe?

    • Marion

      Just tried it. Doubled everything, flour, yeast, salt and water. Used 5 quart Dutch oven. It was a little tricky getting the folded dough into the paper basket but otherwise smooth sailing! I’ve seen this question up here many times and no one has answered it, so that made me think it might be a no-go but actually it’s great. This recipe is life-changing. And we need a life-changing recipe in this crazy times.

      • Jenny Can Cook

        Thank you so much for sharing this. I will add it to the FAQs.

      • Rob

        Hi Marion! Thanks so much for this. I’m also looking to double the recipe. Did you alter the cooking times at all? Thanks again. -Rob

      • June Marie

        Thank you for the info on doubling the recipe!
        Isn’t Jenny wonderful!

  177. Ruth

    Your recipe calls for 2 teaspoons of instant yeast which isn’t available where I live. I do have compressed yeast block and dry active yeast. Can I substitute? How much would I use?

    • Terry Mashburn

      Ruth, your question came up on the page for Faster, No Knead Bread which is baked as a round loaf in a Dutch oven style pan. The amount of yeast in that recipe is 1/4 tsp, not 2 tsp, and Jenny says it does not matter if it fast acting or active dry yeast as both will work just fine.

      If your question is about a different bread recipe, my suggestion would be to use the same amount called for and substitute active dry yeast for the fast acting (AKA quick yeast to some) unless it specifically says that it must be fast acting yeast. I’ve never found that fast acting yeast makes my bread rise any faster than active dry yeast in the bread recipes I’ve used, but that may be due to the fact that I generally keep my house cooler than most people do. I almost always have to allow longer than a recipe states for my dough to “double in volume”, but I just factor that into my plan.

      • Terry Mashburn

        Ruth, my apologies for possibly confusing you. I just realized that there are two versions of Jenny’s No Knead bread. The one I have calls for 1/4 tsp yeast and has a rise time of 3-5 hours. The other one does indeed call for 2 tsp yeast with only a 2 hour rise time. My advice would still be to use the same amount called for and it won’t make much, if any, difference if you use dry active yeast instead of fast-acting/instant/quick yeast.

  178. Martine

    Never made bread before, this recipe is amazing!

    Can I double it? Or increase by 50%?…just to save on electricity…


  179. Marcia R

    Adding vital wheat gluten ( sold in most grocery stores in the flour/ yeast aisle ) adds the necessary protein ( found in bread flour) and ensures a higher loaf. Refrigerate the wheat gluten after opening. You cannot use this in gluten free recipes.

  180. Sandi

    Can I use whole wheat flour?

  181. simon

    I have to say Jenny you are so amazing this is my first time making bread and not just was it easy it was so delicious my family really enjoyed thanks for all the recopies

  182. Gia

    This is my very first time ever baking and so excited to bake this bread. does The type of bowl matter I made the dough in a metal bowl should I have used glass ????

  183. Allison

    I accidentally cooked the bread for 30 minutes UNCOVERED. help! Can I cover it for the remaining bake time or do I have to toss it?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I always say to keep going since you’ve already invested in the ingredients. I hope it turned into something edible.

    • Paul Heymont

      I hope you didn’t toss it, because you still had good bread! I made the mistake the second time I used this recipe; when I went to uncover it and found that I hadn’t, I put the cover on and left it there for the second phase.

      Nothing truly harmed, just a little bit drier, and staled faster (the last quarter of the loaf became my new container of crumbs.)

  184. Karen

    Where can I print the recipe?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      There is a “Print” button at the top right of each recipe.

  185. Michelle in the Arctic

    Thank you for the recipe and video! My kitchen is cold so the dough doesn’t rise well, because I live closer to the North Pole than I do to you. I have started putting it in my cold oven with a container of hot water next to it. The hot water heats the oven warm enough for the dough to rise.

    I hope you’ve been forgiven for washing the baseball. ??

    • Jonine in Saskatchewan

      I too haven’t had much success when it comes to bread rising on the countertop, the Saskatchewan Prairie gets pretty darn cold too, so I use a cardboard box that I turn on it’s side with a hole cut on the top just large enough for a light fixture to fit through. I use a 40 watt bulb which makes the box plenty warm when it comes to the rising parts bread making.

    • Natalie

      I found the wonderful Jenny Can Cook website during the quarantine winter and started baking her breads when it was cold here in Wisconsin. I put the plastic-wrapped covered bowl on my counter and turned on the under-cupboard light which gave it just enough warmth for a perfect rise. You may want to try something like that or using a lamp.


    Hi Jen

    I would like to make the bread but i buy fresh yeast from the bakery and i freeze it in small cubes therefore how much yeast would i use?

  187. ScorpioDude

    Tried two loaves with white flour and two with wheat flour. All doubled in size during the 3 hour proofing then when baked in the Dutch Oven, fizzled flat. The wheat flour loaves were still moist on the inside yet had a nice crunchy crust. The flour loaves had a crunchy crust and were also a bit moist on the inside. Watching your video on how big your loaf came out, that does not seems to be happening on my end. After 4 loaves, not sure I want to make these any more.

  188. Kay

    Hi ! I have heard from several friends how your tutorial and recipe is. I just bought a 6.5 Dutch Oven…I see you feel the 5.5 is best…soooo, am I looking at a loaf that will have a wider base and not rise as much as with a 5.5? I am a senior, and believe me, I have never had a Dutch Oven ! I have many stainless pots and pans but never ventured into the Dutch Oven realm ! So, this is new to me !
    I appreciate your comments and bits of info on your Blog !

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Go ahead and try the recipe in your 6.5 Dutch oven. People tell me they use all sizes.

  189. Lillian Leone

    I just purchased a 25 lb. Bag or organic unbleached umbromated flour. Will it work with this recipe or do I need to make any adjustments. Thanks for your help

  190. Jose Miguel

    i used boiling water! Did I kill the yeast?
    My first bread.
    Jose Miguel

    • Jose Miguel

      I found the response.
      I repeated the procedure.
      Tomorrow I will see the results.
      Jose Miguel

    • ScorpioDude

      Boiling water is at 212 degrees and Jenny asked for 120-125 degrees on the website. Turn your tap water on to HOT. Use an instant thermometer under the faucet to test the temp. If not quite that hot, the put some in a bowl, microwave for 10 – 15 seconds and check the temp again. On her video she says “very hot water” and that is misleading.

  191. Lili

    Hi Jenny, I followed your recipe line by line and it turned out beautiful. Thank you so much! My family loves it.

  192. Sheila

    Thankfully I read through all the FAQs to the final comment. Mine didn’t look like yours but I baked as you said and it turned out beautifully! Thank you this recipe.

  193. Donna

    I made your bread and your rolls ! I was so excited to see how easy and how delicious they turned out! Impressed myself! Thank you ?

  194. Wanda

    Hi Jenny! I made your faster bread today and it waa the best bread ever!!!!! Thank you!!!

  195. Diana L

    I have made your no-knead bread before and it is amazing! However, due to the lack of flour on grocery shelves during this pandemic, I only have self-rising flour available. Is there some way I can use it in the recipe? I appreciate your help!

  196. Larry R

    Hi Jenny! Made the plain no-knead bread last night and it was STELLAR! Wanted to get your expert opinion on one thing: my loaf had way fewer air pockets than yours (there were plenty of much smaller ones). Would love to know what I might try to improve that? Did I fold the dough over too many times? Too much dusting flour? I did let the dough rise for an extra hour inadvertently and I used a tiny bit more than 1/4 tsp of yeast, but imagine that would’ve been ok. Thanks in advance for your help!

  197. Cris

    Hi Jenny

    Would I be able to replace the dry yeast with live yeast (cake yeast), if so how much would I need to use?


    • Larry R

      Hi Cris,
      If you divide a 2oz yeast cake into equal thirds, each section is equivalent to an entire packet of dry yeast, which is 2 1/4 tspns. Seems like a lot given Jenny only calls for 1/4 tspn — however, one of those thirds is an appropriate amount to raise 4 cups of flour. So given Jenny calls for three cups of flour, maybe cut one of those thirds into 4 equal pieces and use 3 of them? Check out this Red Star Yeast conversion table in case it will help:

  198. Novice Bread Baker

    Im attempting to make bread using the only flour I have, which is whole wheat flour. I see that the recipe you have calls for honey. When I eventually run out of honey can I substitute it will pancake syrup. YES, I said pancake syrup not maple. Quarantine calls for some interesting problem solving.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I think sugar would be a better alternative.

  199. Rick S

    My first time making bread, and it came out Great! I got a little concerned when the dough didn’t look like Jenny’s (nearing 3 hour mark) with the bubble holes and rising, so I put the bowl in a warmer 70 degree room instead of our cool 64 degree living room at the 3 hour mark. 1-1/2 hour later it had risen and had the holes! So all went well after that. Thanks so much Jenny!

    • Mike

      Rick, If your oven is gas and has a pilot light, that will keep it warm enough. If electric turn on your oven light. The heat that comes off the light bulb is perfect to make the yeast do its thing. Good luck

    • Rick S

      Mike, thanks for the oven light tip! Sure beats keeping a small room at 70 degrees for 3 hours. Cheers!

  200. josie

    I would like to put in sugar… will it affect bread…if ok how much.. 1 Tbl spoon or + ??

  201. Linda

    There is two recipes from Jenny Cook for no knead bread. One recipe calls for 2 teaspoon s of yeast and the other one calls for a 1/4 teaspoon of yeast. What one is right? One recipe says let it sit for 3 hours. One says 1 hour on the counter after first mix. Thanks, Linda

    • Jenny Can Cook

      They are both correct. Each recipe is different and each one is correct as written – one takes longer and one is faster. Just follow the directions as written for the recipe you decide to make.

  202. Sharon

    Absolutely love this bread and love Jenny and her delivery,
    One question: Can you double this for a bigger loaf?

    • Richard G.

      Yes! I have doubled it and it turned out just fine. In fact, it disappears so fast in our house that the basic amount doesn’t last long at all! Good luck.

      • Rob

        HI Richard – did the cooking time change when you doubled the recipe? Thanks, Rob

  203. debbie

    my first rise is good, after turning it out the second rise stays flat?

  204. Avey

    My loaf didn’t rise well during proofing or baking in Dutch Oven like yours did, could it have been my bleached all purpose flour I wonder?!! I cannot find any other flour at the moment…

    • Jenny Can Cook

      The flour would not be the problem. The solution should be in the FAQs.

  205. Brenda K

    I would be using a Romertopf – which, normally when I cook with I would soak before using. Would I soak it or this bread? Any specific directions for using the Romertopf to make this bread? Thank you so much!

  206. carol Steinbrecher

    hi, yesterday i sent the link to the youtube video for the No Knead Bread, and it was fine. But today, April 19, 2020 it seems that the sight has been hacked as now there is a pornographic picture of a woman. i hope you can fix the site as I’d love to forward this great, easy recipe to more friends- but i don’t want them to think i’m perverted. Thank you, Carol

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I checked the video and it appears to be okay so it looks like a localized problem with your computer. I can’t help much since I’m not a tech expert.

    • CK

      Poor thing, your computer has been what we call hijacked. Usually it will get so bad that every website u try will get redirected to porn site.
      Were you able to fix? I hv had so bad that I had to reload my system. You also may go back to previous week, month, when your system was auto backed up. Look at restore options.

  207. GC

    You say any flour can be used. How about Besan (chickpea) or Jawar (sorghum)?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I did not mean to imply that any flour can be used. I’m sorry to report that his recipe needs gluten.

  208. Rick

    Could I use a regular bread pan?

  209. Safta

    The bottom of my bread is burnt using Dutch oven… otherwise, happy with results ?

    • Sherry

      I found by using the rack in the middle of the oven worked best. And I have a black cast iron Dutch oven so the bottom of my loaf is darker, but tastes great. I do not take the parchment paper out after 30 minutes, just removed the lid and baked for 10 minutes more.
      I used an oven thermometer since my oven isn’t always true to temperature.

  210. Ashley

    I made this bread (using wholewheat flour). It didn’t puff up and is only about 2 1/2″ tall. Do you think that this is a flour issue?

    By the way I love your videos!! Hopefully I’ll be able to get this right!

    • Mike

      Yes, making bread with exclusively whole wheat flour will make bricks. You can combine some 20% or so whole wheat and all purpose. This is where the experimentation comes in. Bread flour has higher gluten, more protein and is more chewy. All purpose added to the mix makes it lighter, fluffier. Pros and cons to these combos, but they are all good.

  211. Becca

    I still haven’t seen the directions to bake without a Dutch oven? I have clicked on many times for, don’t have a DO, still no instructions. What am I doing wrong? Please Help!!

    • Jenny Can Cook

      In No Knead Bread Solutions, scroll down to where it reads, “I don’t have a Dutch oven.’

  212. Dragons88

    Can I stop baking at the end of the 30 min.? as I don’t like my bread crust very crunchy. seems as tho the 1st bake would be long enough.

  213. GraceinNH

    Hi Jenny,
    Just decided to make this bread at 5:10, my husband and I were devouring it at 7:00. It was heavenly. I will say I followed the measurements, although the dough was VERY loose after an hour of rising. I just worked more flour into the dough and it was beautiful when it came out of the oven. I use the yeast from King Arthur Flour Co., which you can order online. It is awesome. It has been in my freezer for more than 2 years (maybe 3). I also used a tsp. of sugar. Thank you for this wonderful recipe. I will make it via Zoom with my 8 yr. old grandniece tomorrow and look forward to making more of your recipes!

  214. Jeannie Reed

    COVID in manhattan;

    can i substitute baking powder for yeast (which i cannot find).

    if so, how much powder?

    thank you.

    Fantastic Recipe i am dying to try.


    • Jenny Can Cook

      I’m sorry but the no knead breads will not work using baking powder.

      • Shaz

        How about yeast pizza? Can I use it instead of usual yeast? .

        Thank you

        • Joan Clow

          Had to chuckle at Shaz’s comment. Pizza yeast is the ONLY yeast left on our shelves. Wasn’t sure whether it would work, so didn’t purchase it. Let me know if you get an answer, and hope it is YES. I figure you may need to use a bit more.

    • Lindi

      Ask your local bakery if you can buy yeast from them. We also are unable to find yeast @ our supermarkets, but the instore bakery sold me some of theirs. Just talk to the manager or call first. Not everyone can think outside the box!

    • Mike

      You can get it now on Amazon. The brand I just bought will be shipped May 10th. 1 pound can be stored in the freezer and it will last a long time. About $20. Should last into the next apocalypse..

  215. Ali

    The texture and crust were fantastic, my first loaf of bread and I was very excited but the flavour was a little bland. Should I add more salt?

    Many thanks

  216. Mike

    Question – can the dough be made the night before? If so, should it be stored in a warm place overnight or in the fridge?

  217. Wendy

    My crust is a soft the next day. Can I Crisp it back up in the oven? Thanks!

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Please look under “How To” in the blog.

  218. Grace Grasska

    First of all, I want to thank you for all your wonderful recipes. You make them so easy to follow. My husband is Lithuanian/Polish and has has loved everything from those recipes that I have made. My absolute favorite recipe so far is your no knead artisan bread. It is amazing. I have made it several times and in fact I have two on the counter waiting to put in the oven. My question is can I add sesame seeds to the top and if so how do I go about it. Thank you so much. Take care!

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I have seen some people just sprinkle them on top right before baking.

  219. Tracey

    I only have fresh yeast (a block) and don’t really bake. How do I use this yeast for this recipe? How much do I use? And how does it change the steps in the recipe? Thank you

    • Seth Y.

      I used fresh yeast instead of instant with good success. The conversion factor from dry to fresh I used was 3x by weight. So the recipe I used called for 1 gram of instant dry yeast and I replaced that with 3 grams of fresh yeast. I then crumbled the fresh yeast, dissolved it in the water which was around 90 degrees, let that sit for 10 min, then added to the dry ingredients and followed the rest of the normal process. Good luck!

  220. Dave

    Hi! We have tried this twice and both time’s the dough did not rise after three hours and when we cooked it anyways it was raw and dense. We have fleishmans dry active yeast. Do we have to activate it with water before putting it in the flour or will the hot water do the trick? Also we are using a cast iron Dutch oven. I think aerating the flour might be the issue we really didn’t do that. Please help. We really want to make this bread!

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Not aerating would not cause this problem and you do not have to activate the yeast. Cast iron is fine. Any other ideas I might suggest are addressed in these Solutions. An oven thermometer is the only way to know if your oven is 450F – it can take 1/2 hour to reach that. What kind of flour are you using?

    • Mike

      Hot water can kill yeast. Warm or tepid maybe. It can’t be extremes…cold or hot. Either your yeast is bad/old/expired or the area you are placing it in is too cold? Yeast lasts a long time. Bad yeast is not likely. I use my oven (turned off) with just the heat of the oven light. If you want to kick the yeast rise up a bit you can take a pan of water and heat it up and let the steam create a warm, humid environment in the oven maintained by the light bulb. That will make the yeast get very active quickly. But I have had great results with just the oven, door closed, oven light on. Good luck.

  221. Gayle

    Do you have the nutritional breakdown of your fastest bread recipe? I’m going to try this! Thank you!

    • Andrew

      Enter the ingredients into a calorie counter and divide the total by the number of slices in your loaf for the calories per slice. The ingredients you use should may also list calorie count and other nutritional information.

  222. JoeB

    Hi Jenny,

    In your youtube video, you say we can substitute whole wheat flour for regular bread flour which I did. I am afraid, it did not rise, and the result was a very dense tasting bread. I ate it though.
    Since then I have done research and one cannot replace whole wheat flour for regular flour 1:1.
    How would alter the recipe if one does use whole wheat flour?
    Thank you

  223. Anita

    If I wanted to add olives, herbs or nuts to this bread when should they be added.

    • chilesands

      With additions, I work in pecans and cranberries right at the beginning with the flour and yeast. If herbs, seeds or spices are desired, instead, my bread is covered by a light dusting on top of the loaf, already risen, but after turning the bread into the Dutch oven or cooking container, to bake.

  224. Adriane

    I followed the recipe exactly, but I don’t have a Dutch oven( totally getting one though lol). I used a circle cake pan and tightly foiled it, leaving room for the bread on top. It turned out perfect. Thank you Jenny!?

    • Cat

      Oh perfect!! I can manage that. Thank you for sharing!

  225. Laurie

    Should I weigh the flour or just follow your comments to aerate and use one cup measure? One cup of King Arthur flour is 120 g. When I weigh it, it seems less than one cup, more like 3/4 cup.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I measure using cups but if you want to weigh, this should help. https://www.jennycancook.com/category/metric-conversion-chart/

    • Kristin

      I have been weighing King Arthur Flour for years. Yes, 1 cup of their AP flour is always 120 grams. I gave up measuring and exclusively weigh dry ingredients because it is predictably accurate and faster. For other brands of flour, types of flour, or other dry ingredients, I refer to the nutrition information on the package to figure out how much 1 cup weighs.

  226. Blakely

    My parchment paper can only reach 428 F, and I have an Enameled Cast Iron Pot. Can I bake the bread at a lower temperature?

    • chilesands

      Parchment paper is peeled of and tossed after baking. If it is browned while holding the bread inside the pot, when cooled, it peels right off the loaf, then trashed. Perhaps using the Reynolds parchment paper as recommended by Jenny would allow you peace of mind.

  227. Tiffany N

    I accidentally read the recipe for the faster no knead dough when showing a friend over FaceTime how to mix it (I used double the yeast). She is coming over in 3 hours to see how I do the rest of the recipe in person but I just noticed the dough has risen a lot which is when I realized my mistake with the yeast. Can I still let it rise 3 hours before transferring it to the parchment paper bowl or is it going to not turn out?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I wish I knew for sure but I think I would put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and then give it an hour to get back to room temperature. I hope that works, I’m just not sure. Let me know how it turns out…

    • Rowan

      I’ve put the basic recipient in the fridge for up to 3 days just fine – you do have add extra time to the proof for it to come to room temperature though

  228. Sara Rafferty

    If I want to make a smaller loaf can I just cut the amounts in half? How would I need to adjust the baking time/temp?

  229. Marie Benda

    I made this last week with an old packet of yeast and it came out ok but didn’t rise much due to it being old yeast. Now I haven’t been able to find yeast at the market. After making a sourdough starter last week, I made this loaf with 3/4 cup starter and added a little bit more flour instead using dry active yeast. It rose better than when I made it with the yeast and it baked beautifully. Thank you for this great recipe.

    • Diane Lee

      Someone said she used 3/4 cup starter. Would I then only use 3/4 cup water for the balance of the 1.5 cups? Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe, Jenny. I’ve used whey from homemade yogurt for the liquid, and two people asked for the recipe. Also, I love the recipe with everything bagel seeds, which I add just before putting in the oven. Have a lovely day, Jenny.

  230. Martha

    Have made this almost every day since being housebound. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Never would have thought a loaf would come out SO tasty with that beautiful crust. So appreciate you shared this recipe.

  231. Pamee Frankel

    I have no paper.Cant go to the market.Exactly how would I make it.I have Le Creuset..

    • Jenny Can Cook

      You don’t have to use parchment paper but it’s the best way to transfer the dough. You can place the dough straight into a dry Dutch oven to bake but it may be hard to maneuver. Some recipes use a floured towel in place of parchment and you can let the dough slide off the towel in to the pot. I hope that helps (& makes sense!).

      • Betty

        If one has no parchment paper, why can’t another paper ( foil or wax) be used to roll it into pan ( like a dish towel ) ?

        It’s not staying in there, right ?

        • Leslie

          I used aluminum foil instead of parchment paper, since I ran out last week. I sprayed the foil with canola oil – and folded two sheets together to make a large enough one. It worked perfectly.

    • Meredith Lowe

      If your dutch oven is enamel you should be ok. Mine is a 5q enamel and I just put the bread right in the hot dutch oven without anything else. You have to be careful but this is a rustic loaf and a perfect shape isn’t needed.

  232. Mary alpher brown

    Can I add olives to make kalamata bread?mary

  233. LT

    How in the hell do you get the parchment paper out of the oven from underneath the loaf at 30 minutes? I put mine in the over and the dough was stuck to the parchment and it’s on the bottom. Hopefully the partially cooked loaf will just slide off?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Assuming you did not use wax paper, which would melt, it’s possible that you need a better quality parchment. If you can get Reynolds brand, it never sticks. Also, if your loaf is partially cooked after 30 minutes, your oven was nowhere near hot enough.

  234. Valerie

    Can the recipe be doubled…the loaf was awesome, but a bit small!

  235. Jennifer

    Until I can get dough scraper, what could I use instead. I’m willing to MacGyver something.

    • Ginny

      Jennifer, I used a spatula! I’ve made 4 loaves now and it works just fine!

  236. Mel O'Drama

    I have a LeCreuset tagine pan and wonder if I could use it to make a long loaf if covered rightly wirh foil.

  237. Barbara a Hodgson

    I have made this many times and it comes out perfect. This time i let it sit over night and it is super runny. I will bake it anyway to see what happens. What do you think went wrong?

    • Todd

      How did it come out? I had same issue with overnight riser Measured 1.5 cups water precisely and flour by weight at 13.5 ounces to avoid aeration issues. Dough was looser than in Jenny’s video when mixed and after 18 hrs on countertop was all bubbly, but poured out and could not be formed into something transferable without adding about half to 3/4 cup flour. Result was decent but lost some airiness from all of the folding in of flour. Any ideas?

      • Todd

        Also, forgot to ask …. did you add flour at the end before you finished it? My dough was too runny to handle without adding flour. Thanks

  238. John

    Hi Jenny. I have a 7 1/4 qt le creuset dutch oven. Is that to large for this recipe? If so are there any adjustments you would suggest? Also the instruction booklet that came with the dutch oven recommends a max temp of 375.


    • Jenny Can Cook

      I’d be more concerned with the 375° limit and suggest not using this Dutch oven at 450°. You can buy Dutch ovens for around $50-60. I know Kohl’s has one from the Food Network that’s rated to 500°F.

  239. Tom

    I have made six Loaves recently and pitched every one—one without even baking it. My best had a crust I refused to eat, fearing a broken tooth. Several years agoI made several wonderful loaves, but now…nothing.
    My glass top stove’s oven is wildly inaccurate, which is part of the problem, but I’m aware of it now.
    I keep trying out of sheer cussedness, but I have no idea at all where I’m failing.
    I read your suggestions but don’t recognize anything that might help….

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I feel your frustration. The only thing I can think of is that your oven is not hot enough. It should take at least 30 minutes for an oven to reach 450F. Some people think when the oven turns off that it’s reached the set temperature but ovens turn off and on several times before reaching the goal. An oven thermometer would help with that. An inaccurate oven should not be the problem because some people bake this bread at 500 and I have baked some at 400 so anything close to 450 should still work. I hope that helps.

  240. Karen

    I made 2 batches yesterday afternoon. Never have I made no need bread. The directions said to put plastic wrap over the bowl. I had the gripping Glad wrap, so I made it so there was no breathing for the dough. My dough rose a little but not much. I read above about other things that could have happened, but I did everything correctly. I have yet to bake it, but I know it’s going to be dense. Any thoughts on the plastic wrap?

    • Howard

      Mine didn’t rise as much as my other breads but I baked it and it came out great. It rose during the baking.

    • Clara

      The dough contains living yeast cells. They need air to live and do the rising — which is achieved when they use up oxygen (think “breath in”) and then release carbon dioxide (think, “exhale” or “burp”). from Singer Instruments: “Yeasts can survive in the presence and absence of oxygen (1). In the presence of oxygen, yeast undergo aerobic respiration and convert carbohydrates (sugar source) into carbon dioxide and water. In the absence of oxygen, yeasts undergo fermentation and convert carbohydrates into carbon dioxide and alcohol (Figure 2).”

  241. Barbi

    Love this Jenny! Very nice video and you made me laugh about the”dirty ball”. Oh, Lordy! I’ve made the ‘long’ version of the “no need to knead” bread before and love the bread, but hated the attention it required. Thank you so much for this recipe. I wasn’t searching for a recipe when your video popped up; I’m sooo glad it did.
    PS: I don’t have a Dutch oven and have made the ‘long’ version of this bread using a Pyrex casserole dish with its cover. I may experiment and try using my cast iron pan or I may just bite the bullet and purchase a Dutch oven.. Thanks again.

    • Karen

      Barbi, I love this bread and have made it several times, but I wanted more of a sandwich size. Now I use two nonstick bread pans. I don’t use parchment paper at all. I put the dough in one of the bread pans, flip the other pan upside down over the first pan and put binder clips on the two ends to hold the pans together. Other than that I follow Jenny’s recipe. It gives me just what I want. Since I live by myself, when the bread is cool, I slice it, put it in a Ziplock bag and put it in the freezer. It keeps well, and when I want some, I take out what I want, let it thaw or put in the toaster.

      • Jenny Can Cook

        Karen, thanks for sharing this great idea. I am adding it to the FAQs for people with no Dutch oven.?

      • Celia

        You are so very clever! Thank you for the great idea. My bread looks lovely and is great with soup, but the bread pans will make it more sandwich friendly.

      • Claire

        What size pans did you use?

      • Todd

        Karen – Nice idea. What are the dimensions of the loaf pan to fit the dough in the recipe? And do you preheat the pans or put the dough in cold? Thanks

  242. PM

    Can I use my 6 1/2 oval Le Creuset? Thank you

  243. Carol Pulitzer

    Yikes! There’s no yeast out there because of the virus! I finally went to a small store today and found Fleischmann’s Bread Machine Instant Yeast. I assume it will work in the No-Knead recipe because it says “Ideal for all Rapid Rise Recipes.” I went from a no-carb diet to an all-carb diet in the last 2 weeks out of necessity with this catastrophe…it ain’t pretty!

    • Dark Star

      Look up “wild yeast starter” — might take a few tries, sometimes people even use grapes to get some yeast from that (search for “grape yeast starter”). Some use pineapple juice to get started.

      But basically the idea is you just put equal parts flour and water and a little sugar (or grapes or juice) in a jar, cover with a paper towel or cloth and feed it every day with more flour+water (no sugar!) for a few days until it’s very bubbly and smells like yeasty beer.

      I replace the yeast with 1/4 cup (or more) of starter, you might have to play with it — since the flour in the starter is hydrated already it makes no difference to the final product except you have very slightly more dough.

      If it’s a funky color or smells bad toss it out, sterilize the container, and start again. If you have anything with yeast or can get a 1/4 tsp from someone that will kick start it.

      • cathd

        thank you for the “yeast recipe”…it is impossible to find in our stores now…(Ontario, Canada)..I have a little yeast in a jar …now I can make my own. And my husband also says thanks…he loves homemade bread …Hmmm…wonder if he will expect it when this virus is over with…lol

    • Ginny

      Hi Carol,

      Fleischmann’s Bread Machine Instant Yeast is what I have been using. I have a big jar of it since that’s all I could find at the store. Jenny’s recipe says you can use instant or RapidRise. Also, I used the recipe that shows 2 teaspoons of yeast. I see this other recipe shows 1/4 teaspoon of yeast.

  244. Stephanie M

    What kind of add ins can you use? Olives, cracked black pepper, rosemary? How about olive oil?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      See some of my variations in the Breads category.

  245. MV

    Has anyone every doubled or tripled the recipe? Can you store dough in the refrigerator to bake at another date?

    • Karen

      Hi, last night i read about a lady who makes a large batch and keeps it in the fridge. When she needs to make bread, she just chops or grabs the right amount, leaves it out to warm to room temperature and then follows the rest of the recipe, folding under, parchment paper etc. Hope this helps.

  246. Teresa

    Can we use a crockpot?

  247. Jeennifer

    Hi Jenny-

    I have a problem. I have a cast iron Dutch oven, but the lid is missing and don’t know where it is. What can I use to cover my pan? Foil? Let me know your suggestions!

    • Mike

      A cookie sheet should work and be re-usable, I would say.

  248. Kelly Norman

    Oh my goodness! I am going to try this in my cast iron… Maybe add some cracked black pepper and rosemary?? Can’t wait… Thanks for sharing?

  249. Trayce

    Did anyone bake the dough without parchment paper? I just ran out of it and want to make another loaf.

    Also if I wanted to add cinnamon and raisins to the dough, would I need to adjust any other ingredients in the recipe? Thanks in advance ?

    • Rob

      Hi Trayce,
      I have used a 5 quart Lodge cast iron Dutch oven for years and have never used parchment paper or anything else for that matter. I dust a little flour on the bottom, pick up the dough and drop it in the center. When it’s done I just lift it out with my oven mitt. I hope this helps. Rob

    • Dark Star

      If you are using a well-seasoned regular (non-enameled) cast iron dutch oven (I use two cast iron skillets, one as the “lid”) then you don’t need parchment paper, you can also use a sprinkling of corn meal on the bottom.

      I’m not sure about enameled cast iron but you can try maybe a very light oil (like oil and wipe out) and then the corn meal. I do think it would be more likely to stick in enameled.

  250. Nathaniel Sherman

    Jenny, thank you for this wonderful bread recipe. It’s fantastic! My family enjoys this often, as well as your pan pizza recipe. The dough has a wonderful taste and there are never any leftovers. I used to love your show, and I love your recipes just as much! Thank you again for sharing your recipes.

  251. Cassie

    How do you think this dough would work for pizza dough?

  252. Neda Kasarova

    When you put the dough in the pan, is the parchment on top or bottom?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Use the parchment to lift the dough and place it, paper on the bottom, into the pot. You can see this in my video for “Faster No Knead Bread.”

  253. Emily

    How big of les cruset did you use for the bread?

  254. John

    How many carbs per slice of bread or per loaf re no kneading bread?

  255. Diane

    Step #7: Are you returning only the bread to the pan without the parchment paper to finish baking? Is this to finish developing the crust?

  256. Ladydarksky

    can i use a regular bread pan or two with tin foil?

    • Karen

      Yes, you can. You can make cinnamon buns too. My daughter makes this bread all the time, and she says if using a pyrex bread pan to put a turkey roaster pan to heat up, then add your bread pans and put the lid on or I suppose fold would work.

  257. Annie

    Is it possible to double this recipe? If so, how would the baking time change?

  258. Sandy

    Probably too late in asking this…but I live at 5500 ft elevation… and my Dutch oven is now preheating. Do you think it will still work????

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Several commenters have said it works just fine at high elevations. Good luck!

  259. ray frentzel

    very little flavor. Would not describe it as a yeast bread. Looks fantastic, but not tasty at all!

    • Ilene Piazza

      I made this yesterday and it was easy and is beautiful. The crust was perfection. The interior of the bread nicely cooked, but no flavor. What are some of the things we can flavor this with? Am assuming herbs, but looking for additional suggestions. Next time will try wheat flour as opposed to white, but am hoping for more flavor.

      • Jenny Can Cook

        Some people like to increase the salt – you could try adding 1/2 teaspoon more.

  260. Garrett Sampson

    When I first made this fast version, it rose and baked as it’s shown, but recently I have not gotten the rise nor the “crack” in the finished loaf. I have followed the recipe, so I’m very perplexed and frustrated that I’m not able to get that finish–the higher rise and crack–that I did at first. Any ideas?


  261. Jakub

    only rapid rise yeast?

    • Tracey Sozzi

      I was wondering how to use fresh yeast in this recipe

  262. Paula

    Hi Jenny,

    Tried the recipe, came out amazing first time. Now I want to double the size. I doubled the quantities. How does that affect the timeline? Do I still leave it out for 3 hours, how much longer in the oven?

    Thank you!

  263. Mila

    I followed the recipe to the letter but the bread did not rise. The water temperature was 122 degrees F.
    The yeast is up to date. What could have happened? Beautiful video but didn’t work for me.

    • Janet

      There are four possibilities listed above. Maybe one of those?

    • Ingrid Champion

      Same here. After following the instructions to a T, the dough would not rise. Should I use more yeast than 1/4 cp, use a warmed bowl, or store bowl in a warm spot? I have done this twice now & don’t want to give up!

      • cathd

        It will not rise like traditional bread dough. It only rises a little but bakes up well…

    • Trayce

      My dough didn’t rise either. However I baked it anyway and it’s very yummy… smaller than I expected (lol) but sooo good still.

  264. Kay

    I do not have a LeCruset baker….however…I was thinking of using the liner for my CrockPot…it has a glass lid…
    or should I use my large stainless pot with lid ?

    I am going to give GF a try…using buckwheat and my other GF flours …
    and other necessary GF baking items…

    • Nikita

      Kay, your glass lid might have a knob that isn oven safe. Use Tin Foil, and heat up your crock pot in the oven while its pre-heating.

  265. Diane B

    I would like to make this bread with my Staub dark interier 3 3/4 quart enameled cast iron dutch oven. You say 5 quart is standard, should adjustments be made with the 3 3/4 quart, or should it work just fine (I hope?), thanks!

    • Lizm

      I’ve used my Victoria 4 quart cast iron crock pot twice and it came out great, though the second time I increased the “browning period” by about 7 minutes and it was perfect!

  266. RobertM

    I have a dopey question, but since I am a very, very newbie baker, I figure I can ask it without too much embarrassment!

    I am going to double the recipe. Just doubling all of the ingredients. Make sense to this rookie.

    The only question that is still in my mind is whether I should stick with the baking time of 30 minutes or should I increase it to something like 40 or 45 minutes?

    HELP! 😉

    • Janet

      I’m thinking what matters is that the heat can get all the way to the center of the bread – so the important thing is that the loaf not be too ‘tall’ – if you use a larger pot, and make it the same height as the single measurements, I’d think it would take the same time.

    • cathd

      One way to test if the bread is done is to tap the bottom, if it sounds hollow it is ready to come out of the oven. Works for me every time

  267. Nubie Baker

    I meant to ask also if coconut flour can also be used instead of all-purpose flour in your fast No Knead Bread ?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Neither almond flour nor coconut flour will work as this recipe needs gluten.

  268. Nubie Baker

    In your video, you said that one can use any flour Can I use almond flour instead of all-purpose flour in the fast No Knead Bread recipe ?

  269. alice

    My Le Creuset is oval shaped and not round. Will this work?

  270. Beth P

    I would bake it and leave it whole. Then freeze it; wrapped well. You could also slice it and freeze it, but it would need to be taken out of the freezer sooner. I do this with artisan breads from my grocery store.

  271. Beth P

    I have a wonderful LeCruset dutch oven and have had it since 1986. Of course, I’m apprehensive of using the lid with the handle. I’m not sure how old your pot is, and maybe I’ll overcome that fear. To be continued!
    But a question that I would like to address is that some parchment papers state a maximum temperature for their use. Mine is 425 degrees. Being as this paper is in the pot, could I still use it a 450? What does your Reynolds Parchment Paper say is its maximum temp?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      The Reynolds box says 425 but I use it all the time for my no knead breads.

    • Charlotte M

      Beth, I too have a LeCreuset Dutch oven from the early 80s which lid knob isn’t able to take the 450 degree. I wrote to the support service @ LeCreuset and they send me a new knob which would work with the no knead bread recipes from Jenny. Made my first batch this week, and it turned out wonderfully…just like from a bakery! Hope is helps. LeCreuset was wonderful!

  272. Kc

    I noticed you didn’t use any butter or oil in this recipe. If I add any melted butter to this recipe would it still work?

  273. SalLee

    I have never made bread before, and this turned out Great! Now all my friends want to make it too. Thank you for posting and saying it was so easy. I will be making it again!!

  274. Susie

    If I’m making bread 2 days ahead, should I freeze it? What is the procedure for freezing and defrosting?

  275. Wendy Sue

    Well, I’ve tried this recipe three different times and on each occasion it was a complete mess. It was far too soupy even after applying flour and trying to ready it for the final resting and transfer to my Dutch oven for baking. It’s as if the dough should have four cups of flour rather than the three cups. I’ve baked many a yeast bread before with success so thought this would be fun to try something different. Will not pursue further and wish others success.

    • Amee

      How long did you leave it to sit on the counter? I’ve made this recipe 3 times and they all turned out perfect. The one time I let the dough sit on the counter longer for almost 10 hrs, I noticed it was more difficult to handle. Too sticky and more runny. I just added more flour until it was somewhat under control. It was sticking to the paper with extra flour but or baked fine.

  276. Jean

    I’ve followed the recipe, turned the temp to 425 F as my oven heats high. My dough is always very sticky. I add extra flour and yet the inside is a bit gummy after baking! I live in Vancouver, BC which is very low altitude. Is this making the consistency different than yours? Where do you reside?

    • Ci

      I find that high humidity (80%+) can cause a dense/gummy dough. On days like that I let the dough (1st rise) go an extra 15- 30 min and that seems to solve the problem for me.

    • Barbaraspill

      Hello Jenny,
      I absolutely love your gmail. I tried your cinnamon rolls, they were really good. I forgot to put in the sugar, but added a little extra to filling and icing. I changed the filling to cream cheese, conf.sugar, and a small amount of whipping cream, it was perfect.
      My bread was not. It didn’t rise and was very dense. I used the k beater but am confused.
      Keep on posting you are great.

  277. Mary

    I love this bread thank you so much! I make it a few times a week and I don’t care if I gain 200lbs. It’s soooo good. ?

  278. Sheila

    I live at high altitude, 7,000 feet, Santa Fe, NM. When I make anything with leavening of any kind, I cut the leavening in half. Otherwise things will over-rise. Do you suppose I need to cut the yeast in half with this recipe?

    • Mary

      Shelia, I live at 6,000 ft and have never made an adjustment. This recipe is foolproof!

    • Lynda Vorhies

      I live in Colorado at 9500 and have no problems with this recipe.
      Good luck.

  279. Georgina

    Tried this bread for the first time yesterday, I think I used too much flour. The dough didn’t jiggle around after rising. So I read all the troubleshooting tips and comments, then concluded that I didn’t let the pot I was putting it in get hot enough. Also it was too dense, so I decided to try again and use more yeast.

    So today, I broke all the rules! I measured 3 cups flour into a sifter and sifted it into the bowl. Then, I used twice as much yeast, a little less salt (because yesterday it was too salty) and a tsp. of sugar. After mixing in the water, it was too dry, so I heated more and added some. The dough jiggled perfectly after 3 hours!

    Then hubby and I decided to try it as pizza crust, so half went for that. Then the other half went into a Crisco-greased bowl with foil over it, and neither half went into hot containers. We baked at 425 until the pizza came out, then I turned the oven up to 450 and took the foil off. People, let me tell you, I am LOVING THIS BREAD! I will always add sugar from now on, too. Thank you Jenny!

    • Georgina

      I will keep trying to make it better, it was pretty dense. But be advised, using a glass bowl (pyrex or whatever) is NOT safe. I noticed today my bowl was cracked.

    • Kc

      If you used this for pizza dough sounds like you change this recipe completely. It is not the same recipe! So glad it turned out great! Some times this is how we can create our own recipes.

  280. joan meister

    I live in Canada and I find just leaving the bread to rise in the kitchen didn’t work. I really think I need a warm room and/or source of heat. I keep my house at 16.5/17 and it wasn’t bubbly or anything. Any ideas (my yeast is good by the way) Thanks

    • Jenny Can Cook

      These no knead breads are supposed to rise in a room temperature environment and not in a warm spot. They can even be refrigerated for days. Also, they don’t necessarily rise, they just expand a little. I suggest trying a new yeast since once opened, yeast has a short shelf life unless frozen. Good luck!

    • Anne

      I put mine in the oven with the light turned on, it rises perfectly. I never tried this bread but I am making sourdough bread all the time.

    • Sandra Remigis

      Hi Joan, I’m in Ontario. My daytime indoor temperature is at 19 degrees. I put the dough in the oven with the light on for 3 hours. It expanded but didn’t rise much as Jenny said. It turned out fabulously. My friend does the same.

  281. John

    Do you think this recipe would work with buckwheat flour?

  282. Jack

    Ha Ha My wife who past 3 years ago saved yeast in a small container that it came in just folded over and I should of used new.Oh I did every thing wrong take to long to tell you.I’ll try again.I’m trying new things like the meat loaf that is great.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      It’s good you are going to try again. You will love how easy this bread it. Keep me posted on your cooking and baking journey.

    • VR Anderson

      Yay, my birthday!
      Phooey, no Dutch oven. Searching options.
      Thanks Jenny!

  283. Judy R

    I do have a dutch oven but is is much bigger than recommended. I see you can use a glass casserole with a cover which I have. My question is, “is the glass safe at that oven temp?

    • Wanda Pease

      If your bowl says PYREX on it it is safe to use. The glass top should say the same. If you are using Corningware it is also oven safe. Glass that survived your Mother’s cooking in the oven will almost certainly handle this.
      Check your local Good Will and Thrift stores!

      • Ann Marie

        I have a nice Corningware with cover. Cannot wait to try!

    • Roseann

      No, glass lid is not safe at that temperature. You would be better off using the larger Dutch oven. In fact, original NY Times chef suggested 7 quart to 8 Quart Dutch oven.

  284. Dennis

    I preheated the pan in the oven to 450.
    But I used my infrared thermometer to measure the pan temperature. It was only 350. I waited another two on-off cycles before the pan reached 450.

  285. DB

    Very disappointed in this. Followed instructions to a T and bombed.
    First time with wheat flour, per whole wheat flour instructions. Second time with white. Epic fail.
    I give up.

    • JoAnn

      I would venture to guess that your yeast was bad. It has happened to me several times over the years. Try it again with new yeast – don’t give up. It really is surprising when it turns out, if you are used to making bread traditionally. I made it the first time yesterday and I was pleasantly surprised how easy and good it was. Hang in there!

    • Dominique

      I bombes twice. In my case, I think it is the flour!! It said best by …2015 so I bought new flour!!! Will try again but I need a thermometer to make the water and the oven is at the right temperature. Also, don’t use wax paper( I did the first time and it stuck to the bread). By failing I know what not to do again so I went out and bought Reynolds parchment paper, but in the package it says up to 420 degrees! But when I did my 2nd fail , with same old flour, it did not stick so that’s good. Today will make a new one with the new flour and will keep you posted! Fun, I love learning from my mistakes. Why? Because you can give tips to others. Yeah!!!

  286. Sandy

    Love the no knead recipe – but why is my crust crunchy when I take it out, but softens as it cools on the cooling rack? Any suggestions would be appreciated!

  287. Francis S

    Love this recipe! Bought myself a dutch oven on cyber Monday after using a casserole dish the first time. Covered the bread with foil partially for the last 6 min as it got a bit too brown. I have about 60% Polish ancestry and think some relatives went to Canada. So Jenny, sign up with 23andme and if we are related i would be happy to stop by for what i am sure are great holiday dinners! (-;

  288. Katrina

    Just took the loaf out of the oven and it looks and smells fabulous! Can’t wait to try it. I used a brand new (first use) Lodge enameled cast iron, 6 qt Dutch oven that’s rated to 500 degrees. But when I took it out it had black marks in various places. They look like the enamel burned off. The care instructions say not to heat it when empty. Hoping I can clean off those marks!

    • Katrina

      Whew when it cooled just enough I was able to rub them off with a scouring pad. Wonder what it could have been.

    • Katrina

      Whew when it cooled just enough I was able to rub them off with a scouring pad.

  289. Maggie

    Is there way to incorporate sour dough starter into the no knead recipe? I have made the no knead bread with great success and it was a hit with the family.

    • SandyJ47

      I have been experimenting with adapting this recipe to sourdough bread, but don’t know if I’m quite there yet. Replace the hot water with 2 cups of sourdough starter. Then comes the tricky part, how long to let it sit. It will rise OK in the time of original recipe, but you don’t get the good sourdough flavor. Today I let the dough rise overnight in the fridge and it tripled in size. I am going to punch it down and bake it now.

  290. Z

    Can I double this recipe?

  291. laura in Alabama

    Hi Jenny,

    Just wondering if you have any experience with this recipe using a banneton basket? I bought one recently and haven’t tried it, so your recipe is an experiment for sure! So basically I would put it in the basket for the second rise instead of a regular bowl. Thx.

    • Maryl

      I have used the basket on my second rise. It works well.

  292. rena

    How can I test my quarter teaspoon of yeast? Danke

    • Mari Anne

      Proof your yeast to find out if it’s still active by adding 1 teaspoon of sugar and 2 1/4 teaspoons of yeast (one envelope) to 1/4 cup of warm water. Then, wait 10 minutes. If the mixture bubbles and develops a yeasty aroma, the yeast is still good.

  293. Kari

    I’ve made this a lot & always had excellent bread. However, my last *4* attempts have me stumped. I aerated the flour, bought new yeast, checked water temp… And it just stays flat. Dough doesn’t get as shaggy, it’s more dry. And I just don’t understand what is happening. I do have a new oven that heats faster, so maybe my pan isn’t hot enough bc I don’t have it in there as long. I’ll try that but the dough just doesn’t seem right & I’m past frustrated bc it used to work! Arg. Anyone else?

    • SavySam

      Hi Kari
      I’m herein FL from RI on vacation for the next 3 months. So different water, & air temperature etc I guess. I’ve been successfully baking this exact bread recipe back home in RI since the summer. I tried doing it here last evening (in FL) and it refused to rise. I put it in the oven anyway and it baked up into a much smaller than usual loaf. It also has a kind of odd flavor as well. We were so disappointed. I can only imagine that it may be the water. I bought more yeast and will try again but I’m sure it had nothing to do with the yeast. We have delicious water back home where I had great success with the recipe as I said.

  294. Claire S. Morgan

    I love this recipe. Toylike bread from a little French bakery. I make
    Mine in a cast iron Dutch oven and it works beautifully. Thank you for this recipe!!!!

    • Steffie

      I also purchased a new cast iron Dutch oven. I would have preferred Le Creuset enameled one but was not ready to pay the big bucks.
      ( I do not like the lodge brand so got a brand from target called cravings by Chrissy Teigen .) Had to season it which took an hour and a half. The pot was too heavy for my rack so I put it closer to the bottom of my oven which was not recommended. I’ll have to fix my oven rack so we can hold the weight of the Dutch oven.

  295. Lynbakes

    How long and how hot should I turn the oven on if I want to double the recipe, two loafs instead of one?

    • watchfuleye

      I always do two loaves at once (mixing them up individually, but baking at the same time). I have 5 qt enameled cast iron dutch ovens and place them side by side in the middle of the oven. I have not found that I need to extend my cooking time at all. I always let my pots/lids heat up for 30 minutes once my oven has reached 450 to insure they are the correct temp when adding the parchment and loaves to bake. I always use my laser temp gauge to check the pot and oven temps before beginning my bake. Hope this helps!

  296. The Dude

    Great recipes. I’m perfecting my bread making skills and with your recipes/videos, I’m getting there. If I want to add raisins or some other dry ingredient to my bread, is there a recommended amount? I’d like make raisin bread or raisin challah. Thanks.

    • Mari Anne

      Hey, Dude. Just went to my good old Betty Crocker cookbook, and that says to add raisins with the last amount of flour that you add. I would use 1/2 – 3/4 cup raisins.

    • Mari Anne

      Whoops! I just re-watched the video, and you’re not adding flour – the flour is already in the bowl. So, after you stir the dry ingredients together, that’s when I would add the raisins, and then after that, the hot water. ??

  297. Shirley J

    Hi, Jenny, I tried your Ciabatta loaf and was surprised how well it turned out with so few ingredients. As for making Sourdough Bread, I’ve made that, including the starter, but find your Ciabatta recipe every bit as flavourful and so easy to make – hardly any cleanup! So, it’s my go-to recipe when I want fresh bread, without the bakery price of $4.49! Kudos to you!!!

  298. Debi

    Watch how long you leave the Dutch oven in the oven without anything in it. For some reason I though it needed to be put in for 45 minutes. My Dutch oven turned from red to a dark dark maroon. I hope it’s not ruined because it’s a le creuset.

    • Cassie

      Your red Dutch oven may have turned maroon because the temperature of 450° was higher than recommended.

      I recently bought a less expensive Dutch oven, also red, and a maximum temperature of 400°
      was recommended. After reading your experience, I decided to bake the bread in something else. I would have been very disappointed if my red oven had turn maroon, even though maroon is a nice color in itself.

    • Geri

      My red Le Creuset also changed color, but changed back when it cooled. It does it every time so far, always goes back to red when it cools.

    • Kari

      I have a red le creuset. It does turn dark in the oven. Hopefully you found out by now, once it’s cooled again, it’s back to normal. No worries!

  299. Lorrie

    Can I use hire whole wheat flour?

    • Steffie

      There is a separate recipe for whole wheat flour, no knead bread in a Dutch oven. I followed it but did not have the recommended white pastry flour. I used regular white flour. It turned out good and dense and had a good flavor, but next time I will bake with the proper flour and the oven rack up higher in the oven. I have a cast Iron Dutch oven, not an enameled one. I used an oven thermometer and learned my oven runs about 10-15 degrees hot. (Every time I opened the over my smoke alarm went off! Had to open a window and fan the alarm with a kit he towel!)

  300. Joe

    Ca I make dough ahead and refrigerate for future use,day one or two days

  301. JoyFully in the Kitchen

    I’ve just mixed the dough with a friend who will return tomorrow when we’ll bake it.
    I’m sooooo excited! Made bread for decades and experimented with no-knead breads in the past but I think that you’ve nailed it with ending up with great results

    My question: It’s unclear to me whether we should let it rest in the bowl or the pan for the long stretch.
    My intuition is the first “rising” (bubbling?) but you use the word rest for the second.

    Thanks for your help!

    • Celeste

      I’ve always read to leave the lid off during the initial 30 minutes

  302. Barb

    My bread came out pretty good but I live at 5500 ft. I think it needs to be more aerated. It doesn’t have the big air pockets like yours. Any hint?

  303. Ramona L.

    Just wondering if it is really necessary to remove the parchment paper before the final baking with the lid off? I’ve seen other recipes that just say to remove the lid before the last part of the baking.

    • Lisa

      My husband forgot to to remove the parchment when he took the lid off and the bread was still great. The Dutch oven was fairly low in the oven, and the bottom crust was fine.

    • watchfuleye

      I always leave my parchment in through the entire bake, including the final cook time with the lid removed. It has never affected my bread. Hope this helps!

  304. Rita G

    I loved your TV show&I love all your cooking, baking&humour in your kitchen&So I wonder if I can substitute rye flour in your great whole wheat bread recipe, It’s a request to use that pan type-And one was purchased for me? Am I facing a total botch&a waste of stupidly costly seeds&flour?

  305. Brenda Dower

    Hi, I am addicted to yeast bread making, Can I use this recipe for making rye bread? I have a hard time making it into the round loaf on the cookie sheet.

  306. Bryan Brosnan

    C I add onions and cheese to it?

  307. Gail A Woolard

    How many calories and Carbs in this bread?
    Thank YOU,

  308. Linda S

    On your cabinet what is the PURPLE CABINET MADE FROM?

  309. Alice

    This looks amazing. I have only a Nuwave oven. It’s highest temperature setting is 350 F. I have once tried a no knead bread in it and it did not turn out right. Any suggestions or suggestions for a no-knead bread that can be baked at lower temperature? Thank you

  310. Jewell Woodward

    Did i miss it ? Did you not use any oil or butter .

    • watchfuleye

      Jewell, there is no oil or butter in this recipe. None.

      (However, I would plan to have plenty of butter once it is cooked and cooled…to slather on your slice! )

  311. Lisa Hunt

    Making your no kneed bread and it calls for all purpose flour I am doing keto can I use almond or coconut flour please let me know thanks

    • Kate

      Jenny has addressed gluten free options in another post… but basically, gluten free flours cannot be substituted for regular flour in most recipes. The flours are not similar enough to react similarly with the recipe as it is.

      Rather than try and substitute, I would search instead for recipes that are “keto breads” (my mother is GF/Keto, so I am very familiar with those types of recipes).


  312. martin

    I have used a stainless steel frying pan, just last night, and hd a pan of hot water on a lower shelf. The loaf cooked really nicely. also put shredded cheese in the dough, oh yummy. Thanks Jenny, love your enthusiasm and humour.

  313. PJ

    I’m getting ready to make this shortly. I have a vintage Copco enameled cast iron Dutch Oven, 7 quarts, and a doppelgänger labeled Anchor, 4 or 5 quarts. (I believe Copco sold out to Anchor). I’m going to use the smaller Anchor – it’s still plenty big.

    The basic recipe is the same in several YouTube videos, and one of them varies it with a small amount of olive oil. I will try to resist that, but I cannot resist some roasted garlic and fresh rosemary. I can’t imagine that would hurt the bread, but I did read the warning about not making changes the first time we make it……I’ll take my chances.

    I have an unbleached all purpose flour, 10% protein content, which is *almost* a strong flour, not quite at the requisite 12%.

    And spring water and new fresh yeast.

  314. Sue

    I watched your video today on no knead crusty bread and decided to try it. I’m an experienced breadmaker. I never measure flour, I always weigh it. I did add some olive oil, about a third of a cup, total liquid was one and a half cups. it did not approach shaggy, so I added another third of a cup of hot tap water. 5 hours later, it was still a fairly hard ball, not even what I would call dough. just for kicks, I added more hot water and have mixed it in again and we’ll see what happens. I have a feeling I’m going to be throwing this batch out before it gets to the oven.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I’m pretty sure that adding the olive oil is the problem. If you follow the recipe as it is, I think you will be pleased.

  315. Renee B.

    Hi Jenny,
    I love your YouTube videos and help here on Pinterest. I’m new to bread making. I’m learning as I go. There’s so much important information to take in. My attempts have a serious failure rate. But, I’m still learning. I wish that I could cook with you but I think I live too far away. Florida. I need a vacation away from our oppressive heat. LOL. Seriously, you’re the best. I’m not getting any younger (61) but I’m serious about baking and cooking in general. It’s my happy place. Take care and God Bless.
    Renee B.

  316. David l

    I added a cup of chopped walnuts and a cup of dried cranberries before adding the water and mixed well. The result was delicious.

  317. Garrett

    I have made your Faster No Knead bread a number of times. The first few times, it cracked while baking in the Dutch oven which was just what I wanted and made a beautiful effect. The last two times it has not cracked, just raised some (less so than the first ones). I DO follow the recipe exactly, particularly in trying to solve this “no-crack” issue.

    What is the reason it wouldn’t crack; does it need to be sliced with a lame or knife before baking it? I’m really DESPARATE to get an answer, so will hope to hear from Jenny or someone who’s had this problem. Thanks, Garrett

    • teri

      the top of the bread will crack open due to the steam buildup in the bread…a mini explosion of air. I often score the top of my loaf with a knife or even snip it a couple of times with a scissor before putting it in the oven (so I can “control” where the crack lands). If your loaf doesn’t crack…no worries, it’ll be delicious anyway!

    • Susan

      Definitely score the top before baking. The scoring also helps where you would cut the bread after it’s baked. Use a serrated knife–the crust can cause the knife to slip and cause injury. I use a slightly different recipe and also mist the dough with water after scoring to help it steam while baking.

      • Sharon

        Hi Susan!
        I’d love your recipe if you care to share.

  318. Jody Spinosa

    One of the best breads I’ve tasted! Thanks for the recipe! Is it the same amounts of ingredients and liquid when using whole wheat flours? How about rye flour?

  319. Katrina Vey

    Hello Jenny, I followed your Cinnamon Rolls recipe using “Active Dry Yeast” and it was great! And very delicious. A couple of weeks later I wanted to bake the same recipe, was out of “Active Dry Yeast” went to the store, they only had packages of self-rising Active dry yeast. Using that yeast was a nightmare! (I don’t have a bread maker, was mixing and (trying to) knead it by hand, I could never get the dough not to be too sticky to knead. I followed the same recipe, could it be I didn’t have the right yeast? You have a very good, tasty and easy recipe to follow, I will try it again when time permits me with the “Active Dry Yeast, and not the Self Rising Dry Yeast. Have a great Day! Katrina Vey

  320. Jake

    Dutch oven what size?
    How many quarts?

  321. Beth Perrotta

    Could I make this recipe successfully with white Einkorn flour?

  322. Maria

    Could I use 1 cup of AP flour, 1 cup of bread flour and 1 cup of rye flour instead of 3 cups of the same flour?

  323. Maria Valente

    Hi Jenny, I love watching you explain your recipes, you are so personable. Thank you for the No Knead Bread. I will have to try it possibly this weekend. Now I will see what else you shared that I can tackle.
    Maria Valente

  324. Shawn

    I’ve made this bread several times and it’s great!

    I’ve been using bread flour and believe it or not, yeast that supposedly expired years ago. I’ve kept it in a sealed plastic container in the fridge, and so far it has never let me down. I usually “bloom” it first to make sure it’s still good, and I’ve also used it to make pizza dough, and it’s been great every time. I guess this particular yeast strain is really tough.

    Also, I’ve used parchment paper from the 99¢ store, and it has worked fine as well. I use a black cast iron Dutch oven, but have used a Pyrex type glass/ceramic dish with lid and that worked too.

  325. Deborh

    I can’t wait to make this! Beyond changing flour, how far can I stretch the recipe? Can I mix grains and seeds into the dough and sprinkle “everything” on top?


  326. Sherry L Dengler

    I swear I am getting senile! After messing up the first time, I read your tips above. I aerated the flour and, since it was late, I decided to do the over night method. When I finished and covered it in plastic wrap, I was so excited because it looked just like yours in the video. Then I lost my mind. I put it in the fridge. You instructions were very clear.

    I pulled it out of the fridge to fix the rolls for lunch. The dough looked perfect! Then my brain kicked in. Counter top NOT fridge! If I let it warm to room temp, will it still work?

    Sorry this was so long. Thank you for this web site and for your video.

  327. Garrett Sampson

    I made the no-knead rye bread and followed the directions carefully but after baking it the prescribed time, the internal temperature was only 190, so I ran it longer til it was at 200+. After I let it cool completely and sliced it, the bread has a moist feel to it that seems to me that it’s not quite done. Should this recipe run to 210 and/or longer in an off oven after that time? Taste and texture are very good; when I toasted it, it was better. Thanks for all your great recipes.


  328. Iva

    I have been making this no knead bread since January of this year (2019) nearly every other day! We love it. After my first attempt I did tweak the recipe a little bit to suit our taste. I added a little more salt and a touch more yeast and I reduced the bake time after removing the lid because it was browning too much. It has turned out perfect every time until this last week. The last two times I made it it has come out flat. I tried using new flour and new yeast and it still came out flat. I don’t know what has happened. My proofing and baking times are the same that I always do. My ingredients amounts are the same. The dough looks the same when it goes into the Dutch oven but it isn’t coming out with any volume. Do you think my Dutch oven suddenly stopped creating the steam it needs inside the pot to produce the big beautiful round loaves I am use to getting? Is that possible? Could you offer any suggestions? Thank you.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      It’s possible your yeast expired. It should be kept frozen after opening.

      • Bamabev

        I’ve tried this twice &both times it was flat, bottoms were hard as a rock & neither one would brown no matter how long I baked it. I have brand new yeast, tried active dry & SAFinstant yeast. I tried the hot tap water & 3 hour proof time 1st, then I used the instant yeast, warm water & did the overnight method. I tried changing the rack position to no avail I use White Lily ap flour, could that possibly be the culprit? I am normally a pretty good baker but, this has me stumped! Please help! Thank you!!

        • Jenny Can Cook

          White Lily flour is low in gluten and protein and not suitable for yeast breads. Try bread flour and I think you will succeed.

  329. Peter Caden

    Thanks for this. Can I use a Strong flour with a higher protein and gluten content?


    Could i double the recipe?


    My bread turned out beautifully do you think i could double the recipe?

    • V.Den

      I’m sure you could as it would just make a bigger loaf. I would say you would need larger dutch oven to give it room for steaming. I know I am going to try it on the next loaf.

  332. margarete kressierer

    i have a new enamel cast iron pot and they say never heat an empty pot

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I believe they mean on the stove top but make sure it’s rated safe for 450°F.

    • Marsha

      Hi, Margarete.
      I bet you’re taking about the Lodge Dutch oven. I had the same concern a couple of weeks ago. I wrote to Lodge and received an email back saying that they’ve tested and revised their recommendations on this topic and it’s perfectly okay to heat their enameled Dutch oven empty at 450 and 500 degrees. I’ve done it several times since. No problem! Perfect bread.

      • Jeni

        I’ve been using my Lodge dutch oven for this with wonderful results. Works perfect. I LOVE THIS BREAD.

  333. Bob

    Can I use semolina flour or a combination of all purpose and semolina? Your bread looks delicious!

  334. Mariah

    So I made this recipe with a sour dough starter and used about 3/4 cup of it and it was amaaaaaazing (I just used a little less warm water.) Definitely a favorite. I also added a tbsp of rosemary to one loaf which is soooo good.

  335. margarete kressierer

    the parchmentpaper is good for 400, the bread needs 450, so what can I do?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I use Reynolds brand at 450 for all my no knead breads with no problem.

    • Edith Montaldo

      I use Reynolds Wrap Parchment Paper with no problems. The top edges turn brown but don’t burn.

  336. Elena

    You suggest the use of Reynolds parchment paper. The manufacturer says it is safe up to 425F. Your recipe calls for 450F. I checked the manufacturer’s site and they have no product that could withstand 450F. Am I missing something?
    Thank you!

    • Liz

      I was thinking the same thing. I guess since your covering the pot it shouldn’t be an issue. I’ll see in a few hours.

  337. Conny

    I did the cinnamon recipe twice and my cinnamon buns don’t rise
    What can I do better ?
    I did let it sit for almost 2 hours I followed your recipe perfectly

  338. Sharon Peterson

    Can dried herbs be used such as rosemary, dried onion or other dried herbs?

  339. Sammy

    I guess Jenny must be busy, she hasn’t answered my question yet

  340. Sammy

    Can I use the same dough to make the small dinner rolls?

  341. Theresa

    OMG your video takes no time at all. love your jokes to. ty for helping me know how to make a faster bread…hugs to you dear Jenny xoc

  342. Adele Clinton

    Can I proof the No Knead Bread for 12 hours before I heat up my dutch oven to cook it?

  343. Annamaria Christensen

    I areated the 3 flour 1 1/2 cups water 1/4 tsp yeast but when saran wrapped it was moisture on wrap. It that suppose to happen??

    • Kathryn

      Mine also done the same. I was wondering if you got a response to your question. Thanks

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Moisture drops on the inside of the plastic wrap is normal.

  344. Zora

    Hi Jenny- I would like to make this recipe using whole wheat flour. How many more tablespoons of water should I add? As whole wheat flour is more “thirsty“ then white flour. Thanks so much!

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Did you look at my other variations using whole wheat?

  345. Elizabeth

    First let me say I love your site especially your no knead bread. Question is can this bread be frozen after the rise to be bake at a later date.

  346. Mar G

    I just mixed this up using the whey left from making Instant Pot yogurt. We will see how it is. I made anther with water so I can do a side by side comparison.

  347. Agi

    Dear Jenny
    Thank you so much for your amazing No knead bread recipe, came out sooo good, the only problem I had, that my La Creuset duch oven got burned on the outside, can you suggest some cleaners for it?
    I used Bar Keepers Friend, on the lid I was able to clean most of it off, but on the side of mine red colored pot , I wasn’t able to clean it off,
    Thank you

    • Mighty IT

      I suggest, in the future, make sure you wash the outside of your pot well, residual grease or soap will burn onto your pots. Dirty ovens, especially at this high temp, will burn onto your pots, as well.
      Cleaning it: try a layer of tomato sauce or catsup for 30 mins. Rinse and scrub. I use a paste of baking soda on a green scrubber pad, whenever I got my greasy fingers burn onto the exterior of baking vessels.
      Hope these help, Agi!

  348. Sam

    Oh my this is the most delicious bread. I’ve made it four times now using my husband’s grandmother’s cast iron dutch oven and it’s been perfect. Would I wreck it if I added some cooked oatmeal or 7-grain cereal? Herbs? Sunflower seeds? olives or sun-dried tomatoes? cheese? If these kinds of things might work, at what point would i add them – in the i nitial three hours or when I’m scraping the dough around

    Thank you for sharing this – love the wry sense of humour.


    • Jenny Can Cook

      You could look at some of my no knead variations for ideas and also look through the comments to see what other people have done.

  349. David S.

    Would beer work instead of water? I’ve heard of beers being used for bread making but I don’t know if it would work with a no-knead recipe. Thank you!

    • nachodon

      I know that it works perfect if you drink the beer while the dough is rising. Seriously, try it and see. I don’t know if the beer has a leavening agent in it though. That might need adjustments

  350. Bernadette

    Can I cut the bread recipe in half? My freezer is small and I don’t want it to go to waste.

  351. Hemidog

    Do you have to refrigerate the leftover bread how long will it keep
    Baked my first loaf today it turned out great my husband loved the crunchy outside


    • Pentaxguy

      I keep mine in the fridge, slicing what I want as needed. Warming a short time in a toaster oven will bring the slices back to that “just baked” temperature and a nice crunchy crust.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Please see this How-To: https://www.jennycancook.com/how-to-store-homemade-bread/

    • Jody

      I make cranberry/walnut no knead bread. When it has cooled completely, I slice it and freeze the slices in a zip lock bag. When I want to serve I just take out one slice, microwave for 23 seconds on the setting for bread, then toast in my toaster for about a min or so. Tastes like fresh made. Husband likes peanut butter and homemade freezer raspberry on it. Have been doing this for several years. Note, I use a black cast iron pot with lid and only use this pot for bread. I use the reynolds parchment paper as she directs.

  352. EMF

    Thanks for sharing your great videos. What changes should I make, if any, at 3124 ft. elevation?

    • Amy

      Just made my first loaf at 6300 ft elevation with low humidity, added maybe 1 extra tablespoon of water and it turned out great.

  353. Corinne

    I use an aluminum baking sheet and it works great. You do not need a pot with sides. Jim Leahy the guy who came up with the recipe recommends using whatever you have.Read the NYT comments on the recipe link, people are using all kinds of baking containers and pans.

  354. Cat

    Can I make the no knead bread ahead and do the second 15” dough crisping just before company arrives. Ideally male the night befor then pop into the hot oven 30” before dinner

  355. DRG

    Could you provide an instant pot (pressure cooker) version?

  356. Joan Sowinski

    I used cast iron (black) deep skillet with lid. I put my oven rack on level 3 from bottom. My bread comes out crusty but not done on the inside. Please help

  357. Shivani

    Hi, Jenny! Long time/first time and a huge fan, do you think that would this work in a 3.5 quart dutch oven?

    Thanks in advance 😀

  358. denise

    I just stumbled onto your recipe for Faster No Knead Bread. I have been wanting to buy a dutch oven. What size ideally do you use? They are expensive so i can only buy one for now. Cant wait to try th is recipe. I LOVE good bread (not store bought bread). skip the chocolate, give me bread!!!

    • Paul

      I think you want it as small as possible without confining the bread. I started with a 6 quart for no knead, but then bought a 4 quart, and am getting better oven spring. If there’s too much room inside, it reduces the effect of the steam.

      • Jenny Can Cook

        Under the 2-Hour Fastest No Knead Bread recipe, Teresa responded to Lili’s Dec. 26th posting that Food Network makes a very reasonable Dutch oven rated up to 500°F. I think they sell it at Kohl’s but you’ll need to check.

    • nachodon

      Buy a smaller Dutch oven. You can make a 3 cup flour bread in it and just make them more often. The Large Dutch oven I have and bought a smaller one as it is more versatile


  359. Gray

    I would like to make Olive bread using your fantastic No Knead Bread recipe
    My question is when do I add the Olives?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Please look at my no knead olive bread recipe.

  360. -=mh=-

    followed exactly.Used a pyrex (white bowl with glass lid) that can go to 500F. bread was delicious, Better half finished it this morning. Did not use convection. Parts of interior seemed underdone but toasting made the difference, However, outside crust was very hard. Since I used pyrex, should I bake for less time or at 425F? Would using convection make a difference? After second bake, thermometer read 210F.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      When baking in glass or pyrex, the temperature should always be reduced by 25°F so yes try 425 and do not use convection.

  361. Marc W

    UPDATE to my yesterday comment.
    So I was so disgusted that I couldn’t make this simple batch of bread I did some research and then found a video that potentially shows my error. I dipped my measuring cup into the container of flour. Apparently, this is a no-no (I did
    aerate the flour first). Jenny’s troubleshooting talks to scooping out the flour into the measuring cup but I missed that (Sorry Jenny). Here’s the link if you’re interested; https://www.myrecipes.com/how-to/video/measuring-flour

  362. Marc W

    Don’t know why I keep getting sucked into these “It’s so easy, a monkey could do it”….. start tossing the bananas my way. I guess I really wanted to make the bread and believed it could be so easy. I read several comments of failures but chose to follow the advise of “keep going” if you have a problem. Well, I measured everything very carefully after making sure my ingredients were fresh (even went out and bought new yeast). After finally stopping the mixing of the flour, yeast, salt and water because it was still a bit runny, I “kept going” and put it in the bowl for 3 plus hours to rise. It looked great until I rolled it out on my counter top….perhaps I should say it poured out with little difficulty. I never could get it to come together. I finally gave up and threw it away as it would not stay in a shape and I had added a ton of extra flour. Think long and hard before you try this recipe and be prepared for failure. I should add that I watched the video three times before starting and stopped at each step along the way. As mentioned before, I measured carefully. The only possible thing I might say that could help is that I measured the flour in a dry cup and I measured the water in a Pyrex glass measuring cup. This seemed perfectly sensible to me but perhaps I should have not used the Pyrex? Very disappointing.

    • Darla Gips

      A Pyrex measuring cup is for LIQUIDS, not for dry ingredients. That may have been you too liquid problem. Cups that have pouring spouts are not for dry ingredients.

      • Jenny Can Cook

        He said he measured the flour in a dry cup but you are right about not using Pyrex to measure flour.

    • Kim

      I know what cups to use for dry and what cups to use for liquids I followed all the steps exact and mine was exactly the same I ended up adding more flour it still was runny I couldn’t even get it into a ball lbut I’m going to bake it anyway and see what happens.

    • Julia

      You threw it away … without even trying to bake it? It probably would have tasted perfect, moist inside and crusty outside. My dough was very soft too but the finished product was awesome!

      Indeed it takes a few tries to get the ideal loaf, but the joy is in the journey.

      Here’s hoping you have better success next time – don’t give up.

    • Dean

      I have used the pyrex measuring cup three times with the same result (VERY runny dough. However I went ahead and “folded” it with enough flour to make it manageable and it baked fine in my old cast o\iron pot. Bread was somewhat flattened but the general texture was great as was the crust. By the way, I have always \used about 2 or 3 Tbs ,gluten flour with my ap flour. Today I’m trying substituting a half cup of cooked brown rice for a half ,cup of the flour
      without the gluten.

  363. Dae

    I tried this recipe & the results were pretty good. I have a cast iron Dutch oven ( all black) and the Dutch oven smoked a lot during the heating stage. My bread had a nice smoky flavor to it. Any advice so this won’t happen next time?

    • Mighty IT

      May be your oil. Use avocado oil, it has a higher burning temp.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      With the no knead bread you should not be using oil at all. The parchment paper will keep the loaf from sticking.

  364. Margie

    if my dough was too runny, can this be corrected during rolling process with added flour?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      That does not sound like a good idea. Please look at my FAQs to see why the dough is too runny.

  365. marg

    Can i bake this no knead bread in a loaf pan,, thanks marg

    • LuellaBramley

      I wondered about using a loaf pan too. I have neither Pyrex glass bowls nor dutch ovens.
      Please HELP!

  366. Eldridge, David

    Is there any modification for baking this at 6,400 feet altitude?

    • Val

      I have had not problem baking this at 7,000 ft altitude.

  367. Teresa

    The bread turned out fantastic! So easy I am afraid I may overindulge 🙂
    My advice is to use a kitchen scale to measure the flour– I used 360 grams of all purpose flour and the results were perfect. Thanks Jenny!

    • Florida Jim

      Agreed, you need consistency in measuring. But the problem is that not everyone agrees on what a cup of flour weighs. Three different writers for the NYT have three different weights. Tessa, Handle the Heat says 127 grams, Jenny says 130 g. King Arthur Flour, the people who make the stuff, says 120 g. So much for consistency. There should be an internationally agreed upon weight so that we’re all on the same page. But if someone writing a recipe gives a weight, grams, ounces or whatever, that’s what I use, figuring that’s what they used to develop the recipe. A small scale costs less than twenty bucks and it’s worth every penny of it.

  368. Anne

    I tried this and did exactly as you said.
    There is not enough liquid for 3 cups of flour and definitely Did not get bubbly!
    It would be nice if you would tell us in your video about aerating before I went to all this work only to through it in the garbage.
    I was so disappointed in this simple, forgiving bread and I have baked bread all my life.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I feel terrible that youtube does not allow us to edit videos but I did post two notations on the video that read: “Aerate flour before measuring.” One comes up at 0:28 and another one at 0:32. Maybe you missed them but if you have baked bread all your life you probably already know about aerating so I doubt if that was the problem. This recipe has worked for thousands of cooks exactly as written and I did not fake the video. I think if you check my FAQs and try it again, exactly as written, it will work. I have made it exactly this way hundreds of times.

      • Orlando R Maldonado

        I followed your you tube as it was. Then i watched several more times to be certain. I did not know what aereate was so i looked it up. the bread came out fantastic. Folks take your time and re-watch over and over.

    • Bonnir

      My bread definitely was not fluffy OR bubbly. In fact the mix of ingredients was not complete; I mixed it well and it resulted in globs. Perhaps this is lack of aeration, and I am uncertain about how that’s accomplished, I guess. I saw your note not to sift, but….what?

  369. Dawn

    Can I use a 7 1/2 qt Dutch oven which is all I have

  370. Gena

    Was watching other cooking related videos on theYouTubes and stumbled across this recipe!

    One question for you – you say in your video that you use 1/4 teaspoon of yeast, however, your written recipe calls for 2 teaspoons. Can you please clarify which it is before I make this bread (and I cannot wait to do so!!!)

    Cheers and Merry Christmas,

    • Anne

      I agree. 1/4 tsp. Yeast is not enough!

      • Julia

        I too was wondering about this.
        So, I followed the recipe as written and have made 4 loaves so far, using only 1/4 tsp yeast. I have varied the flour with whole wheat and white, making each loaf different.
        All 4 loaves have been perfect.

      • Florida Jim

        There are several variations of the no-knead loaf on the web, 1/4 tsp yeast
        is what they all use. I’m about to make my fourth loaf, I actually added about 1/8 cup more flour, i expect this to turn out as good or better as the 3 previous loaves.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I think you are looking at two different recipes. The “Faster No Knead Bread,” which has the video, calls for 1/4 teaspoon of yeast and the “2-Hour Fastest No Knead Bread” (no video) calls for 2 teaspoons.

      • Margo

        Hi Jenny,
        I’m sure glad I understood, from the beginning, that there are TWO recipe links under your YouTube video that are quite clear. One is according to the rising time in the YouTube and the other link is if you prefer a FASTER rise. DUH ?
        Thank you!

  371. Christopher Zaleski

    Can I use an oval Staub Cast Iron 7-qt Oval Cocotte? Or does the oval shape cause issues? Also, 3 cups of whole wheat flour is ok to use in place of all purpose unbleached flour?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I have only made it in my enameled cast iron dutch oven. Please see my other whole wheat variations.

  372. Nicole

    Have made both versions of the bread a few times and it’s yummy….it’s also gone in about a day!
    We are at 6500 feet altitude and altho the bread is yummy…it doesn’t look like the pictures….it’s smaller and denser. What adjustments should I make for altitude?

    Thank you!

  373. Lilian

    I made my very first bread in my life with your recipe and it WORKS!!!!!!
    It was a little dense and because I added a little more water after noticing it was dry. Otherwise, it is crusty outside and soft inside…so yummy. I made it with my first Dutch oven Combekk that comes with thermometer!

    I am so motivated that I am preparing to do a second one…without the extra water and see how it turns out.

  374. Bernie

    I noticed that your dutch oven has a light interior. I have a Staub dutch oven with a black finish interior. Do you think I will need to decrease the oven temperature? Haven’t tried it yet, worried the bread will burn.

    • Leslie B.

      Perhaps putting a barrier between the heat source in your oven and the pot will help (a cookie sheet?) without any other effect. Worth a try?

    • Florida Jim

      i bought a black Lodge 5 qt cast-iron dutch oven and it works great. You need to the parchment paper to keep the dough from sticking to the pan. That’s all you need.

  375. Annie

    Thank you so much for your no knead bread recipe, Jenny! It’s turned out delicious every time so far (about 6 and counting).

    I have 2 questions I’m hoping you can answer:

    1-Even when being generous with the flour, my loaves spread out when proofing. (Still delicious and gets eaten up very quickly, but would like to have taller loaves if possible for aesthetic reasons.)

    2-Have you made pizza crust with a variation of this recipe? I think it would be fantastic.

    Thank you! Keep up your delicious work! 🙂

    • Jenny Can Cook

      You could try proofing it in a smaller bowl but from my experience no matter what container I proof it in, it always bakes tall so make sure you don’t change the recipe in any way. And I use a similar dough in my pan pizza recipe.

  376. Joe ( josef

    Instructions read to return loaf to oven w/o parchment. Does loaf get returned into Dutch oven on final or does loaf get returned by itself to oven w/o Dutch oven?

  377. Anna

    Where can I find this recipe?

  378. Anna

    Where can I get this recipe?

  379. Lilly

    Best bread ever, at my first try! Thank you!! My question now is, how do you store it after it has cool down to keep it crusty on the outside and soft and chewy on the inside? And, if freezing it, do you freeze the dough before the first rise or after? Or perhaps, freeze the bread after it’s baked? Thanks, can wait to make my own flavors of these amazing bread.

  380. Barb

    Could you make this bread in an instant pot since the cooking method is steam?

  381. Sydney F. Jenkins

    Hi Jenny,

    I just watched your Faster No Knead Bread video. awesome!

    I have some sourdough starter sitting on my stove all the time and I feed it and keep it going (for years now!) but i’ve only used it once with this type of no knead recipe by some famous guy, but it took ALL DAY and multiple steps! I’ve not done it again. I want to do it YOUR WAY. Tell me how I can use your recipe but using my liquid sourdough. Thanks so much1

  382. Glenna Healy

    My bread did not taste or smell like home made bread. What did I do wrong?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Yeast is what creates the homemade bread smell and salt it what gives it flavor. Which recipe did you make and what are the exact ingredients you used? If you can walk me through your specific ingredients and process, I will try to help. Please be as specific as you can.

  383. Terry

    Even though dough was sticky I just used my rubber spatula with good dusting of flour and sprayed water on dough and did 3 slashes with sharp kitchen shears just as I placed in covered pot. I had great crispy “ears” (top crust lifts where slashed) and beautiful “crumb”(holes).

  384. Terry

    Had just made a loaf of sourdough bread (No Knead Method) that took 12 hours with wait time. Watched your Faster No Knead Bread video for 3 hour bread then read your Fastest 2 hour method and wanted to do a comparison. Yes, I did alter since I only had 1/2 pkg. of Active Yeast so I additional added my super strong sourdough starter 1/2 cup with the 1/2 pkg. yeast and only used 1 1/4 cup hot water, 2 1/2 cups bread flour and 1/2 cup rye flour. My oven is old so I preheated to 550° and placed my cast iron skillet on low shelf with a 6 qt. tall pot with lid in it. Did follow the rest of your recipe instruction with parchment paper, “envelop folding” @ 12 times and resting then placing sourdough on parchment paper in pot and reducing oven temp. to 475° and baked with lid on in pot for 30 minutes. Took bread out of pot and paper and placed bread only on top oven shelf for 10 minutes to get darker crispy crust. Total SUCCESS! Bread is terrific and even more successful than even the 48 hour traditional or even 12 hour sourdough methods. Tooks photos of results of all 3 breads but unable to post here.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Thanks for sharing all the details. You can post photos here using the “Your Photos” link at the top.

  385. tatyana

    Jenny, your bread amazing, but some personal comments very shocking (about somebody not forgiving or porn like bread-that “you can watch it, but you can’t have it”!). Because, me and my grandchildren we like to watch together cooking video I want to be sure there is no any adult dirt around! Please, don’t brink your bitterness into our day!

    • Wendi L

      It’s her site, and she can use her humor any way she likes. There are plenty of other pages that may be more family friendly if that’s what you want. I love Jenny the way she is and I think she is hilarious!

    • AJ

      In my opinion, her jokes were very mild and not even a little bit offensive. She presents the recipe very well and makes me want to bake the bread. My advice to you, Tatyana, is find another baking site that you don’t find offensive to you or your grandchildren. There are many out there (though the recipes may not be quite as good) 🙂

    • OLGA

      Yeah excited to make this recipe. But can also live without those type comments. Thank you

    • kayla

      How dare you. Who do you think you are? Live your life the way you want but dont try to push it on others. This woman is a darling! and that she took time out of her day to teach her recipe to us is a kindness. Shame on you for trying to put shame on her. This is why I am not a christian anymore. Holier than thou. You are not better than anyone. Your comment proves it. Amen?

  386. Sandra

    Jenny, I sent a link for your No Knead Bread recipe to my daughter who has a Dutch Oven and loves to cook. My question is about the adorable black and white polka dot apron you are wearing in the video. I looked at the FAQ and didn’t see anything, I apologize if I just missed it. Please tell me about the apron, where you got it, if it is hand made is there a pattern available for it??? My grandson is engaged and I would love to make an apron like this for his fiance’.
    Thanks for your recipe and website with all the great recipes and any information you can give me about the apron..
    Most appreciated,

    • Jenny Can Cook

      It was a Martha Stewart design and I found it at Macy’s.

  387. Gerry

    I as so excited about your no kneed bread recipe, I went out and bought a cast iron dutch oven. Question? The instructions on the box said that a temperature of 375 degrees was the most for your oven using this dutch oven. Your recipe said 450 degrees. Can I cook the bread at this temperature? Maybe longer? Help.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I would not advise using a dutch oven that is not rated safe for 450. Perhaps you could return it and look for another one.

  388. Alan

    Hi Jenny,

    Love your Enthusiasm, great receipt, I need to try it. However, where did you get that dough cutter. I can’t seem to find one here in Ontario, Canada.


  389. Lowrie

    I’ve got a batch of dough in the second rise, as I am writing; I am using a similar “Good Eats” recipe, but found yours in an attempt to remedy my problem: very sticky dough, almost a batter. The GE recipe calls for 17 oz flour and 12 oz of water; that’s a ratio of 1.42, flour to water; and as I said, it was more like a batter. I then did the same calculation for my bread machine recipe; its flour to water recipe is 1.73, and the dough is always perfect. So I did the same calculation for yours: 3 cups of flour is 14 oz; 1.5 cups of water is 12 oz; the flour to water ratio would be 1.1. That should be almost a soup! Where am I erring? Please forgive the mathematical approach–I’m a retired chemist and I weigh everything!

    • Jenny Can Cook

      All I can say is the dough really should be pretty sticky and “stringy” and should not resemble a traditional loaf that you knead. This is a forgiving recipe so you could try adding (most of) the water slowly with just enough that it’s not too soupy for you. Even without a little less water, it will likely still turn out well in the end.

      • Lowrie

        Thank you; I will try “creeping up” on the water till I get something workable. I admit I’m accustomed to a more traditional-looking dough ball; the one I tried today flattened out as it cooked–but it tastes great. Sort of like ciabatta, I’d say.

        • Betsy

          flour absorbs moisture from the air, so the water content in flour can be highly variable, and account for differences in how wet a dough is, even if one weighs all the ingredients.

  390. Lyn

    When using the yeast – if has been in the refrigerator or freezer, do you need to bring it to room temperature first before putting it into the flour mixture? Thanks.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      No, you just use it straight from the freezer.

      • Lyn

        Thank you! I tried the no knead bread yesterday and it was great – will try it again!

  391. Beatri

    Hi and thank you for your wonderful bread recipes, My oven cannot go further than 400 degrees. Even to make it work better and not to start a smoke, (and it is clean), I would prefer to set it up at 390 at the most. Would that work for your awesome bread recipes? If yes, how long could I bake the bread for? thank you!

    • Beatri

      I solved it by baking it covered at 400 degrees for 45 minutes, then uncovered for 15.

  392. Dave

    Full disclosure should have required that you give credit to Jim Leahy and Sullivan Street Bakery that first developed the recipe for no-knead bread and then gradually it came to be known throughout the U.S. Your faster method is interesting and I will try it, but I am disappointed that you didn’t give credit where credit is due.

  393. Gail

    My bread comes out a good size however it is never really crispy it seems to get really soft almost immediately. What do you keep the bread in after it cools?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      For a good crust, make sure your oven is fully heated to 450 and also you can bake it longer after you remove the lid for as better crust. I store mine wrapped in foil but crusty breads never stay crusty for too long unless you re-crisp them in the oven before serving.

  394. Jan

    Can this recipe be made into a sourdough bread recipe?

  395. Vegas Eddie

    I would like to try this no knead recipe with a Pullman pan instead of a cast iron Dutch oven (did that and it came out great). I have seen recipes that involve a slow rise but I was wondering if I could use the quick method successfully.

  396. Lori

    Thanks for mentioning using an oven thermometer! I went and bought one. I set my oven to 450 to make the faster no knead bread. When the oven beeped to say it was up to temperature I checked thermometer and it said 375. It took another 20 minutes to get up to 425! When I made the banana muffins the temperature was 25 degrees less than my oven said.
    This explains so much about why I constantly find myself adding cooking time when I’m first trying a recipe (especially with meat). I am going to use my thermometer on a regular basis and adjust my temperature settings accordingly.

  397. ron b

    Jenny, My whole wheat dutch oven bread, comes out burnt black on the bottom, I have made a lot of them in the past year and they always come out fine, but lately they come out burnt. I raised the cooking shelf up as far as i can, and I use Reynolds parchment paper but they still come out this way…. Any Suggestions. Love your recipes,videos,and humor also loved your Talk Show years ago……………Thanks

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I can only think of three reasons: 1) Your oven is too hot. 2) You added sugar to the dough. 3) You’re using a black or cast iron dutch oven. I hope that helps.

      • ron b

        Thanks for the quick reply, The pots I use are the Lodge cookware. I think as you suggest my oven is to hot, have to buy a thermometer that can go in the oven.Sometimes I put raisins, honey, nuts, and a dash of maple syrup, makes a great breakfast bread. I also make the 100% whole wheat and that one also burns on the bottom ……….Thank you RB

  398. Bob The Almost Baker

    Hi Jenny, I did the two hour no knead recipe. Rather than APF, I used KAF French style. I used the 2.5 cups of water at 119 degrees and added 2 1/4 Tsp of yeast to it as a slurry. Then mixed the yeast/water into the bowl, added a Tbsp of Artisan seed mixed it thoroughly. Covered and it almost doubled in size. However, when I went to fold the dough, it was very sticky. I have a stainless scraper and it stuck to that, so I hand-folded as best I could. I pressed on, following your recipe exactly. The loaf looks exactly like yours! But I’m concerned about the sticky dough and my problems with working it. Thanks, Bob The Almost Baker

  399. Mary Jeab

    can I put the enamel pot in the oven AFTER the oven is already at 450? and then just leave it in there for another 30 minutes?

    • Bob The Almost Baker

      Probably not a good idea as you are putting it from a relatively cool household temp directly into a 450 degree inferno. It could crack your nice Dutch Oven. By putting it in while the oven is warming up to 450, the pan also gradually increases its temperature. Just my humble opinion, though. Cheers, Bob

  400. Diane Cook

    Can this recipe be made using whole wheat flour?

  401. Christina D

    Hello, I always measure dry ingredients by weight. Seems to me that it’s a no-fail way of getting an exact measurement. One cup of flour weighs 130g.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Please see my Metric link because my one cup of flour measures 120 g.

      • Christina D

        HI Jenny….I got my info from joyofbaking.com. All purpose flour 130g, cake flour 120g and whole wheat flour 130g. I guess there’s differences no matter what method you use…

        • Jenny Can Cook

          Yes, it’s frustrating and I’ve seen many different numbers, which is why I measured it myself at home. Also the first google search that comes up also says 120 g but then the next one is different. Ten grams of flour is only about a tablespoon so it probably wouldn’t make too much difference in baking bread since you add a little flour after the initial mix. But I agree it’s very confusing, especially when the numbers even vary from country to country.

  402. teresa

    My bread came out kinda dense, good, but didn’t have the airy open holes?

  403. Carole

    I usually make 2 recipes and get 4 small loaves from each. I bake the 4 closely together on a cookie sheet covered by a large deep lasagna throwaway tin. I preheat both cookie sheet and tin for 35 minutes. I freeze when cool and since I am only cooking for 2, always have fresh bread. Great recipe. I also sometimes mix in dried fruit/nuts or 1/2 c sour dough starter. Yummy

    • Jenny Can Cook

      This is great to know. Thank you for sharing with us.

  404. Leigh

    What is the ratio of flour to water if you live in a high altitude like 3500-6500 feet above sea level? Loved your video! You make it look so easy — thank you!!

  405. Marilyn Polen

    Does altitude make a difference I at 3500 feet the dough didn’t look soft it was pretty stiff

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Sorry, I have no experience with high altitude baking.

  406. Rick

    made cinnamon roll recipe and kept rolls in fridge overnight , let them rise in morning , my first time making cinnamon rolls , turned out perfect , I made your pizza dough overnight rise recipe, the pan pizza , the best pizza dough , thank you for sharing ……..Rick…..tried rib recipe also , very good

  407. Janet

    Number three mixes me up, you say
    40 minutes before….what

    • Janet

      I mean after 40 minutes …not sure what your mean

      • Jenny Can Cook

        The dough rests for one hour. After 40 minutes of the one hour (when there’s 20 minutes to go) start preheating the oven and pot.

  408. FLO

    Jenny ma’am-my mother used to make breads and cakes when we were growing up-in the 70s-used sand/charcoal to bake -I thought it was weird-we had an oven but she was so creative like that-so now in my old age-with my little angle grandchildren want to bake more than WHEN MY CHILDREN WERE GROWING UP-SO I AM GLAD TO SAY-I BAKE RECENTLY AFTER 20 YRS-FOLLOWED YOUR NO KNEAD BREAD-DOUBLED THE RECIPE-ONE IN DUTCH POT ONE IN PRESSURE COOKER- THE PRESSURE COOKER ONE CAME OUT PALE SOFT SO I SWITCHED TO DUTCH WHEN THE OTHER WAS DONE-TASTED BETTER THAN THE STORE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SIMPLICITY-SO FLO CAN BAKE !!!!!!!

  409. Lina

    Thank you Jenny for your your wonderful recepies. I made your no knead crusty rolls. Why they come out so pale mine? They are cooked but pale not your golden beautiful color.

  410. Chester

    Hi Ma’am Jenny The bread has a flour taste/yeasty taste… What’s the reason behind of these? Thank you so much

    • TC Burnett

      Flour/yeast taste:

      The dough didn’t contain enough water and wasn’t mixed completely.

  411. Mrs. PGL

    I am in Canada…..I always wondered why my dough didn’t rise like it looked like it should. I was reading something today that explained why. When using Canadian all purpose flour, you need a extra 1/4 cup of water to the recipe because Canadian all purpose flour has more a higher protein content. It worked. My dough is gorgeous now! blessings.

  412. raceral

    My first few crusty rolls were flops, Then after reading the comment about hot water from the tap usually running at 120 to 125 degrees, I decided to check mine and found it is 142 degrees which was probably killing the yeast. I asked a few neighbors to check theirs as well, they were also around 140. This is a function of the water heater or tank setting. It is an easy remedy by letting the water cool slightly before mixing, but I thought I would mention that it might be a good idea to check the water with a temperature meter to be on the safe side.

  413. E.

    Can u double this recipe for a bigger loaf?

    • TC Burnett

      Yes. I usually do. You may need to bake it longer at a slightly lower temperature to make sure the interior bakes completely. I use 425 at 40 minutes but YOUR RESULTS WILL VARY.

  414. B Parrish

    What changes do I need to make at 3,400 feet to make my bread come out right?

    • J. Breadmaker

      I’m in the Denver area – 5,280 feet up. I reduce leaveners (yeast, baking powder, baking soda) by 25% and that usually works well. At your altitude, maybe 15% less? Of course, when the yeast is 1/4 tsp, as in the no knead bread, I’m not sure it would make much difference. I would use a scant 1/4 tsp.

    • emidenver

      In case it’s helpful for someone else – I’m also in Denver and just baked this exactly as Jenny wrote it and had no problems at all, except I found the mixed dough to be a little dry so I did add a couple of extra splashes of water until it was sticky like in the video. So altitude at 5280 did not affect it but it seems like the drier climate might. Bread came out gorgeous!

  415. Dave

    can i incorporate sourdough starter into this recipe?
    everything came out great. just thought it may add some flavor.

  416. Richard

    Hi Jenny. I have a ? about the no knead crusty rolls. If I double the recipe so that I get 16 rolls instead of 8 rolls does the recipe work out ok?, Ty, Rich

    • TC Burnett

      Since the volume of each roll is the same as the original recipe, it should work perfectly.

  417. CV

    I have made no knead and it is a glorious thing to see, but I always feel it is missing something in the taste. I finally dug out a old recipe I had for making french bread that I remember as being particularly good (not a no knead recipe). The old recipe called for sugar and that was the only difference between the two except for the kneading. Can I add sugar to the no knead recipe and have it turn out as great?

  418. Renee

    I don’t have parchment paper. Can I use wax paper? I’ve also seen some recipes that say you can use some olive oil to line the bowl before transferring and also in the dutch oven?

    • Jenny

      No. Do NOT use wax paper in a hot oven. It will melt onto the food and pan. You can try using a floured kitchen towel to transfer the dough into the pot, using it to lower the dough into the bare pot (no oil). Do not leave the towel in the pot, only use it as a means of lifting the dough.

  419. Lizzie

    Every time my children come my home they want to take a loaf of this bread to go home with.question please.can I put some spices in it while it raises,cimamon,nutmeg allspice etc.

  420. Betsy

    Is there a distinction I should be picking up between “aerating” and “sifting” flour? Because I’m confused, thinking these two excerpts from above contradict:
    1. My dough was too dry. …..

    You did not aerate your flour before measuring. Flour always settles in the bag or container and must be aerated before measuring; otherwise, you will be using too much flour. To aerate flour, using a large spoon or spatula, stir the flour around to incorporate some air.

    2. My dough was too runny. …..

    You sifted the flour before measuring, which would cause you to use less flour than required.

    I did note that in your introductory comments before the recipe, you noted, “Be sure to aerate your flour before measuring.” So is it “aerate (stir or lightly whisk”, measure, then sift through a mesh strainer?

    BTW, I do love your fb page and website!

    • Jenny

      I clarified my post. You should never sift flour before measuring unless specified in the recipe. There is no sifting in no knead bread recipes. No matter what you are baking, always aerate flour before measuring.

  421. Terry

    I am about to try this recipe. I have two potentially suitable pans: a 3 quart cast iron deep dish pan with lid, and an enameled 6 quart cast iron Dutch oven. The handle on the lid is supposed to be ovenproof, but the manufacturer’s website describes it as ovenproof up to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
    My dilemma: try to do this at 400 instead of 450, risk melting the handle, or make a smaller loaf in the all-iron pan.
    Any advice?

    • Jenny

      I would use the enameled one assuming the pan itself is ovenproof to 450. What I have done is remove the handle from the lid and put the metal screw back in the hole, from the top down, so it blocks the hole so steam doesn’t escape. The screw head should be big enough not to go through the hole. If it’s too small, you can use any metal screw or nail with a big enough head to block the hole. I hope that makes sense. I did this until I bought a metal replacement handle.

      • PAM

        I have a dutch oven that instructs the same for the lid ( 400 degrees) I have wrapped the lid knob with a good layer of aluminum foil and have put in the oven with success.

  422. Eunice

    Hello Jenny,

    I’m totally new at baking and I’m trying to bake as healthy as possible. I already made your honey whole wheat bread twice and it wasn’t that bad. It was pretty good actually 🙂 My question is if I can make this no kneading bread with whole wheat bread.

    Thank you very much for your time.

    • Jenny

      Did you look at my other bread recipes? I have many other variations here.

  423. Scoutmaster Mike

    Jenny –

    I am wondering how you could bake this bread in a Dutch over over a campfire, given that the lid is removed for the final 15 minutes of baking. Ideas? I am going to try it at a camp out in the near future, just because it looks so easy and is remarkably different from what most people think of when they think of Dutch oven cooking (cobbler, cobbler, cobbler).

    • Southern Peachy

      The final ‘lidless’ 15 minutes is to get that crusty crispness. The bread should be cooked through by that point….
      No harm in trying

  424. Elvira Gallegos

    I made the “No Knead Bread” last night and it came out looking great! Check it out on my Instagram or Twitter at elviragallegos. Anyway…

    I wasn’t sure how to store it so that it wouldn’t get hard but, the inside would still be soft and, the crust would still be hard and crusty. Well, I stored it in a plastic freezer bag on the counter. The next day (today), the inside of the bread was nice and soft but, the outside lost some (a tad) of its crustiness. I cut a slice and buttered it up then I put it in the toaster oven and, it came out very good. Very crusty outside and soft on the inside.

    Is there a better way to store this bread?

  425. Dawn

    I thought I recognized your beautiful smiling face. Anyway just a note to let you know, following the directions and doing what you have said, made this a successful recipe!! Thank you!! Please,,,keep up the good work for all to enjoy!! Thank you Jenny…

  426. Mary Lou

    Hi Jenny I use to watch your show faithfully.
    Now you have me hooked on all of your recipes. I’ve made several of your No-Knead Breads and my family loves them. I can’t believe I’m making Bread never thought I could until You came along. Thank you so much.
    One question, do I have to bake the Dough the same day or can I leave it over night. If so in or out of the Refrigerator?
    Thanks again, Mary Lou

    • Alice

      you can just use cold water rather than hot and leave it over night to rise it makes an excellent breakfast food!

  427. Sarah❣️

    I have just finished the 1st few steps, it is now resting for 3 hours ???
    I am doing one in my clay oven pot and one in my Dutch oven pot.
    Can’t wait to see. Will post pics when it is done. Thanks ?

  428. Su

    Hi Jenny! Your bread recipe and video instructions are spot on!
    We purchased our first enamelled cast iron Dutch oven in November 2016 and I received two more for Christmas. (Yes, we have three sizes. Apologies for the boasting.)

    I want to say, thanks to you, I make bread or buns at least two times a week, have given loaves as gifts, no fails, only rave reviews. From soups to sandwiches, with cheese trays and as croutons… Your bread method is foolproof.

    For anyone interested in furthering the instructions, I’ve had success with incorporating up to one cup of rye flour or whole grains flour, added cracked black pepper, used the ‘roll and coat’ method (in a bowl) to affix sesame seeds.

  429. Mary

    I love this recipe and I made a great loaf of bread, but I have one question. How would you go about making a larger loaf? The loaf is quite small and I feel like my dutch oven can probably fit a loaf that’s 1.5 the size of this one or so. I can increase ingredients by 50%, but what would it do to the rest time and the cook time? Would love some guidance on the cook/rest times if you’ve tried making larger loaves and how big you can go in a 6 qt. dutch oven without ruining the bread.

    • Jenny

      I have never made a larger loaf but you could look through the recipe comments – someone may have doubled and written about it.

    • Mary Christine

      This is a wonderful way to make bread. My husband loves bread and just raves about it. I have made bread every day for the past week. I just got the book Artisan Bread in 5 minutes a day. Many recipes with multiple variations including larger sizes. I am just trying as we speak a 4 pound loaf in a Pullman bread pan. I want it to be more sandwich size pieces. This is a 4x4x 14 inch aluminum pan called a Pullman. It has a lid that slides on and off. It will force the bread into the shape of the pan…perfect for cutting sandwich size slices. You have to let it rest on the countertop for a longer period of time…I am going to wait 1.5 to 2 hours then I will bake it for a longer period of time….probably about 1 hour instead of 30 minutes. I will try to let you know how it all turns out. 🙂

  430. Dede

    Just purchased a new Enameled Dutch Oven. However according to the instructions it is only rated to 400 degrees. Should I go ahead and use it or do I need to return it and get one that is rated higher??

  431. YM

    Fantastic!!! It was easy to make and my husband loved it!

  432. Rebekab

    Hi Jenny. Can you make this a sourdough recipe?

  433. Richard Haven

    Perhaps if you have the weight of the flour, it’s question or lack thereof would not matter.


  434. Amsille

    Can i use almond flour to make this bread

  435. Niko

    What if I want to double the recipe to make a larger loaf of the No Knead Bread?

    • Evelyn Jepson

      Greetings: Although you would like to speed things up, it is not advised to double a recipe, any recipe…My mother-in-law who is of Ukrainian background, tried this once, doubling a bread recipe. It was a disaster, and to this day, can’t see why I would have anything to do with yeast. I quite frankly, have no problem with it. Anytime you make something with yeast, she comes out with that story. She never tried it again. Bread formulas are precise, and although it takes a bit more time, I would stick with what the recipes says. Make one at a time.

  436. Jon Spencer

    My Crock Pot is not big enough for that large of a loaf of bread. If I were to half the receipt, would I reduce the cooking time?

  437. Rose

    Need to see a recipe. Do not hear videeo

  438. Gail

    Hi Jenny: I also have made this recipe many many times, in the beginning, until I really followed the directions to the “T” I missed a few times, but it was my fault for not following the recipe and also the weather changing in my Country. Our weather can turn very cold in minutes. However, now it comes out fantastic. The problem, I come from a huge huge family and they all want some!!!

    Question: How can I infuse Cheese. Can it be done?
    Enjoying you other recipes…Thank you kindly

  439. Gail

    Hi Jenny: I also have made this recipe many many times, in the beginning, until I really followed the directions to the “T” I missed a few times, but it was my fault for not following the recipe and also the weather changing in my Country. However, now it comes out fantastic. The problem, I come from a huge huge family and they all want some!!!

    Question: How can I infuse Cheese. Can it be done?
    Enjoying you other recipes…Thank you kindly

  440. Marla

    I used 100% organic whole wheat flour in a 4.5 Qt. Caphalon stockpot and it came out great. Instead of throwing away the parchment paper for the second half, I scrunched it up and kept it at the bottom of the pot and the bottom crust was perfect. It was really delicious! Have you ever tried this in a clay pot, (soaked or unsoaked)?

  441. Maria

    Hello Jenny! What do you use for steam? I have tried the pan of water on the bottom of oven and the spaying water every 5 min for steam. What is your method?

    Thank you!

    • Jenny

      I have never baked bread with creating steam in the oven but I am working on the method of using a small pan of hot water, which I will be posting soon. For a crusty bread you can’t beat the no knead bread, which bakes inside a Dutch oven and it creates steam inside the pot but for anyone without a Dutch oven, I will soon have a good alternative for making crusty bread.

      • Milagros

        Hey, Jenny, thanks for awesome no kneD rolls. My first time ever baking something. I cut in half everything to make 4. The dough was wet-messy; but manage miraculously to make 4 flat “tortillas” on the parchment. To my surprise 2 rose up to 3 inches (the largest ones) the other 2 rose 1″! I ate the smallest ones and are TO DIE FOR. With such wetness it was hard to shape equal buns. They were very crispy and soft inside. Any advise to avoid the wetness to shape the rolls like yours? Or must I have to stick to full 3 cups recipe? Thanks. Milagros your new fan from Miami

  442. Jo-Ann Herlick

    Hi Jenny
    I just want to say that you are such an inspiration for cooking!
    I appreciate your video’s , you are so much fun and explain instructions well!!
    Thanks so much for sharing your expertise Jenny.
    Jo-Ann 🙂

  443. Peg

    The crust very hard to cut through! Soft inside! Good flavor! First attempt at making any kind of bread and found it easy! I let the bread cool on wire rack then wrapped in foil. Is the crust suppose to be hard? Any hints?

    • Rozzi

      Hi Peg,
      My crust was also a little too hard and the inside soft and delicious. So I’m thinking it’s the fact that I baked it 15 minutes uncovered. Next one I’ll bake for 10. It’s still an awesome bread.

  444. Barbara

    Is 1/4 teaspoon of yeast the correct amount?

    • Chris

      Seriously? Hundreds of people have made and loved this bread and you are questioning and expecting her to defend her recipe? Why not try it before you offend someone who posts recipes that actually work!!

      • Kelly

        Why such a rude reply? She was asking a simple question. 1/4 teaspoon seems like such a small amount, in fact I wondered the same thing. Your reply was totally unnecessary aND very unkind.

    • Vanessa

      This is a different recipe, fastest no knead bread, not faster.

  445. Barbara

    Is 1/4 teaspoon of yeast the correct amount?

    • Su

      Hi Barbara. Yes, believe it or not, 1/4 tsp is all you need. You’ll be pleasantly surprised how far a wee bit will go with this artisanal method of making bread.

  446. john c.

    Dear Jenny,
    I made your bread recipe and it came out great. Only thing that i did diferent
    since i do not have an enameled pot, i baked it in a square alumined pan

    IT CAME OUT GREAT ( pardon my spelling i’m 86 years old)

  447. george retired in pa.

    Good evening, just curious i am planning on making this tomorrow and was wondering if you use a convection oven or not. Looks like the bread i was waiting for all my life. Thanks in advance!

    • Jenny

      With my recipes it’s never convection.

    • george retired in pa.

      Sorry I looked all the way near the bottom and found the answer. Never fan assisted. So glad i found your site.Thanks, and keep up the great work. Your work is very much appreciated. Great videos!!!

  448. Kilo

    Just tried your rye bread and it is delicious but the crust is too thin and soft and the bread inside quite moist. Any suggestions?

  449. Angela G.

    I did not mix the flour yeast and salt at the beginning…I just added the hot water and mixed it all at once! is that OK???

    • Jenny

      It should be okay, as long as the water was not hotter than 130F.

  450. Mike

    Your enthusiasm is very, very catchy. Watching your bread video gave me confidence to give the recipe a try. I was not disappointed. It turned out great!! It boosted my confidence level to try your other recipes. Thanks for your humor, it made me relax. So I could say, “I can do this.”

  451. Beth

    I made the bread – fantastic and so easy! How do people store it after taking the first slice? I know plastic will change the crust texture. Thanks!

    • Jenny

      I wrap mine in foil but the crust is still never the same as fresh. (and I agree – no plastic!)

    • Su

      Hi Beth. To maintain the crisp crust, chewy inner, we leave the loaf unwrapped, cut side down on a cutting board or plate. A loaf never lasts longer than two days around this house so I’m confident that not wrapping it is fine.

  452. ellie

    can I use gluten free flour on your bread recipe ,I cannot have gluten

    • Jenny

      All of my bread recipes need gluten but you can find gluten-free bread recipes on the internet.



  454. kim

    I love that you stand firmly behind every recipe and never settle for less than yummy. There are so many web sites out there with thousands of recipes on them and a sparse handful are ever practical or worth repeating. Since making your pierogi, I’ve been singing your praise. The no knead bread has become part of our every day life and none of us take it for granted. Please don’t ever compromise your standards. Thank you for sharing this aspect of your life with us and, although you are out there in public land, you’ve made a difference in our private lives at home in the kitchen and around the dinner table.. xoxo Keeping you in our prayers.

  455. Maria


    I’m trying your recipe for the first time and I forgot to by parchment paper
    can I use wax paper instead in my Dutch Oven

    • Jenny

      NO! Wax paper will melt onto your bread. It is not intended for the oven.

  456. Janet


    My bread refuses to brown on top. It’s pale, with just a little color. I followed your recipe exactly. I haven’t cut into it yet, but I’m not worried about it being done. It sounds nice and done when tapped. Thanks.

  457. K

    When de oven reaches 450 degrees I put the dough in the oven , the oven should turn of ?

    • Jenny

      No, you do not turn the oven off. You bake the bread at 450 the whole time.

  458. Goldie

    I made this bread and my parchment paper stuck terribly to the bread!!! Any ideas what I may have done wrong?!?! Thank you!!!


    • Jenny

      It’s probably inferior parchment. I use Reynolds brand and it never sticks to anything.

  459. Ty Kelsey

    Jenny, my wife is a type 1 diabetic and needs a breakdown of carbs to know what she might need for insulin. do you have a chart for that? If so please e-mail it to me. Incidentally, I used half ground flax and half bread flour instead of the 1/4 cup of just flour.

    • Jenny

      Sorry, I do not have this information.



  460. Reen


    My kitchen is so small there is no room for a range with oven. I use a toaster oven, microwave, an air fryer, and an induction cooktop (NuWave) for all my cooking. My toaster oven does have a top heat of 450 but it is not large enough for any of the dutch ovens I found online. (lower shelf to just below top element is 5 inches) A dutch oven will work with the induction cooktop, but the bottom would probably get too hot and I would not get the benefit of the hot oven air when the lid comes off. Do you have any suggestions?

    • Jenny

      I wish I did but I have nothing to suggest, except you may be able to try the no knead crusty rolls.

  461. Edita

    Ur recipe looks wonderfull.
    Just not sure how much measure is cup on ml or -gramms.
    Here we got 1 cup 250 ml
    Is it same? Thank you

  462. Jim

    I really love what you do and need help on your bread reipe please. I have a bread machine and looking for bread mix that would work in the bread machine can you please help.
    Respectfully, jim

  463. Diane G

    Hi Jenny – I love your recipes and videos – so refreshing and no-fail-good!

    My question is this – I have successfully made my first loaf of no-knead bread and I would love to know if you have any tips about adding other ingredients such as cheese, sun dried tomatoes, olives, roasted garlic, etc. I would love to start playing with some of these flavors!

    I would like to offer a tip to your Canadian fans – I discovered many years ago that flour is milled differently here in Canada so it is wise, when using recipes from the States to cut back on the flour by at least a quarter of a cup. You can always add more but I ruined many a pasta and bread recipe before I learned of this. Hope it helps!

    Many thanks and keep up the great work! I will be posting a picture of my bread and will share you on Facebook!

    Diane G
    Vancouver, BC

    • Jenny

      I have only made the versions of no knead bread that are posted but if you check the comments under the recipe you may find some ideas.

  464. Geraldine

    Hi Jenny! I love your bread recipies. My question is tis…if using active dry yeast, do I add it to the milk at 110 deg and let it sit for 5 minutes before adding it to the flour etc??? I am asking this for your whole wheat bread recipe. I tried adding it directly to the flour, then adding the milk at 110 deg and the dough didn’t rise. I did fluff the flour before and also made sure all was at room temp. The yeast is new and I tested it before hand. Thanks

    • Jenny

      I suggest staying with the recipe. It’s possible your milk lost a bit of heat before adding it. The temperature can be up to 120 deg with active dry yeast. I suggest heating it to 120 and try again.

    • Dave S

      I read that you have had trouble using Jenny’s recipe with active dry yeast. I have found that you have to activate the active dry yeast with 1/4 cup liquid before including in a recipe. Instant yeast needs no pre-activation to work well. Just add to the dry ingredients.
      Hope this helps

  465. Leslie

    Jenny, the recipe is great! Success the 1st time, however when I went to slice it, got down to the bottom, and it was rock hard (again, just at the bottom crust. I use a heave Dutch oven. Did not vary the recipe at all. I’m going to try to lower the temp, and put the oven rack up a bit higher, do you think that will help?

    • Kilo

      My bottom crust was practically burned, new I have two pieces of foil on the bottom of my dutch oven and that took care of it.

  466. Catherine

    Jenny thank for sharing the cabbage roll i had done it all my friend and family love it.


    How do i attach the cabbage roll photo to show u

  467. ninette

    can the easy pan pizza be cooked on stove top since I dont have an oven please respond as I want to try this pizza. Tks

    • Jenny

      Please look through the comments below the pan pizza recipe as I believe this was addressed there.

  468. Marlene

    Hi Jenny,
    Made the no knead bread and it’s very good. Without putting it in the refrigerator how long can it stay out before it go’s bad?

  469. aladin

    Can i double the quantity? it takes same time coocking?

    • Jenny

      I have never doubled the recipe. You could look through the comments under the recipe to see if anyone else has.

  470. Suraiya

    I used your recipe once after trying the longer method. Both the times they were really good. Yours is more interesting as it takes much shorter tiMe. I am baking one now adding dill with it. I took it out after 30 minutesofbaking and it looked verycourful. Now it is being baked uncovered and without parchment paper. It is out now. My son in law loves it and I am baking it for him. Will send you the picture. Look forward to your new recipes.

  471. DENI

    Can you put the bread in a clay pot without parchment paper and put it in the oven without heating it first?

    • Magart

      I always use parchment. Have never tried with a cold oven.

    • Mary

      I used a clay pot for my first time with Jenny’s recipe. The base and top must be soaked in water before use, which I did for over an hour before placing into the cold oven for pre-heating. I placed two cups of water into the clay pot during preheating. When I was ready to place the bread, I drained out the water. Other than this detail, I followed Jenny’s directions exactly. I’m really pleased with the beautiful look and fragrance of this loaf; it’s cooling now and I can hardly wait to taste it. Thank you Jenny for the confidence you gave me with the easy, firm instructions!

      • Rose Frank

        I just purchased a Emile Henry pot i will try your idea with 2 c of h2o & drain before i place the dough in. I used a few different types of flour & saying a pray , right now the dough is rising beautifully!!!
        Thanks to all for wonderful input

        • Jenny Can Cook

          I may have misunderstood but I believe Emile Henry pots are all enameled inside and using water is not advised for this recipe. The only time water is used is with natural clay pots to keep them from cracking in the extreme heat. Please let me know if yours is enameled inside and if so, do not use water before baking.





    • Jenny

      Yeast breads generally need gluten but you could look for gluten-free no knead bread recipes online and see if there is a way.

  473. eva

    you’re amazing!!

  474. Nancy

    My first loaf is in the 3 hour time..which I followed to the letter.

    My question is can I leave the salt out of the recipe ?

    Salt is my enemy!

    • Jenny

      You can but it won’t taste very good.

      • Polopoly

        Yes, you can, but it will be very bland to most people’s tastes (it may be ok for you if you don’t typically add salt to your cooking)
        Try adding some dried herbs / spices to boost the flavor.

  475. Lawrie, Johannesburg, South Africa

    Seek and ye shall find! Just came across your metric conversion chart.This answers queries in my previous (about 5 minutes ago) comment.

  476. Lawrie, Johannesburg, South Africa

    Like your site very much. Clear and concise directions. The video was well done. Your photographs get my mouth watering. Want to try this bread for Bible study Wednesday night because it seems so simple. Please could you give the weight of the flour (in ounces or grams) so I don’t have to worry about aerating etc. I am an aspiring baker with almost no experience. Baked one bread long ago which was a total flop. Really want to get this one right. Are your cup liquid volumes 250ml or 230ml?
    Thank you.

  477. Sandy

    Hi Jenny,
    Do you think it would be okay to bake this bread at 425 degrees for a longer time (maybe 45 minutes)? Thanks!

    • Jenny

      This recipe depends on a very hot Dutch oven to create steam but I guess you could try. I suggest you preheat it to 450 and then reduce it to 425 when the dough goes in, and I would also check it at 30 minutes. Please let us know how it turns out.

  478. robin

    I don’t have a Dutch oven or lid for the oven that can be used at that high temperature. is there any other way? i’m new to your site and I like what I see!

    • Jenny

      Please look under “Questions.”

    • Jenny

      Did you read these No Knead Bread questions?

    • Brad S

      I saw on a web site where they used a “poor mans dutch oven”, where they put the dough in a metal bread pan & inverted another bread pan on top, used a couple of metal clips (like the ones sold at stationary stores like Staples) to hold the two pans together.
      I made my 1st loaf of bread a couple of days ago using that method with a couple 9X5 inch bread pans & it came out great, soft on the inside with a nice crunchy crust on the outside, & coated with sesame seeds. YUMMY!

      If you don’t have the bread pans what might be worth a try is an oven safe skillet with a large oven safe bowl inverted on top to hold the steam in.

  479. Karla

    I tried the no need biscuits and mine turned out heavy and doughy. Should I add more yeast and maybe cook longer?

    • Jenny

      More yeast or cooking longer is not the answer. Be sure to read this section (https://www.jennycancook.com/no-knead-bread-questions/) and then if you follow the recipe exactly it will turn out. If you tell me what kind of flour and yeast you used, how you measured each one and the temperature of the water, I may be able to help.

  480. Ursula Ellsworth

    Can I use this recipe to make a rye bread ? And if so , are the measurements the same ?

    • Jenny

      I posted my no knead rye bread recipe here in the Breads category.

  481. PERRY

    Hi Jenny.I’ve tried your no knead recipe quite a few times,and the bread ALWAYS turns out dense…No matter if i spray water over it to achieve brown crust,it’s never airy with lots of holes inside like yours …I even added more yeast to make it puff out more but the result is the same…-What am i doing wrong?By the way-i bake it in a toaster oven,and had no failures baking other types of bread in it.Thank you very much for your assistance.Perry.

    • Jenny

      Did you look at the “Baking Problems” category in my blog? You may find the answer there. I don’t think you can fit a Dutch oven into a toaster oven. Are you using a Dutch oven or other covered pot for the no knead bread?

  482. Janet

    Hi Jenny,
    I found your site from watching your video on making the faster artisan bread. Very nice video, and I like the shorter time for the bread.
    I like the way you do your set up…..wonder where you find the colored spatulas, bowls, etc?
    I’m not a follower of the carb fad…..I believe in using whole grains [or part at least] in my breads…..to me, the carb fad confuses some people into thinking even whole grains are bad [yes there are those who truly have a need to stay away from gluten because of years of refined food eating, damage can be done to a person’s digestive system].
    Will be trying your lovely bread recipe, the rolls, also the flour tortillas soon, though will exchange all or part flour for whole grain flour 🙂

    Thank you, Janet

    • Jenny

      About my colored utensils, please look under “Questions.” And you’ll find several variations of my no knead bread, including whole grain, on this site.

  483. Charmaine Tanti

    Dear Jenny,

    I’d like to try out your NO KNEAD BREAD RECIPE. Can I use spelt flour for my dough? If so, which is the best spelt flour to use: white or wholemeal. Can you please give me the recipe in grams instead of cups?

    I hope to hear from you soon.

    With many thanks and best regards,
    Charmaine Tanti

    • Jenny

      I have no experience with spelt flour but look through the comments as I think someone mentioned it. Also, I have a metric conversion chart there in my blog so that may be helpful.

  484. ada

    hi my dear love your receipes this receipe is the best bread I have ever tasted I make herb etc bread but this is wonderful I as well love my bread lol my ? is the bread is great is there any way to get a softer crust my family says its great but crust is to hard for them was wondering if I put egg wash on top would that help make it softer..thanks in advance…

  485. Betty

    Do you know or have you tried using gluten free flours? And if so,which would you reommend?

    • Jenny

      Sorry, I have no experience with gluten free flour.

  486. Andy the retired engineer

    I was not sure about using my small cast iron dutch oven with pyrex cover at this temperature. Instead, I used my cast iron skillet and halfway through at 15 minutes, I cover the bread with with aluminum foil. It came out great.

    • Janet

      Great idea Andy, thank you for posting. I have a smaller cast iron pot with lid, but was wishing it was bigger so I could bake a larger loaf. Will give your method a go.

  487. Dee

    This bread is so easy and good. How can I make it have a more BUTTERY taste???

    • Jenny

      I’m sorry I don’t know.

    • Janet

      I’d replace part of the hot water with hot melted butter and see what happens……maybe 4 T. melted butter + 1 and 1/4 c. hot water??

  488. Kay

    Loved the technique . 122 degrees still too damp. Why? Bread baker. Kay B

  489. Paul

    I prefer to measure my flour by weight as I find it more accurate. Do you ever do this? What would you suggest the weight of a cup of flour to be. There are standard weights available on the Internet as well as at King Arthur Flour, but I would like to keep the recipe as close to yours as possible.
    These no-knead bread and roll recipes of yours are fantastic, thanks very much!!!


    • Jenny

      Weighing flour is more accurate but I’m old school and it seems to work for most people.

  490. Therry UK fan

    Hi thanks for your ‘No Knead Bread’ recipe – Just fantastic!!

    Although new to baking I have tried and persisted with a many different recipes, some from famous chiefs / bakers, often spending hours achieving very little and getting frustrated to the point of giving up!!

    Then I found your Youtube instructions – Wowza!
    My wife now thinks – Yes “I’m the best thing since No Knead Bread”

    I quickly mix late Friday evening and leave over night. Saturday morning I use 2 thirds your method and take 1 third unfolded, just flattened, stretched to ¼ inch then roughly shaped (flat oval) leaving to rest for 30 mins then cooked on a tray till golden brown this will give you a bread similar to Ciabatta which you can cut, add toppings to make a lovely Bruschetta for a starter or light lunch – two types of bread for the weekend from the same dough.

    Big thanks you Jenny

    Wisdom – “Baseballs are meant to be hit not collected” – Roberto Sultan, Bobcats73

  491. Kay

    Hi Jenny, I just discovered your website and I love it. I wanted to make the no knead buns, but I did change the recipe trying to accommodate my husband and my need to decrease carbs. Here’s what I did. Try not to laugh too hard.
    I used 1 3/4 C of whole wheat & 3/4 C of coconut flour to cut the gluten and the carbs. It was not as sticky even thought I added more hot water that stated and after leaving for 3 hours, the dough was not loose and sticky, but more solid. Well, one problem may have been that when I was following the video, I thought it said 1/2 tsp of yeast, so I had put twice as much as needed. So, I just doubled the whole recipe. After baking it didn’t really cook well; the outside was hard, not crunching and the inside was not fully cooked and didn’t appear that it would cook even if I kept cooking it. So, into the trash they will go. I’m not giving up, and next time, I will not change the recipe. I’ll just try your’s. I’m looking forward to just having some great homemade crunchy crust bread. However, do you have any suggestions about cutting carbs or using, whole wheat flour or alternate flours? Thanks for your time!

    • Pat

      Jenny states in the no-knead bread video that she also makes it will whole-wheat flour.

  492. Cathy H

    I cooked mine in a black cast-iron skillet with no lid at 450° for 35 minutes then perceived it to Cool 15 to 20 came out perfect the best I’ve ever made

    • Jenny

      Good to know, thank you.

      • Rebecca

        This is the way i want to try but not sure if it will come out as suppose too if i don’t use the parchment paper. Does it matter if we use parchment paper or not Jenny?

        • Jenny

          You need something to lift the dough into the pot. You can try a floured towel but I find that it sticks.

    • Rebecca

      I want to try this way. What size cast iron did you use and did you use parchment paper as well?

  493. Joanne

    I LOVE the 4 ingredient bread. I have made this a few times and wondering about alternative recipes to change it up. I would li,e to make whole wheat, add different flavor ingredients. I am not sure if I have to change the original ingredient amounts. Thank you.

  494. Juliet

    Found your recipe today and made the bread.. Came out great. Thanks.

  495. sympathy

    Hi jenny, ihave acastiron dutchoven can i use it for baking the bread? will appreciate an answer soon . thanks.

    • Jenny

      My cast iron is enameled and is white inside so I’m not sure if being black would burn the bread. Please look at this post (https://www.jennycancook.com/no-knead-bread-questions/) and also look on the internet to see if anyone has used cast iron. There are many recipes for no knead bread besides mine. Good luck.
      p.s. There is no harm in trying anyway…

      • Jeanie Q

        I used a Lodge black cast iron dutch oven and the bread came out wonderful. Thanks Jenny.

      • Antonia

        I have made this recipe using black cast iron dutch oven, and just recently tried a very very old aluminum dutch that I had retrieved from my great grandparents house about 40 years ago. (After thoroughly cleaning and polishing the aluminum first.) As far as I’m concerned it is impossible to make this recipe fail. This is the only bread we eat now.

  496. Cheryl

    I made the bread today Jenny and it turned out fantastic! I ve never had success with any dough until I came across your easy recipe! many Tks!

  497. Mr. Phil

    Hey! Everybody! Listen to what Jenny says about measuring flour. It fixed 90% of my baking issues. This bread is fabulous. I don’t have a Dutch oven, so the first time I used my crock pot liner and covered it with aluminum foil. The next time, I used some really neat handmade clay covered casserole “pots” I bought close to where I live in Central Mexico.

  498. Reni

    Love the fast no knead bread. Have you made it with sourdough starter also? If yes, how much starter did you use?

    • Jenny

      I have never used sourdough starter.

      • Reni

        Thanks. I love sourdough bread. I’ll add a 1/4 cup to your recipe and see what it’ll do. Will let you know.

  499. Jeanie Q

    I loved the video. I’ve been using a pizza stone with and without parchment paper. The bottom doesn’t get brown at all. The bread is delicious but the bottom of the bread looks ugly. I remove the bread from the stone immediately and put on a rack. Do you have any idea what am I doing wrong? Thank you for the video.

    • Jenny

      You would have to preheat the stone for as long as one preheats the dutch oven. If the stone is hot enough, the bottom will brown.

  500. Marianne

    Most brands of flour will produce successful results, but there will be subtle differences. The age of the flour also makes a difference. It has a shelf life and some (wheat and rye) should be kept in the freezer so they won’t get rancid. I wish more recipes would give measurements in weights rather than cups. Baking is a science and measuring by weight gives more consistent, accurate results.

  501. Carmine

    Just made the bread today 100% better then I can get at my local supermarket. If I roast some garlic can I bake it with the bread.

    • Sarah Gregg

      Carmine I have added all kinds of different things to this bread ! Our favorite is the garlic cheese. I add roasted garlic and shredded sharp cheddar and it is AWESOME ! I have added cinnamon and brown sugar to it, I add that when I turn it out of the bowl to shape it into a ball, just add it to the flat bread and roll the bread up into a ball and it rolls the brown sugar and cinnamon up , and bake as called for. I have added chopped pepperoni and shredded mozzarella, my personal favorite is the Rosemary and Cracked Black Pepper or the Cheddar and chopped Jalapeno !!! Use your imagination, it has worked for me and I have no problems with it at all !

      • Sarah Gregg

        Ohhhh and try Apple and Cinnamon ! Dice the apple small ! Add cinnamon to your flour and mix as usual. Or use Apple Pie Spice, it’s awesome as well !!!

        • Mike

          For an onion bread you can use the dried onion flakes. Add them to the flour before adding the water. A little extra water also helps.

  502. Penny

    Hello from the UK – I love your website and videos.
    Would you please confirm that 450 degrees fahrenheit oven temperature is for a non fan-assisted oven. I need to work out the conversion temperature so I can try making the no-knead bread and rolls.

  503. Galo

    Dear Jenny,

    Kind regards from Guayaquil-Ecuador….very nice site and good recipes. My question about this particular one. Supposedly the salt and the hot water will kiss the yeast right? Why use hot water and not just lukewarm? and the salt has to go away from the yeast not on top of it.

    Thanks a lot..you are very cute


    • Jenny

      That used to be the case years ago but yeast today is much better quality and more sturdy than years ago. Hot water does not kill yeast, as you can see in my videos. The directions on a package of regular dry active yeast calls for liquid at 110 degrees and for instant yeast it calls for 120 to 130 degrees Fahrenheit, which is an average hot tap water. Boiling water (212°F), however, is not advised. I suggest you try a recipe and see for yourself that hot water (up to 130°F) and salt have no negative effect on the yeast.



    • Jenny

      I’m sorry, I don’t know. You could look around the internet as there are a lot of no knead bread recipes.

    • brian

      multiply easch amount by the larger amount you want like 1.5 or 1.75 or 2

    • Jessie Thompson

      I doubled the recipe and made mini rustic rolls for Thanksgiving it was amazing.

  505. Susan

    When you make your pie crusts, it always seem so easy and I can’t figure out why mine is so dry that I have to use significant force to just roll it into a ball. You seem to be able to gently roll it into a ball and then roll it out without using all your muscle power. What am I doing wrong? I have followed the directions exactly as posted.

    • Jenny

      It could be from not aerating the flour: https://www.jennycancook.com/flour-basics/

      • William

        I did not aerate my flour also I taped it so now my dough is dry what do I do.

        • Jenny

          Please clarify “taped” it.

          • William

            I taped the cup I had the flour in so it was not aerated.(⌒-⌒; )

            • Jenny

              Oh, you tapped the cup. If you’re just starting, just add some more water. I’m not sure how far along you are.

          • William

            I am on the 3 hour waiting time.

            • Jenny

              This is a very forgiving dough. I suggest you let it rest for the 3 hours and bake as directed, even if it doesn’t look right. There’s a good chance you will still get a pretty good loaf. Please let me know how it turned out.

          • William

            Ok thanks.ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

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