Jul 23, 2013

Make fresh berries last longer

berriesBerries are in season right now but they don’t always last very long. If you don’t eat them in that “window of freshness opportunity” they can spoil pretty fast. So here’s a way to make them stay fresher longer… wash them in vinegar and water. Make a mixture of 10 parts water to 1 part vinegar in a bowl (use white or cider vinegar). Let the berries soak for a few minutes and gently swish them around a little. The vinegar kills mold spores and other bacteria. Drain and rinse the berries and let them dry completely on paper towels. You can also spin them dry in a salad spinner lined with paper towels. Once they are dry, refrigerate and enjoy them… even longer. – Jenny Jones

3 Comments on "Make fresh berries last longer"

  1. sue

    JJ, I am making your whole grain pancakes today and those awesome lemon brownies!!! Just had to share! 🙂

  2. Rhonda

    Thanks for the info Jenny. I have problems with berries going bad fast, but here recently my blueberries have lasted longer than they normal do. It might be because we got a new frig and things stay really nice and cold. I actually had to adjust the temp because my brother-in-law had it too high and it froze my pickles…lol…Can’t wait to go back to Seattle to visit my friend next summer. The blackberries are hugh there and I want to bring some back with me to share with my mom and sisters…

  3. Sue

    Awesome Jenny, we have picked pounds of wild red raspberries all over our property. It’s like your tomato plant, I have been bringing them into work and my co-workers are loving them. I also froze a bunch. I am also going to add them to your whole grain pancakes. I will let you know how they turn out if you haven’t already done that.

    Take Care

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