Jun 15, 2013

Food Network Star

Nina asks… Hi Jenny. Have you thought about trying out for Food Network Star??? I think you should. You have a great point of view, and I think we “older folks” with our dietary challenges and weight limits should be represented in their line-up. With your TV experience you’re a shoe-in. What do you think?

My Response…

Thank you for the vote of confidence but I would not enjoy the rigid schedule that I know would be necessary to do this kind of show. I know what it takes to work on TV and I prefer to cook at my own pace, stress-free, and I don’t have to wear spanx!  – Jenny Jones

One Comment on "Food Network Star"

  1. GR

    Come on, Jenny! You really should get your own show on Cooking Channel or Food Network. I bet they have reached out to you.

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