Apr 11, 2018

Fall Off The Bone Beef Ribs

Easy Beef Ribs in the OvenYes. You can make beef ribs that fall off the bone just like my pork baby back ribs with just a couple of small changes. First: Cook them longer. Two: Lower the temperature. After seeing so many questions about beef ribs I decided to try them myself so I could share the recipe. The two changes are very simple:

  1. Reduce the oven temperature from 300 to 275° F.
  2. Cook them for 3 1/2 hours in the oven (baby backs take 2 1/2 hrs). You can cook them even longer in the oven if you like but they are very tender after 3 1/2 hours.
  3. I was never able to remove the silver skin off the back but if you can, it’s best to remove it. (there’s good how-to advice on removing the silver skin in the comment from RussS below – thank you, Russ!)

I cooked 2 pounds of ribs and my dry rub recipe was just enough for 2 pounds. If you cook more, you’ll need to double the rub recipe. My homemade rub and sauce always get raves and both are easy to make. I see a lot of people use Sweet Baby Ray’s sauce but you should know that the first ingredient is high fructose corn syrup. My homemade barbeque sauce is easy to make and really worth trying. For tender fall off the bone beef ribs click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

25 Comments on "Fall Off The Bone Beef Ribs"

  1. Cyndy

    My husband and I love your baby back ribs recipe. This time I couldn’t get the baby back ribs, so I bought St. Louis ribs. I heard they are not as tender, so should I just cook them longer?

  2. Carolyn

    I need a meat rub recipe for the ribs. I havent found a good one yet.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Try mine. There’s a link for it in the ribs recipe.

  3. Faye

    First time checking you out. Love ALL your easy methods. Loved you as a TV host and love you as a great and humorous cook. I need humor in the kitchen. Thanks Jenny

  4. Dina

    Hi Jenny, I remember watching you a long time ago while living at home, but I never needed to cook! Now, as a wife and mom – these recipes are wonderful! I appreciate the simplicity! I feel like a pro and make people think I slaved all day to make a great meal! lol (our little secret) 😉 Thanks so much!

  5. Cheryl

    Best beef ribs! Made these 3 times now and the family leaves raving reviews each time. Thanks Jenny!

  6. Cookarroo

    Love this site

  7. Cookarroo

    Love your site and videos. Would like to subscribe but it would not go through

  8. jani

    I sure miss your cooking channel on YouTube

  9. IJM-S

    After writing asking for help in finding Rub and BBQ sauce recipes, I didn’t stop searching. I am usually a careful when researching but had me baffled. So I continued on….. a few stops forward and, you guessed it, wallah there they were, the two links I wanted, needed. Murphy’s Law?? I am a very happy camper. ??

  10. IJM-S

    Thank you for so many tempting, alluring recipes. I am anxious to start trying them in my own kitchen. Please, will tell me where I can find the recipes for your dry rub and your BBQ sauce. I have spent over 2 hours going from suggested site to the next to no avail 🙁 HELP :). I would love to surprise my family baby back ribs AND also home made garlic bread ??.

  11. a fan

    Reading at your site I recognize a very sweet, loving spirit in you. The LORD bless you.

  12. Imane

    Ijust found ur site and I tried to subscribe to ur news letter coze I love the way you cook and all your site, however I couldn’t and I would appreciate if you would help me in this matter.
    With all my gratitude,

    • Jenny Can Cook

      We added you to the subscriber list. Don’t look for any emails soon – I only send about one a month.

  13. Pat Mazurowski

    Hi Jenny. I love your videos in your beautiful kitchen and wish you’d make more videos. As far as the silver skin goes, I find that once you get it started you can remove the rest of it by pulling gently with a dry paper towel. usually it comes off pretty easily but you must pull slowly otherwise the skin will rip.

    • Joani

      I was never able to remove the silver skin either…until I learned about the dry paper towel method. Works every time!

  14. Barbo

    I made your ribs the original recipe and they were wonderful.
    I also used prime rib bones and they were fab!
    Will give this recipe a go too.Thanks.

  15. RussS

    good day cooks and fans of wonderful food!!

    I am a cook in a busy restaurant and have found a decent way to remove that silver skin on the back side of the ribs.

    I might do 6-8 racks of ribs in one oven, and remove that (too chewy) layer of connective tissue on the back.

    Your family and guests will not know why your ribs are so good, but they’ll be back for more!

    Turn your ribs over, grab a salad fork, the kind you eat with, and poke it between 2 ribs, under the tissue on one end or the other, put your thumb over the fork tine and lift.

    Work it around a bit, loosening the membrane until you can get the whole tine under the membrane and it will pull off in one piece. It’s tough and will take some work, but you’ll see persistence pays off.

    Rest assured they will come off, I’ve never put a rack of ribs in the oven with the skin, and they all come off even when you think it won’t. Persist, and pull it off. The trick is not to tear it, while working the fork under the membrane so you can get a grip.

    Jennys recipes are always tasty, I know because I grew up in a house-hold where we ate all of these foods daily. My grampa Grabowski did lots of the cooking.

    Try her gnocchi recipe, it’s awesome!

    thanks Ms Jenny, for your work and recipes. They’re always a hit and topic of conversation at dinner time.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Thank you so much for sharing this tip. I have directed people to look here for your advice.

      • Ed

        Just sharing a little tip. I use a small sharp knife and run it around the end rib under the skin. once there is something to grab, use needle nose pliers. grip it and rotate it a few times and then you can pull it all off in one piece.

        • Holly paulsen

          This works very well for me. I have also used tongues, but your idea would be better….

  16. Janet Carfaro

    I’m one of your fans ! But come cook with me

  17. JMN

    Hi Jenny, do you have a sour dough recipe for bread? I have tried all your easy make breads and make them frequently. Thanks for all the wonderful recipes

  18. Theodore Rossino

    When will you have videos on facebook?

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