Jun 12, 2019

Easy Cucumber Salad

Simple Cucumber SaladThis is such a refreshing salad to serve in the summer and now is the best time to get crisp, fresh Persian cucumbers. If you can find organic cucumbers, you can just scrub them and leave the peel on. If they’re not organic, it’s best to peel them for this salad.

I slice the cucumbers very thinly, no more than 1/8 of an inch thick, and for the onion, the thinner the better as well. The dressing uses a good amount of sugar but remember that most of the dressing is not eaten. You serve this salad with a slotted spoon and leave the liquid behind so don’t fret about using a tablespoon of sugar.

If you serve this cucumber salad right away it will be quite crisp, and if you refrigerate it for an hour or more, the cucumber slices will soften and absorb a little more dressing. They are good either way but it’s best to serve this salad on the same day.

I wish everyone a fun summer with lots of good, healthy, homemade food, including this cool and crisp, cucumber salad. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

2 Comments on "Easy Cucumber Salad"

  1. Gerri

    Where is the recipe for this cucumber salad?

  2. Gloria Cabeen

    Hi Jenny, I made your cucumber salad the other evening – so delicious.Three of us ate it all with our dinner. I used a mandolin to slice the cucumber and onion. Talk about fast!
    Right now I have your granola in the oven.
    I wanted to share with you a recipe I “invented” last summer while visiting our older son, his wife and his four boys, all under age 10. One of them, Ben, is a fussy eater; he was about 8 1/2. He’s the second son. One day I told Rose, my DIL, that I would make lunch for the 6 of us. The men were elsewhere. OK, she says. I decided to “shop” the pantry, fridge and freezer for things to use and leftovers. I decided to make a soup. Tommy, the eldest boy, was my helper. We got out leftovers: cooked carrots, corkscrew pasta with sauce, peas. In the pantry I found a couple of boxes of broth, and cans of beans. I got out a large pot, poured in the broth; I think it was a box each of chicken and beef. Tommy and I added the pasta, a can of kidney beans and a can of garbanzo beans, frozen corn, a can of chopped tomatoes, the pasta, carrots and peas. Tommy’s comment: “I love throwing things into a pot!” We simmered it all for a few minutes, then toasted leftover Italian bread and spread ricotta onto it. I went to the staircase to yell to the boys upstairs “Lunch is ready.” What’s for lunch?” Ben yelled back. “Garbage Soup.”
    Well, he couldn’t get downstairs fast enough! He practically skidded into the kitchen,slid into his chair, said his prayer, and began to eat like there was no tomorrow. Soup and ricotta toast. Another bowl, please. Yep, it was the name Garbage Soup that strangely appeals to boys.
    You could use anything you have on hand; this is a very loose recipe. Use fresh or canned tomatoes, other vegetables, different kinds of beans, etc. Make as much or as little as needed. I made some for lunch today and added pastina, since that cooks in 5 minutes. Season as you wish, add grated Parmesan, etc.

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