Feb 24, 2013

Cook some beets


If you’re looking for healthy foods and meals, learn to love beets, and here’s why…

1. Anti-aging powerhouse.

2. Brain booster.

3. Less wrinkles.

4. Fight bronchitis.

5. Detoxifier.

6. Reduce cholesterol & triglycerides.

7. Guard again colon cancer.

8. Prevent cataracts.

9. High in folic acid (anyone pregnant?)

10. Nature’s viagra!

Besides my awesome borscht recipe that’s coming soon, beets are really good roasted in the oven and here’s an easy recipe: Scrub clean, dry and rub with oil. Wrap in foil, place on tray. Roast at 400 degrees for 35 minutes to an hour depending on size.  Yesterday my oven was busy so I put on some latex gloves, peeled and cut the (uncooked, raw) beets into chunks. Then I steamed them for about 25 minutes and we ate them plain. They don’t need anything added at all because they are so sweet. You can’t beat beets!!

5 Comments on "Cook some beets"


    beets are so good! if you haven’t tried them please do!

  2. Kathy

    I am confused, you bake them, then peel them and boil them? Or you can bake them OR peel and boil?

    As you know I am not good at this kinda stuff!!


    BTW just got home from Walgreens and of course I looked for you….in Cape Coral!! Lol

    • Jenny

      I was confused too after I read my post. Duh! So I clarified it to say you scrub uncooked, raw beets. Thanks, Detective K.B.!

      • Rhonda

        lol 😆 now K is a detective. So funny! Btw Jenny, I knew what you were saying, but K it’s funny you pointed it out…lol…so maybe you know more than you think you know about cooking 😉 🙂

        I will laugh so hard one day when you 2 cross paths at a Walgreens. It could happen you just never know 😀

  3. Rhonda

    Jenny, I made your beet recipe from your first book and it was so delicious. I didn’t know beets were so healthy for you. I’ve always had beets growing up. Didn’t have them as much as I should have but my Mom keep them in a pickled jar for beans and greens. I have some pickled in the frig now for when I have beans. Here in the south we grew up and learned to eat raw onion, banana peppers pickled and yes even pickled beets and with beans they are so yummy. I will have to roast the beets to have them more often because of the health benefits…

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