
Feb 8, 2013

Foodies from Afar

I’ve had the most fun seeing where my website visitors are located. Besides all of the U.S. and Canada, other visitors have been from England, Ireland, Netherlands, Australia, Singapore, Greece, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Russia, Argentina, Egypt, Poland, Malaysia, Brazil, Switzerland, Germany, Philipines, Portugal, Barbados, India, Japan, India, South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Bermuda, Syria, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Honduras, Indonesia, Israel, Latvia, Morocco, Macedonia, Malta, Nigeria, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Trinidad, and Panama.  Look what the Internet can do! Thanks to everyone for visiting!

Filed Under: General
Feb 7, 2013

What should I post next?

Has anybody tried my recipes yet? How did they turn out? Send me some feedback!  I’m trying to decide what to post next…


Filed Under: General
Jan 28, 2013

My next cooking video – you decide

I can’t decide what to do for my next cooking video. Should it be…

~ Polish cabbage rolls

~ Double chocolate almond biscotti

~ Sweet & spicy chicken fingers

~ Caramelized apple oven pancake

~ Thighs & Fries

~ Spicy chocolate -cherry cookies

~ English muffins

~ Apple pie bars


Filed Under: General
Jan 23, 2013

It’s National Pie Day

Today is national pie day!


How much do you love homemade pie? This is my lemon meringue pie made with Meyer lemons. A Meyer is a cross between a lemon and a mandarin orange and tastes sweeter and less acidic than a regular lemon. Meyers have a thinner skin and more juice and are considered a gourmet lemon. I grow mine in the back yard so they’re free. If anybody made a pie today, send me the recipe. Not if anybody ATE a pie today… only if anybody MADE one! Happy Pie Day!

Filed Under: General
Jan 22, 2013

Welcome to my New Website!

JennyInKitchen_600x450I love to cook. And I really love to bake. I created this site to share my best recipes, hoping to motivate more people to cook at home and make eating healthy foods and meals (and desserts) a priority. It’s hard to do if you don’t cook at home. Mine are simple recipes, mostly comfort foods, and they are as healthy as I can make them. I always try to:

  • Incorporate as many vegetables as possible
  • Avoid saturated and trans fats
  • Use less sugar & little to no butter in my baking
  • Bake with whole grains when possible
  • Reduce unhealthy fats
  • Increase fiber

I’m not selling anything and you’ll never see ads on this site.

I invite you to try my recipes and send me your comments. You can also share your own healthy recipes here. Well, thanks for visiting and I hope you like it. 🙂

p.s. I also transferred all my cooking posts from the archives so there’s tons of stuff to see.

Filed Under: General
Jan 14, 2013

My First Contest is Coming

I’m having a contest next month. Check back if you’d like to win a copy of my first cookbook. 🙂

Filed Under: General
May 24, 2011

Do they even know me China?

Did I ever mention that my cookbook was translated into Chinese?

< < Here’s the cover.

I don’t know if that’s my name at the top or not.

But those are the recipe photos I took.

The printing, especially the photos, look pretty bad. I’m guessing the children making it weren’t tall enough to run the press properly!

Do they know me in China?

Probably not.

Here’s the original cover with my picture on it  > > > >

You don’t see me on the Chinese cover.

It looks like they anticipated better sales with a quesedilla than my face!


Filed Under: General
Dec 31, 2010

321, no 378 cookies!

It’s New Year’s Eve and I’m getting ready for our annual open house tomorrow. It’s a small group of about 35 friends (mostly the same ones every year) and it’s turned into a competition of how much can a person eat in one sitting! Lamb chops, sushi, paninis, crab cakes, deviled eggs… all devoured in a span of four hours. It’s actually two guys who eat most of the food and you know who you are. 🙂 The food is catered and I bake all the desserts. Today I made 97 macaroons, 48 lemon bars, 47 meringues, 49 pfefferneusses, 38 truffles, 48 seven-layer bars, and 51 chili-chocolate-cherry cookies. That’s 378 cookies! And it’s not enough! Let’s see…378 divided by 35 is 10 – almost 11 – desserts per person! Yikes!! Everyone needs to walk home!

(*Saturday morning correction: I made more macaroons last night – the chocolate dipped ones!)

Filed Under: General