
Sep 27, 2013

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip MuffinsHere’s an easy recipe for my pumpkin chocolate chip muffins. Even without the chocolate chips, they are still a great tasting snack. My recipe includes toasted walnuts and trust me, toasting the nuts first will send their flavor into overdrive. I use walnuts and pecans in lots of baking so I just toast a bunch of each one in the oven (see my video) and keep them in the fridge for baking.

It doesn’t have to be pumpkin season to make these yummy muffins, in fact canned pumpkin has more antioxidants than fresh. Orange and yellow vegetables like pumpkin, sweet potato, and carrots have lots of betacarotene which is good for your lungs and eyes and will give you healthy hair and skin.

The most important thing about making muffins is not to over-mix. Just fold the ingredients together gently with a spatula or spoonula – I love those! This recipe was in my first cookbook and I’ve updated it by increasing the whole wheat pastry flour a little and switching from canola to extra light olive oil but you can use any oil of your choice.  I’m posting this recipe by request from a fellow baker (Rori) in Denver who lost the recipe. Here it is, Rori!  Click here for the recipe.

If anyone else has a recipe request, just let me know….

Sep 5, 2013

Homemade Bread Crumbs

Homemade Bread Crumbs

There are many reasons to make your own homemade bread crumbs. First,  you’ll save money. Second, they’ll taste way better than packaged ones. Third, they’ll be healthier. By using whole wheat bread, you’ll be adding beneficial fiber to your meal. And finally, it’s so easy!

Let me clarify: it’s easy if you have a food processor. But even if you don’t, you can still do this. Always start with fresh bread. Nobody wants to eat stale bread so why would you want stale bread crumbs? So fresh bread is a must. You can make crumbs with any kind of bread like white or sourdough, but whole wheat is the healthiest so look for 100% whole wheat bread with 3 grams of fiber per slice. Fiber is your friend.

Some recipes call for dry bread crumbs to make something crispy like breaded cutlets or chicken fingers. Others need soft bread crumbs, like a topping for mac & cheese. My recipe shows how to make both dry and soft crumbs, and also how easy it is to make your own super-crispy Panko crumbs, too!

If you don’t have a food processor, you can finish the dry crumbs in a blender or by putting the dried bread in a plastic bag and rolling with a rolling pan, or even smacking it with a small pan. Soft bread crumbs can be made using the large holes of a grater, but carefully! So whatever kind of breadcrumbs you need, dry ones, seasoned crumbs, fresh or Panko, remember that homemade is always better. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Aug 8, 2013

Easy Lemon Blueberry Muffins

Lemon Blueberry Muffins

Note to self: “Pick up two lemons at the grocery today… and some buttermilk… and oh yes: blueberries!” That combination will make the most delicious lemon blueberry muffins you’ve ever had. I’m a big fan of muffins because they’re quick and easy to make and you also have a portable snack. I takes just 30 minutes to make these healthy muffins made with lots of fresh lemon peel and that well known brain food… blueberries.

Blueberries are one of the top antioxidant-rich super foods so I put lots of them in this easy muffin recipe. Then I boosted the health benefits even more by using whole wheat flour and heart-healthy olive oil. Yes! I do lots of baking now with extra light olive oil but you can also use canola or another oil of your choice. There’s no butter in this healthy recipe since I’m always working on baking without butter.

Now that berries are in season (and you don’t need a loan to buy them!) is the best time to try these easy and healthy muffins. Have them as part of a healthy breakfast or a mid-day snack with a cup of green tea. They are really, really good! Click here for the recipe.

Jun 25, 2013

Marble Loaf Cake


Whenever I have a taste for something a little sweet, this is it. There’s no butter in my healthy version of an old fashioned marble cake – I use heart-healthy olive oil so there’s no guilt when I eat it. And that’s good because whenever I make it, I can’t stop eating it!  It’s light and moist and goes perfectly with a cup of my green tea. I’ve made it without the orange zest when I didn’t have an orange but I can tell you it’s definitely better with the orange (or even tangerine!).

It’s a pretty easy recipe if you’re looking for a healthy dessert. It’s sweet enough for dessert but also perfect for afternoon tea. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Jun 6, 2013

A clever way to help bread rise


If you’ve ever baked bread or anything with yeast you know that it helps to have a warm spot to help the dough rise. Some things that work are a warming drawer, placing the dough under a lamp, or heating the oven for a minute and then turning it off (but then you need to preheat the oven). But here’s a way I never thought of… a heating pad. Whaddya think? Good idea? Or do you have something better?

Apr 26, 2013

Sesame Seed Breadsticks

 Homemade Breadsticks

For someone who likes crunchy food, my sesame seed breadsticks are a must. You simply cannot buy breadsticks like this anywhere and when they’re fresh out of the oven (after they stop their snap, crackle, and popping) it’s hard not to eat half the batch right there. I make 15 at a time and when there’s only one left, I make more. If you haven’t tried this easy recipe, you’re missing out. I was out of whole wheat flour so I made this batch with just all-purpose flour.  To see the video and printable recipe, click here– Jenny Jones

Apr 5, 2013

Apple muffins with crispy cinnamon tops

Best Apple Muffins RecipeWeekend breakfast is the perfect time to make these fantastic, healthy apple muffins. People have asked me for this recipe so many times, or they just ask me to make them some of my delicious apple muffins. With lots of apples, they could even BE breakfast in a pinch. The batter is easy to make and you will have to peel and slice apples but it’s really worth it. I’m pretty sure if you make these apple muffins once, you will make them again and again. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Jan 13, 2013

Who knew?

Attention bread bakers:Yeast I’ve been using this yeast for years because it doesn’t require proofing but I never read ALL the information on the back. Duh!! I just saw that this yeast eliminates the first rise so you save almost an hour off baking anything with yeast. So… I get cinnamon rolls an hour sooner! Yay!! And here we thought it was MEN who never asked for directions! 😉

Jun 10, 2011

Homemade Tortillas

How To Make Flour TortillasI can’t even describe the difference between homemade and store-bought tortillas. Can we compare a Rolex to a Timex?

A BMW to a skateboard?

Anthony Weiner to a cocktail frank?

I don’t think so.

Here’s my recipe for the best homemade tortillas you’ve ever had.
They are so worth the effort. Try them this weekend!

Click here for the recipe and video.

Mar 22, 2011

Homemade breadsticks

Wanna try something fun? Do you love crunchy food? I know I do and my sesame seed breadsticks are too good not to share, so here is a new video that shows how to make these awesome, crispy, crunchy breadsticks. I must have my breadsticks available at all times so when I’m down to the last two, it’s time to make more. If I do run out, I suffer a sad sense of emptiness at dinner because my salad doesn’t taste right without them. They’re like a giant crouton on a stick. In fact, when we go out to dinner, I’m not opposed to carrying a little breadstick baggie in my purse to accompany my salad. Make that a tightly-sealed baggie – we’ve learned that lesson in the past. 🙂 Enjoy the video! Click here