Can you believe you can make pickles in three hours? Delicious, crisp dill pickles? Hello! Three hours. That’s why they’re so crisp! A few of you asked for my pickle recipe so here it is. I tried a few more versions over the weekend and I like this one the best.
I also have a recipe for sweet pickles which I will post this week but the dill pickles are my favorite. Click here for the recipe.
I’ll be doing what everybody else is doing this weekend – barbeque!
It’s going to be 100 degrees on Sunday so cooking indoors?… not a good idea.
I’m sharing my recipe for this 4th of July weekend and it’s really, really easy. Basically everything in one pot & cook it.
I usually make baby back ribs but my homemade sauce is great on chicken, too. I cook my ribs for 2 1/2 to 3 hours and they fall off the bone.
Have a great 4th of July weekend, everybody. Enjoy my recipe, and some fireworks too.
The only fireworks we will see is after I cook all day and Denis says, “You know we could have gone out and got ribs.”
“What did you just say?!?”
He defends himself by saying he doesn’t want me to work too hard (at something I love!)… He just doesn’t know any better. But I still love him. Happy 4th! And Happy Canada Day!
With ninety-one organic apples on my tree, I had to come up with a very special recipe and here it is. It’s a lot less work than making traditional apple pie and the best part is… it’s healthier… made without shortening or butter, only heart-healthy canola oil. I love that!
It tastes just as good as a pie, in fact, Denis keeps calling it pie but I say a piece of pie is pointed and this is square – it is NOT pie! Whatever you call it, this is one of my best recipes.
And try to eat just one piece of p….. uh…. I mean one bar. 🙂
I made apple pie bars again. I had to. My apples were calling me from the tree: “We’re ready! Over here! Eat us! Bake us into one of those pie bars! We need a purpose! We like being snuggled in that delicious crust. Please Jenny, take us before the squirrels come!!”
My caramel corn is so good… Everybody will want some. You’ll be hiding it in your closet! It’s easy to make. It’s super crispy & just sweet enough. Nothing compares! Make it. Do it. Eat it…Just not all at once!
Hello, I found your site by putting in a search for “what happened to Jenny Jones” and here you are! I really enjoyed watching your “how to” video on granola making and I was wondering how long it lasts in the fridge? or what do you do with it when it is done baking? leave it out? how long does it stay fresh? have you ever tried granola in the Special K box? I did and it was amazing sooooo good, could I use that granola to make my own granola ? could I bake that granola do you think when I make my own type of granola ?? Please let me know, I am on a restricted diet and have plenty of operations on my pancreas (due to gall stones) Now my pancreas does not work and I have chronic pancreatitis, so I must really watch what I eat. granola is perfect for my diet. thanks for all your help and I am glad I found your site! thanks so much.!!!
My response…
After my granola has cooled, I put it in a covered container and it will keep for several weeks in the fridge. Mine doesn’t last more than about two weeks but it should stay fresh for at least a couple of months. I haven’t tried the Special K brand but that granola is already cooked so I do not suggest using it to make your own granola because you will be baking it twice and it could be overdone. I just looked up the ingredients in the Special K brand online and my, my, my… lookie here:
Karyn, if your health is a priority, I suggest you make your own granola and not eat the Special K brand. The second ingredient is sugar and then it contains honey and high fructose corn syrup. Yikes! You probably like it because it’s extra sweet so I suggest making my recipe and you can increase the brown sugar to 1/2 cup. Well, that’s my 2 cents.
Wanna try something fun? Do you love crunchy food? I know I do and my sesame seed breadsticks are too good not to share, so here is a new video that shows how to make these awesome, crispy, crunchy breadsticks. I must have my breadsticks available at all times so when I’m down to the last two, it’s time to make more. If I do run out, I suffer a sad sense of emptiness at dinner because my salad doesn’t taste right without them. They’re like a giant crouton on a stick. In fact, when we go out to dinner, I’m not opposed to carrying a little breadstick baggie in my purse to accompany my salad. Make that a tightly-sealed baggie – we’ve learned that lesson in the past. 🙂 Enjoy the video! Click here
Denis took me on my errands today so I made him some cookies tonight. One of his favorites are my oatmeal chocolate chip so I made my oatmeal batter with 100% whole grains, then divided it in two so I could make my own favorites, too. To his half (the back row) I added toasted walnuts and chocolate chips. To my half, I added toasted walnuts, diced prunes and figs. They are so delicious! We’ve already had two each so I’d better put them away. These are definitely going in my next cookbook, which I’m trying to work on but there’s never time! Mine have whole grains and extra fiber so technically, I could have one for breakfast, no? How about with a hard-boiled egg and a glass of milk? Never mind, it’s as rhetorical question – my kitchen, my rules. Cookies for breakfast!
We have a new video! It’s French Toast made with melted dark chocolate but before you judge, let me remind you that dark chocolate has many anti-aging health benefits. It’s full of antioxidants like polyphenols, the same ones found in red wine and green tea; and flavonoids, the ones found in blueberries, which can lower blood pressure and cholesterol. So I have not abandoned my standards of nutrition – this is a healthy recipe using whole wheat bread and no butter at all. We made the video yesterday with Damon working the camera, lights, and audio and when we were done, he sampled the French toast and wound up eating the whole thing. We then made a second version with Denis standing by to taste it. He ate the whole thing. It’s hard to describe how delicious this is but Damon said, “It’s yummy and chocolate-y… it’s like eating dessert.” Denis said, “Make more.” Click here for the video.