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Soup for Dinner
Vegetable-bean soup makes a healthy meal all by itself. This is the reason I always have a bunch of vegetables in the fridge and my own frozen chicken stock in the freezer. It was “Soup for Dinner” night tonight. So I thawed some of my homemade stock and added… carrots, potatoes, parsnip, celery, cabbage, broccoli, kale, spinach, asparagus, cannelini beans, some leftover diced chicken, orzo, and parsley. It’s basically a delicious vegetable soup but the added chicken and beans provide protein and fiber for a complete meal and a filling one. I was going to have one bowl but it was so good I had two! There were more vitamins in this healthy meal than any vitamin pill.
It’s good to eat citrus fruit
The similarity between round citrus fruits––like lemons and grapefruit––and breasts may be more than coincidental. Grapefruit contains substances called limonoids, which have been shown to inhibit the development of cancer in lab animals and in human breast cells. For anyone concerned about eating grapefruit, limonoids are found in all citrus fruits, which have many known health benefits so some citrus should be part of any healthy diet.
Chocolate French Toast
Chocolate French Toast? It sounds like dessert but it’s actually a healthy breakfast. My easy recipe is made with a soft 100% whole wheat bread and heart-healthy dark chocolate. The chocolate is a good way to get your family to eat more whole grains and nobody has to know it’s actually good for you. So it seems like a perfect idea for Easter brunch… (Click here for the recipe)
Green Eggs, No Ham
There’s nothing like a good start to the day with a protein and veggie packed breakfast, especially one with this many antioxidants. My healthy recipe uses three different green vegetables but you can make it your own (try to keep broccoli in the mix for cancer protection). I have this with a slice of toasted Squirrely Bread (it’s a high fiber/whole grain bread I usually get at Whole Foods) and I’m good to go for hours. Once you prep, it’s ready in about 5 minutes. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones
Shortbread Cookies
Shirley asks… Have you ever made shortbread cookies? We used to buy Archway but can’t seem to find them anymore. They were the best we found. We love your granola and several other recipes. I enjoy your website.
My Response…
I don’t make shortbread cookies because they always call for so much butter. – Jenny Jones
3-Hour Dill Pickles
I saw my first really good, crisp pickling cucumbers at the market this weekend so I bought some and rushed home to make my 3-hour refrigerator pickles. It only takes about five minutes to put this easy recipe together and they really are ready in 3 hours! Crisp, tangy, and super easy. If you want fast dill pickles, click here for my recipe. – Jenny Jones
Nosey Peppers
Blueberry Coffee Cake
Wait ’til you taste this moist, delicious blueberry streusel coffee cake. It’s an easy recipe made with whole grain flour and no butter. And blueberries are in season right now so you won’t need a loan application to buy them! Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones
Homemade potato gnocchi
It only takes three ingredients to make soft and tender potato gnocchi. My Polish dad was the cook in our family and he used to make them and called them kluski which I later learned are the same as Italian gnocchi. In Poland they are called kopytka and the Polish way to serve them is with fried bacon and onions but nobody needs to do that any more! I prefer gnocchi Italian style as a side dish with red sauce or as a main dish topped with my homemade bolognese sauce. Anything you can do with pasta, you can do with gnocchi and it’s a pretty simple recipe. Plus they freeze beautifully. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones