

Oct 1, 2021

Photo of the Month (September)

Pumpkin Cheesecake RecipeThis is the first photo sent in of my lightened up pumpkin cheesecake and it reminded me that I don’t always have to make pumpkin pie for the holidays. Rhonda made it for her anniversary and said, “Everyone in my house loved it, even my daughter with the picky appetite.” To make it even better, Rhonda decorated it so beautifully with real homemade whipped cream – the only kind I use too. Plus, her picture is better than mine!

Click here for the recipe.

Filed Under: General
Aug 22, 2021

I Made Apple Pie

Best Homemade Apple Pie

My homemade apple pie is a special treat, which I don’t make very often. Usually, it requires a special occasion and today I washed my hair so I needed to make an apple pie! 🙂 Granny Smith apples are my fruit of choice and I always use a full three pounds! Whoever invented the phrase, “easy as pie,” must have meant the eating part. Making pie, especially apple pie with all the chopping, is not easy but it’s worth every minute! 🍏 It makes an incredible homemade gift but I’ve never been able to let one go.

Click here for the recipe.

Aug 1, 2021

Photo of the Month (July)

Crispy Apple Tart with Peaches

My pic of the month is from Mil in Canada. She used my Crispy Apple Tart recipe using fresh peaches and it looks so good! At first I thought it was an apple tart but when I saw it was made with peaches, well I’ll be trying my own version with peaches next time. “The tart tastes fabulous and the apricot jam coating on top just elevates it even more,” said Mil. Her tart looks like a very expensive dessert at a fancy restaurant, doesn’t it? Thank you, Mil, for your inspirational photo.

Click here for the recipe.

Filed Under: General
1 Comment
Jul 1, 2021

Photo of the Month (June)

Homemade Bunny Buns

I picked this photo of my Easter Bunny Buns because it made me smile right away and also it reminded me that it doesn’t have to be Easter to make these adorable (and delicious) buns. The picture was sent in by Sandy, who made them for her grandchildren. She said they “absolutely loved them!” And so do I. 🐰❤️🐰

Click here for the recipe.

Filed Under: General
1 Comment
Jun 7, 2021

Photo of the Month (May)

Easy Cinnamon Raisin BreadNot only is this my favorite sweet bread but I chose this photo from Bhairavi in San Jose, California, because she said Sunday baking for her is quality and fun time with her teenage son, Ameya. What a great thing she is doing to instill a love of cooking in her son. I learned by helping my dad in the kitchen and I encourage everyone to show their kids how much fun cooking can be. Use some of my easy recipes and they can share their photos here. 🙂

Click here for the recipe.

Filed Under: General
May 30, 2021

Safe Travels, My Little Spatulas

Jenny Can Cook SpatulasCooking is fun. Moving is not. We’ve been looking for a long time and I finally found a dream kitchen that I want to cook in so we’re getting ready to move. I don’t remember the rest of the house but it had a bunch of rooms so I’m sure it’s going to be good. 😀  I’m excited about my new kitchen but it will take time to set things up just right so you won’t see any new recipes for a while. I’ll still be checking in every day as usual, posting your photos and answering questions when I can.

I’ve learned a few things while packing to move:

  1. I don’t wear belts any more.
  2. I thought I was doing a better job of dusting.
  3. There may be a family of squirrels living in our garage.
  4. A man can be emotionally attached to a broken vacuum hose.
  5. Moving is a good way to test your marriage. ❤️
  6. Filed Under: General
Apr 1, 2021

Photo of the Month (March)

Jenny Can Cook Paczki Recipe

It’s paczki again! I’ve never seen paczki done this way and I love Boston cream pie. The idea for “Boston Creme Donuts” came from Erika last month, who said she made them for her husband’s birthday.  I am so trying this! Thank you, Erika.

Click here for my Pączki recipe.

p.s. I’ve been super busy and have not posted any new recipes but I will soon. I’m working on a couple of new ones and just need time to fine tune them and take the photos.

Filed Under: General