

May 30, 2021

Safe Travels, My Little Spatulas

Jenny Can Cook SpatulasCooking is fun. Moving is not. We’ve been looking for a long time and I finally found a dream kitchen that I want to cook in so we’re getting ready to move. I don’t remember the rest of the house but it had a bunch of rooms so I’m sure it’s going to be good. 😀  I’m excited about my new kitchen but it will take time to set things up just right so you won’t see any new recipes for a while. I’ll still be checking in every day as usual, posting your photos and answering questions when I can.

I’ve learned a few things while packing to move:

  1. I don’t wear belts any more.
  2. I thought I was doing a better job of dusting.
  3. There may be a family of squirrels living in our garage.
  4. A man can be emotionally attached to a broken vacuum hose.
  5. Moving is a good way to test your marriage. ❤️
  6. Filed Under: General
Apr 1, 2021

Photo of the Month (March)

Jenny Can Cook Paczki Recipe

It’s paczki again! I’ve never seen paczki done this way and I love Boston cream pie. The idea for “Boston Creme Donuts” came from Erika last month, who said she made them for her husband’s birthday.  I am so trying this! Thank you, Erika.

Click here for my Pączki recipe.

p.s. I’ve been super busy and have not posted any new recipes but I will soon. I’m working on a couple of new ones and just need time to fine tune them and take the photos.

Filed Under: General
Feb 28, 2021

Photo of the Month (February)

Polish Paczki RecipeA Polish lady (Beczkowski) made my Polish paczki and took her photo using beautiful Polish dinnerware – this is my favorite photo of the month. On top of that, she is 71 years old and “finally successfully made paczki” for the first time. Thank you to Joyce Beczkowski Nicholas for this wonderful photo! 🇵🇱

Filed Under: General
Feb 27, 2021

My Favorite Recipes

Favorite Recipes Jenny Can CookFor anyone wondering which recipes I make the most, my own go-to favorites, here they are:

No Knead Crusty Rolls: I always have some in the freezer because you can pop them into a 325° F oven for about 10 minutes and they are even more crusty than when first baked.

My Dinner Salad: With a few variations in olive oil dressings, pretty much every meal I make starts with a salad.

Pork Tenderloin Dinner: The pork is lean, takes on marinade really well, and I love roasted veggies.

Oven Chicken Veggie Kabobs: It’s an easy and simple one pan meal with delicious marinated chicken, and I always serve it with Basmati rice. One pan = easy cleanup.

Granola Bars: I make a lot of these granola bars. They can be a quick snack, dessert, or something to take on a hike or trip. There’s one in my purse right now.

Sweet Potato Chocolate Cake: Of all the chocolate cakes I make, this is my favorite And there’s a whole sweet potato in there for some vitamin A, or as we say in Canada, “Vitamin eh?” 🇨🇦

Cracked Wheat No Knead Bread: I love farm breads and this easy no knead bread with extra fiber is the one I make the most. I bake, slice, and freeze.

Sheet Pan Chicken & Vegetables: It’s fast, easy, healthy, low fat, and it all roasts in one pan. It’s delicious. I love this meal!

Bran Muffins: I make a dozen and freeze them for the days I crave traditional, old fashioned, bran muffins, which is almost every day.

Tapioca Pudding: Light as a cloud, this comfort food dessert is a family favorite. My husband swears I always take the bigger serving, but he can’t prove it. 😀

Giant Breakfast Cookies: These are almost a meal in themselves, chewy, delicious, and full of fiber. As soon as I’m down to one, I make more.

One Pan Broccoli Bean Pasta: I buy fresh broccoli every week so I know I can always make this quick and easy last minute dinner with my pantry staples of pasta and canned beans. Any time I can make dinner in one pan, I’m on it! 🥘

Jan 31, 2021

Photo of the Month (January)

How To Make Dutch Baby Pancake

I chose this photo from Ellen in Oregon because as soon as I saw it, I turned on my oven to make my own Dutch Baby Pancake. Her way was exactly the way I serve mine, with a dusting of powdered sugar and lots of fresh fruit. Ellen made it for her husband’s birthday!

Click here for the recipe.

Filed Under: General
Jan 17, 2021

Sheet Pan Chicken & Roasted Vegetables

 Sheet Pan Chicken & Roasted VegetablesI love ❤️ love ❤️ love ❤️ this easy and healthy dinner. It’s a lot of vegetables but there is never one bite left when I make my sheet pan chicken and veggies. There are so many health benefits from this colorful variety of vegetables but you can use some of mine and add your own favorites. I used to put the chicken and veggies all on a bare pan but the chicken made a big hard-to-clean mess so now I put the chicken only on parchment paper. (the veggies will brown better on a bare pan).

I just cut a strip of parchment paper 4 by 10-inches long and place it at the far end of the pan.

One Pan Chicken and Vegetables

Stirring the vegetables is key so they won’t stick. Instead of setting my timer for 25 minutes, I set it for 10 minutes, remove the pan to stir all the veggies, put it back and set the timer for another 10 minutes. I stir a second time and set the timer for the last 5 minutes. By cutting the chicken into two pieces, this dinner is ready to serve as soon as it’s done.

Since I’m cooking every day, I find myself looking for easier and faster ways to make a healthy meal and I make this one often because there’s not much to do once it’s in the oven. (more time to decide on what’s for dessert – today it’s peanut butter cookies, those easy ones made without flour 😋) I digressed. Back to my easy, healthy and so delicious sheet pan chicken dinner. Click here for the recipe. – jenny jones

p.s. I am now making my own peanut butter – – game changer! I will share it soon… Stay well,  my fellow cooks!! ❤️

Jan 7, 2021

I Made Bran Muffins

Homemade Bran MuffinsI make bran muffins on a “regular” basis. I freeze them and just take out one a day, put a little butter on it, and it’s my evening snack with a glass of warm milk.  The combination of molasses and vanilla gives it that old school bran muffin taste. The older I get, the more I… make bran muffins.🙂 Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Jan 3, 2021

My Simple Lentil Soup

Simple Pureed Lentil SoupSome days, a big bowl of this thick and hearty soup is all I need for dinner, with one of my crusty rolls of course. Lentils are high in protein, low in fat, and have lots of health benefits. I used to have it without pureeing but once I pureed it in the food processor, I never went back. It comes out so thick and creamy, perfect for a cold winter day.

I use unsalted chicken stock but vegetarians can use vegetable stock. I sometimes add some chopped baby spinach in that last couple of minutes if I have it. Either way, lentil soup makes a healthy and satisfying meatless meal. (Don’t forget the crusty roll! 😋) Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Dec 25, 2020

Photo of the Month (December)

Easy Pecan BallsI am so excited to see this photo come in today! The cookies, are beautiful, the setting is beautiful, and it’s the perfect photo on this Christmas Day. Bhairavi said she and her teen son baked some wonderful cookies together for the holidays. “It was perfect mom-son time during these crazy times.”

It’s my photo of the day and photo of the month. Thank you, Bhairavi, and Merry Christmas to you and your family. 🎄