

Feb 25, 2025

Easy Pumpernickel Bread


NEW RECIPE: Do you like chocolate? Do you like coffee? How about molasses? Okay… maybe not as a snack, but you need it to make this classic and delicious pumpernickel bread. And now you can make it at home in a Dutch oven with no kneading! My husband loves this bread and even uses it for peanut butter sandwiches. It’s super easy to make and the complex flavor that comes from the coffee, chocolate, molasses, and some rye flour makes a really tasty loaf.

There are two ways to make this recipe. One is the fast way using warm liquids and that takes about 4 1/2 hours of time. The other way is the long overnight way, using cool water. You put it together at night and bake in the morning. I have used both methods and cannot tell the difference in the results.

And for the record, I love molasses and sometimes just have a spoonful or two for the numerous health benefits, including iron, calcium, and magnesium. If you want an easy way to make homemade pumpernickel bread, click here for the recipe.

Feb 16, 2025

How About Them Apples?

remove_wax_from_applesIf this looks like the perfect apple, it might be too good to be true. Apples in their natural state are not glossy. So if you see an apple like this red delicious, don’t take a bite just yet. It might be like snacking on a candle because some apples are coated with wax to keep them fresh longer. It’s called “food-grade wax” but I’m not buying it. That’s like saying, “food-grade dirt.” It won’t kill you but do you want to swallow a spoonful of dirt? How about a spoonful of wax in your stomach?

I love red delicious apples and bought a few last week. When I ate the first one, I had a hard time chewing the skin. I couldn’t remember red delicious skin being so hard to eat. Then I remembered reading about wax on apples and I was sure this apple was coated so I decided to try removing it. I scraped it with a small paring knife and was shocked to see how much wax came off this small 3-inch apple.do_apples_have_wax

Imagine how much is on a big apple! So when you see a glossy, shiny apple, it just takes a second to scrape it once with a knife to test for wax. No wax? Enjoy the apple and the skin, which has more nutrients than the inside. If you see wax, you can scrape it off with a knife or you can drop the apple into boiling water for 5 seconds to melt the wax, then rub it off with a coarse towel. Keep the wax away and eat an apple a day. 🍎

Jan 26, 2025

Oatmeal Muffins in the Toaster Oven


Here is my new favorite muffin. ❤️ I only make muffins in my toaster oven now (boycotting my awful Viking oven!) so I make six at a time. I eat one and freeze the rest. I freeze almost all of my baked goods the same day they’re made. I remember “day old bread” always being on sale at the bakery, because fresh anything is always better, except for wine, I’m told. 🍷

With my easy oatmeal muffin recipe, you soak the oats first, and I use minimal sugar and no butter but they are so good… moist on the inside with a crispy top from a little sprinkling of sugar before baking. Let me know if you try them. Click here for the recipe.

Dec 25, 2024

🎄 Merry Christmas 🎄

Best Pumkin PIe from Scratch

 🧑‍🎄 Merry Christmas, everyone. 🧑‍🎄

Here is my pumpkin pie that I made last night. It’s so pretty I hate to slice it but that won’ t stop me. The only thing that will prevent me eating the first slice right now is the time it takes to make some real whipped cream! Isn’t Christmas fun?? The decorations, the presents, the goodwill, and the food.  The food part is the best – the eating of the food, especially the pumpkin pie! 😋

  Best wishes to all my fellow cooks.

Dec 1, 2024

To My Subscribers

Wondering why you aren’t getting notices? That’s because I haven’t sent any! I’m busier now than I’ve ever been and can’t figure out why. I’m supposed to be retired. There are so many new recipes I want to share but there’s always something else I need to do… like making all of our meals from scratch, then cooking for the hummingbirds (every day!), grocery shopping, laundry, stretching and exercise, daily walks, counting grey hairs, tweezing, inspecting, “Is that a mole or skin cancer?” “Where did this bruise come from?” “What’s that thing on my foot?” “What happened to the hair on my legs?” These things take time.

For these reasons and others too embarrassing to explain, I have removed the “subscribe” button. It’s a complicated process to send those notifications. I will continue to post new recipes when I can but you will only see them if you occasionally check back. Every new recipe will always be posted here in the blog, just like my new apple bread.

I’m really happy that so many of you are continuing to enjoy my recipes. Did I mention that trying to do your own highlights takes a lot longer than you’d think? 😀

Filed Under: Cooking
Dec 1, 2024

Easy Apple Bread


NEW RECIPE: I’m loving this new, lightly sweet apple bread. It’s usually dessert with my breakfast and my favorite part is the crispy, sweet top. There are lots of apples, two medium Granny Smiths to be exact, and just enough sugar to make it lightly sweet. For this super easy recipe, just click here.

(If you’ve never lined a loaf pan with parchment paper, you can see how – just click here.)

Oct 15, 2024

I’m Reducing Sugar

It’s like breaking up with an old boyfriend, that one who all your friends told you was bad news. Sure, he was handsome and drove a nice car, and he was so sweet, but I always knew I needed to move on. I decided the best way forward was to start seeing less of him and eventually, maybe we could just be friends and see each other in smaller doses.

That’s how it is with me and sugar. I love sweets but I also know that the less sugar I consume, the better. So every time I bake something sweet, I try it with less sugar and it always works. I’ve been noting this in the recipes so if you’re using an older recipe, please check the latest version to see if it works with less sugar. The less sugar, the better… just like bad boyfriends. 😍

May 21, 2024

How To Line a Loaf Pan with Parchment Paper

how_to_line_a_loaf_pan_with_parchment copy

This is the easiest and fastest way I found to line my loaf pan with parchment paper. I use the pre-cut Reynolds cookie baking sheets. I cut one in half and cut one of the two halves into two. I clip the two smaller pieces onto each long end and then place the larger piece across the width and clip to keep in place. After I pour in the batter, I remove the clips and bake but you can leave the clips in.


May 13, 2024

I Miss Your Photos

I couldn’t understand why nobody was sending me photos any more and then found out that the link I was providing went bad. (YourPhotos@JennyCanCook is no longer valid.) I’m not sure why but we just created a new link for sending photos. If you tried to send me your photo in the last month, please send it again using this link:

The new link also appears on the YourPhotos page. I love seeing your photos so please keep sending! Thank you.

Apr 24, 2024

Crusty Rolls in My Toaster Oven

Best Easy Crusty RollsWith summer approaching, I’m using my toaster oven more for baking. This time I tried my no knead crusty rolls and WOW – they turned out beautifully! I set the toaster oven to 450, just like my big oven, and just used a smaller baking pan (9 by 13 inches). These rolls don’t spread much so I was able to bake all eight at one time. I plan to make them this way all the time.

As soon as they cool, I freeze these rolls. I find that putting the frozen rolls directly onto my toaster oven rack at 325 for about 10 minutes makes them super crusty, even more than when they’re first baked. It’s a win-win: Less oven use, and even crustier rolls. I love these rolls with salad, with soup, and sometimes I eat a roll,,, with another roll. 😋 Click here for the recipe.