Jan 1, 2015


BEFORE ASKING A QUESTION... please look in the FAQs at the top for answers to many commonly asked questions. Or maybe it’s something you can research on your own or find in the recipe comments.  I can’t always keep up with responding so thank you for understanding.

❤️???? My thanks to everyone who jumps in to help answer questions. ❤️????

1,223 Comments on "Questions?"

  1. JoJo

    I went to look for my favorite tres leche cake of Jenny’s for company this past weekend, and lo and behold, it was gone! I was heartbroken.

    Can you send it to me or republish it?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I’m sorry but I have never made a tres leches cake and there never was one on my website.

  2. Cyrina

    Hi Jenny,
    I use to receive your site for different recipes, but no more. Can i still receive them? I loved them, they were so easy. I wll be 90 years old on 3/1/25, and still going strong..


  3. Cathy

    Hi, Jenny.I’ll make this quick.I’ve made this recipe before and I’m wondering.Do you weigh the flour?
    Mine came out very dry.Maybe I use too much flour.I tried it twice.One was too sticky the other was to dry.
    If so, also, do you sift your flour?Maybe that made a difference.I’m just trying to figure out what I did wrong.Thank you so much.

  4. Steve

    Jenny, what’s the longest period one can use for the first rise? Time to go to bed. Any major harm in letting it sit overnight?

  5. RHogue

    Hi Jenny. I have made several of your bread recipes and they have all been great (except for the one I left the salt out of). Do you have any recipes for sour dough and starters or am I just missing them on your site? Thanks.

  6. Sue

    My husband has stage 3 kidney and diabetes do you have a nutrition break down on your recipes?

  7. Kim

    Hi Jenny!
    Wondering if you have a good grilled Whiskey Cheddar burger recipe? I highly trust your opinion and have made almost all of your Goodies!! Love them all! Thank you in advance.

  8. Lenora

    Can I substitute unrefined coconut flour for regular flour in your Easy Chocholate Cake

  9. Andrea

    Hi Jenny, I’ve made your fall off the bone pork ribs years ago and the first couple of times they turned out as you said. However, I had a friend over and thought I would make the ribs at 300 for 2.5 hours, covered with foil shiny side outside. The ribs burnt to a crisp and I feel terrible. Do I have to lower the temperature, put water underneath. Please if you can, give me some advice. Thank you


    • Jenny Can Cook

      If they turned out for you before, then you know the recipe works. I can only suggest that the oven must have been running hotter for some reason. I would not change the recipe because it worked for you more than once and it works for thousand of others. I can only suggest that you try it again with an oven thermometer.

  10. Kathleen

    I’m desperate to know how to cook a whole 4 pound chicken in my crockpot?? Someone will be here for dinner tonight and they’re expecting a cooked chicken! I’m the worst cook in the world. SOS !!!

  11. Carol Lynch

    Jenny , love the taste and flavor if braided cinnamon Bread, but need to improve!
    Why is my bread flat
    The bottom is too brown and hard
    I have tweak but can’t get it right.
    Please help

  12. Milly Jo

    Jenny, hello. Thank you so much for your website. I learned to make bread successfully from one of your recipes. I was wondering if you have a cole slaw recipe.

  13. Krista

    Hi Jenny, I just finished watching your salmon patty recipe video on YouTube. Will you be making more videos anytime soon? I love watching them… thanks!!

  14. Kathryn

    Dear Jenny, I am not a very good, nor experienced, cook, but you make me better! We are vegans and we love your Vegetable Bean Chili. I know it’s a basic question, but can I double it without adjustment? (If relevant, I use store-bought chili powder and vegetable stock.) Thank you! Kathryn

    • Kathryn

      Some say to double the broth and others say that’s too much. It won’t reduce properly. Thoughts?

  15. Gloria Dean

    Thank you for being there each time I make your scrumptious food : Jenny I need to know about your rolling pin.
    I dropped my glass vintage one and I would love to replace it with the one that you said was your new rolling pin from Artizan? I believe it had poppies on it please Jenny to tell me where I can purchase xx
    Best regard Jenny I’m Almost 77 and have watched you for a long time , I love the simplicity you teach that I can do it , thank you sweet girl . Gloria Dean Oshawa Ontario Canada 🇨🇦

    • Jenny Can Cook

      That rolling pin came from Anthropologie. I don’t know about Canada but I see that World Market has some and also Pioneer Woman has a pretty one online.

  16. Teddy

    Can your no knead dough recipes for rolls be doubled and if so do you double the yeast in the recipe…same question for no knead bread recipe. Thank you.
    You have become my number 1 web site for cooking and baking. I really admire you and all you have achieved and given to communities.

  17. Tracey

    Dear Jenny, I have made many of your recipes all with great success and followed along with all of your videos top 10 foods for beautiful skin, boosting your immune system, etc… I also complete your facial once a week and it even keeps the extreme redness of my rosacea to a minimum. I was also a big fan of your glowing skin (blender) video although it has disappeared ? Is there anyway of reposting it in your video section ? Thanking you in advance and thank you for all the hard work you’ve done !

  18. Monica

    Where do you buy the World Market 70% cacao chocolate you use to make your dark chocolate brownies? Is it available in stores or possibly online? If online…please provide the name of the site.

  19. Toby

    I can’t see where to ask a question so I’m using this. I want to make the pizza in the cast iron pan but I’d like a third option for water temperature. The 12-18 hour option won’t work, and the other 3 hour is too short. I’m wondering if there’s a mid-way choice with water that is neither hot nor cold. If hot water is 120 and tap water [acc. google] is 45, then midway would be about 80. I am going to try this but if you are in the mood maybe you could give this as an option. I want to make the dough in the morning and bake it for supper.

  20. Jan

    Hi Jenny, I love every recipe I have tried of yours. I have a question about your homemade cinnamon rolls. Have you ever frozen them after baking them (prior to adding icing of course) and then removed from freezer, thawed, warmed then added the icing? I just thought it would be a nice fast and delicious solution for guests who arrived unexpectedly.
    Thank you!

  21. Kelley


    After I bake, my crust does not always “burst”. I slash the dough prior to baking. I tried coating knife with flour to aid in the separation, but the crust usually bakes in one piece.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks for your time.

  22. Cricket Lee

    Howdy 👋 I am hoping you will post a bagel recipe that is boiled prior to the bake for a chewy bagel that would make a Jewish deli proud. Thank you!!!

  23. Sue

    Hi Jenny,
    Could you please tell me where you get your oven gloves.
    Thank you, love you and your recipes!

  24. Joanne

    Hi Jenny
    Love all of your receipts but I could
    not find a receipt for cornmeal muffins? Mine just don’t taste right!
    Can you help me out?

  25. Chris

    What does it mean if my bread dough doesn’t bubble at the end of the first rise time???

  26. Norman Wilkinson

    Hi Jenny,

    Love your whole wheat bread and would like to double to two loaves.

    Your suggestion is appreciated regarding ingredients.

    Thanks and best wishes Norm

  27. Tim R

    I was going to make some Christmas pickles but, the recipe calls for them to be stored in a stone crock for 24 hours. I don’t have one of those so can I use a stainless steel stock pot instead?

  28. Barb

    I’ve made these several times now – they are so good! (My fridge is full of lemons.). My question is, can they be frozen? Thanks so much …

  29. Kate

    Just a comment about your granola. I make it all the time, very similar to yours. However, I do not use brown sugar. I use USA honey and real maple syrup.
    I add coconut for a few minutes when I make the last turn so it browns a little. I add dried cranberries, chopped crystalized ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg after I take it out of the oven. Other dried fruits are good too. I make it for friends and family. Easy and fast.

  30. Becky

    My husband is on a low sodium diet. Do you have nutritional value for your recipes?



  31. Karli

    Hi Jenny, I’m new to your channel. I love the way you cook/bake with your easy to follow recipe.
    My question is, can you do a recipe on German Black Forrest Cake? Would love to supprise my newly male friend :). Thanks, Karli.

  32. Judy Abrams

    I just read the New York Times article on baking bread and want to alert them to your recipe, which I think is shorter and better than those mentioned in the article – see The New York Times, April 5/Section 5/FOOD.
    Please respond ASAP.
    Judy Abrams

  33. Marian

    I absolutely love your recipes! Fantastic! My favourite is the No Knead Crispy buns. I make them alot.

    Question about the buns is this:

    for 4 buns,,, can you tell me the calories for 1 bun?


  34. Ed L

    Hi Jenny.
    Your Faster no knead bread recipe has changed my life. I never baked bread before. It’s given me a great start in exporing artisan bread baking. I’ve been baking sourdough loaves that are fantastic. I’ve become a no knead bread evangelist. Often, when I refer people to your website for recipes, the links don’t work and they and I cannot access the website. I now it late March and I haven’t bought bread since early November.

    Big fan and no knead bread evangelist.

  35. Ada

    Dear Jenny, I’m Polish too, and like you, have grown on golabki-, kapusta-, potatoes-, kotlety. Your recipes are a pure heaven! I would encourage you to edit e-book for sell – you deserve monetary support for your hard work to deliver such exquisite recipes! I’m first i line for the book with your autograph!
    Polish Hugs,
    Ada Musolf.

  36. Warren

    Jenny My wife and I love your recipes, we would like to add one to your site that you and your viewers will Love: Banana Bread Snack Cakes
    1-2/3 cups all-purpose flour
    1 teaspoon baking soda
    1/2 toasted walnuts
    1/4 tea cinnamon
    1 cup brown sugar
    1/2 cup water
    1/3 cup mashed ripe bananas (about 1 small)
    1/3 cup canola oil
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
    Confectioners’ sugar

    1. Preheat oven to 350. In a bowl, combine flour, baking soda, toasted walnuts, and cinnamon. In another bowl, whisk brown sugar, water, banana, oil and vanilla. Stir into dry ingredients just until moistened. Transfer to a greased 8-in. square baking pan.
    2. Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, 30-35 minutes. Cool on a wire rack. Dust with confectioners’ sugar.

    Hope you all enjoy!! it’s Delicious

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Thank you. I also added it to my “Share Your Own Recipes” category.

  37. Diane

    Hey girl, Jenny
    Can you explain to me how to use fresh milled white flour I purchased. Does it act like other flours we are familiar with. Thanking in in advance for your reply

  38. Ej

    I tried making meatloaf shepards pie. I didnt think to cook the meatloaf first. And the whole meal is in the oven raw. Is this ok. Will it wreck the mashed potatoes. Is it salvagable

  39. Kathy

    How do I find diabetic recipes on your site?

  40. Judy Schell

    Can herbs be added to the no knead recipe? Any suggestions? Rosemary?

  41. Lex castillo

    I saw the program January 16th and they showed an oven that keeps your food cold till ready to cook and all you do it touch your recipe card and it set, what is the name of that oven and is it for restaurants only

  42. Joy

    Can I use my bread machine’s dough cycle and then bake this bread in the oven?
    (Easy Simple Whole Wheat Bread)

  43. Jim G

    Have you used Spelt flour. Spelt is my preference for bread and I would love it if there was a truly efficient/ effective/ delicious no knead recipe.

    If you haven’t used it, you would be doing me a GREAT service by developing and publishing one. Your FASTEST worked great–I doubled the recipe and it just fit in my cast iron Dutch oven. It definitely needs 25 minutes AFTER the pid is removed. I am experimenting now. Happy New Year J

  44. Karen c.

    I have made 10, 2 hr. breads. They come out great. I have a cast iron Dutch oven. The bottom of the breads are almost burned every time.
    Suggestions please.
    Thank you.

  45. Linda

    Good morning,
    I have been baking your 4 ingredient bread with multiple types of flour and had much success. I now am trying RYE flour and the texture is so completely different. Do you have any suggestions or is just not the best use of this?

    I want to thank you for giving me a positive direction in this stressful time.
    Happy holidays,

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Please see my rye version under “Breads.”

  46. lori

    hi jen.

    what is the best containers or other options for freezing cooked food?

    ha!!! i am 85 and one would think i would know by now!! but, i never freeze leftovers. this ole mama eats leftovers for lunch the next day.

    keep your kitchen humor–you keep me young–love ya

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I use Hefty plastic freezer bags with the zipper-type closure, which makes it easier to remove all the air so the food is “hugged” tight in the bag.

  47. Clara

    Can you make the beef stew a day ahead or will the potatoes get soggy?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      You can make it ahead. In fact, most stews are even better the next day, and no soggy potatoes.

  48. Mom Me

    Since Christmas is this week, my son asked me for lekvar cookies. My mother (she has passed) always made them for holidays, so I was hoping to find a recipe in some of her old recipe books. Unfortunately I couldn’t find it, so I came here hoping you might have one. Again, I’m out of luck. I did go to the Polish Deli this morning to buy my kielbasa and bought a small container of the lekvar cookies which are good, but pricey. I’d like to be able to make my own and hope that in the future you might have a recipe on your site. Thanks

  49. Kathy

    I was watching you making chruscki I love the blue board you roll the dough. Please tell me where you find it. The name of the store.

  50. Sophia

    Dear Jenny, I’ve tried four times your easy no kneading bread recipe.. no success. Dough does not rise while rests, nor its rise during the baking.
    What am I doing wrong? I do follow carefully each step of the process.
    Yeast is active, ‘king arthur’ flour…please help.

  51. Rosemarie

    Can this recipe be doubled?

    • Rosemarie

      Can your easy cinnamon roll recipe be doubled?

  52. Annie

    Hi Jenny,

    I love your recipes, but I was wondering if you can tell me about your Kitchen countertop. That green color is absolutely gorgeous. If you remember, can you please tell me the name or at least if it’s granite,quartz or marble. I am so in love with it.
    Also, will you ever be back making recipe video’s?

  53. Lala40217

    I’d like to use some sourdough discard.. any ideas on amount I should use? I’ll cut down on the yeast amount also.

  54. Bobby Fruge

    I can’t believe, as much as you like baking bread, that you DO NOT have a SOUR DOUGH BREAD recipe!!! PLEASE, PLEASE …. share your best sour dough bread recipe with us!!!!

  55. Gail

    Hi there, could you tell me if the ground sirloin is cooked along with the onions and garlic and then added with the rice etc., to make the cabbage rolls? Or, is the ground sirloin going into the rice etc., and then into the cabbage leaves without being friend? Thanks so much.

  56. nicole

    what type of salt is used?

  57. Lynn

    Are you on Facebook?

  58. Lisa

    Your skin is beautiful. What is your skincare routine?

  59. Nancy

    Hi Jenny, Just wanted to tell you I love your Jenny Can Cook site. Also your videos on YouTube. Your recipes are delicious. Right now I am limited on what I can eat. On a full liquid diet due to diverticulitis. I am having a dissection & resection surgery Nov 24 🙁
    I am looking forward to doing your recipes again in 6-8 weeks when I am healed. I know my hubby will be happy too. I wanted to also say, my hubby got me your cookbook & biography for Christmas this year. I can’t wait to read them while I am recovering. He found them on Amazon. He knew I just love you, have for years, since your talk show. Thanks for sharing all these yummy recipes. I am loving it. Keep healthy & safe during this awful covid virus time.
    Sincerely, Nancy Haglund

  60. Kazu

    Dear Jenny,

    I always appreciate your delicious healthy recipes, and enjoy your heart warming performances at the same time.
    So, this time I’m going to try your chicken pot pie, though it is my first time pie making.
    Then I really like to know what kind of pie pan you used for it. I love it!
    I checked a lot of pie pans at Amazon, but I could not find the same one as yours.
    Could you tell me the maker”s name, if you mind?
    Thank you very much and have a wonderful days.


    • Jenny Can Cook

      My pie pan is by Emile Henry.

      • Kazu

        Thank for your quick reply.
        I , just now, decided to order the Emile Henry pie pan to amazon.
        It is too good for me as a beginner, but that worth buying to poses the same one you’re using as my respect.

        I’m so happy to imagine many many kinds of pies, savory, and some times a little bit sweet!
        Thank you very much again.
        Have wonderful days.

  61. RyanMPLS

    Weekend Challenge!

    Give me something to do. I have 3.5 and 5.5yo vegetarian kids but if meat included I can modify. Hook us up with something new for them to try – they are always dragging the chair to the counter or stove to help. ♥

    Ryan C

  62. Linda

    I love this recipe! I would like to know if you have the nutritional information? I could not find it. We are counting carbs. Thanks!

  63. Wene

    I was surprised at how good this bread turned out but I wonder if it matters that I live at a high altitude and whether you would add or change anything to the original recipe for high altitudes. Thank you for this recipe, I just love it. I made it again today and I’m just waiting till it cools so I can slice a piece, yum!

  64. Katherine H Miller

    I have baked so many of these wonderful no knead bread recipes, I’ve used up my parchment paper and am finding it difficult to replace, at least from the grocery where I used to get it. If I mail-order a “SilPat” (silicone) baking sheet, will the bread baking perform in the same way?

  65. Felix

    I nned to be in a low protein diet. do you think custard will work if I use only one egg yolk or a whole egg instead? any ideas as to add fruit or fruit flavoring to it?

  66. sharronski

    I am enthusiastic about preparing the cabbage roll recipe and loved the comments rec’d on it BUT i realized I came home from my bi monthly COVID grocery shop with a “crinkly” leaf head of cabbage not a really smooth leafed cabbage head. YIKES! will this behave and roll up nicely after the steaming? Let me know even though I know you can’t get round to all the Qs landing on your website which, BTW, I along with countless other adoring fans luvvvvvvvvv.

  67. Andrew

    I have 1 lbs. 3 oz. and my recipe says I need just 9 ounces and what I’m using is the creamy spinach ricotta ravioli Wondering how much I should use

    • Jenny Can Cook

      1 lb + 3 oz = 19 ounces. Half of that is 9 1/2 ounces so you would use half of what you have. The difference between 9 ounces and 9 1/2 ounces is minimal and should not make a difference so I would go with using half of your 1 lb 3 oz.

  68. Mariana Needs More Videos!

    Good Morning Jenny. I HOPE you read this message! (QUESTION BELOW)
    I love your YouTube channel & I’m stuck at home with 3 very cranky teenagers (13, 14, & 16) who are eating up my house! ?

    I love to cook & I’m looking for a no-fail, easy recipe for quiche, cheesecake and Polish cookies (don’t know how to spell it so I won’t try).

    Would you consider making a video? Even if the only thing we’re seeing is your work space and not your pretty face?!?!?!?!!!

    If not a video, please post on your blog and I’ll try to make it as good as yours!!!
    Thank you ever so kindly! ?

  69. James /plain Jim!

    Hi Jenny ,I’m back its been a while since your bread recipe.
    Enjoyed it greatly?
    Looking for a European type Head cheese recipe
    Not to many veggies in itl
    Coarse medium texture ! or like they sold at a market.
    Wish you the Best !

  70. Glor

    is there a faster version of your delicious Rye bread?

  71. danute

    I have been trying to find what you mix your butter with. (when you butter your toast etc.) I think it is a healthier because it is not using all butter. What proportions also. Thank you so much.

    I love your recipes, your website but mostly your humor. I also loved watching you on TV when I was in school. Take care. Stay safe.

  72. Theresa

    I love your videos. Why did you stop making new ones?

  73. Paulina

    Jenny – I know a while back I found a place with some of your favorite items and food brands and can no longer locate that, has it been moved or removed?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      There is a category in the blog for that.

  74. Sue

    I am just checking to see how much yeast to use for your No Knead White Bread. I have made the whole wheat recipe and it calls for 1 tsp., but the white bread recipe calls for 1/4 tsp yeast.

    I was just wondering if there is a typo.

    Thank you.

  75. Laura Smith

    what can I substitute for sugar?

  76. ChrisAvocado

    How long can dough stay in the rising state before adding the toppings?

  77. Rosemarie

    Hi Jenny,
    How would I bake your recipes using a bread machine?
    Thank you.

  78. Joanie

    Your garlic press looks very impressive. Would you be willing to share that information? Mine must be 40 years old. Thank you I hope you and your family are safe and well.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I think you’re referring to my old garlic press by Zyliss (a very good one). I also have a different one but it’s very expensive (RÖSLE). I would not recommend Oxo Good Grips – I tried it and it was not good.

      • Joanie

        Hi Jenny, it’s the garlic press you used while making your simple meat sauce. I went online and it looks like you were using the Rosle one. Hope I’m right as I’d like to order one soon. Thanks for your quick response I really appreciate it

        Also my husband and I are 100% Polish. Thank you so much for your Polish recipes because I’m not very good at cooking Polish food but I’m giving it a go!

        • Jenny Can Cook

          Yes, on that video it is my Rosle garlic press.

  79. Steve

    Do you have a simple, quick French bread recipe? Thank you for everything you do to make our lives better through your recipes!
    Best regards,

  80. Genie

    Jenny, thank you for your wonderful recipes. I have made the Apple Pie Bars a few times now but 2 family members are Gluten Free eaters. Can I substitute either all-purpose GF flour or almond for the AP wheat flour?

    Thank you (looked in Apple Pie Bar recipes comments and did not see this question) for your time!

  81. Butlerday

    Is it ok to knead no knead bread? Will it help it rise more if it’s not too high before baking?

  82. Tammy

    Do you sell your cook books ?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      No I do not. Please see the FAQs about my book.

  83. Paf

    What type of salt do you use in your baking recipes? Table salt, sea salt?

  84. Bill V

    Hey Jenny- I’m not sure what happened, but we tried your stuffed cabbage recipe from YouTube and printed it out from this website, also. We studied the video and played it over and over as well as reading over the recipe many times before, during, and after we started to make it. Everything turned out looking great and exactly like yours from the video. We had never had stuffed cabbage before and so we didn’t know quite what to expect, but were excited to bite into what we anticipated being something new and as delicious as you made it sound. Well, it was new but delicious—sadly, not so much.

    It didn’t have much taste at all to both my wife and myself. Even the cabbage (which we both love cabbage cooked various ways) tasted bland. My wife added salt but that didn’t help much. We had even heated them up after letting them sit refrigerated overnight with olive oil and served them with Daisy sour cream as suggested, but it was just not very tasty. I keep going over it and I don’t know what could have gone wrong. Only difference was I used Contadina tomato purée instead of your recommended Pomi because I couldn’t find Pomi in my grocery store. Everything else was pretty much spot on.

    We served these also as recommended and we had also made a cucumber, tomato, and red onion vinegar salad to go along with it. Did the vinegar get in the way of this dish somehow?

    I know you probably won’t respond to this, but I’m throwing it out there hopeful that you might or someone may have a similar reaction or idea about this.

    You gotta believe me: We did everything by the book. We’re just scratching our heads over it.


    • Jenny Can Cook

      I try to read all the comments and I can only say if you followed the recipe exactly, I accept that my recipes may not be for everyone. I’m just sorry that you did all that work and were disappointed.

  85. Mary

    “and place into the ungreased pie pan.” Why not grease your pan when placing the first 12″ circle?

  86. Lisa

    I would love a recipe from you using black bean tortillas. I take a cup or so of dried black beans and soak them for about fourteen hours. This recipe does not work for canned beans. I drain and rinse the beans after soaking and then put them in an ordinary blender with some water or stock and puree them until they are slightly runny. I use a six-inch non-stick skillet coated with a little oil and heated on medium heat and then pour some of the bean mixture in. I use very little of the bean mixture because if I use too much I end up with something more cake like. I want them thin. I flip these over to brown the other side. These tortillas can be folded. I’d love your ideas on how to stuff them.

  87. Emme

    Hi Jenny. In your cabbage roll video you have pot holders that fit on your stock pots curved handles. May I ask where you purchased them? I’ve looked on line and cannot find anything similar. They’ll work perfect for my knew pot. Love your recipe videos. Your fun personality definitely shines.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      They came with a Berndes pot but I don’t see where have them any more.

  88. Evelyn

    I love most all types of brewed tea but never have found a green tea I could drink more than 1 sip. I want to try again. Following your advice, I will check the water temperature and use loose tea instead of bags. What brand(s) do you recommend?

    Love your videos! They are fun, funny and practical! Can’t wIt to try the popcorn!

  89. Nancy Pyle

    What brand of bread knife do you use?

  90. Pipes

    Love the eggless chocolate cake recipe.
    Would love to have an eggless white cake
    recipe . Any hope for the white cake lovers
    allergic to eggs ?

  91. Michele

    I would like to try your baby back rib recipe. However, I do not like baby back ribs. Can I use St. Louis style ribs?

    Thank you.

  92. -wendy

    Please answer my questions. What is your favorite joke, your favorite song, your favorite cooking show? I like your career choices.

    Wendy can write.

    “Jenny we love you!”
    I write this at the top of all my YouTube post. FYI

  93. Shawna. Perlin

    Do you have the nutrient facts for some of recipes

    Eg. high fiber cookies

  94. HG

    In the recipe for 2 hour Fastest No Knead Bread, the amount of yeast called for is 2 teaspoons. The notation next to it says 1 packet yeast, 7g. Which is it? 1 yeast packet has 2 1/4 teaspoons which is 7g. Thank You.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Any measurement will work, either 1 packet, 2 teaspoons, 2 1/4 teaspoons, or 7 grams. It will still turn out.

  95. Lynne

    If I wanted to use butter instead of oil how much would I use? Or is that even an option in this recipe?

    Lynne G.

  96. Kathy

    Hi Jenny! I am enjoying making your bread and rolls; I’ve also got a sourdough starter going and I’m incorporating it into your recipes. Tonight I made the tortillas and they just didn’t roll out as big as yours – they were thin, but there just didn’t seem to be enough dough to make them that big. Suggestions?

  97. Marie

    I just bought a Dutch Oven and the instructions say, Do not heat pot when it’s empty, whether covered or not.” It’s a porcelain enamel on cast iron Dutch Oven. Porcelain enamel interior and exterior. I’m not sure if I should proceed to make the Easy Quick Bread I wanted to make today…? Please help.?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I believe that means not to heat it empty on the stove top. Just make sure it’s rated safe to 450F for the oven.

  98. Sandy Epley

    How does it effect thing when you have already had the oven on just not at 450 degrees. Does that change anything in the process?

  99. Mom me

    I think I submitted this question a while ago but I didn’t find an answer. I want to try using your recipe for the dough for poppy seed roll but I want to try a walnut filling. What I’m hoping for is a recipe that would be just enough for one roll. Would you have a recipe for walnut filling?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Sorry, I do not have a walnut filling recipe.

  100. Gayle Green

    Love your videos BUT ….silly question…where can I get the duck timer !!!!!!
    would like a few as gifts !

  101. Chery in Texas

    Where do you place the skillet to bake in the oven….middle section or low towards bottom of oven ? Do you recommend using convection, if so, would the temp be different.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I always use the middle rack and I never use convection. You would have to reduce the heat with convection.

  102. Rose

    THANK YOU for teaching me how to bake bread!!! Since you taught me with yeast, I’ve gained confidence to try sourdough and I made my own starter. Can I use sourdough starter in this recipe instead of yeast? If so, how much starter instead of the yeast and water?

  103. Sima

    Why is my bread crispy and hard on outside when ready and undercooked inside?
    Am I doing something wrong?
    Did exactly your recipe

    Thank you!

  104. Jan

    Can a package of instant yeast be re-used? It is a 3/4 oz. packet & the recipe only calls for 1/4 tsp. Thanks.

  105. KP

    Can you allow the dough to sit overnight on counter and bake the next day?

    Thank you.

  106. Deborah

    Hi Jenny,
    Love your videos ! They are cheering me up during quarantine and I appreciate that they are ‘healthy.’
    I live in a small condo and would love to know where I can buy the bread kneading board you use so I can stop getting flour all over my dining table. Thanks !

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I bought mine at Williams-Sonoma years ago. If you search for “wood cutting boards” you will find many options and sizes available.

  107. Sarah

    If we needed a substitute for egg for the chocolate french toast what would we use? ( Due to an egg allergy)

    Thank you very much

  108. Jim

    I am retired. I enjoy cooking and try all kinds of your recipes. I follow the ingredients exactly but you will mention a specific pan. I don’t have a lot of pans so I use what I have. If I follow the ingredients exactly but use a different pan that you recommend,how important is that in the final outcome?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      It really depends on the recipe and is usually more crucial in baking. Please ask when it applies to a specific recipe and I will try to help.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      The type and size of pan is more important for baking than other cooking. The wrong size of pan for a cake could cause the recipe to fail. It’s best if you can ask about a specific recipe, on the page for that recipe, and I will try to help the best I can. Be sure to remember where you asked the question so you can come back for the answer. In this case, please respond so I know you got this reply.

  109. Karin Flatt

    where can I find these adorable kitchen timers you use (i.e. duck, piggy). I love your recipes and videos – with your enthusiasm you almost force us to want to cook. I am now trying your no-knead crusty rolls in hopes they are close to the German “Broetchen” which are delicious and I miss very much. Also, have you tried steam in your oven when baking these rolls?

  110. Melinda

    Jenny I love your videos and recipes! What kind of range do you have? I love the white under the burners! I need your range for my new kitchen.
    Thank you ?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Mine is a Viking but I don’t care how good they look, I would never buy from Viking again due to horrible customer service.

  111. Helina

    Hi, Jenny,
    During this pandemic period, I learned how to make my first no knead bread from you. We lived with my son, his wife, and my two grandsons. They loved your no knead bread. I tried the over night and the two hours receipts and we all love the bread. However, is there any way to keep the crust not so crunchy and hard if we don’t eat the bread right away? Thank you for your lovely no knead bread recipe.

  112. cs

    Can I use a mixer with the no knead receipe or better stir by hand. thanks

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I would not advise it since there is almost no mixing with this recipe, only gentle combining.

  113. Laura D.

    My dutch oven recommends not going any higher than 400F. For the No Knead Bread recipe that is cooked at 450F, how do I get around this?

  114. marjorie varnadoe

    How do you store your bread so it remains crispy ?

  115. Miya Rentas

    I was letting my bananas overripe to make banana cake and they aren’t fully brown (they’re around 60% brown id say) but one of them has a very small spore of mold, I’ve thrown away the banana that carried the mold and I’m curious as to if I should use the other bananas.

  116. Diane

    Looking for some recipes without eggs due to allergy. Not just desserts please. Can’t wait to make the delish chocolate cake recipe I just found here! Thank you.

  117. Judy N

    I just your video for eggless chocolate cake and I enjoyed it very much
    I have been trying to find a recipe for vegan chocolate cake from a store bought mix- because for people like me to buy even a small bag of flour etc would be wasting most of it.

    Thank you

  118. Aganita

    I’ve been LOVING this bread! My question is just “why does it not stay crunchy, and why is it so hard to slice?”

  119. Janet Lef

    Just wondered if No Knead Crusty Rolls are affected if I double the recipe?
    Thank you so much! : )

  120. Marva

    I love your recipes and was wondering if you have a printed book that
    I could purchase? Thank you, Marva

  121. Me

    I was wondering do you do any canning and if you do are there any videos on your site?

  122. Tamara

    I’m allergic to dairy. What can substitute for the yogurt in the lemon brownies?

  123. JP

    What a wonderful recipe this looks like, and the comments from everyone are so great and exude Kindness & Gratitude! Thanks to all :).

    I have one quick question: what kind of baking pan should i use? And can cupcakes be made as well? Thanks in advance and stay safe and well everyone.

  124. Janice

    I made this recipe exactly as the recipe instructs. Everything looked great but the dough was not airy it was doughy. I live in Southern California-800 elevation. Please help. Thank you.

  125. Liz Altmann

    Can I use regular flour instead of pastry flour?

  126. Maryann

    I’ve been making ur chocolate cake, it’s so good ! thank you ! but it’s not rising that much? I added a tsp of baking soda. should I add more?
    I’m using a 9′ round pan.
    Thanks, Maryann

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Please list all the ingredients you are using, including brand names, and I will try to help. Also, how long are you preheating your oven?

  127. Janet

    What are the calories for the Lemmon brownies?

  128. Susan

    I am very excited to start making so many of your recipes !!! I would like Ike to know if Gluten Free flour can be used in your bread, rolls and other baked good recipes Thank you.

  129. Linda

    Where do you buy all the neon color measuring cups, spatula, bowls, and cutting boards?
    Thank you if you are able to answer my question.

  130. Janis

    I made the no knead bread looks delicious. Just wondering about proper storage of bread after cooling

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Look at the “How To” section of my blog.

  131. Barbara K

    An old friend sent me a link to your Fast No-knead Bread and I’m tickled pink to read your recipes. Will be baking when I can obtain some yeast! 
    My mother was Scandinavian (from MN) and a great baker but never taught me.  We never had “store-bought” bread and she made a batch of bread (usually white bread) every week.  There was one recipe she got from my father’s aunt so it must be at least 100 years old and as a child could hardly bear the anticipation of getting the first heel from a fresh batch.  I’m a bit older than you are (June ’43) and tried to convert the recipe so I could make one loaf but was never successful.  I’m hoping you can convert it to a one-loaf recipe.  The biggest impediment for me was the lack of flour needed for a batch of four loaves.  Here’s the recipe as she wrote it:

    Oatmeal Bread
    4 C boiling water – pour over:
    2 C oatmeal (I always assumed it was regular oatmeal since the recipe is so old)
    2/3 C shortening
    1 C brown sugar
    2 T molasses
    1.5 T salt

    2 yeast in cup lukewarm water
    Let rise double its size 3 times.

    (This bread was great toasted with honey on it and made fabulous grilled cheese sandwiches!)

    Thanks much!
    Best Rgds,
    Olympia, WA

  132. Rosalee

    During the Covid `!9 quartine I find I have a lot of extra time and I love your recipes also your brautiful aprons[!! Where do you get them or they hand made? Any info will help me/ If handmade pattern numbers or maker would help!!! STAY IN AND STAY SAFE THANK YOU Rosalee

  133. Valerie

    Can I Add olives to the rolls?

  134. marilyn

    I want to make your faster no knead bread but after looking in every store all I could get was fresh yeast. How much do I use for the recipe please. I’m new to bread making and this has me confused since you have to proof your yeast first in water with a wee bit of sugar. Thank-you so much for answering. I bought my yeast from the bakery section of a supermarket and it came in 1 lb. squares. I’m sure I’ll have enough to make many loaves if I just knew how much.

  135. Cathy

    Hey Jenny, do you have a recipe for sourdough bread? I looked in FAQ and Recipes, and didn’t see one. I haven’t found one that was to my liking.

  136. Ash

    I am so thankful I found your YouTube channel! Big help during this COVID crisis!

    I unfortunately ran out of parchment paper and heard you mention a floured towel in the video—I couldn’t find it in the FAQs. Could you explain how to do the alternate method?

    Thanks again!

  137. Patricia Sackett

    Do you have a recipe for no knead sourdough bread?

  138. Kevin

    Just curious why you’re not making YouTube videos anymore?

    By the way, the Chocolate Chip Loaf Cake is the best!

    Thank you!

  139. Jennyjo

    I made my famous shephard’s poe but i was making it in a rush and i forgot to add the creamer of mushroom soulp. What can i do so my shephard’s pie will not be dry. Please help!

  140. JackieLu

    Hey Jenny…Jackie from Bozeman Montana.
    Yesterday I made your NKBread from your wonderful video. Followed recipe exactly – EasyPeasy!!
    Although, mine did not seem to look as raised and round as yours did.
    I wondered if altitude would have an impact on this..?? I also used a seasoned solid cast iron dutch oven (not porcelain coated).
    Would you recommend increasing yeast a tad??
    Also, I wanted to thank you for clarifying the use of an oven thermometer. I had one inside my oven during preheat, but when my ‘preheat’ buzzer went off indicating it had reached 450, the thermometer only registered 300!

    Please advise at your convenience.

  141. JOSEPH Battaglia

    What am i doing wrong? I’ve tried four times and followed the instructions very closely. Bread does not rise, no dimples and doughy inside. I have not tested my oven, but my wife thinks it bakes hot, so not sure that could be the problem.We end up slicing the bread and cutting out the doughy inside and just eating the crust which is wonderful. Help?

  142. Marie

    Jenny – no expectation for you to answer this yourself ? but to the community. Has anyone tried freezing these?

  143. Curious Annie

    Times a difficult because of the situation at hand. Best time to bake!! Ooops!! No baking powder!?? Do I really need it?

  144. Maria

    Hi Jenny!

    Given the lack of available groceries these days the only yeast I can get my hands on id the Fleishmann’s pizza dough yeast which comes in packets. Am I able to use this instead of traditional yeast?? And how much should I use??

    My sister swears by your bread recipe and it always turns out stellar!!!

    Many thanks!
    Maria 🙂

  145. Sandy

    I found your great cooking information by accident-it is wonderful-and I do not use the words great or wonderful lightly! I love the fact that I am not bombarded with advertising-although I realize that that is how many people earn a living from posting recipes etc. THANK YOU

    My friend is celiac and I was wondering if you had an recipes to share for celiac afflicted people?

  146. Ann-Marie

    I’m so excited to try your Faster no-knead bread recipe. I read over the whole recipe and feel somewhat silly asking you this question.
    After the bread has baked for 30 minutes it states to remove the lid and the parchment paper. Here goes the silly question: how do I remove the parchment paper if the bread is baking on top of it? Will it pull out…do I need to lift the bread up to remove the paper?
    May I say that I discovered you the other day on youtube by accident. I love you. I love your recipes. I’ve added your site to my favorites and look forward to making your wonderful recipes. Thank you for being you.

  147. cindy

    I’ve noticed that you tend to recommend and use various oils, etc. that are “supposedly” healthy options. Do your own research on vegetable oils, they are NOT the best options. With regards to butter, instead you might consider using ghee. Just my two cents….:):):)

  148. Judy

    1st loaf exactly as you advised. 2nd 2c white/ 1 c
    Hard winter wheat which we ground .
    3rd same all marvelous.
    Using cast iron dutch oven.how to keep the bottom crust from becoming so hard
    It is almost dangerous to slice even with a very sharp bread knife.
    Oh, made the chocolate cake.1st drizzled salted caramel, next day choc. Grenache with homemade toasted marshmallows.
    AND found you because didn’t want sweet stuffed cabbage. Yours are super
    Thank you

  149. Magda

    At this time I’m not able to buy dry or instant yeast. How much fish yeast do I use for no – kneed bread?

  150. SandyPalms

    My sister told me about your site after she gave me some of the bread she made. I love your recipes. I am looking forward to making many of them!

    However, I would like to see a Nutritional Values chart for each recipe.
    I have to eat low sugar and I need to know carb and sugar amounts, so that I can improvise where needed.

    Thank you , and I hope this will be possible.

  151. Mazz

    Easy Pan Pizza. The completed pizza would not slide off the skillet. The edge was fine but the center was completely stuck to the skillet. I used a Tablespoon of oil and followed your directions.

  152. Jane Birnbaum

    Hey Jenny:
    In the ’90s I interviewed you for Redbook magazine. You gave me a terrific story on breast implants, a real public service.
    Am loving your Youtube videos and recipes. Great job.
    All best,
    Jane Birnbaum

    • Jenny Can Cook

      It’s so nice to hear from you again. Thanks for remembering and I’m glad you’re enjoying my recipes.

  153. Mary

    Hello Jenny,
    Love your simple, delicious, and healthy recipes. Just wondering if you might be putting together a few vegan recipes for desserts and mail dishes?
    Thank you

  154. S. Ray

    Hi, Do you have a recipe for No Knead Sourdough Bread and Gluten Free Bread?


  155. Lane

    First of all I would like to give you 5 Stars for your cabbage rolls,its the best I have ever tried.second,in your video you used 2 scoop like utensils to take the cabbage out of the pot! I have searched and searched and can not find them anywhere!
    What is their name and where did you get them,if you wouldnt mind sharing.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Those are Joseph Joseph Scoop Colanders – I think I got them at Sur La Table.

  156. Sherrie

    Hi Jenny,
    I’m a newby here and found myself binging on your YouTube channel. I made the flatbreads yesterday and they were a hit, even though I foolishly left out the oil and had to knead it in after, it still worked out. A very forgiving dough.
    I noticed you hadn’t posted for a while and honestly, I’m just hoping you’re well and am looking forward to more recipes.
    I’m off to the store to buy cabbage to make some of those yummy cabbage rolls today. 🙂

  157. Wendy

    Do you have recipe for the bread portion of hot cross buns that doesn’t require a stand mixer?

  158. Carl

    We recently bought a Samsung full convection oven but have not used the convection feature for anything. Is there any recipe of yours that the use of the convection feature would be of any benefit?
    I started baking about four years ago: breads, bagels, pies, cakes, and cookies, mostly. Your channel makes everything look so much easier! Thank you for your expertise!

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I have the convection feature but never use it.

    • Al

      I use the convection oven and everything comes out great. Just adjust the temperature 25 degrees less than the regular oven.

  159. Robert

    I made your no-knead bread for the first time yesterday and faithfully adhered to the suggested times of cooking and the oven temperatures necessary.

    The resulting crust was wonderful but the interior was still a bit raw in the middle.
    What was I doing wrong?

  160. Noelle

    I have a cookie cookbook and there is a recipe for macrons in it. I have made they once before but not with their recipe. The receipt called for 2/3 cup of sliced almonds and then you put those in a food processor. I don’t have one so I bought almond flour (which is what I used the last time I made them). I did everything else they said to do but my batter was way to thick. I Kept mixing my batter hoping it would get better but it didn’t (and I ended up with over mixed macarons). How much almond flour would equal 2/3 of sliced almonds?

  161. PEK

    Hello, I am Polish from Chicago. During Easter my family made Easter lamb butter and Easter lamb pound cake using molds. Do you have and recipes for these? Any suggestion where to get these molds?
    Thank you for your time

  162. Warren

    My wife and I have tried some of your recipes, they are the greatest everything came out wonderful. We watch a lot of Food Network, and your recipes are much better. YOU should be on Food Network with your own show, we (and a lot of people) would watch. Thank You.

  163. Florence

    Ive been baking since I was 11 (now 74), and it is a serendipity to have found you! I hate watching most cooking and baking videos because they go on and on but yours are quick, fun, instructional and they work! I love your homemade bread and I havent bought bread in 5 weeks bc Im only making it homemade now (whole wheat with sesame seeds).
    Thank you for the joy you give, I just love you!

    • Jenny Can Cook

      We have something in common. I have been helping in the kitchen since I was eleven and I will turn 74 this year.❤️

  164. Krys

    Hello, I am also Polish. Making the paczki, can I make the dough ahead a few days or freeze it??

  165. CharlieBucket2

    The breads come out so wondrful …
    My only concern is the slight dryness of the bread … how to get it to be a bit moister?

  166. Leila Capell

    I saw the video for the crusty buns this morning and wonder if they need a dish of water in the oven to create steam and so give a crispy crust.

  167. Dee Grandma

    My white bread is taking for ever to rise , WHY ?

  168. Ellen

    Jenny, could you please tell me where you bought the polka-dotted knives. I have searched the internet to no satisfaction and would really like to own them. Help, please – Thanks, Ellen

  169. Nathacha

    Bonjour Jenny,
    I just looked at you video “How to make the bests Cinnamon sticky buns”. I went to search for the recipe on your site. There is only one, with the white sugary top. Can you give me an idea of when this one will be posted ?
    many thanks for all these goodies…

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I have no video for sticky buns, only for cinnamon rolls and that recipe and video are posted here. Sticky buns are not something I am planning to make.

  170. Terry

    What brand of pure vanilla extract do you use?

    I think your funny.
    I like your videos on u tube.

  171. Marla

    Hi Jenny,
    Loved your talk show and now love your you tube videos!! In one video you mentioned “your store”, my questions are can we purchase from it online, and what is the website? I would love to use the exact items you use that you get from your store.

    Keep up the videos!!

  172. Lynda

    Hello, how soon do you take the bread out of pan to cool on rack?

    Thank you

    • Jenny Can Cook

      For yeast breads, I remove them from the pan to cool right away.

  173. susan

    I have made no knead breads for about 10 years. Usually I make Olive Rosemary, or Walnut breads with 50/50 % white and whole grain flours.
    Your 3 hour loaf turned out perfectly, BUT IT WAS QUITE TASTELESS!!! Why? I know what a great loaf of plain 50/50% should taste like, but this recipe had a disappointing outcome. Help please, and thanks for having this terrific site!

  174. Scapp70

    I love your recipes. I am getting ready to make your ribs again today. I noticed that your YouTube videos are all now a year old, I’m glad to see that you’re still here at least, on this website, continuing to share your talents.

  175. Mary

    Have you tried slashing the 2 hour bread before baking it? I read somewhere that slashing the top helps a more even bake what do you think? Love your recipes and your videos !

  176. tina

    Hi Jenny,
    I discovered your channel about a year ago and LOVE your style and presentation. You are so fun, I want to have you over 🙂 I bet you get that a lot.
    Why did you stop making videos? I noticed tonite on YouTube that when there was a video a year ago, but that you stopped several years ago. You are such a breath of fresh air on youtube among cooking videos and always make me smile. Hope you are doing well.

  177. Robert

    I did a recipe search looking for a cabbage pie recipe. Did not find one, could you do one for me if you have one?

  178. Randy

    Tried cooking tamales for the first time. Tasted good but the mass stuck to the corn husk. This was after steaming for almost two hours. Can’t figure out what was wrong

  179. Monarch

    P.S.I read your FAQ’s but could not find a reference to your gloves. They look so flexible …. and they’re so darn cute!

  180. Monarch

    What type of oven gloves do you use?
    (Especially, The ones you were able to dye.)

  181. Ruth

    I just want to say that that was hilarious when you ate the pecan dream Me Mexican Christmas cookie at the end of your episode. Very cute they have always been my favorite Christmas Cookie

  182. steve

    I’m trying to figure out how to approach making something some what unique. i want to essentially make rum cake donut holes. I’ve seen plenty of recipes for rum balls which are pretty close to what i want to do. but i want to maintain the fluffyness of the cake part and i don’t want anything inside it. any ideas?

  183. Mojave

    I’ve been looking in stores all over but can’t seem to find the formerly-known-as squaw bread which for good reasons is now sometimes called prairie bread or something similar. (BTW Soup Plantation, a chain of healthy foods buffet restaurants in So CA offers it and it’s luscious with their honey butter! ). Anyway, I’m wondering if there is a way to adapt one of your speed bread recipes to one for prairie bread. Thanks!

  184. Mary Stone

    Why don’t you publish a new cook book with all the new recopies you have on u-tube? I’m sure it would be a best seller.

  185. Dianne

    Bonjour Jenny,
    Tout d’abord, merci pour vos excellentes recettes!
    Voici ma question j’aimerais faire un pain sans pétrissage rapide,2 heures, mais est-ce que je pourrais y ajouter des quartiers de pommes et comment procéder?

    Merci à l’avance!

  186. Glo

    Ms. Cook..
    My mom has been gone for over 20 years. Bless her… My question is that our mom would make the best Stuff Bell Peppers she liked the greens ones. We were a large family of 14 mostly girls. I don’t remember if she boiled to soften the peppers or seeded and stuff them. OMG…they were so good, do you have a recipe for bell peppers?? Thanks Jenny.?

    • Marta

      no you dont have to boil they will soften as they bake. I used rice in mine, how about you?

  187. sandy

    I love your measuring cups you have in a little pot. Can you tell me where I can buy them or where did you get them? I have searched and can’t find them

  188. Scott gresser

    Jenny, do you use any garlic in your mirepoix? I have been adding it to mine for all of my roasts! Also add a can of Chipotle peppers for a great southwestern tangy testing mirepoix. I like to expand upon Escoffier’s ideas to make them better.

  189. Pamela Harris

    My daughter is celliac and needs gluton free bread so unfortunately, she cannot enjoy your wonderful bread as the rest of us can.

    Do you have a recipe for gluten free bread ? ( that tastes good )

    thanks, Pam

  190. Mitchell Szczekutek

    Have u ever tried naresnicki, i may have misspelled the name. My polish is rusty. Another one is ratzuchi. Hope u can make out these two items. We use to eat these a lot.

  191. TerryLou

    Jenny, looked thru facts, but did see a reference to doubling recipe. Can I just double as written, or do I need to alter anything?

    • Becky

      I looked all over but not find any information to this question. I have a large family and wondered if I could do the no knead bread using 2 Dutch ovens in my oven to bake 2 loaves of bread at the same time. Is it possible?

  192. Gerenee

    Years ago there was a wonderful bakery in Kenwood, Ohio on Montgomery Rd called KENWOOD PASTRY. They made an absolutely delicious “Linzer Torte”….it was thick, dense , eggy type bread with an almond flavor and a thin raspberry filling; it had powdered sugar on top.
    Please… if you know anyone who makes it or has a recipe please contact me.
    Thank you so much!

  193. Dr. Crosbie

    You’re attractive, that’s a given.
    You’re site is enjoyable, that’s a given.
    Your recipes work, that’s a given.
    Why, therefore, does not my bread come out as perfectly as yours, when I follow your directions exactly…?

  194. Tina

    Good Morning Jenny;

    Your website and energy is inspiring! I am in process of remodeling my kitchen and looking for a cooktop range like yours. Can you share the brand please?

    “Who’s your daddy?”

    🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Mine in Viking but I will never buy from Viking again so I’m sorry I have no recommendation.

  195. Jane

    I would like to triple the whole wheat bread recipe, any suggestions?
    Would I need 3 pkgs. Yeast? Etc.
    Thank you!

  196. Leslie A Yoder

    You cook like me! I am 72 and still preparing all my meals from scratch, no microwave, no frozen foods.

    I would like a clear broth tomato soup recipe. It provides tons of potassium which is needed to live. I and millions of Americans are deficient in potassium.

    Also, I love your laidback, Fun, leave at it is, ie. crums on the counter, melted chocolate drips.

    Only one thing: Your carefree use of the word “God” is upsetting to me. It makes me cringe. Could you possibly say, “Oh my gosh”? It is actually
    has a more . . . what am I trying to say?

    It actually gives more emphasis on what you want emphasized.

    So happy that you invite comments.

  197. Nancy Keenoy

    Thank God I found a connection on the internet that I hope my question will be answered. I am not on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

    I was watching the Jenny Can Cook sight most of the day. My #1 meal that I will try are the b-b-q ribs and sauce. #2 will be meatloaf. My question is where can I buy those small miniature colorful prep containers that you were using for small ingredients?

    I ordered your cookbook. Love the way you make it look like even I can make these wonderful meals too!

    Nancy Keenoy
    Ahwatukee, AZ

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I’m not sure where I go them. Please look at the FAQs.

  198. Linda

    Where do you get your aprons?

  199. Cookann

    yes ma’am do you have a published cookbook that can be purchased that have the same recipes as your online cookbook if so where can it be purchased

    • Jenny Can Cook

      My old cookbook is out of print and is also out-dated. I am a much better cook today. Almost all of the recipes from the book are here on this website and I have improved and simplified them for the way I make them myself today.

  200. June

    I will prepare a lot of the Fall-off-the-Bone-Ribs and wonder if I could partially bake them in advance for a family reunion without compromising their quality. Thank you!

  201. Brian Brown

    I make bread with a lavain….I would like to double or triple the recipe. Does that mean I double or triple all ingredients as well?

  202. Ellen Moschella

    Do you have a recipe for Irish soda bread for Dutch oven?

  203. Juniebeth

    Jenny my email is all small font, but it won’t work here. Anyhow, I made the artisan bread EXACTLY as you told me to, from your video. And IT DID NOT RAISE UP.

    I used whole wheat and white flour, salt, and yeast and boiling water. FLOP FLOP FLOP.


    • Jenny Can Cook

      It’s not boiling water, which would kill the yeast. Be sure to read the recipe and note the temperature for the water.

  204. Jo

    Can you use convection setting for the no knead recipes?

  205. Joseph

    Hello, my mother is an avid fan of your show and LOVES your kitchen design. For her 80th birthday, I would love to surprise her with her dream kitchen. Could you share your kitchen design. Type of counter top, cabinet color, that incredible oven, and any other details that would make it special. Thank you

    • Jenny Can Cook

      What a wonderful thing you are doing for your mother! My oven is Viking but I would never buy from them again due to their horrible customer service. My next range will likely be Thermador and I prefer gas burners and electric oven (called dual fuel). My counter top is granite and even for me, there is never enough counter space so keep that in mind. If she likes to bake breads that need to rise, I highly recommend a warming drawer. These days most kitchens are done in white and I will do that the next time… white counter & cabinets for a clean and bright look. I hope that helps.

  206. Janell

    I love your 90 min. whole wheat bread recipe, but one loaf is not enuf for my family. Today I made two loaves by doubling the recipe and they turned out great!

  207. Michael

    The awesome pictures on your Vegetarian page has my mouth drooling. What attractive colors!

    One thing, however. My wife points out that the noodles and rice are not whole grain. Have you thought about the nutritional benefits of using whole grains?

    Thanks, and keep up the good work.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Yes, they are not whole grains. I’m still trying to develop a taste for whole wheat noodles and brown rice.

  208. Jeff

    Hi. I would like to replace the two standardized racks in my wife’s Viking stove with roller racks. The oven now has two standard and one roller rack. Viking parts told me the inside compartment of the oven must to replace as the two new racks are heavier and the existing compartment will not hold the extra weight. Cost would be $10,000. Your opinion please. It sounds a little suspicious to me. Thanks, Jeff

    • Jenny Can Cook

      It would be cheaper to buy a new stove, assuming they were actually serious about this. I will never buy a Viking again because of their horrible customer service.

  209. Miriam

    Jenny, first I would like to thank You for sharing your God given gift. My question is, if I don’t have a 9 inch pan for the coconut cake, what size rectangle pan may i use?

    • Carola

      Check King Arthur Flour’s site. They have information on different sized pans.

  210. Lisann

    I was wondering on your recipes if you know the nutritional breakdown of each one? For example, sodium, carbs, sugar, fats, etc., etc. I am on a very restrictive diet and would need to know this before trying your recipes. Thank you for your help

  211. Anna

    Hi Jenny could you please tell me what brand of oven you use. Thank you

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Viking but I would never buy one again because of their horrible customer service.

  212. Dave

    I am wondering if you or anyone has heard of piazza still formaggio my wife calls it cheese squares. I am trying to find a receipt for it please help

  213. Sonja

    Love your recipes, is like to know if you have a particular brand of cookwear you prefer to use


    im looking for new recipes, do you have any new ones. thank you

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I’m retired so I don’t post a lot of recipes, maybe just once a month. If you subscribe you will get an email notification. If not, I always put it in the blog so you can check there occasionally.

  215. Pat

    I was at a party catered by you and there was a salsa that had white beans in it. I can’t find the recipe can you direct me to where it is

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Sorry, but I was never a caterer and do not have a salsa/bean dip.

  216. Lucy

    My family thanks you big time. For whatever reason I have always found cooking and baking to be difficult, time consuming and my end product was never flavorful. Your videos are so helpful – as I am a visual learner. I love the simplicity of your recipes yet they turn out food that looks like I worked hard to prepare. Family members are now requesting me to make food instead of us going out to eat – that’s a testament to your recipes. Seriously thank you for sharing all your knowledge and talents you are making a difference in many peoples lives. The greatest thing one can do for themselves is to eat healthy.

  217. Dominique

    I have only one question about this delicious no knead bread. How many calories in one loaf?
    Hope someone can answer that.

  218. Stacey

    Last year I made a bacon wrapped turkey which my family seemed to really like, but I was disappointed because the turkey skin wasn’t crispy at all. I’ve searched relentlessly for recipes to have both a crispy turkey skin and then bacon wrap. Should I cook the turkey on its own for a while first and then add the bacon blanket weave? Thank you!!!

  219. Karen T

    OMG! Came across your site completely by accident (was looking for an apple pie recipe in an 8×8 pan) and TA DA – YOU! I was always told “if you stop looking/chasing what you need/want . . . it will come to you. I’m so very happy that YOU came to me. I will be using your site for a long long time, or at least the next 10-20 years as I am 67! Thanks Jenny!

  220. Louie

    Do you have a recipe for yeast cornbread?

  221. Diane

    I was wondering where you got that bottle for dispensing the oil. I really like that container or bottle, could use something like it.

  222. Gaylee

    Do you have the receipt for white borscht made with ginger??

  223. Juniebeth

    Dear Jenny….I made my first TWO FRUITCAKES for the first time in 50 years of marriage, and I thought I would cut the end off one to ‘test’ it before eating it at Christmas. I made them about three weeks ago and already they are drying out. I put a pint of rum in the recipe, and when I wrapped them in plastic wrap, and tinfoil, they were so moist. What do I do now? I thought if I simply wet some cheesecloth, and wrapped them both in that,,,,the moisture would moisten the cake part of the fruitcake, and still allow it to maintaint its delicious rum flavouring. ??????? Thanks Juniebeth

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I’m sorry I have no experience with fruitcake. You might find some solutions online.

  224. Dixie Lynne Holmes

    I love your recipes. Are you planning to publish some beverage recipes?

  225. roger

    Hi, Jenny!

    You once mentioned in a video that you don’t use spray your cooking pans with anything because you don’t like the taste. You further mentioned that you keep a combination of butter and something else to “grease” your pans for cooking. Can you share your recipe that is an alternate to spray can usage? Does it need to be refrigerated? How long does it last? How should it be stored? Thank you!

  226. david

    Just back from Rome. Had a dish at base of Palantine hill called carbonara alla Ragu. Yes, red carbonara. Not certain this name is entirely accurate. Can’t find any recipe, though I can guess. Any ideas. More importantly, out of the many variations of carbonara I don’t find any including Ragu.

  227. Chris

    Jenny, Just made a peach cobble and the dough came out looking “anemic”!
    Do you have a good recipe for peach cobbler?
    Thanks so much and have a great day!

  228. Cathy

    Jenny, I just made your wonderful Lemon Brownies and plan to serve them over a period of 3 days. Do they need to be refrigerated? Thank you for all you do!

  229. Tracey Perryman

    Hello Jenny, I have an enameled cast-iron skillet that I got from World Market. It looks like yours in the video but it says oven safe up to 425° fahrenheit and the recipe says preheat to 450° fahrenheit. And the parchment paper says up to 420° fahrenheit. Just concerned about the temperature settings. Help please!??‍♀️

  230. Tif

    Question on the spaghetti recipe can I use frozen.

  231. Angela

    Love your ribs but “racking” my brain trying to figure out how to make 4-5 racks for a 4th of July party and still keep hot without drying out. Oven only holds 2 pans at a time. Would using my warming drawer work for the 2 1/2 hours needed to cook the second batch? If so do you have any suggestion on wrapping (or not) the batches that are being kept in the drawer?
    They are so good I don’t want them to overcook or dry out!

  232. Purple

    Oh Jenny! I just accidentally stumbled across your YouTube videos and now I am addicted!! You crack me up! I love how simple you keep things, and how much joy and humor you bring to the world!

    I am supposed to be completing my thesis this week, and of course today I am blocked and cannot write. I decided to look for a video on making shakshuka with lentils, and somehow came across one of your videos, and now I am spending the day laughing and drooling! I figure I am recharging my batteries today with my new cooking BFF, Jenny, and tomorrow maybe the writing will flow again! 😉

    Thanks for the pure delight! You are a true jewel! Sending you a virtual hug! Keep up the laughs and fun and pure joy of cooking simple and easy foods for our souls!

  233. Jenny Can Cook admin

    Comments that contain links are automatically removed.

  234. Jenny Can Cook

    I am overwhelmed every day with more questions than I can possibly answer so I’m sorry I am not able to respond to personal questions, but I’m glad to hear you like my recipes and videos.

  235. Jenny Can Cook

    There are two different recipes: Faster No Knead Bread (which has a video) and 2-Hour Fastest No Knead Bread (which does NOT have a video). Both recipes are correct. The “2-hour fastest” one uses more yeast.

  236. Tal

    Hi Jenny,

    Looking foreward to make your pizza dough, however I do have a small problem. The only baking tool that I have is a large rectangular cookie sheet. Will my pizza come out thin if I bake it in the sheet? I am not planning on splitting up the dough into 2 sections. If it does come out thin, do you recommend that I double the recipe for the dough to make it thicker?

    Thank you.

  237. Norella

    I’ve tried to print out your recipes….there is no way i’m finding a way
    to do that….I have tried several different ways…

    I love your web site….most of all I LOVE your beautiful recipes…
    if I cant find a way to print…will have to go the old fashioned way…with
    pen and paper…sigh…:)

  238. Mary Leidner

    This is the easiest and st yeast bread recipe I have ever used. Can I add Raisins to this recipe to make a raisin bread?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Please post this question under the bread recipe to which you are referring. Thanks.

  239. Barbara Jean

    I have recently purchased an air fryer (Big Boss Brand) I am wondering do you have any recommendation on using an air fryer? Do you have any recipes that are especially suited for an air fryer?

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Sorry, I have no experience with air fryers.

  240. Janis

    I was hoping to get a recipe for Babka Bread and Cake. I see the ones on you tube have alot of butter and you really try to make it healthy in all your foods. Thank you for your cooking tips and recipes they are really great. And you make it fun n easy and enjoyable thanks again.

  241. Seoh

    Jenny, you mentioned your own vanilla in some of your baking recipe demonstrations. How do we find your products. I’ve looked on some of your websites, and just cannot seem to see any reference to products you have developed. Thanks for any info. you can provide. 🙂

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Sorry, I have not developed any products. I don’t sell anything and do not endorse products for money. I do, however, share a few brands that I use in my blog in case people want to know.

  242. Kendra

    Hi Jenny,
    If I freeze the uncooked chicken meatballs, can I just put them in the crock pot with the sauce? If so how long should I cook them on the low setting?

  243. Brenda

    Hi Jenny, love your recipes!!
    I just had a question about on you ‘Simple whole wheat bread’ recipe. I was wondering would this turn out as lovely if I did a second rise on it using active yeast (not instant). I love the original but was just curious. thanks

  244. Brenda

    Hi Jenny, love your recipes!!
    I just had a question about on you ‘Simple whole wheat bread’ recipe. I was wondering would this turn out as lovely if I did a second rise on it using active yeast (not instant). I love the original but was just wondering. thanks

  245. martha

    Can I use a gluten free flour for the polish baked donut recipe. Thank you, I will be waiting for your answer. i watch you on you tube.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I’m sorry but I have no experience with gluten-free baking.

  246. Susan Gee

    I made your polish piergoes today and they are absolutely delicious. I served them as you did on the video. My heritage is slovene and croation. However, my best friend is polish. I encourage all viewers to try this recipe if you’re a piergo fan.

  247. Adam

    I really enjoy your YouTube channel, but its been quitawhile since you uploade. Are you still gonna make videos?

  248. Roberta Hunt

    I made your best ever meatloaf and it was delicious, but it crumbled. I
    t would not hold together for slicing. Did I have too much oatmeal or too much egg? How should I adapt the recipe to make a stiffer loaf?

    • Jenny

      It should not need adapting. I make this recipe all the time and it never crumbles. Can you please list all your main ingredients and as much detail as possible and I will try to help. This recipe is working for pretty much everyone so let’s figure out what’s different with yours. Thanks.

  249. Manny

    Hello Jenny,

    I truly enjoy your cooking videos 🙂 very fun to watch and easy to follow. Would you ever make a video on how to make Dampfnudel? I think it would be a hit!



  250. Helen Swiatkowski

    Need to know.. How do keep brown sugar soft? Love your recipes. Referred friends and fell in love with you. Thank you.

  251. Sarah M.

    So looking forward to making this recipe – my mom makes it all of the time, and it’s a huge hit.

    What I was wondering, is if i don’t have parchment paper, could I just grease the pan? Or would that burn the bottom of the rolls? Is there anything else I can do?

  252. Elyciya W.

    For your Fall Off the Bone BBQ Ribs, what temperature should the broiler be set at in the end? Thanks!

    • Jenny

      I don’t have a broil temperature so use your judgement. If you have high and low, you can use either one. With high, you should check the ribs every 15-20 seconds. With low, you can check them less often, but always keep an eye during the broiling.

  253. Cheryl L.

    Hi Jenny, can you tell me what brand is your wooden handle sauce pan (the one you use for you “Dark Chocolate Fudge Brownies, Easy recipe / No butter”) ?
    Love that sauce pan with the angled side. Thank you so much for an extravagant dark chocolate easy brownie recipe!

  254. Silviane Harris

    Hi, Jenny!
    I’ve just come across your website and already love it! It is filled with great recipes (I don’t know which one I will try first – tough decision!), but what called my attention was recipes WITHOUT BUTTER! Thank you so much, because I hate butter! It is really difficult to find all sort of recipes that require butter as one of the ingredients being replaced by something else like coconut oil, almond butter, etc. You nailed it! So many thanks! 🙂

  255. Wayne Gilbert

    Jenny, Where can I get a kitchen timer like you have the one that looks kike a little stand mixer, I want one so bad

  256. Halli

    Hello Jenny,
    Can you please do some baking with gluten free grains such as rice flour….
    I would be so grateful ; )

  257. Mel

    Hi Jenny! Just want to tell you that I absolutely love your YouTube channel AND your website! I love to cook too & I love the energy & humor that you bring to the vids. Laughing & being silly brightens the world- which we desperately need. I also love your enthusiasm! (Look at THAT!) SO adorable. Thank you for sharing your recipes, style, & sense of humor. It is very much appreciated. And YES world, Jenny CAN cook!

  258. Barbara

    Do you have any preference in using “active dry yeast” or instant yeast in your whole wheat loaf. If so do you mix the yeast in the warm milk before adding it or just add it to the dry ingredients or just throw it in with the dry.

    • Jenny

      I use both, but more instant yeast these days. Whichever one I use, I never proof the yeast. I just add it to the dry ingredients and proceed.

  259. Nancy

    I am getting ready to make your Polish poppyseed roll. I bought a wooden pastry board a while back and have not used it yet. Do you recommend oiling it and if so what should I use? I have read a lot of opinions both for and against. Thanks

  260. Joanne

    Hi Jenny, I would like to know what do use on your counter such pretty colors, is it just plastic or flexible cutting board, I would love to get some to protect my counter/
    Thank you,

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I use both flexible and acrylic cutting boards, the bigger the better.

  261. Teri hahn

    Hi Jenny, I love your chocolate chip pizza. Can The cookie dough be put in chip pizza.

  262. Teri hahn

    Hi Jenny, I love your chocolate chip pizza. Can The cookie dough be put in freezer? if yes for how long?
    Thank you your great my grandchildren love the chocolate chip pizza. Thank you

  263. Teri hahn

    Hi Jenny, I love your chocolate chip pizza. Can The cookie dough be put in freezer? if yes for how long?
    Thank you your great my grandchildren love the chocolate chip pizza. Thank you
    Teri Hahn

  264. Kathy

    I am excited to make the no knead ciabatta bread is there information on how many carbs are in this either per serving or per slice? I love fresh bread but hubby put on a low carb diet.. so need to know about this before I bake it .as he WILL EAT IT TOO LOL thank you

  265. Diane R.

    Please sign me up manually to receive your blog via email. For some reason I am not receiving your email to confirm my sign-up.

  266. Jenny (JennyCanCook)

    MORE VIDEOS? I appreciate that so many people have asked for more videos but I have no immediate plans to make more, for several reasons:
    • I’m supposed to be retired!
    • I don’t have a staff – It’s just me.
    • It was just a hobby and I wasn’t prepared for this many views.
    • I can’t answer all the questions and then I feel bad for not helping.
    • Now I feel bad for not making more!

    Thank you for all the love and appreciation. I will try to find time to make more but it won’t be for a while; however, I will continue to post new recipes here. – jenny

  267. Donna

    Our favorite bakery cafe makes the BEST blueberry muffins. The top of the muffins have a great, dry texture on the top (unlike others in restaurants whose muffins feel sticky to the touch, UGH!) and the tops have a HIGH dome. What can I do to get that high dome on muffins?

  268. Christiaan

    Hi Jenny!

    All of your recipes so far have been FANTASTIC!

    Do you have a recipe for swedish meatballs? I’m really interested in YOUR recipe.


  269. Charlene

    I LOVE your cooking recipes, especially your humor. I made your artisan bread and loved it! I could not find an answer to this question in your FAQS, so will you please tell me how you clean your dough board? I just got one and don’t want to ruin it.

    • Jenny

      I’m not really qualified to advise on this but if it’s wood it should have included cleaning instructions. If not, I know there is plenty of expert advice online.

  270. Neslo Atilla

    Hey Jenny!
    I’m making some cupcakes with a friend, and we want to double the number by making miniature cupcakes. Are your Healthier Chocolate Cupcakes able to be doubled without problems?

  271. Sabrina Lane

    I made your no raise bread, cabbage rolls and your polish pierogi .. all where a hit in my home.

    I have been looking for newer videos and realized that your last published work was about 1 year ago. Are you not making videos anymore?

    Thank you for the amazing recipes … they are such a wonderful addition to my kitchen!!!


  272. Linda O'Neill

    Do you have your own recipe for Szarlotka, Polish apple cake?

  273. Connie

    Please keep making videos! You are awesome!

    Thank you,

  274. Marianne

    Hi Jenny, Thank you for your lovely recipes. I enjoyed making the jelly/custard filled baked doughnuts. My question is can I make them a day or two in advance? Should I freeze them to keep them fresh before serving them or is there another method of keeping them fresh for a few days.

  275. Jim

    After watching several YouTube recipe videos, I was extremely surprised to not be able to find “any” cobbler recipes here. Would have thought this would be something Jenny might have good ideas for and a solid recipe.


    my family likes pig tails , fried in a pan… but it is really messy- as the grease really pop’s everywhere.!!! can I cook them in a crock pot or a electric pressure cooker, or deep fry them in oil— to cut down on the splatter of the oil.??? I then put them into my homemade salsa , to soften them up a bit… YOUR SUGUESTION WOULD BE VERY HELPFUL ON THIS PROBLEM, AS I’M NOT THE BEST COOK IN THE WORLD..! PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION FOR ME….. RESPECTFULLY YOURS..”RICK THE FOOD LOVER”

  277. Ann

    Hi Jenny, you said do not omit the molasses in place of dark brown sugar but if you do not have molasses, is there anything you can you use in place to still make a good sauce? I know freshly made barbecue sauces are very versatile. I actually have an amazing homemade sauce for my family’s famous meatballs but I’d like to add a new flavor to the family…and everyone especially my 10 year old twin boys and their Grandpa love my ribs. But your sauce sounds amazing and I’d love to bless my family with it. However, we are in a very small town and believe it or not, there is no molasses at our small grocery store. I was in a car accident and I am unable to drive at this time. The next closest store is 25 miles away so I’m in a pinch. I have everything for the amazing ribs for my sons and their Grandparents tomorrow but molasses for the sauce. Can you please recommend a comparable substitute? Honey, or agave..? I know it needs that thick gooey, syrupy texture and sweetness…any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    • Jenny

      Sorry I did not get to this in time to help. I hope it turned out.

  278. Ron Robinson

    Hi Jenny,

    great to connect with you! do you do sponsored YouTube videos? our client has a new BBQ grill that we’d love you to try.

    please let me know. thanks in advance, Ron

  279. Annmarie

    Hi Jenny! Do you have a recipe for sourdough bread made from sourdough starter? Am totally confused from all I read and was wondering if you might have one and video on how to make it? Thanks in advance.

  280. Pam

    my dough doesn’t rise. I am following your easy bread recipe to a T :/

  281. Susan

    Hi Jenny
    Just love your recipes. You are indeed a very good cook and give excellent instructions on YouTube.
    The Granola bars, Easy one bowl recipe, do I have to make bars with this recipe or can I just bake it as granola?
    Thank you

  282. Gary

    Please tell me how to adapt your artisan bread recipe to the use of sourdough starter. Thanks!

  283. Colleen

    I was intrigued when I read in your About Me section that one of your fav desserts is your oatmeal-pecan-coconut cookies… and looked for the recipe, however, I couldn’t find it. I am sure I am prob missing something very obvious….sorry about that.

    • Jenny

      I can’t seem to find that mention but this is probably my Crispy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies with coconut added to replace the chocolate chips. Can you be more specific about where you found this? I may need to correct it. Thank you.

      • Colleen

        Jenny, I went back to find the page that had your comment about the cookies, apparently I was in La La Land as I cannot find it again. Goodness….can’t figure out where, how, or what happened. I will make the Crispy Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies instead?

  284. Linda

    How do you make your butter/olive oil spread that you keep in the fridge? I thought that I had seen it once but I can’t find it now. Also, your gloves that you use when you are hand mixing like your meatloaf, where do buy them & do they have a special name?

    • Jenny

      The butter mix is in the Snacks/Misc. category and I don’t remember where the gloves came from but it was online.

      • Pam

        There is quite a variety of the oven gloves on Amazon. I havent decided which pair to get. I wish I could feel them.

  285. Kathy H

    Hi Jenny! I wanted to know if you have a no knead sourdough bread recipe?
    Thanks in advance!

  286. jim

    What causes my bread to sink small areas on top when it is cooling

    • Jenny

      I’m not sure but you might be able to find an answer online. I might be not baking long enough, rising too fast, or not following a recipe exactly.

  287. Gen

    Enjoy your videos so much!

    Please tell me the brand of your dark saucepan with the wooden handle.


  288. James Sholan

    I have tried our Polish Pierogi my family would like another flavor pierogi like a Spinach one can you help

  289. louise

    I searched your Q&A and Tips sections and bread varieties section but could not find the answer to my question: is it possible to make ciabatta bread using your no-knead bread recipe? If yes, what do I have to add or change?

    I remember watching your tv show years ago. So glad I found your website. Thank you.

    • Jenny

      This makes a great ciabatta bread and I will be posting my recipe soon.

  290. Yvonne n.y.

    Don’t have parchment paper,is there a substitute

    • Jenny

      I don’t know of one but you should be able to find some ideas for a substitute online.

  291. Suzee

    Hi Jenny,
    Found you by looking for a rib recipe. Must say you have lots of recipes that I will try! Just wanted to know about using a pressure cooker to cook ribs after the lemon juice and rub and then place them in oven for the sauce?
    Thanks, Suzee

  292. Lucie

    Hi Jenny, I’m curious about a common theme that you have throughout your recipes and that’s the “without butter” theme. I’ve been printing one recipe after another because you make the recipes sound so amazing but the one thing that confuses me is the constant reference to “no butter” and without butter”, etc. Would you mind sharing why you are making such a great effort to avoid using butter in your recipes? I did a site-wide search in google’s search engine and found 430 references to the term “without butter” and 189 references to “no butter” in your site. I’m assuming that you are just trying to make healthier recipes to control cholesterol? The “no butter” theme doesn’t deter my wanting to make your recipes. This is the first time that I’ve stayed so long on a recipe site. I’ll be coming back regularly. You’ve done a fantastic job!

  293. Nikita

    Hi Jenny,
    I just love your no knead bread. It is truly amazing.
    I had a question about storing yeast. You mention yeast can be stored in the freezer if tightly sealed. How long can it be stored and still be effective?
    Thanks so much! Nikita

    • Nancy Hanson

      As long as you have your yeasts tightly sealed and you freeze it, you can forget about the expiration date! It will keep as long as you do those things.

  294. Anna F

    Hi Jenny,
    I found your website late last night… got up this morning and back on again and have been most of the day. I came across your No Knead Bread recipe and got so excited. You see, my 15 yr. old and I are going through a rough patch right now as we have no transportation and my vehicle is beyond repair. I haven’t been able to get to work for 2 weeks now because we live far from the school and can’t seem to find anyone who lives close enough to catch a ride with. I am 57 yrs. old with some health complications from osteoarthritis and other things, and as a result can basically only tolerate working only 2 days a week as a reading tutor at the christian school that my daughter attends. I am waiting to get my food stamps to buy groceries and we only have 2 slices of bread left for her to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for school tomorrow. Well, while reading the recipe and not ever thinking or knowing that you could make bread so easily and affordably, I shouted out to her, “Oh Briana! We will never be without bread again, LOL!” I don’t have the ingredients yet, but as soon as I get my stamps to shop, I will be buying them and will be using that recipe frequently so we will always have bread in the house. I am thoroughly enjoying all the information that you share with us, but besides that, just want to send you a huge THANK YOU for the ad-free viewing. It was such a pleasure for me to just relax and spend the day reading about the tips and tools of your trade. I learned a lot and and can’t wait to start trying out your recipes. First thing I’m going to get when I can is a Dutch Oven. Always wanted one but never really needed one until now. Thank you for making my day and may God Bless you abundantly! I will let you know how the bread turns out once I get started with it. 🙂

  295. Adhora

    Hey,Jenny!I have no buttermilk at home but I want to make red velvet cupcakes.so I made buttermilk by using milk and lemon juice.But in your recipe there has buttermilk and also extra lemon juice or distilled white vinegar.So,can I use homemade buttermilk and also lemon juice or distilled white vinegar together?Plzzz replyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  296. Doris

    I just heard about people mixing cookie dough in a food processor, so I was wondering if you’ve done that and what your opinion is? I have a food processor but don’t have a big stand mixer so if I were to successfully mix all my cookie dough for my Christmas cookies in my food processor, it would be wonderful!

  297. Dawie

    Hi jenny! Great recipes. Why not try to make a butterless Lava Cake? I think that would be delicious!

  298. Tracy Bowman

    Making Kolacki recipes w/cream cheese/butter, My dough is so sticky
    sticking to my hands & rolling pin. Recipes says to roll out on powder sugar & sugar,,Help!

    • Jenny

      Sorry, I can’t help – I have never made kolacki.

  299. Andre Ellis

    JENNY CAN COOK!! Jenny, weekly I cook your recipes… and I watch your video’s…. I watch them several times in fact!

    I believe that I MUST be the biggest Jenny fan out there!

    Thanks for sharing all your wonderful recipes and cooking tips

    Some of my favourites… the ribs… no knead bread…

    You truly are an inspiration!
    Happy cooking and much love from South Africa


  300. db

    It would be great if each recipe would have the calorie count per serving for people that want to count calories to lose weight. THANKS.

  301. Jean

    Do you or anyone out there in land of cyber space
    Know how to make hush puppies out of boxed stuffing mix?

  302. Eric

    I make your simple whole wheat bread a lot my problem is when I shape the loaf it looks great in the pan, but after it is baked it always seems to rise more on one side that the other. Do you perhaps have an answer to this?

    • Jenny

      All I can think of is that your oven is hotter on one side so you could try turning the loaf halfway through baking. Otherwise, I’m sure there is information on this available on the internet.

  303. Phyllis M Sinclair

    Hi Jenny. Quicky question. In your videos you always hand knead dough. I recently purchased a KitchenAid mixer so, if your video says knead 100 times, how would I calculate that into kneading with my mixer ?

    Hope you can answer this.

    Thanks, have a great day.

  304. bhm,

    I loved your “fall of the ribs” recipe. What kind of gloves did you use in the video when handling the raw ribs? And where can I buy them?

    thanks very much

    • Jenny

      They were purchased online but I do not remember where.

  305. jd

    Happy Saturday Jenny!
    I am not sure if I am in the proper place for a question?
    I have a Bread-man machine and would love to use your awesome bread recipe in my machine. is that possible?
    Thank you so much for all you do!
    Respectfully, Jim

    • Jenny

      I’m sorry, I have no experience with bread machines.

  306. Brenda

    I can’t find a peach pie recipe

  307. Jasmina

    Hi Jenny ,

    the other day I was looking on YouTube for a recipe and I came across your videos . I could not believe my eyes “Is that Jenny Jones??!!” I am now completely addicted to your videos .You look gorgeous and ALL your recipes look amazing , I truly enjoy watching them and learning new things .

    PS I used to watch your TV show all the time , you are beautiful and amazing person 🙂

  308. Evelyn Jepson

    Do you have a recipe for Paska, Easter Bread?

  309. Steve Cannon

    Italian Sausage Soup (Too easy, delicious and healthy)

    1pound bulk Sweet Italian Sausage (I get mine at Kroger and it’s extremely lean)
    1 small onion, diced
    2 cloves of garlic (or 1 tsp granulated garlic–it’s fine and works great)
    1tsp fennel seeds
    2 Tbs olive oil
    1 qt (4 cups) chicken stock or broth (I like stock in a box from Costco)
    1 can (14 oz) petit diced tomatoes
    1 can cannellini beans, drained and rinsed to get rid of the brine
    1 cup frozen chopped spinach
    1 cup dried pasta (tortellini, Pene, shells, I’ve even used macaroni–your choice)
    Salt and pepper to taste
    Cheese (Mozzarella, Parmesan, Romano–your choice)

    In a pot, put your sausage, 1/2 the oil, the onion, garlic and fennel seeds in and cook until the sausage is brown and cooked through.

    Add your tomatoes, beans, broth + 2 tomato cans of water, remaining oil and the spinach to the pot over medium high heat. When it comes to a boil, add the pasta, when it returns to the boil, adjust down to a good high simmer and cook until the pasta is done (about 20 minutes) . Adjust the seasonings. Be careful with the salt as the cheeses tend to be salty

    Top with cheese and serve with crusty bread or crackers.

    You will want to kiss me for this one. It’s seriously good eats. My husband likes this about once a week during the winter and it’s fast enough for emergency meals and good enough for company dinners.

    • Jenny

      Thank you for sharing. I will try to put a special section together for recipes from other home cooks. For the time being I created a new category in the blog: “Your Recipes”

  310. Joanne M Druzak

    Do you have a separate list for gluten-free recipes?

  311. W

    Jenny, I stumbled across your videos looking for some of my grandma’s recipes, and I am so pleased to have found your YouTube channel. My grandparents were Italian and lived in an immigrant community in Pennsylvania. Growing up, my grandma always made a lot of Polish dishes because the Polish and Italians lived and worked together and shared many recipes. I was wondering if your parents or grandparents had a similar experience, sharing recipes with Italian immigrants. If so, there are a few very obscure recipes my grandma used to make, and I’d love to ask if you have ever had them or if you can share recipes for them. Thank you so much for the videos you have posted and for allowing me to attempt to make some of the foods I grew up eating.

    • Jenny

      Growing up I was only exposed to Polish cooking, never Italian. (I wish I had!)

  312. Diana B

    Could you tell me the calories and nutrition facts in your Simple Whole Wheat Bread recipe? Thank you.

  313. Corinne

    Do you ever do Instant Pot Pressure Cooker or Air Flyer recipes?
    Love your sense of humor!

  314. Veronic

    Hi , I have a question I used the parchment paper but the parchment paper cut on fire in the oven the part that was hanging out of the pot , I’m just wondering it’s there a cheap kind that I’m using or a better kind .I’m confused a bite.
    Thank you

    • Jenny

      It could very well be the cheap paper. There is a difference. The only one I use is Reynolds and it doesn’t catch fire in even the hottest oven.

      • steve

        Actually, if you look at the box. Parchment paper has a maximum temperature on it (mine says 420 degrees maximum). If that is the case, you can cook the bread at 400 degrees for 40 minutes. It worked for me, or you can use spray and it works just fine as well.

  315. V. Stoen

    I know how much you like to mess around with dough . Just wondering if you you have tried cloud bread ? Hint, hint ?

  316. Noraini

    Hi Jenny. Can you show us how to make Bagels please?

  317. Karen

    I am going to bake your “no knead” bread a few times before even attempting what I am going to ask you! How would you incorporate sour dough starter into this bread? I know, I know, that is way off in the distance but wondered for future! LOVE you site!!!!

  318. Ronda Tedder

    Hello Jenny! I was so excited to try your recipe for wheat bread, all was going great until the rise. I shaped my loaf and placed it in the greased pan, I had it covered with a dish cloth, I could see that it was starting to rise above the pan and when I uncovered it it went flat. No rise at all while baking. Do you know what may have caused this? So bummed. Thank you!

  319. Areeba

    can u publish a recpie how to make cheese balls please!!!!

  320. AREEBA

    can u please publish videos how to make Chinese please!!!!!

  321. AdkMtnGirl

    What are the best utensils to use the n the kitchen foe every day usefulness and will wooden ones stain like with red sauces? Suggestions on brands?

    • Jenny

      I don’t use wood, mostly silicone utensils for heat.

  322. Lisa

    Hi Jenny,

    Would you do a video on crab cakes?? Please

    Thank you, Lisa

  323. France

    Hi Jenny,

    I don’t see anymore Youtube video recipes of yours ! Are you going to make some more or you don’t want to make anymore video ???
    BTW, your latest recipe wich is the “Dinner Salad” looks tasty, i will try it one day !

    Thanks !!

  324. Rita

    Hi Jenny! First, I Love your recipes and the very helpful videos!! ? I have 2 questions. Do you have any plans for a video for your English Muffins? I know it’d be a great benefit to see this one. Also, is there anywhere on your blog that Nutritional info is provided or can it be provided? Unfortunately, I am now in need of that. ? Thank you!!

    • Jenny

      Sorry, I do not provide nutritional information. I’m just a home cook posting the things I make at home.

  325. Kathy

    Love you and your recipes, thank you for all you do.

  326. Sunny. A.

    Hi Jenny, I was wondering if you still do videos.
    Thanks for the great recipes


    • Jenny

      I have not been able to find time to make more videos. Life always gets in the way.

  327. Jennie

    Your blog looks great. I learned about it through Joy the Baker. I tried to subscribe, and it may be just me, but I can’t get the button to click. I am mentioning this because I bet a lot of people will find out about your blog through her post and will not be able to subscribe.

    • Jenny

      I think it was just you because I had a lot of new subscribers today and I tested it and it seems to be working okay. Can you please try again, using a desktop computer and even a different browser if possible, and if it still doesn’t work let me know and I will ask my tech person about it.

  328. Rye

    You’re of Polish heritage and yet nothing with sauerkraut? Just getting interested in sauerkraut and think it would be great to have an authentic recipe for making it as well as some recipes for incorporating it in cooking. It’s so healthy and good for you and a natural way of getting those probiotics we’re all hankering after.

    Just reading up on it I came across an article that said that Polish-American women who stopped eating sauerkraut once they moved to the USA had much higher rates of breast cancer than those who stayed in Poland and still eat a lot of it.

    Aside from that I’ve been eating more and more of it and have noticed that all previous stomach problems have gone away. If I forget for a few days; they’re back although never as bad as previously. Have a stomach ache: drink sauerkraut juice or eat some sauerkraut. Eat your spinach…but don’t forget to eat your sauerkraut too…just not the typical type that you can find in the gro. I eat purple sauerkraut from a small northern Wisconsin co. called Sprit Creek Farm; an organic, small-batch co. and it’s terrific. But sometimes I would like to try making my own, too but don’t want to go to the expense of getting all the equipment necessary and then not have access to a recipe I can trust; I would trust one from you.

    As a matter of fact it appears that the best sauerkraut crocks come from Poland (no doubt the Germans would bicker over this statement) so someone who is Polish or has Polish roots would be where I’d want to get my information on the subject and you’re the best.

    • loly

      very interesting. thanks for the info Rye. We don’t eat it much except when we were small but a few weeks ago we had some sausages and I had a craving for sauerkraut so we got some and it was so delicious. Going to eat more of it every evening. Again thanks for the info

  329. Midge

    I am unable to subscribe. When I put in my email address the response is to check my email to verify my address…but I never get the email! What’s up?

    • Jenny

      You posted this question already under the “Making a Difference” blog post of July 30th and I responded there.

  330. Elvin Rueda

    Hi, was wondering if you have a good recipe for salsbury steak? Thank you from Elvin and keep up the great work.

  331. Anjalee

    Hey dr.. i was wndering if i could do this recipe using baking powder instead of baking soda.. i want to bake this so bad and plz help me… btw i’m a veggie so this is important to me and my family..thnx 4 the recipe


    • Jenny

      You can not replace baking soda with baking powder. Please see more on this under the Questions? category above.

  332. marvin feldman

    You are a national treasure and we are truly blessed to have you–the world will be a better place when people bake more and fight less —thank you again so very much

  333. loly

    Hi Jenny,

    Many blessings your way. Thanks for sharing your talent, I love your recipes.

    I do have one question. What dough recipe would I use to make baguettes please. Thank you

    • Jenny

      I have never made baguettes so I can’t advise, sorry.

      • loly

        ok thanks for the quick reply. I’ll continue making them the old way, just thought I could use the quick method you use to make your no knead bread. I think I might give it a try anyway.

  334. Ann

    Hi Jenny, thank you so much for this fab recipe, just made and I am so proud of me!! Anyway I used my very old sunbeam stand mixer and It could be its age but didn’t mix well, could I use my food processor (which by the way is not antique)

  335. Marlene

    Hi Jenny,
    I’ve made two of your loaves of no knead bread it’s very good but why does the inside feel alittle sticky but it looks done and taste great.

  336. jose medina

    jenny thank you very much for your fall off the bone you make my mouth water I want to make them I cant find the spicy mustard and the sweet paprika are this regular mustard and and paprika.

    • Jenny

      There are so many different mustards and paprikas! You could use any brown mustard in the sauce and I use Hungarian style paprika in the rub but you may have to use whatever is available. Once you taste it, you can always add a bit of hot sauce to the sauce or cayenne pepper to the rub if you want it more spicy.

  337. Layza

    Is there a substitute for cornstarch ? I live in Thailand and can not find it.

    • Jenny

      Cornstarch is a thickener. Depending on the recipe, some possible substitutes are flour, arrowroot, potato starch, tapioca, and even instant mashed potato granules.

  338. Jane

    I’m wondering if you make a ‘cabbage casserole’, like stuffed cabbage but not stuffed?

    • Liz

      When I get lazy but still want cabbage rolls, I have a cool method. But as for measuring, I can only offer approximate.This also works for one of my kids who doesn’t like cabbage but loves cabbage rolls. This way she gets the benefit of both.
      In a big bowl, I mix raw white Uncle Bens rice with a lb.extra lean ground beef. About half and half. I add canned tomatoes. I try to get roasted diced tomatoes, about three large cans. I add two of them to the mixture. I saute mushrooms, onions and garlic to taste and add. My dad, the cabbage roll KING, once told me to always use extra salt when cooking with tomatoes. So I add a fair bit of salt, and pepper, sometimes even salsa, until it is a pretty runny mix. Oh, and I always season with parsley and basil. There needs to be enough liquid in the bowl to cook the rice. But you can always check half way through and add tomato juice. But I never use only juice for the meal.

      In the roasting pan, I spread a layer of cabbage leaves (I don’t cook them, so I cut out the center stem) top with a layer of beef/rice mix, another layer of cabbage leaves, the rest of the meat/rice and topping with a layer of cabbage/ That other can of tomatoes I spread on top and on the layer of cabbage in between.
      Cover and bake at 350 for a couple of hours.
      Presto. Cabbage roll casserole. The raw cabbage and rice will look weird, but baking is a great final reward.

  339. Kate in New Zealand

    Hi Jenny thank you so much for showing me how to make the cabbage rolls. Can’t tell you how much we enjoyed them, a firm favourite in our house now.
    Appreciate all you are doing love Kate

  340. Kevin

    Great site Jenny. Do you use table salt or kosher salt in your recipes?

  341. Makenzie's Grandma

    I use a wonderful cold dough recipe to make kolachi, but when I store them in an air tight container they get soggy. Any suggestions for keeping them flaky?

    • Jenny

      I know that moisture is the enemy of keeping any baked good crisp or flaky. I have never made or had kolachi so you might find some help by doing an internet search on “how to store kolachi” or “how to keep kolachi crisp.”

  342. marvin feldman

    What can you advise–I want to double your egg bread recipie

    • Jenny

      I wish I could help but I have never doubled this recipe.

  343. Makenzie's Grandma

    I have been baking for over fifty years, and a few years ago I acquired a wonderful recipe for a cold dough cookie. But when I store them in an airtight container, the dough gets soft and a bit soggy. Will your baking soda/coffee filter method work for me? I’m baking for an out of state wedding next month and want to include these cookies. Thank you!

    • Jenny

      Since I have no idea what kind of cookie this is, I’m not sure I can say. Maybe these cookies are not intended to be crispy. For my cookies that are crispy once they cool, the baking soda works but I also keep them refrigerated.

  344. Annette

    Hi Jenny

    I hope you post some more YouTube videos soon. I miss your quirky sense of humour and of course all the great recipes.

    I hope all is well with you and yours.
    Best wishes all the way from Australia.
    Kindest Regards

  345. Ann

    Hi jenny
    Please come back to YouTube. I am looking forward to more of ur recipes.

  346. Cameron

    Will you ever be returning to YouTube?

    • Jenny

      I’m not sure but if I do it won’t be soon. Just keeping up with the website and recipes keeps me busy and making a video takes a lot of time and prep. And I’m supposed to be retired!!

  347. Vi

    My Polish grandmother use to make a round ball shaped dumpling and on the inside was a plum cut in half, pit removed and stuffed with sugar and cinnamon. These ball shaped dumplings were dropped into boiling water to cook and when removed were service with a little melted butter.
    My question is do you know what they are called and what makes up the dumpling mixture?
    Thank you

  348. peggy

    The recipe page is blank when i try to print

  349. Joan Matis

    Can I prepare the no kneed bread the night before, and just cook it in the morning?

    • Joan Matis

      What’s the answer? I’m waiting to bake it…

      • Jenny

        The answer is in the recipe in the paragraph at the top.

  350. Blingy

    cast iron skillet pizza is always raw inside. no matter what I do, the outside is burnt and the inside is raw. I have tried reducing the temp and baking longer but the toppings turn mushy and the cheese burns and the inside is still raw. What happened? I have yet to find any pizza dough recipe that actually works.

    • Jenny

      Can you please list all of the (exact) ingredients you are using, the type and size of pan and the kind of oven and I will do my best to help.

  351. Sunny

    Hi Jenny . I love BBQ Ribs , How do I buy the Ribs with the Most meat on it .seems most Ribs have way too much Fat .gross .

    • Jenny

      I think ribs always have fat so that’s why I cut some of it off.

  352. Elizabeth

    My husband and I are both watching our weight. I am a big user of whole wheat pastry flour, but my concern is the nutrition on them. I love brownies and we don’t want to be deprived of them. Can you make pancakes with WWPF? Any other recipes would be appreciated. Please include nutritional information.

    Thank you

    • Jenny

      A lot of my recipes, including pancakes, use whole wheat pastry flour.

  353. Stephen

    Hi, we have a 7.8 quart Lodge dutch oven. Is it too big for the recipe?

    If it is, is there a solution? Thanks

    • Jenny

      I have never used one that big but it won’t hurt to try. If you do, please let us know how it turns out.

  354. joy

    Hi Jeeny
    Love your website, recipes and videos.
    I would rather use oil than margarine for baking. Could you please let me know to convert the weight.
    Many thanks

    • Jenny

      Please refer to the metric conversion chart in my blog.

  355. Gabe

    Hi there.

    Nonstick cookware? What brand of pan do you like best? I have gone through all of them…and then I got obsessed with eco pans or green pans and then none of those worked that well. I’m looking for the size and kind you used on the crispy hash brown recipe. Any help would truly be appreciated.


    • Jenny

      The large blue pan is “Denmark” brand purchased at Bed, Bath & Beyond. I got a really nice, big, non-stick pan at Target made by Calphalon for Target, and they are much cheaper than the high end Calphalon cookware. My favorite everyday cookware is Berndes but you can only find them online.

  356. gittl

    about the no knead bread using spelt any changes?

    thanks gittl

    • Jenny

      I have never used spelt flour but you can look through the recipe comments or do an online search for no knead bread using spelt.

  357. Judy

    Jenny, when I do my easy whole wheat bread, what would happen if I left out the egg. And how do I make it a little moister. My last loaf was dry. thanks

    • Jenny

      Leaving out the egg will make the loaf dry. If it was just your “last loaf” that was dry, maybe you did something differently, like not aerate the flour or modified the recipe. If you follow the recipe exactly, aerate your flour, and use the proper size pan, this loaf should not be dry. However, if you want a loaf without egg, you could try my Honey Wheat bread.

  358. Pammyc

    I made granola bars wonderful. My question is about tortillas I had used vegetable oil that has soy among other ingredients is that why my very thin tortillas turned out stiff ? I rolled very thin and cooked at right temp ?

    • Jenny

      I don’t think the type of oil would make the tortillas stiff. Assuming you are using all purpose flour and that your pan is very hot and you are cooking them for less than a minute total, it could be the way you are storing them. I put mine in a zip top plastic bag, while they are still warm, and remove all the air and they are always soft.

  359. Ellen

    I have been making your “no knead bread” for a month (2 to 3 a week). They always are a little gummy inside like they’re not quite done. I have an oven thermometer and the temperature is correct. I added 5 minutes to the cooking time and that doesn’t help. I bake it about 10 minutes more at the end but it gets to dark (almost like its going to burn) if I do longer than 10 minutes.
    What am I doing wrong?

    • Jenny

      I think you can find the answer under the “Questions” link at the top. If not, let me know.

  360. vivian gerard

    hi jenny
    love your recipes but cant print them off some how

    • Jenny

      I assume you are using a desktop computer. For some reason, in some browsers (like Google Chrome), the “print menu window” appears to load faster than the actual recipe page you’re trying to print. The workaround we’ve used is to close the print window and then either wait for the recipe page to load or refresh it, and then print via the Chrome browser menu – File > Print. I hope this helps.

  361. Isha

    I have tried the one bowl chocolate cake and have been successful with it. I experimented with it and tried a banana cake. I eliminated the cocoa powder and added 1 banana. I ended up with a bitter cake. What could have possibly happened?

    • Jenny

      Baking is an exact science and sometimes even the smallest change can cause a recipe to fail. I can’t explain the chemical process that caused a bitter cake but I suggest you look for a banana cake recipe that’s already proven or just enjoy my own recipes as they are. I make all the recipes I post here for myself so they will always work if you follow them exactly.

  362. Serra

    hi Jenny!
    I love your recipes too much and i follow your recipes completely! 🙂 I look around in the net for a long time but i couldn’t find any recipe about peach like your recipes. Could you share a recipe with Peach? Have a nice day Jenny, we love you!

  363. Bob

    I have not got a Dutch oven or cast iron pot?

  364. Margaret

    Dear Jenny,
    Lately I found out that I cannot eat dairy products, unfortunately it is not my only problem as I am also celiac. I do manage to invent my own recipes however I am finding it difficult to make a simple shortcrust pastry. Could you please help me?

    Thank you

  365. Judy

    Hi Jenny …..I love your website and youtube channel! Can you please tell me what happened to your baked donuts? Not filed under sweets and the search engine comes up empty. Are you working on a healthier version?…Judy

    • Jenny

      You’ll find the baked doughnuts under “Sweets” and “Baking Without Butter” and also using my recipe search box.

  366. paul james svec

    This is the best wheat bread recipe I have made. What I would like is how can I convert the recipe to make hot dog or hamburger buns.

    • Jenny

      Please use the blog search box for “sandwich buns.”

  367. Marie

    Hi Jenny,
    Thank you for making these easy cooking videos. I am new to cooking. I made your meat loaf, but I used ground lean turkey instead and it came out fantastic.
    My question is what brand cooking thermometer do you use?
    My parents are Polish too.
    Thank you

    • Jenny

      I used to use a Polder thermometer that has the wire but I found it’s not accurate so now I use a Thermapen.

      • Marie

        Hi Jenny
        Thank you for your reply.
        Which brand of Termapen meat thermometer do you use? There are so many to choose from.
        Are you able to place it in the oven or you have to open the oven door to check every time?
        Thank you for all your recipes and ideas. Keep them coming. Your videos are so easy to follow and you’re funny too.
        Oh where do buy your colored cooking gloves?
        Thanks again

  368. Dean

    I just baked my first loaf of wheat bread, however, it was very dry. The next day, it was like saw dust. I followed your recipes to the letter!! Can you give me some advice?

  369. CH

    Hi Jenny, as I am getting ready for my big birthday party, I’d like to follow your fall of the bone baby back ribs recipe but I am missing the main ingredient, your world famous bbq sauce.
    I look through your videos but was unable to find it, I will greatly appreciate it if you can email it to me or share it once again as I am turning 50 this coming Saturday and I wouldn’t be able to have a party without your famous recipes and in this case, baby back bbq ribs (my favorite)
    Thank you in advance!

  370. CJ

    hi Jenny,
    i am new to baking. I want to make whole wheat bread at home. But i dont have a loaf pan. Can i use aluminium baking pans to do the same.

    • Jenny

      I wish I knew but I don’t know. I have only made it in a loaf shaped pan.

  371. Susan

    Hi Jenny!
    I just found you on YouTube and have now bookmarked your website. I am making the pork ribs tonight and can’t wait to try them! I remember you on your show and was sorry when it went off the air. Your videos are just as I remember you: enthusiastic, funny and smart.
    Question: have you ever considered being on Food Network? You would be so great!!!
    All the best,

    • Jenny

      Thank you but I’m retired and just doing this for fun.

  372. Stacey

    Hi love your videos. I made the chicken pot pie last night but my pie crust didn’t turn out very well. I am at 2200 altitude could that have been an issue should I have used more milk and oil?

    • Jenny

      I have no experience with high altitude cooking but assuming you did not change the recipe for the crust, it’s possible you did not aerate your flour before measuring, which would make the crust too dry. I make this pie often (just yesterday) and it’s pretty consistent so I hope you’ll try again.

  373. Editke

    Hello Jenny, just found your wonderful website!!!. I’m a Hungarian foodie. My family’s chilled fruit soup, cherry is our favorite:
    1 # fruit cherries; or two jars of cherries (Trader Joe’s); 1 # full fat sour cream (terrible, I know); lemon zest; 2 TBS four; sugar to taste.
    Mix sour cream, 3 scant TBS flour, cherry juice or water. Bring cherries, liquid to simmer. Slowly add hot liquid first to sour cream mixture, then to soup. Blender is very handy for beginners. No lumps, please! Slowly! Boil soup 5 minutes. Cool then enjoy. An elegant first course for summer. Yep, first course, so soup should be tart. If you must, it makes a great dessert, too.

    • Jenny

      Thank you for taking time to share this.

    • Editke

      I need to make a few corrections to my own recipe!! 2 pounds of fruit, like apples also work well; fresh or two bottles of Morello cherries juice and all. The flour is 3 TBS.

      Add enough water to cover apples by 6 inches or so. Add water to cherry juice if using bottled cherries. You can eye ball the fruit to liquid ratio. Add sugar to taste. Juice of a lemon adds a nice tar burst, especially to apples

      Hope this belps!!

  374. judy

    jenny love love all your recipes what I want to ask you is when I make the whole wheat bread can I mix it in my kitchen aid
    thank you also more more recipes please
    thank you judy

    • Jenny

      Assuming you’re referring to my simple whole wheat bread, if you watch the video you will see that I use a Kitchen-Aid for this recipe.

  375. Don H

    Just one question Jan, do you have a recipe for Oxtail & Liver Dumplings? I kinda know/remember but would love your input! I miss you but compleetly understand! 🙂

    • Jenny

      Sorry, I do not.

      • Don H

        I am so sorry, I thought it would be funny to you (with your scene of humor) that I called you Jan! Now I just feel silly! Thanks for replying, such a good soup, if I can get the recipe from one of my sisters I will share. XO,XO. dh

  376. Jo Steinberg

    My 92 year old German/Polish father is delighted I found your website. I made the ribs, Polish donuts (my granddaughter ate 5 of them), cinnamon buns, the whole wheat bread, and today the Hunter’s Stew. Every single dish was wonderful. Thank you for sharing your ideas and talent. I greatly appreciate it.
    Mequon, WI

    • Jenny

      I’m happy to hear it and thanks for taking time to write. Please tell your grandfather “smacznego” from me.

  377. Maggie

    Why have you stopped making videos? I’m more a visual person so it helps me greatly when I see it done, thank you

    • Jenny

      I just haven’t had time. I only made the videos as a hobby but I’m not sure if or when I will make more.

  378. Nana

    Can I use reg oats instead of quick cooking oats in your meatloaf. I just happen to have reg oats in cupboard

    • Jenny

      I would not recommend using regular oats. It’s better to wait until you have the right ingredients for the best result.

  379. Monet Lalama

    Recipe for doing whole chicken in ceramic dutch oven. Thank you.

  380. Katrina

    How can you freeze your easy pan pizza before you bake it? This will be very helpful thank you!

  381. Wai lam

    Jenny, when I accidentally read your recipes, I liked them already before cooking them because they were simple and healthy. And when I tried to cook with them , they came out just as good as they look in the video. They are also tasty without guilt. I made bbq ribs, pizzas , granola bars,chocolate brownies,blueberry pancakes,braided cinnamon raisin bread, whole wheat bread,blueberry lemon yogurt cake. They all were sucessfull the first try. Thank you jenny for thinking of the healthy conscious people !

  382. Tracey

    Dear Jenny,
    I love your videos, especially the no knead bread ones. I did not know bread could be made this way and it has changed my life, just a little. I’ve spent most of the last 10 years not able to eat bread and that has now changed since a recent medical procedure. Now all I crave is fruit toast! I couldn’t find decent fruit bread anywhere (I live in Australia), not even at my local baker. I started looking online for recipes and found your Youtube channel. I love the no knead bread, but I’m craving fruit. Can you please show us how to make a fruit loaf using a no knead recipe? I don’t have a dutch oven, but I have tried making bread in a standard loaf cake tin without a whole lot of success. My dough never seems to get as bubbly as yours, even after I bought fresh yeast. I’ve tried letting it sit longer on the bench but that’s not really working. I’m probably doing something wrong during the cooking phase too, as my bread never quite seems to be cooked properly all the way through to the middle. I am a novice bread maker but I’d like to be able to have freshly cooked bread whenever I want. Thank you for your videos. I love your enthusiasm. You have inspired me to try.

    • Jenny

      To make no knead bread you need a Dutch oven or similar pot with a tight fitting lid. I have a recipe for fruit & nut no knead bread on this site. For a loaf pan, you will need to use a different recipe. Please look at all my bread recipes and also look at the “Baking Problems” in my blog, which should prove helpful.

  383. Granpa's wife

    Jenny, I really enjoy all your videos and recipes and lately have been following your facial routine, however I would love to know what you use for a moisturizer or which ones you have had good results with. Thanking you in advance.

  384. Chloe

    Hi Jenny! Have you ever made pyrizhky? It’s stuffed Ukrainian buns. It’s the rolling of the buns that I can’t quite master & I find your videos very helpful & funny!!

  385. Louise - Australia

    When cooking your bread, do you use a fan forced oven?

    Many thanks
    Louise from Down Under with kangaroos in the back paddock

    • Jenny

      None of my recipes use a fan-forced (convection) oven.

  386. Annabelle

    Hey Jennie:
    Are you going to be making or adding any new recipes to this website? I’ve been a fan of your website for the past yr. and was just wondering. Thanks in advance for the reply. Have a good day.

    • Jenny

      I just added a chicken recipe last week. Have you subscribed for notifications?

  387. Betty

    Hi Jenny, I have an allergy to whole wheat flour. Can I substitute white pastry flour for the whole wheat pastry flour in the muffins? If so, how much white for whole wheat? Thanks again and I am really looking forward to trying a of your receipes.

  388. Nini

    Dear jenny,
    I tried making the wholewheat bread. Don’t know what I am doing wrong but it didn’t rise like yours did. Can you help

  389. Bev April 2016

    Other half made your rye bread and we have pitched all other recipes. By far, the best of the best. Is there a pumpernickel recipe hiding within you? We sure hope so. Love your videos and your lovely, lively way of presenting them. Please continue making them….so many recipes, so little time. Thanks for wearing so many hats so well. Your friend, Bev.

  390. Jannie

    Hi, I mill my own grain for flour. I have hard red wheat, white and 7-grain. Is there anything different between my flour and bread flour and all purpose flour.
    Thank you,

    • Jenny

      If you mill your own flour you probably know more about the differences than I do. Sorry, this it out of my range of knowledge.

  391. Teri


    I’ve been cooking for 50 years and your beef stew opened up a whole new world for me. I have never had such tender stew meat, until I made it from your recipe on you.tube. It was just delicious and you’re the best!


  392. Vicki

    Hi Jenny,
    I want to make your recipe for Simple Whole Wheat Bread, however I am diabetic and need the nutritional information. How many calories per slice and how many carbs per slice. If you could please email me that information, I would really appreciate it.

    Thank you.
    April 12, 2016

    • Jenny

      I don’t have that information. I’m just a home cook sharing my recipes.

    • Grandpa's wife

      Go to one of the free websites ie. “calorie count” is one, there are a few of them although I can’t think of the names. Select the input a recipe – type in the ingredients/amounts, approximate the number of slices you will get per loaf my guess 15 depending on the thickness of course and it spells it all out for you. Good luck !

  393. Mary Barrett

    Jenny, have been looking for your 3 hour dill pickle recipe,but cannot find it. Is it still on your website? Love all your recipes, especially those lemon brownies. Tried something different the last time I made them. Didn’t have any powdered sugar for the glaze, so I cooled them completely and then put cool whip over the top along with lemon zest and toasted coconut. Excellent substitution!!. Anyway,can you help me with the dill pickle recipe? Thank you for a great website!!

    • Jenny

      It’s in the Snacks/Misc category. You can also use the recipe search box to find a recipe.

  394. Angie

    A great big bouquet of roses to you and your cooking shows…..you are better than the Food Network, giving everyone simple methods for cooking with such a wide selection of food to make , you do it very simply, easy to understand….and I have always made bread, but your small portions have made it even easier to make bread almost every day many many thanks

  395. Brian McLelland

    I literally stumbled across your video for cinnamon buns on YouTube. I was like her voice is so familiar. Then I was like omg that’s THE Jenny Jones. I love getting recipe and cooking tips from your website. Thanks!

  396. vickie

    Do you have a recipe for Canadian meat pie

  397. Dexter

    Hi Jenny,

    I just love your basic whole wheat bread recipe and the same recipe for the white bread just replacing the whole wheat flour. My wife who is French says that the white bread almost tastes like Brioche French bread. SO my question is: You recipe is for only one (1) loaf, and I know that I can double the recipe for two (2) loaves but what I want to find out is, what other factors will have to change when the recipe is doubled, e.g.. oven temperature; rising time; amount of kneading turns etc. I anxiously await your response as my family loves this bread so much that one just isn’t enough.

    • Jenny

      I have never doubled this recipe so I’m sorry I can’t advise. You may have to research this.

  398. Vern (short 4 Veronica)

    Hi Jenny, I just discovered your cooking videos, didn’t realize you were thee Jenny Jones! Big Fan! My son & I are binge watching your cooking shows now, he wants to make your Choc. French toast in the morning! Thanks for all the great recipes!

  399. Susan Creger

    Hi Jenny.. Love your recipes! Can you tell me where you got that cute quaking duck timer? I want one!!!

  400. Leslie

    I really like your recipes but I like watching you the most, you say things in our non-chef language. I looked for a recipe for Irish Soda bread, do you have one and if so were do I find it.

    Thank You,

  401. Tish

    I had such good ribs the few times but the last couple of times they were not falling off the bone. I followed your recipe to the tee. My question could the ribs be they problem I always buy baby back ribs.
    I will keep trying cause they are soooo good. Thanks again for the wonderful recipes.

    • Jenny

      Thousands of people are having success with this recipe so you may unknowingly be doing something different. If you walk me through your process in detail, I will try to help.

  402. Jerry B

    I made your no knead bread. I baked it in my cast iron dutch oven. The bread was delicious, however I had to re-season the dutch due to the high temp.
    What vessel do you suggest I use to avoid this problem?

    • Jenny

      The best vessel is a cast iron Dutch oven with an enameled interior.

  403. Deborah

    Jenny I think you are wonderful!!Keep having fun, making mistakes, fixing them and being you!!!

  404. Parul

    Hi jenny
    I am wanting to buy a good mixer from breadmaking. There are so many on the market. I will be baking about 3-4 loaves a week, at the most 5. So want some durable, with good resulta and last a good time. Also we dont use EGGS in our cooking so. Plz advise. A personal respons is also required.
    Many thanks

    • Jenny

      I wish I could help but I don’t really know what is available since I’ve been using the same equipment at home for years.

      • Parul

        Thanks for replying Jenny. If i may ask which one have you been using?? Thanks

        • Jenny

          I use the Kitchen-Aid that you see in most of my videos.

  405. Crystal

    Wish you could include nutrition info, especially sodium and carbs??
    thanks very much.
    Love your site and recipes.
    God Bless you and yours,
    Crystal in Florida

  406. Rawan

    Hey Jenny,

    I did your whole wheat breat once and it was really good. My question is can I use that same recipe to make the honey oats bread with just adding 1/4 cup of honey and like 1/2 cup of oats with the batter ???? Please let me know if I can

    Thank you a lot

    • Jenny

      I have never done that so I can’t say for sure – you will just have to try. Let us know how it turns out.

  407. Susanmcq

    Hi Jenny! Just found you today on Youtube as I was looking for Kruschiki. I made yours as it was a smaller batch. Turned out pretty good. I had not made them in many years. How about a nice recipe for cheese babka? BTW your videos are great! Your instructions are very good and makes a person feel like they can do it!

  408. joang

    please help !!! I left a comment somewhere else but did not get a reply from you. I made your angel wings for Christmas. they came out beautiful. I made them the other day and problems. I made two separate batches and each time the dough was crumbly not sticky. I followed the recipe exactly as the first time. the wings were okay but not as light. What Happened. Please email me if you can with the solution thank you

    • Jenny

      If they turned out well the first time then you know the recipe works. The problem might be in the way you measured the flour. If you did not aerate it first, you may have used too much flour. Also making two batches may have caused problems. I find it’s not easy to make two separate batches of anything. I suggest you try again making one batch so your focus is only on one, be sure to aerate the flour before measuring (https://www.jennycancook.com/flour-basics/), and see how it turns out. Please let me know.

  409. ruchi

    hi Jenny love your recipes they are so simple that i feel like to try everything.
    I just have one question that the whole wheat bread with eggs should be consumed within in how many days. waiting for your revert

    • Jenny

      Homemade bread does not keep as well as store-bought loaves. I keep mine wrapped up on the counter top for 2 days. After that I refrigerate it for another couple of days. To keep it longer than about 4 days, I slice and freeze it.

  410. Carolyn

    I would love to know how to do stuffed mushrooms. I am going to experiment as these mushrooms at the greengrocer are huge and so I bought just 2 of them Any thoughts would be appreciated. I only found you last night and watched you making little dough rounds stuffed with potato I love the easy way you present Thank you

    • Jenny

      I do not have a recipe for stuffed mushrooms, sorry.

  411. Rosalie

    Hi Jenny

    We miss you on You Tube..its been 5 months since you posted a cooking video.~and Easter will be here soon, I have tried your bread recipes and they are quick and delicious!~~.hope you come back soon!!

    All the Best


  412. ans

    hello Jenny
    have you a cookingbook ??

    ans van kessel holland

    • Jenny

      I have one but it’s probably out of print; however, many of the recipes from my book are here on this website and in most cases they are easier and simpler, but just as tasty. My cookbook is free to download in the “About” section if you like: https://www.jennycancook.com/about/

  413. Sherry

    Hi Jenny, I have been trying some of your bread recipes and quite like them, especially that they are smaller size, good for a single person. I am looking for a small size cheese bun/roll recipe similar to your cinnamon rolls. Do you have a recipe for cheese buns or rolls? I have not been able to find one on your web site.

  414. Charles

    Do you have a recipe for ground turkey patties?

  415. Grandma Crick

    i was wondering if you have a recipe for chocolate chip cookies?

  416. Gloria Mullett

    Hi Jenny: I love your recipes especially the bread and cabbage rolls.
    My problem though is trying to make my bread with good flour. I used to buy wheat kernels and grind it myself in my Vita Mix, but having moved I don’t know what else I can use to get the benefit of good flour. Any ideas?

    • Jenny

      Sorry, I can’t help. I just buy my flour at the store.

  417. DebinSC

    Do you happen to have a recipe for scones, bagels or beignets? Your website has become my go to for anything new I want to try, especially baked goods, and those three are my kids’ requests for me to find next. If you happen to have a recipe for any of those would you mind sharing? I absolutely LOVE the results I get with your recipes. Thank you so much!!!!

  418. Vicki H.

    Jenny, my bread dough for loaf pan did rise fine in bowl, but when I put it into loaf pan it didn’t rise 2nd time. I have had this happen in dutch oven, casserole dish, etc. I have been heating oven to warm (I even bought an oven thermometer to check oven), turning off, & placing bread dough in to rise. Doesn’t rise in bread pan, but tastes good even though only 2 inches thick. Any suggestions? vicki

    • Jenny

      Please look through the “Questions” link at the top. The answer is likely there.

  419. Mary

    Watched your best ever meat loaf and never thought about cooking it on a cooky sheet but it makes sense. Question. Where can I get the meat thermoter you mentioned? I had no heard of that before

    • Jenny

      The one with the wire is by Polder and I think they sell it at Williams Sonoma. I have since found a much better and highly accurate thermometer (no wire but fast and instant) and that’s by Thermapen.

  420. jimpatt

    Do you have a preference using salt….iodized, sea salt, kosher..?

    • Jenny

      I use iodized salt for almost everything and kosher salt when I make chicken soup.

      • jimpatt

        thank you. do you use salt during or after? I have your meat loaf in the oven now. Your instructions do not mention what to do withn oats and milk. I also add mushrooms to everything, almost everything.


        • Jenny

          My instructions on the meat loaf in step #3 is to put all the ingredients, including the oats, milk, salt, etc. into a bowl. I hope this answers your question.

  421. Darlene Wilson

    I just started using your recipes when I found on YouTube and I absolutely love them!!! I’m 73 years old and I’ve done a lot of cooking in my lifetime (married for 50 years to the same wonderful man , 4 children, 3 grandchildren, 5 great grand children, and they all love to eat! ). And I still like to cook ! I really like the old-time recipes without a lot of fancy stuff . My family has never complained about my meat loaf, but they RAVED about yours ! They all come once a week for dinner, I can’t wait to serve them your cabbage rolls next week. Your recipes are real easy to follow and I love the way you present them. I’m so glad I found you on YouTube. YOU ARE A TRUE BLESSING !!!

  422. Molly

    Jenny, Your beautiful smiling makes me happy everytime I use you videos.
    I had never made home made bread before but now I love it.
    Keep smiling sweetie and I will too.

  423. Granny

    Hi Jenny,
    Can I use brisket to make a pot roast or even a beef stew (if I cut it into chunks and brown the chunks)?
    Btw, love your website and the videos. You have the best sense of humor.

  424. jbr

    I have your Faster No-Knead bread in the oven right now. This may be a dumb question, but where did you find oven gloves that aren’t as big as baseball mitts? I’ve looked everywhere and they’re all absolutely huge. I don’t care what color they are, size and utility is what matters. Thanks so much. Your sight is lovely, and your YT videos fun.

  425. Jan

    Hi Jenny, Thank you so much for all that you have done. I have been making your recipes now for the last couple of years and everything I make always comes out wonderfully. Most important I have learned to cook and bake without butter and this is all because of you. What I want to say to new visitors to your site is to follow your easy recipes exactly and they will never have a problem. Thank you again.

  426. Theresia

    THANK you so much for giving my husband “Thumbs-up” and a big smile. He tried your wonderful bread recipe and it turned out perfect!!!

    You have inspired him to bake it again – and to try some of your other recipes.

    Many, many thanks… We love you…Teri

  427. sandra

    In whole wheat bread recipe can anything be substituted for the milk?

    • Jenny

      I have only made it with milk but some recipes use water. It might be better to look for a recipe that’s already proven without milk.

  428. Barb


  429. maureen

    I have watched cooking shows forever. Tried many recipes most do not turn out well until today. I have tried to make bread even in a bread maker .No luck I made your Whole wheat bread . I almost couldn’t believe it. It was sooooo good . I am using so many of your recipes all so easy and so good.

  430. Janet Turner


    do you have a recipe for Easter Paska bread? I’m looking for the Ukrainian or Polish bread that is Blessed in Church Holy Saturday.
    Thank you,

  431. Hey Jude

    Are there other flours (don’t want to use wheat) that could be subbed…such as flax, coconut, etc.?

  432. Andrea

    Hi Jenny
    I’m Hungarian so some of our recipes are very similar. There was a wonderful Polish restaurant in Fort Myers Fl – Delilah’s Garden- who made a dill pickle soup (basically, potato soup with carrots and chopped pickle) that I have been trying to replicate to no avail. Do you, perhaps, have a recipe – if so, which brand pickle (I have tried many). I used to watch your talk show and really admire all the wonderful things you do for others. You have led an amazing life and sound like an amazing person.

    • Jenny

      Sorry, I do not have a recipe for dill pickle soup. No one in my family ever made it.

  433. gittl

    jenny, just saw your no knead bread video. love everything about your kitchen,colors etc. sweet cute attitude, a pleasure. i use 100% spelt…do i need to change the measurement of flour/water etc. please advice. i make challot bread and rolls for the sabbath every week. i am on my way out to get more nuts for granola…again, what a sweet pleasure. i look forward to cooking with you lots. all the best gittl

    • Jenny

      I have never used spelt for baking bread so you would need to look for other no knead recipes made using spelt. The gluten in spelt is not quite the same as wheat so you might need to make some changes but I’m sorry I can’t say exactly what when I have not done it myself.

  434. cathy

    Hi Jenny,
    I just found your website tonight! I kept thinking, she is really comfortable in front of a camera. Then I noticed all your bright utensils and kitchen stuff. Really pretty. Then I realized you are the same person from the talk show. I thought :no wonder. you are pretty and a funny person.
    I follow a podcast that talks about nutrition and I am convinced that what is really bad for the body is sugar so I just wanted to say that I like your recipes.

  435. Vicki H.

    I grew my own wheat. Now what do I do with it? I don’t know how to grind it and a friend said I need to put something in the buckets to kill the bugs. I love your website. Thanks for doing this.

  436. bettye

    Hi Jenny,
    Just discovered your site. It’s terrific!! I have a question about your apple pie recipe. It’s always been my experience that the top crust leaves a huge gap (pie dome) after the apples have cooked down. Only with raw apples. Since I’ve been cooking the apples first, I no longer have a problem with this. But, that extra step is time consuming and I’d much rather eliminate it if I could. Your crust sits beautifully on top of the apples, no gap. Is there a secret to your success? I hardly make apple pies any more because they take forever. Love oil crusts. They are so flakey. Thanks for your crust recipe. Also, how many ounces of flour do you use? I like weight rather than volume measurements. Thanks!

  437. mamabare5

    Would you please put the link to “where to rise dough” in the top comments in each bread recipe area or at least the link to the page which has all the ? I was reading thru your recipes and saw the link in the comments, but when I started making the bread, I needed to find the link and had a hard time locating it.


  438. Jenny

    Hi Jenny,
    I came across one of your YouTubes while looking for something else, & WOW, I am so happy I then came to your website. What a fantastic site, its so easy to navigate & there is so much wonderful information. Thank you so very much, I know I am going to really, really enjoy visiting your site again & again.
    From your namesake…

  439. Judithah

    Hi Jenny, I’ve noticed your knives on your video. I particularly liked the size of the red one. What is the brand name of the colored ones? Do they need sharpening? Thanks much!

  440. Karen

    Hi Jenny,
    I’m enjoying your website very much. I was wondering if you by chance had a recipe for pierogies. My Polish grandmother would make them every Christmas Eve along with cabbage rolls and fried fish. She taught me how to make her cabbage rolls but sadly, i never learned how to make her pieoriges. Just curioius if you have a recipe for them.

    Thanks for sharing

    • Jenny

      You didn’t look hard enough. 🙂 My pierogi recipe in in both the “Polish Cooking” and “Main Dish” categories.

  441. Patricia A. Mills

    Jenny how are you doing and Happy New Year……. my question is what the name/type/cost of your seemingly gas commercial stove, which is in the photo. I am planning on getting a commercial stove from the U.S.A. (maybe an energy saver) if thats possible because it would cost me less to bring in in to The Bahamas where I live. Thank you.

    • Jenny

      I have a Viking dual fuel (gas top, electric oven) but I would not buy Viking again for their poor customer service. Patricia, you asked this question in my blog post of Nov. 25th and I replied there at the time. The best place to ask general questions is here in Ask/Tell Me Anything.

  442. Josh

    Hello again Jenny, I hope you are doing very well!

    Recently, I have been trying my hand at making my own breads. I must say all of your recipes are wonderful and something you should be so proud of.

    I do have a question. Because all ovens are different, when baking bread is there any trick to telling when it’s done, aside from slicing it? I’ve had no problems at all with your recipes, it’s just when I do take them out of the oven, I have a slight hesitation not really knowing for sure.

    Thanks for sharing your passion with us!

    • Jenny

      There is an easy way to know if bread is done inside but you need an instant-read thermometer. I have a Thermapen and absolutely love it (not a paid endorsement – I don’t do those). You insert the thermometer into the center of the bread. Most breads are done at around 200 degrees F. There are many opinions online about the exact temperature but I always look for an internal temperature of 200.

      • Josh

        Thanks so much! This will defiantly eliminate the guess work! and the knocking on the bread to hear if it sounds “hallow” which I don’t think I’ve even been a good judge of.

  443. Bonnie

    I have just eaten my first slice of white bread loaf from your recipe and it is absolutely perfect !! This is the very first yeast bread I have ever baked that turned out !!! Whoo hoo !!!!

    So I am hoping you can help me with sourdough – creating a starter.

    I love sourdough and got my “starter” from a friend a few years ago. Unfortunately, though neglect, I killed it.

    Over the past few years I have been struggling with making my own and have tried several versions without any success (50, 80 and 100% hydration; white, whole wheat and rye flour; feed it every day, every other day, every third day – pretty much any version I could find).

    I get bubbles so I figure some yeast has started. And it definitely has that “beer” odour. But it does not bubble up (double). I thought it might be temperature (our house is cool – 68 degrees) and my husband thought it might be our well water (too many minerals?) I corrected for both (put it in the oven with the light on and used distilled water) but without success. It just lies there, with a layer of “booze” on top (considering drinking it to drown my sorrows).

    Can you recommend a sourdough starter – for someone in a cool house using well water?

    • Jenny

      I wish I could help but I have never even attempted a sourdough starter. I hope you can find some ideas online.

  444. Diane

    Love your web site and your videos. Does 100% whole wheat bread have any white all purpose flour in it?

  445. The Mama

    Is it possible to use powdered sugar instead of granulated for the whipped cream on the Strawberry Cake?

    • Jenny

      You can use powdered sugar but I don’t think the amount is the same. It’s best to look for a recipe that uses powdered sugar to determine how much sugar to use (I believe it should be more).

  446. Lorraine

    Hi Jenny,

    First, I love your website! I find your recipes and videos very easy to follow. I have one question. when making Salsa, can I substitute dried Cilantro for the fresh Cilantro? Also, would I use the same amount or less?

    • Jenny

      In a fresh salsa like my pico de gallo, only fresh ingredients should be used so I would not recommend dried cilantro.

  447. Ag

    Made your recipe for no knead bread. Delicious! Makes such a small loaf though. Is it possible to double the recipe and use the same dutch oven? Mine is made by Mario Batali. Would the cooking time be the same or would it take longer?

    • Jenny

      I have never doubled this recipe but it seems to me the dough would be too large for the average dutch oven. It’s best if you research this idea online to see if anyone has doubled it.

  448. Louise

    What kind of white wine is good for cooking.

  449. Melinda Ford/Tucson

    Jenny, I had a contest with my husband and a few friends on baby back ribs! I won thank you thank you! I used your recipe and I’m know the rib queen! Happy New Year! You are awesome!

  450. David

    Hi Jenny,..in regards to your pan pizza recipe, what would happen if you used a bit more yeast say like a whole tsp. Would be more crunchy?

    I would love to tinker with the pan dough recipe for a Chicago deep dish or grandma Sicilian pizza.

    • Jenny

      Increasing the yeast will not make the dough more crunchy. You could try baking the pizza a little longer.

  451. Diane

    I made the lemon meringue pie. Do you use a deep dish pan or just a regular pie pan. I found that the crust in the regular pan was kind of thick and it took longer to bake. So I did a deep dish. The jury is still out 🙂 as it is still in oven. Love your recipes. I am addicted to your site. Your recipes are just so good and most times easy. Thanks Jenny

    • Jenny

      I have made it in a deep dish and regular pan but if the crust is too thick, just roll it thinner. Also, if it took longer to bake it could be what your pan is made of. There’s metal and glass, etc. and their bake times will likely vary a little. I like glass because you can see how done the crust is.

  452. Connor

    Hi, I am 15 years old and am a health nut. I make your whole wheat frequently and eat it with peanut butter every day for breakfast. I also make your cinnamon raisin bread with 2 cups whole wheat flour and add 2 tbsps milk. I love your recipes a lot. My favorite is your meatloaf and pizza, as well as your chocolate pudding. (I replace 5 tablespoons of the white sugar with stevia in the pudding.)

  453. Kathy Gore

    Bread machine recipes… Have any?

  454. Danilow

    Hi Jen,
    I’m paying $4 for a loaf of Italian bread. It’s made by a small local Italian shop down the street who claims the flour is the secret. It’s delicious, with a crispy crust. Do have a recipe for a good Italian bread?

    Thanks, Danilow

    • Jenny

      All of my bread recipes are here on this site. The closest to Italian is the no knead bread.

  455. Ivor

    Hi Jenny,
    Do you have a recipe for Fish Pie.

    Regards Ivor
    PS A great site too.

  456. Cookie

    Love your simple healthy recipes.
    I am looking for some for eggplant.
    I hope you can help me.

  457. araucano

    Congratulations! Love your site and recipes!
    Do you use your slow cooker at all? Any recipes that you would like to share?Many thanks in advance and have a wonderful Christmas/New Year
    to you and yours………….araucano.

  458. Maura S

    Dear Jenny! I have been using your recipe for no-knead bread and it’s awesome. The last time I had to use flour that already had yeast in it, but since I use whole spelt flour (half and half), I added the same amount of yeast. The bread tastes great but is crumbly… Is it possible that it I added too much yeast or is there another reason?

    • Maura S

      I forgot to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!!!!

    • Jenny

      If you were happy with the recipe until the last time I suggest going back to the original. Once you make too many changes when baking anything, you’re open to disappointing results.

  459. Parvin

    Hi Jenny, i didn’t receive any email from you to have new recipe. I hope you and your family are fine and happy holidays.

    • Jenny

      I have no new recipes to add at this time. All the recipes I have posted are things I make regularly at home so there won’t be a lot of new ones unless I come up with something new that I love. I am not a recipe developer, just a home cook. I never expected the huge number of visitors that come to my website every day (from all over the world!) and I want to share my cooking with everyone but I can only add a new recipe when I come up with something I love.

      • Parvin

        Thank you very much Jenny, I love your recipes so I check every week and i made many of them. Thanks for sharing all these great recipes.

  460. Janet

    Hi Jenny! Oh how I love your website! Making the Polish donuts next week and planning to make just about every recipe you’ve posted too! Just ordered your cookbook from Amazon. About 50+ copies, new and used, on it for sale.

    Great to see you cooking and making videos! You had the best tv talk show on the tube for years. I think you were on good ole’ channel 9, wgn in Chicago. Thanks so much for your years of awesome shows and for sharing your time and recipes now!

  461. carole

    hi jenny, I love your recipes. recipes that are clearly explained and taste great. so far have made crusty rolls,cinnamon buns, and caramel corn{in the oven right } to everyone MAKE THESE RECIPES. I want to make your ricotta cheesecake. Can I use whole milk ricotta,instead of part skim.I already bought it.

    • Jenny

      I always hesitate to advise on something I have never done. I have only made this with part skim but most recipes use whole milk ricotta so it seems like it would work. Let me know.

  462. Maureen

    Jenny, recently found your site. LOVE it!!! Used to watch you on TV, that’s why you looked so familiar.
    Question: Can you use extra virgin olive oil instead of x light olive oil in recipes like your brownies? I have to buy the x light one, but have the virgin olive oil.
    Thanks so much,

    • Jenny

      Olive oils vary so much that you never know how strong their flavor will be in baking. That’s why I use extra-light olive oil because it has almost no flavor or smell. I would not recommend regular olive oil but you can use any mild-flavored vegetable oil in this recipe.

  463. Janice the babyboomer

    Jenny I thoroughly love your video, and share in your love for cooking. I love seeing all your kitchen gadgets. Lots of time I wish I knew where to get them..LOL. Have you ever thought of doing a video on your favorite gadgets in the kitchen?

    • Jenny

      I might be able to squeeze in a few gadgets during an upcoming recipe video.

  464. New Fan

    Dear Jenny,
    Just loved your bread in a Dutch Oven video!
    Do you have a recipe for sour dough bread prepared in a dutch oven????
    Your newest fan
    PS The “cleaning the baseball,” fiasco—hilarious!

  465. Joanne Healey

    Jenny, I made the pierogies recipe had a hard time with dough it was very stic
    ky I kept adding flour wasn’t getting any better. Please help thank you.

    • Jenny

      Can you tell me what kind of flour and sour cream you used? And how did you measure the flour? I will try to help…

    • Jenny

      I’ll try to help. Let’s start with the ingredients. Please tell me what kind of flour & sour cream you used and did you use real egg? And what technique did you use to combine and mix them?

  466. Diane

    Hi Jenny, OMG your recipes are out of this world. And I love the videos. They are so helpful. The beef stew is wonderful. Had friends for dinner and they couldn’t stop raving about it. The breads, the sweets, amazing.
    I did have 2 problems though and maybe you can tell me what I did wrong. First time made Choc chip cookies , fantastic, next time I did like always mixed white flour with wheat flour. Can’t seem to find whole wheat pastry flour in the stores. I think what I did wrong last time was the whole wheat flour was in the refrigerator and cold. They didn’t spread out in the oven. So maybe that was my problem the cold flour.
    Also made chicken and peppers and I used store brand rice. uck it made it all mushy and sticky. No more of that stuff for me. Uncle Ben’s it is from now on. I loved your show and I love your recipes. OH almost forgot that stuff cabbage was the best and got lots of compliments on it. Before long I will have tried everything on your site. I am trying to find your cookbook but unsuccessful. Are there more recipes in it? Thanks for sharing all your great recipes.

    • Jenny

      I use cold flour all the time with no problem. It’s probably using regular whole wheat flour and not “pastry” flour that caused the batter not to spread. My cookbook is probably out of print but it’s a free download on this website. However, many of the recipe are on this site already, and almost all of those have been improved and simplified. (I’m just a much better cook today).

    • Diane

      I did use the substitution for whole wheat pastry flour. half whole wheat and half all purpose. Trying again today. I just can’t stop myself from trying all your recipes. Everything is just soooooo yummy. Thank you Jenny

  467. Maura S

    Dear Jenny, I stumbled upon your site by chance, when I was looking for an easy recipe for bread. I looooove bread and now that the winter has returned, it is such a pleasure to turn on the oven that I can bake bread again, at last. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I love your explanations and your videos. They are clear and simple and you make cooking look so easy, I just want to jump in and make something.
    My son loves ribs and I haven’t been able to make anything even close to what he came to know in the States so, I am looking forward to try your Fall-of-the-bone baby ribs.
    Thank you for the pleasure of cooking you bring back!!!
    I will follow you from now on.
    Best regards from Israel.

  468. christi

    Can you make the no knead rolls completly and refrigerate the rolls on the cookie sheet until it is time to bake them the next day?

    • Jenny

      No, it won’t work. The rolls will continue to expand. The only way to refrigerate dough is before shaping bread or rolls.

  469. angela

    I’m trying your no knead bread for the first time and realized that you need a Dutch oven..Unfortunately I don’t have one…Is there a substitute? , like a bread pan

    • Jenny

      I have only used an enameled cast iron dutch oven but I have researched online and other people claim to have success using: glass pyrex dish with a lid, stainless steel pot with a lid, clay baker, pizza stone with a stainless steel bowl as a cover. Keep in mind that the lid must be tight fitting and have an oven-proof handle.

  470. Hannie

    Any hope of a (healthier than original recipe) pecan pie?

  471. Sharen

    Jenny, just made Oatmeal pancakes and I think they were the best pancakes that I have ever had made from scratch. My husband loved them. I will make them again.

  472. julie

    hi jenny, i just wanted to ask you if when i roll the cabbage rolls , can i freeze them right away before cooking them

    • Jenny

      I have never frozen cabbage rolls before cooking so I don’t know how they would survive – probably not very well. I have frozen them after cooking though. In fact I always have frozen cabbage rolls in the freezer.

  473. marilyn

    Hi Jenny,
    I was wondering if I could add garlic or cheese to the no knead bread.
    Would it work with crushed garlic or cheese bread with shredded cheese to the dough? Thank you.

    • Jenny

      I’ve seen many recipes online for no knead bread with cheese and with garlic.

  474. Jerry

    Hi Jenny. I’m confused regarding yeast packets. In your simple whole wheat bread it calls for 2 teaspoons (1 packet/ 7 gms.) instant yeast (or dry active). All the packets I find yield 2 1/4 tsp. yeast and say 7 g. Is the packet information correct and should I just go ahead and use it. I subscribed to your web sight and am working my way through all the breads and salads. I enjoy the healthy aspect of you cooking because 5 years ago my husband had heart surgery and we had to change our way of eating. Thank you very much for sharing so much with all of us it brings back some of the fun in cooking.

    • Jenny

      When I measured one packet it was somewhere between 2 teaspoons and 2 1/4 teaspoons so I just rounded it off for convenience. For the simple whole wheat bread, I always use one packet. I doubt if it would make much difference in the loaf if you measured exactly 2 or 2 1/4 teaspoons so just throw in the packet.

  475. Sea

    Please make a pumkin pie… 🙂

  476. maral

    Hi Jenny,
    I made the crust bread last night and we all loved it.
    A big thanks for the delicious recipes:)

    One question: can I use self-rise flour instead of all purpose flour for Caramelized Apple Pancake?

    • Jenny

      My recipe does not have any leaving but self-rising flour does so I’m not sure what your result would be. I would check around for oven pancakes with self rising flour and see if it’s ever used. Let me know if you try it.

  477. Dave Haugen -- Coon Rapids, MN

    Hi Jenny,
    I’m glad I found you online. I watched your show whenever I got the time to.
    Always enjoyed your tips, and the love you put into your dishes.
    I haven’t seen you on tv for a while, are you still ‘on’?

    I don’t know which I missed more, your dishes, or glowing smile……..


    • Jenny

      My show had been off the air for over ten years but thanks for remembering me.

  478. Jim

    Jenny usually cook ribs with the bone but just bought some country style pork ribs boneless and wonder if there is a difference in cooking them

    • Jenny

      I’m sorry to say I know very little about cuts of meat so I can’t help with this. Maybe a butcher could tell you if they would cook the same.

  479. Reenee

    Hi Jenny, Just wondering where did you get those cute little pink oven gloves?
    Thanks 🙂

    • Jenny

      Which video? I think I used pink gloves in three different videos.

  480. edward bauer

    absolutely the best whole wheat bread ever.I left out the salt , on a salt restericted diet,realy great bread. I cant use water because of clorine killing the yeast, I could use bottled water but, 2% milk is a better choice thank you so much.

    • Jenny

      I’m glad you like the bread but I should tell you that I use tap water all the time for yeast baking with no problem.

  481. Colleen Edgar

    Dear Jenny

    Please help me. I have made a lovely lamb curry but I added too much curry power.

    Please can you suggest what I can add to the pot to make it not as hot.

    Thank you
    Colleen Edgar

  482. V

    Do you have any egg-free cake recipes? I have allergy to eggs and I’m a vegetarian ….. any recipes you could share with these ‘restrictions’ would be great. Thanks.

  483. Beli A.

    Jenny, I LOVE the way you organized your site. I look at a lot of cooks on YOUTUBE and when you go to get their recipes, it is a complicated and sometimes impossible task. On your site the recipes are beautifully done to print out and use. Maybe you can moonlight as a designer for you tube cooks to help them set their sites up! Thanks!!

    • Jenny

      Those complicated recipe websites are hard to navigate because they are full of ads & links because that’s how the sites make money. I don’t allow ads and I always decline offers to take money to promote products. I keep the site the way I would want it as a visitor – free for everyone and easy to navigate. I’m glad you’re enjoying it.

  484. Cindy

    Hi Jenny,

    I love your recipes and videos. Thank you for sharing your healthy recipes with us. Do you have any slow-cooker recipes? If not, do you plan on adding any? As a busy mom, slow-cooker recipes help me save time.

  485. Sandyj58

    Hi Jenny
    Have just subscribed to your site having seen your video on whole wheat bread and would like to give this a try but I am a bit nervous when it comes to working with yeast and the precision needed to do so. My measuring cup here in New Zealand is 250ml and my measuring spoons says that my tablespoon is 20ml are these the same as what you use. HELP!!!! Love your recipes.

  486. Carmelina

    Hi Jenny,

    I just subscribe yesterday. I just want to say I LOVE YOU! I love all your recipes. So simple, easy to make and so delicious. Thank you for sharing Jenny. All the best.

  487. Sherry

    Hi Jenny..
    So excited to see your website & how easy it is to follow.

    Have anybody told you .. you look like catherine hicks(7th heaven tv show artist.. (Annie camden character ) 🙂
    I was so confused & surprised to see how both of you resembles.. like twins.. or it was hard for me to understand you both are different people.. 🙂 Silly me..
    Thanks again for all your hard work..
    tc.. 🙂

  488. Vicki W.

    Love your videos. And I love all your colorful kitchen items, cutting boards, knives, aprons and utensils, but I can’t find them anywhere. Care to share with the world where they can be purchased. 🙂
    Thanks, Vicki W.

    • Jenny

      I find most of my colorful items at places like Sur La Table, Pier One, World Market, Target, and even some hardware stores.

      • Vicki W

        I have been on a mission to find them and I had good luck at

    • Jeanne

      I have found some utensils at Wal-Mart and at Bed/Bath and Beyond. The “Pizza Cast Iron Skillet” is at Wal-Mart, $20 or at least a good one. We bought one for our son for Christmas. I’ve had mine, not sure where my mom got it, but it’s well over 40 years old now and nothing sticks to it. Lodge is a good brand. Season it well.

  489. char

    Jenny, i LOVE your cooking! last weekend i tried your raison cinnamon bread. i’m allergic to eggs, so i did not add the eggs in the recipe. but the result was FANTASTIC!! everyone loved it. THANK YOU so much for sharing such great recipes with us 🙂 i’ve tried other recipes such as the lemon brownies and the polish doughnuts amongst others. all turned out to be VERY DELICIOUS 🙂
    keep on adding please 🙂

  490. rona

    hi jenny! i made your whole wheat bread and would like to ask if how many days will the bread expire?

    thank you and God bless

    • Jenny

      I keep my bread wrapped up on the counter until the second day and after that I refrigerate it. I have kept it for 4 to 5 days.

      • rona

        hi jenny! thank you so much.. my whole wheat bread is perfect! thank you so much for the advice.. please please make more healthy recipes… hehehe

  491. Lili

    Where did you buy the beautiful measuring cups from yoyr kettle pop corn video?
    Great recipe!

  492. Charlotte

    One more thing dear lady. It would be so helpful if you could include in your recipe print outs if the meal freezes well & if it does, how to best warm it up (oven or microwave). I am sure you have mentioned in your videos sometimes that very thing, but later on I forget what works or even if it works to freeze the recipe. Thanks again.

  493. Charlotte

    Love your “one pan meals”. Would like to see more of these.

    Also would like to see a subject on freezing meals, what types of containers are best, what fruits, veggies & types of dishes freeze well. That sort of thing.

    I have searched the web & most topics are about marathon cooking, weekend cooking for bunches of meals. Not much is out there for small batch freezing for 1-2 people. Perhaps you could help us small households out.

    So glad I found your website, so refreshing & tasty. Thanks.

  494. carmen

    Hi dear Jenny
    I have just subscribed to your blog since I am fascinated by your recipes especially those with no butter and eggs. I have a question – can I weigh the ingredients according to your conversion chart? Do you think you might give us both measurements (metric and cups) in your recipes?
    Thank you for your kindness and look forward to more healthy recipes.

    • Jenny

      I only post my recipes as a hobby the way I make them, which is why I added the conversion chart so I hope that is helpful.

  495. Heather

    Im a military spouse, with a husband that has a massive appetite and a love for sweets ( more than most women on a bad day!) Since his job in the army is so unpredictable, I do have to stay home because finding a job is tuff. Long story short, I figured it would be simple to prepare all meals from scratch, that he woud have a 5 star gourmet dinner to come home to. It has been a nightmare, and nothing comes out the way I though it would, until I came across your videos. These recipes are so good, time saving, healthier ( which he needs to keep in shape for training) and also a money saver. Thank you for sharing your talent!

  496. Tina

    Hi, ever do any Sourdough bread recipes?

    • Jenny

      No. Making a sourdough starter just seems like a lot of work. The closest thing is my faster no knead bread, which tastes a bit like sourdough.

  497. Bk

    Can you make white bread with the wheat bread in 90 minutes recipe?

  498. Liz

    I’m sure I’m not the only one who would like to know the best way to incorporate kale into cooking more often. It seems like it is always added, small amounts, to another food. But when you buy it, you need to buy an additional fridge. I don’t mean recipes, but is it any good steamed like spinach or as a salad on its own like cole slaw? Maybe make cabbage rolls with kale? I’m discouraged at the store from buying this big plant. And using a few shreds.
    Just asking.

    • Jenny

      Kale is hard to like. It’s tough and bitter and I’ve tried but dang!! Steamed? No. As a salad on its own? No. Maybe finely shredded into a slaw but since cooked kale is more nutritious, I actually prefer it cooked and softer, like in my rice with kale (https://www.jennycancook.com/recipes/rice-with-kale/). I have also mixed it in with other cooked greens like Swiss chard.

  499. BOB

    How come when I roll out dough it keeps springing back . I end up with a piece of dough 2 feet long and 2 inches wide?

    • Jenny

      Which recipe is this? Usually a dough that fights back is a good sign, that the gluten is well-developed.

  500. Maria

    I love your recipe videos . every time I need to cook something I go to your site and get the recipe thank you

  501. Allegheny Al

    My mother many years ago would make homemade sandwich buns. My wife tried to make them but they came out flat as a pancake? The recipe was an ancient one. Using a pinch of this and a pinch of that? Anyhow! Could you print or send me such a recipe? Hope it is made easy? Allen PS—Have you ever heard of Porcini Mushroom Powder? I made my deceased now (old age), mother-in-law a bowl of soup with a mushroom flavored hot dog. Goes good with kielbasa to. Many uses, especially on meat. The mushroom powder dissolves into the fluids of the meat, thus enhancing the flavor! My sister puts it in her roasts. My wife puts it in steaks. Just cut a slit and sprinkle a good bit in. Goes a long ways. We buy a jar of it online at the spice house. Just wanted to share that with you. Have a nice day, Allen Shoemaker Erie, Pa.

  502. Susan Dalyn

    Jenny, I recently came across your website. I remembered you immediately from your talk show. I loved that show so much!! Thanks for the free cookbook. Will you ever write a cookbook that would be sold in stores? I know it would do really well.

    I was wondering if you have a recipe for lasagna. If you do, could you make a video of it? I’d LOVE that one!

  503. Ada

    How do I dry fresh figs from my tree or dry or preserve for another use?

    • Jenny

      I’m sorry I have no experience with either drying or preserving figs.

  504. Arturo

    You just became my Very Best Chef in the world. I love nutrition and health and of course, my own cooking. Your recipes are soooo!!! easy and delicious that I just can get enough of how happy I am to have “meet” you. Would you care to comment on the importance of sugar in the recipes? Being a health-nut for over 25 years I find sugar too sweet. Thanks

    • Jenny

      I understand that we would all be better off avoiding sugar but I have never been able to find a substitute that bakes as well as sugar so I use the least amount I can. I experiment with a recipe with less and less sugar until it’s the lowest amount but still produces something sweet enough but mine are never as sweet as many recipes I see. For example, I started my yellow cake with one cup of sugar and got it down to 3/4 of a cup. I just do the best I can.

  505. Granmama11

    I wondered if you would tell me where to find your cookbook to download?

    • Jenny

      It’s on the home page on the right side below all the small icons. There’s a picture of the book cover and it says, “My Free Cookbook.” Just click it and you can download the book as a pdf.

  506. Deb

    Hi Jenny,

    I am a subscriber. I watch every new video you make, even if I don’t eat the food you’re making on the video. Your videos are so informative, and you hardly fail to put something funny at the end of each video. I remember your talk show, and I was a faithful viewer. So, your videos bring back good memories of you from your talk show.

    I don’t know if you take requests or not, to either make something, or to try duplicating a food item. If you do take requests, I have a food item I would like you to try making. I know you’re not vegan, but I am. I try making my own “meats”, so that I can have them for meals on my days off work, but also, so I can take the “meats” to work for lunch. I usually take something small and/or light for a snack, and one of those small/light items is what I would like to try making. The product line is Gardein, and what I want to try making is the bbq pulled porkless pocket. The pocket is round like a biscuit, but it is very thin and very delicate. This product is really very good. Would you mind purchasing the item, and either just looking at, and/or tasting the product, so you can see how delicate the pocket is, then try duplicating it? The pocket isn’t crusty or flaky like a biscuit is, or like a pie crust is, nor is it chewy. It’s just very tender, very thin, and very delicate.

    Also, if you are familiar with Hot Pockets snacks, would you try making a pocket crust like those, too? One that is very flaky.

    I saw a recipe on video for a dessert pocket somewhat like McDonald’s apple pie. I would like to make my own individual desserts, but, when I went by the recipe I watched, I used vegan margarine in the flour, and after mixing the flour into a dough, I did put it in the freezer, as the video showed to do. But, the dough didn’t roll out like the dough did in the video. I used several different fruits in this recipe, and although I ate the dessert almost immediately out of the oven, the crust was chewy, because I continued rolling it out, trying to get it to the size the dough was on the video. So, at some point, could you try duplicating the crust for a pocket somewhat like McDonald’s apple pie?

    I turn to you for this, because you try making all your recipes as fat free, and as healthy as possible.

    I would greatly appreciate you duplicating however many of these requests I have for you.

    Thank you,

    • Jenny

      I’m flattered at your request but I am just sharing the things I cook at home and as you may have noticed, not even very often. But maybe someone else might see this and try to help out.

  507. Lizzy

    Jenny…I stumbled on your video for chrusciki today while on Pinterest. I left a comment there as well. I was quite impressed with your teaching style! Having been a special education for 35+ years, I know what good teaching looks like.
    Keep up the good work! I am ready to tackle chrusciki!
    I have one request for now…PLEASE make a video on how to make divinity.
    It took me awhile, but finally realized why you looked so familiar. I used to watch your T.V. show daily!!!
    Glad I found your site!

    • Jenny

      Thank you so much for the compliments. Not only have I never made divinity, I had to look it up to see what it was! So I’m sorry I do not have a recipe but luckily, there are quite a few how-to videos on youtube.

  508. Daisy

    it’s about your Easy Pan Pizza using a 10 inch cast iron skillet. I realize that it distributes the heat evenly, and I had 2 that my mother gave me, which I threw out. The cost to buy a new one is 50 dollars. I don’t have that kind of money right now. What about just using a good old ( new) non stick frying pan with a lid. about 10 inches wide. Would it do the trick if I kept the heat on a low temperature? and what temperature do you think I should use? thank you for any advice, Daisy

    • Jenny

      Low temperature will not give you a good result. Pizza, whether thin or pan pizza, need high temperatures and for this pan pizza, only cast iron will get hot enough and also retain the heat to make a great crust. If it helps, I often see cast iron pans at thrift stores and they are under $20 at Target.

  509. Therese

    I stumbled onto your website when I was searching the internet for a skillet deep-dish pizza recipe. I watched the attached video and it took me a while to figure out why you looked familiar (the explanation illuminated why your videos are more polished than the standard how-to offerings out there).
    The pizza was FANTASTIC and I am now working my way through your other recipes. So far, every one has been a hit.
    Now, I know the next bit is going to sound odd, but… sometimes when I am feeling low or depressed, I’ll come to your site and watch one of your videos even if I’m not in the mood to cook. Your enthusiasm and positive energy are like a double-dose of happy and I usually feel a little bouncier myself after a viewing.
    Thank you so much for giving of yourself, your time and energy, in preparing these recipes and videos. You’re putting some good out there in the universe and I, for one, am benefiting.

    • Jenny

      Thank you for taking the time to say these nice things. It feels good to be appreciated.

  510. Allen

    Morning Jenny,

    Can you please comment on the fact that eggs are ok or not left out on the counter for days.

    Thanks so much for all that you do

  511. pj

    Hi Jenny,
    I remember you from your tv show some years ago. I’m anxious to try some of your recipes. Thanks so much.


  512. Chit

    Hi Jenny…it looks like am hooked by your website which I just stumbled upon! And so timely! I am familiar with no knead bread having been baking it from another recipe. In fact quite regularly but suddenly twice this week I couldn’t understand why it has been a flop! The dough turns out so wet I can’t hold it at all! Would you know what’s the problem? It’s exactly the same recipe I have been using for months! Could it be the damp and wet weather these days? Thank you for your help and I must say I will be coming back to your website often! I did subscribed!

    • Jenny

      Please send me the ingredients (& amounts) in your recipe and I will try to help. I don’t think it’s the weather.

  513. Vivien vijayan

    Is it ok to keep flour in the freezer? Do I need to get it to room temp before using it?

    • Jenny

      It’s fine to keep flour in the freezer. It comes to room temperature pretty quickly so for cookies and cakes, I just measure it and by the time I’m ready for a recipe, it’s warmed up enough. However, for making yeast doughs, I would make sure it’s not cold when you make your yeast mixture because the temperature matters then. For yeast doughs, once you measure what you need, it shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes to come to room temperature.

  514. gracy

    I would like to know a recipe for a butter less blueberry cake can you help me

  515. betty

    dear jenny loved your chocolate cake i ate a small piece but i was wondering do you have calorie count for you food i don’t see it. thank you so much. love your videos they make me smile your so funny.

    • Jenny

      I do not have calorie counts. I’m just sharing recipes that I make at home.

  516. Ev

    HI Jenny
    I’m just making your barbeque sauce, as I am trying out your rib recipe.
    Does it thicken when it cools down? I’ve cooked it the 25 minutes and it still looks pretty thin.

  517. Jeanne

    Can you tell me where you get all of your lovely utensils? I love the spatula’s. Nothing seems to stick to them.

    Love your web site and videos.

    • Jenny

      I get things at Sur La Table, Pier One, World Market, sometimes Target or Bed, Bath & Beyond. Most of my spatulas are silicone.

  518. Deborah

    We just went to the Polish Village Café in Hamtramck and wondered if you could come up with a killer recipe for City Chicken. Love your website and have tried most of your recipes with wonderful results!

  519. Mirosha

    Hi Jenny,

    I made your chicken pot pie, cabbage rolls, tortilla wraps & Potato pan cakes which are really tasty and my family love those.

    I normally search for other recipe options but always ends up with yours.

    Thanks a lot for those easy, healthy and yummy recipes & theres lot more to try.

    Thank you again.

  520. Frank

    Hi Jenny,
    i live in Ireland and we normally see wholemeal flour can i replace the whole wheat flour with wholemeal in your recipe

    • Jenny

      I believe wholemeal flour in Ireland is the same as our whole wheat flour here in the U.S. and can be used as a substitute. However, it is not a good substitute for whole wheat PASTRY flour, which I use a lot in baking because the “pastry” version is a much finer grind than wholemeal flour and better for cookies and cakes.

    • Frank

      Hi Jenny,
      i was planning on using it for the no Knead bread, but was not sure it would work

  521. Derick

    Dear Jenny:

    Loved your show and now love your cooking blog.

    Can you please advise on a good roll up counter mat, and also a good ceramic or best coated frying pan


    • Jenny

      I’m not really sure what a roll up counter mat is so I’m not much help there. As for cookware, I don’t use any one brand and have a bunch of different items that appeal to me. By coated pan I assume you mean non-stick and I found some good non-stick pans at Target made by Calphalon. They are much cheaper than the high end Calphalon and work really well. I also like Berndes pans but they are hard to find except online and I also use some by Scanpan. I’m not very sophisticated with my cookware. You may have noticed that sometimes I buy a pan just because it’s as pretty color!

  522. Dave Nichols

    Hi Jenny,

    First off, thanks for the free cookbook and the great blog. I accidentally found your information by watching your meatloaf recipe on YouTube. I am going to make it tomorrow.

    I also watched your chicken pot pie video and was wondering what frying pan you were using. It looks like a nice pan and I may pre-order one for my next trip back to the Sates.

    Thanks again for all the great cooking info.

    Dave Nichols
    Cuenca, Ecuador

    • Jenny

      It’s a Denmark® 11-Inch Chefs Pan with Blue Ecotech Plus, which I purchased at the Bed Bath & Beyond store but their website says it’s not available online. Maybe you can find it somewhere else. Good luck with the meat loaf!

  523. Netta

    Dear Jones

    OMG.. I made your fall of the bone ribs they were so amazing , can’t wait to try your other recipes, you made my Saturday night dinner a hit. Thanks so much

  524. Amy

    So far, I’ve tried the two types of brownies, crepes, Polish pierogi, baked ziti ( I used mock, Italian ground), and potato pancakes. Healthy, delicious and easy to follow instructions and fun to watch videos.
    With your help, I’m even turning into a pretty good baker, too! Next, is the orange-sesame chicken. For us, it will be mock chicken; I’m sure equally delicious. Can’t wait to bake the crispy, sour dough buns, though. What can I say? Dziekuje slicznie.

  525. Leo Z.

    First time writing to you. I’ve cooked the easy rib recipe and it was a hit. Your sincerity and enthusiasm are infectious and depict you very favorably. You make me smile when you exhibit genuine zeal for sharing your knowledge with us.
    I watched your show and am now an ardent admirer of your cooking talents and down to earth delivery. I love that you can be zany and fun while getting the job done. Kudos to you. I wish you much success in continuing to share these great recipes and techniques with all of us that enjoy you.

  526. Geraldine

    I am very happy that I came across this site. Your recipes are all on point, easy and simple to make, as well as being delicious. The recipes are clear and easy to follow. I would like to add that it does not cost an arm and leg for the ingredients. Simple and delicious. I’m hooked on Jenny!

  527. judy

    jenny I love love all your recipes can you please post lots more jenny I am 300 pounds have done everything to lose weight I am also a diabetic I wish you were here to help me because I believe you really could with all the wonderful recipes you add on here, any suggestions thanks judy

    • Jenny

      I can only help by sending you my support. I’m sure you’re getting input from your doctor and that you know what you should and shouldn’t eat. All I can say is that I would set small goals rather than addressing the bigger picture. One small victory at a time. Stay informed about nutrition because some people think fat-free is helpful when our bodies need healthy fats. And make sure you move every day, even if it’s a short walk. Remember that fiber helps you feel full so oatmeal would be an ideal breakfast for you. It has fiber and helps stabilize blood sugar. Arm yourself with information and if you’re on Pinterest, I have a few good diabetic-friendly recipes there. If you feel defeated one day, tomorrow is a new day.

      • judy

        thank you jenny so much I appreciate all you said, keep the recipes coming you are from Canada I believe I live in newfoundland thanks once again judy

  528. Grag

    How would you use leftover rotisserie chicken?

    • Jenny

      I love having leftover chicken. Here are my favorite ways to use it:
      1. Chicken fried rice with lots of vegetables.
      2. Add bite-size pieces to pasta with my spinach-walnut pesto.
      3. Chicken quesadillas with my homemade tortillas.
      4. Chicken salad sandwiches.
      5. Barbeque chicken pizza.

  529. Alessandra

    I am a college student and am starting to cook little by little,
    and i must say i love all of your recipes and videos!

    You really are my favorite cook! Its refreshing to see someone who can cook
    healthy and delicious meals!

    You are definitely helping me through my college years with all of these delicious and simple recipes!

    Thank you so much Jenny, never stop cooking!! 🙂

  530. sharon

    Hi jenny I just wanted to say that I love all of your recipes I’ve tried so many of them and they are just great thank you for sharing them all.

  531. Melissa

    Hi Jenny

    I just found your site and videos. I tried your Faster No-Knead bread and the top did not come out flat like yours but cracked. What did I do wrong? It still tasted wonderful…

    • Jenny

      You did nothing wrong. A crack in the crust is a good thing – it makes the crust even crispier. I’m usually disappointed when mine is smooth but yeast baking is never the same twice. Some days my loaf is smooth, other times it has a crack or two. So there’s nothing to worry about as long as it tastes good.

  532. Thomas

    This last winter was a tough one for me. Due to health issues I was unable to take care of driveway snow removal, but my most kind neighbor would show up after every snowfall and clear the drive. How to thank him? When the winter weather finally broke I took over a large basket of your recipe’s no-knead white, whole wheat, crusty roll, and French-shaped bread, all warm from the oven. He reports that they were consumed in rapid fashion by his family! And I thank YOU for making the no-knead recipes available so I could pay forward an appropriate gift of thanks.

  533. Erika

    Hi, i´m from Brasil, i like a lot your vídeos e blog.
    I have a question: how do you make your sourdough and then the bread?

    Tks a lot

  534. Pa Pa

    Love your videos and spectacular recipes!! My 9 year old granddaughter is getting into cooking. Where do you find those animal timers and small size oven gloves? She is doing great, but anything novel sometimes help peak her interest. Have only been able to find adult size oven gloves. Please help. ‘ol pa is trying to make it interesting for her so she will develop a lifelong interest in “good things from the kitchen”. Thank you so much. Keep up the great work.

    • Jenny

      I love to hear that a 9-year old likes to cook and how great that you are encouraging her. Even for adults, colorful and fun tools make it that much more enjoyable. I usually get my fun timers at Pier One, World Market, or Sur La Table. My oven gloves are adult size but you can find small sizes online. These look pretty good… http://www.growingcooks.com/kidsovenmitt.html

  535. Justine

    II just baked a batch of pecan cookies and they all came out crunchy vs soft they usually are fresh out of the oven. Can you (1) tell me what I must have done, and (2) do you know any way to soften the cookies once they’re baked and cooled?
    Thank you

    • Jenny

      I assume these are not my pecan balls but a regular pecan drop cookie? Too-crunchy cookies are usually the result of over-baking. For softer cookies, it’s good to take them out when they are almost done because cookie will always harden some when cooled. It’s also possible your oven was off and it was hotter than you intended. I can only suggest the methods I have heard about which are: 1) Put the cookies in a sealed container with a slice of fresh bread or a slice of apple. 2) Put the cookies, uncovered, in a microwave with an uncovered cup of hot water. Use the low setting and check every minute. 3) I’ve also heard that putting them in a covered container with a cup of water might work. Let me know if anything works. We can all learn from your endeavor.

  536. Dave

    I realy would like to know how to make snack bars with nut fruit ETC but want to know how to hold them together like with honey what ever a light toffee just so I can make my own bar’s Thank you for your time, Dave Smithers United Kingdom.

  537. EdT

    cooked cabbage rolls yesterday. What is the best way to reheat and serve for dinner tonight?Thanks,

    • Jenny

      I think they are best when heated in a pan with a little olive oil (my dad used butter) and let them brown a little on the outside. I start out on low heat so they warm up inside and then I increase to medium, turning occasionally to brown all sides. I consider them a complete meal since they have meat, rice, and a vegetable but I always make a salad first. Polish cabbage rolls are traditionally served with sour cream. There’s a picture of some cabbage rolls that I browned in the my blog posting dated Feb. 9th, 2013.

      • EdT

        Thank you for getting back to me.My mom was 100percent Polish.I made them yesterday and the aroma in the kitchen was nostalgic. Thanks again

  538. Debs

    Jenny let me say you made a baker out of me. I was one of those people who was intimidated by using yeast , but no more thanks to your quick and easy and no knead recipes and confident ,brave and baking up a storm. All i can say is THANK YOU, THANK YOU. YOUR THE BEST, LOOKING FORWARD TO TRY.ING YOUR OTHER RECIPES

  539. Patsy

    Dear Jenny, love your site and YouTube videos. I have been cooking since I was a young child; that would compute to five decades. We share the same philosophies about healthy recipes and eating. I have always strived to be informed on nutrition and food prep (especially for baking). That said, I find the information you share to be dead on accurate. Thank you for sharing it all with the world, I know it will benefit so many people. I would like to suggest you check out the advantages of grape seed oil, after olive oil it has become my go to choice. Thank you again, Patsy

  540. Dave

    I would like to know if you have a recipes for making like a stiff honey base etc. so that I can make my own slimming snack bars with oats, nuts, dried fruit,etc. and thing like that or any full recipes you might have made in the past, I find them expensive for an 81 year old pensioner I hope you understand what I mean, Thank you for your time, and all I can say now is HELP, somebody help me. Thanks
    Dave Smithers.

    • Jenny

      I do not have a recipe as you described but I know that you can buy cream honey, which is thicker than the kind that pours. But let me ask… have you tried making my granola bars? They contain oats, nuts, and dried fruit and you don’t need a stiff honey base, just regular honey. These bars are fabulous and easy to put together. I wish I could help with your “honey base” question but this is all I can think of. Here is a printable recipe: https://www.jennycancook.com/recipes/granola-bars/ p.s. I plan to follow in your footsteps and keep cooking at 81. (13 years to go!!)

  541. VickyMacD

    Looking up a recipe and clicked on yours. What a surprise to find out it was YOU! I have told others about your site as your videos make me smile! You get so excited with your results and your videos are so thorough! I love your enthusiasm and recipes! I mostly love your Polish recipes as this is what I was originally looking up. Thank you for the best site I have accidentally found.

  542. Toni

    Hi Jenny
    Love your videos and all your recipes. Keep em coming
    You are so funny. I think we could cook together. I love how you explain
    why you do this and that with your recipes.

  543. Sharon

    Hello Jenny, I am trying your fall off the bone ribs tonight…the sauce smells delicious. However, I was not able to buy Guldens Spicy Brown Mustard here in Canada, Quebec. Can you suggest an alternative? Thanks in advance for your reply. I am looking forward to trying what so many have been raving about. I have been looking for a ribs recipe for the oven as we can’t use the BBQ in the winter and I love ribs but not the porky taste. Your rub should solve that problem.

    • Jenny

      This is an extremely flexible recipe so you can use any mustard. Gulden’s is just a popular brand here in the U.S. Use any brand of mustard, whether Dijon, spicy, or even horseradish mustard. You can choose depending how spicy you want the sauce. I hope that helps.

      • Sharon

        Thank you for your quick reply! Next time I’ll add the mustard to the sauce, but it already smells and tastes wonderful. I can’t wait to cook the ribs tomorrow!

  544. Stanley

    Hello Jenny,
    My parents came from Lithuania and my uncles wife came from Poland, they used to make a bread cake that they called Babka. Would you have the recipe for that bread cake?


  545. Ewa

    Love seeing the recipes my Italian mother made for my Polish father and us but I can’t see one for Bigos. Can you do one?

    • Jenny

      I’m working on a consistent recipe for bigos. My recipe is still never the same twice.

  546. Anu

    Never in my wildest imagination did I think I would attempt baking bread or cinnamon rolls. Your instructions and demo were so clear and simple that I just had to try. i am so happy that I did for they were such a hit! No one could believe that they contained no butter. Thank you.

  547. Lindsay E.

    For our recent wedding anniversary I cooked the spaghetti and meatball dish. And for a fleeting moment I went from zero to hero in my wife’s eyes. I just know that when I cook the meatloaf my wife will think I can walk on water.
    Thanks for your time in teaching me how to cook.

  548. Diane

    Hi Jenny. I am so happy that I found “Jennycancook.com”. I want to try your rib recipe but when I tried to get the B.B.Q. sauce recipe, it says “No recipe found”. Can you please repost it for me? Thank you so much! (P.S. I enjoyed your show and watched it all the time.) I am so happy to see you again and I will share this wonderful site with others! Love and God Bless, Diane

  549. Joan in Texas

    Just ‘found’ jenneycancook!!!
    Use to watch your great TV program.
    Good to know you are doing well.
    Loved your program . . . Love your cooking site.
    Eager to try your great recipes, they look and sound wonderful.

  550. Joseph and Margaret Grech from Malta

    we are cooking enthusiasts and have lots of cookery boo ks, sites, etc. We came by Jenny’s site by chance and find that it’s stupendous. We admire especially the cooking tips and tricks Jenny includes and her easy going and efficient approach to the job she does so well.

  551. Nandi

    Hello Jenny, I wanted to ask a question about the dry mustard in your Rib recipe. Can prepared mustard be used instead? If so, would I rub it on the ribs then dip them in the dry rub minus the dry mustard? Please let me know when you get a chance. Thank You

    P.S. I’ve already tried the Beef Stew and it was a great hit with my family!

    • Jenny

      Yes, you can rub the ribs with prepared mustard followed by the dry rub. Glad you liked the stew.

  552. Evangeline

    i live in philippines.i love all of your video’s.your so cute.im 12 years old.

  553. Desana

    I just came across your site by pure accident and I’ve been drooling since I read the first recipe!!!!!! definitely have subscribed and am looking forward to all your newsletters! Your way of cooking is a dream come true – make it simple, delicious, fast and healthy!!!!!! There’s nothing better than a home made delicious food! Love your videos and your comments – some of them so funny! :))) Thank you and can’t wait to try some of your recipes out!!!! All thumbs up to your great site, a resource for new ideas for many of us! 🙂

  554. Krysia (Christine)

    Hi Jenny,
    Today I made your poppyseed roll for the 2nd time. First time the dough
    rolled out easily but today it was difficult to roll out. The dough kept rolling
    back on itself. What could have happened? By the way, my husband asks
    me to make this roll at least once a month as he loves it!! Love all of your
    videos! Have a happy day!
    Sincerely, Krysia

    • Jenny

      Even my yeast doughs are never the same twice. Some days they rise, other days it takes longer for the dough to rise. Some days they are easy to work with and other days they fight back. A good yeast dough is usually kind of “elastic” and it often pulls back when you roll it but as long as the end result is good, it’s nothing to worry about.

  555. sophia

    Hi Jenny, how do you feel about kids and teens cooking and baking?

    • Jenny

      I love it! Learning how to cook when you’re young means you will probably eat healthier food all your life and that will provide many benefits from feeling good and also looking good. I think it’s just about the best thing for all young people to learn. I’ve been cooking since I was about 10 and it’s my favorite thing to do today. By they way, I have not been sick in almost 40 years and I have never missed a day of work in my life!

      • sophia

        An another question, how do you come up with the quantities of your recipes like how much flour, how much sugar, how many eggs? Thanks.

        • Jenny

          It’s often trial and error. I make a recipe over and over, making notes on what changes I made, until it’s just right. It takes patience and commitment to come up with a recipe that works for everybody.

          • sophia

            Your recipes really do work. I’ve made your custard pudding, cinnamon rolls dinner rolls, chocolate pudding, lemon meringue pie, Christmas bread, blueberry pancakes, chocolate French toast, tortillas at least once or twice.I like that your recipes are healthy but still taste good.:-)

          • sophia

            Oh, I forgot, also made your buttermilk biscuits.

  556. Debra

    Jenny, I have looked all over the internet for your beautiful polish aprons and headscarves, can you pleae tell me where i can find them

    • Jenny

      Actually, they are not Polish but only colorful fabrics that appeal to me because they remind me of my heritage. I wish I could find authentic Polish aprons or scarves but I can’t either, so I come as close as I can.

  557. karla lopez

    I want to make the beef stew but I do not have unsalted chicken stock, what else can I use?

    • Jenny

      You can use salted chicken stock but you probably would omit the added salt in my recipe. Taste it for salt at the end. You could use beef stock but some store-bought beef stocks are too strong in flavor so you would have to test it and possibly dilute it. My favorite thing to use is my own homemade beef stock. You could also use vegetable stock but the best flavor will be with a light beef stock or chicken stock.

  558. Vic

    Love you Jenny 🙂

  559. big mike

    Jenny, do you have a favorite Kolaczki recipe?

  560. Jess

    Can you do a healthy skillet cornbread recipe?

    • Jenny

      There’s a great skillet Jalapeno Cornbread recipe in my cookbook, which you can download for free.

  561. Joy

    Hi Jenny! First of all let me say how I love your site and recipes(use them a lot). A few years back my friends polish grandmother came to visit. While here she made a pickle soup to ‘die for” I had never had that BUT loved it. Have you or your family done this soup and if so perhaps you can put it on your site! I remember thinking “pickle soup?’ but it was wonderful! Thank you Jm
    P.S One other thing I am about to try YOUR potatoe pancakes. When you do them in the food processor do they come out grated as with the old fashioned grater? ASAP would be soooooo appreciated

    • Jenny

      I’m familiar with Polish pickle soup but do not have a recipe. Potato pancakes prepared in the food processor will produce a smooth batter. If you want the old-fashioned grated batter you will have to grate them by hand, if you don’t mind the extra effort. My knuckles don’t like the grater!

    • VickyMacD

      This is the recipe I use and it’s so delicious!
      Polish Dill Pickle Soup
      6 cups chicken broth; 1 onion, diced; 3 carrots, diced; 3 celery stalks, diced; 1 parsley root, peeled and finely chopped or 3 parsley stems; 4 Idaho potatoes, diced; 4 old deli style dill pickles, grated on fine holes of grater; 8 oz. sour cream; 1 egg yolk; 2 TBL. fresh dill, minced; fresh chives for garnish.
      Bring chicken broth to a boil in saucepan. Add diced onion, carrots, celery, and parsley root or stems. Simmer till vegetables are tender.
      Boil potatoes until tender and drain. In same pot, mash 1/4 of the diced potatoes gently with potato masher in the pot. Add mashed and remainder of diced potatoes to stock. Add grated pickles and simmer for 2-3 minutes.
      Blend sour cream, egg yolk. Add 1 cup of the hot soup to the mixture and combine thoroughly. Slowly add to soup pot. Add dill. Serve garnished with fresh chopped chives. Do not boil soup as it will curdle. Enjoy!

      • Jenny

        Wow, that sounds really good. Thank you for sharing it here.

  562. Jane

    I brought my first stand-up mixer around Christmas and made my first homemade cinnamon buns. It was good but didn’t turn out the way it looked on your YouTube. Not sure if I used unbleached all-purpose flour, mix it a bit more or knead the dough too long or was my KitchenAid oven at 325 degree was way too hot. I did use a larger pan for the rising part (1 1/2 hrs over a large bowl with very hot water covered with a large towel for rising) as one of the suggestions on rising dough. Mine turned out more like Pillsbury cinnamon rolls you get in stores. My husband like and differently will try again this weekend. Any suggestions to make mine better?

    • Jenny

      Baking is really an exact science and sometimes even the smallest change can cause a recipe to fail. My advice would be not to make any changes in the recipe, especially not to use a larger pan since that would make the rolls rise sideways instead of up. Unbleached all-purpose flour is fine to use and do the mixing and kneading exactly like I did, no more, no less. You may need to get an oven thermometer because if 325 was too hot, your oven is way off. They need to bake in a PRE-HEATED oven at 325 degrees fahrenheit for the best results. Again, follow the recipe exactly and do not make any changes at all. Good luck!

  563. Josh

    Hi Jenny, hope everything is going great with you. I had a question that is related to cooking. What is the best step for reducing the amount of salt that you use? I know you can use other things to add flavor, but there are times when salt is the 1 note that you really need/crave. Also with some Legumes, they seem to soak up any salty flavor and you are left asking yourself, “Where did the salt go?” Any advice/tips would be appreciated. Also looking forward to your new website!

    • Jenny

      You’re right that some things really need salt, like chicken soup. All I can say it when you see a recipe, never use the amount of salt called for but salt it at the end, as you taste. A lot of recipes call for more than is needed. I’m also seeing a lot more “reduced sodium” products at the store. It’s a good idea to read labels on anything you buy at the store for sodium and avoid the ones that are high. I always cook with onions and garlic and things like parsley to increase flavor and lessen the need for salt.

  564. Jackie Taylor

    Is there a way to adapt your awesome recipe for ribs for bbq brisket?

    • Jenny

      I wish I could help but I have never cooked a brisket.

      • Jackie

        Thanks for answering – if you ever do, please post – I’m sure it will be as amazing as your rib recipe!

  565. Mary Mance

    would you please tell me where can you buy mixer kitchen timer

    it shape like mixer

    • Jenny

      I don’t remember for sure but I get most of my timers at either Sur La Table, Pier One, or World Market.

  566. Ellie

    LOVE all your recipes; cant wait to try some of them!! I was curious to know if you have a favorite BBQ sauce for ribs? Or what would you recommend? thanks so much and have a nice day!


  567. Terri Borsuk

    Do you have a recipie fo pickle potao soup. My mother used to make it and has passed many years ago. I have not found anyone that has a recipie. I have made your recipie for cabbage rolls and my family enjoyed them very much. Also your pierogi one. Your video’s are aswesome. It’s so much easier to make a recipie when you can follow a video rather than only written instructions. Thank you for keeping Polish recipies alive for generations to follow.

  568. Jolanta

    How can I receive your cook book. Have just received an invite to a kitchen tea and already spoke the mother of the groom about your site. Fantastic. Want to give or copy some of the Polish and there yummy recipes, the kitchen tea has a card to write a favourite recipie. Thanks

    • Jenny

      I think the book is still available online but I should warn you that my cookbook is 8 years old and a bit dated as I am a much better cook today. That’s why it’s a free download so everyone can use it if they wish. I have been updating many of the recipes from my book and posting them here on my website and there are no Polish recipes in my book so it might not be the best gift for this occasion.

  569. LP

    Hi Jenny. I just love your website. I want to make your cinn. rolls and pizza but don’t have a stand mixer. Is an electric mixer ok or by hand???

    • Jenny

      An electric hand mixer will work fine or even mixing by hand. Using a mixer just reduces the kneading time, so if you use a hand mixer, you would likely not do anything different. If you mix the ingredients by hand, I suggest you knead it a little longer, maybe 200 turns or more, until the dough becomes smooth and elastic and springs back when you poke it. (remember, people made bread way before we had electricity!)

      • LP

        Thank you so much for getting back to me! It’s pizza night!!!

  570. Carol

    Jenny I have to tell you your better than watching tv.I really love watching and listening you on YouTube,I came across you looking for sticky buns, to have for the holiday.Thank you so much,I would love to meet you someday.please keep putting new recipes on YouTube. Oh and you are funny to you make me laugh.

  571. Benny

    I’m a Missionary living in Peru from Ohio and I have a large family and need solutions to easy great tasting complex as well as simple meals. By far your Experience, style, variety, sense of humor, tips, easy navigable web page and non nonsense sense in the kitchen has really blessed me. You are my turn to gal for good grub on so many levels. Thank you for sharing your love and heart in cooking.

  572. Joyce

    Hi Jenny!
    Love your site and I cook a lot from it. I,too am polish. I tend to prefer your pierogie dough to the one I use but I do have one question. Its a lot of work to make these so I was wondering ,is it o.k to make the dough and maybe fill them the next day. Will the dough still be nice and pliable? Thanks and happy New Year to you and your family. Joyce Montelbano

    • Jenny

      I have never made my dough the day before but if it were me, I would make the filling the day before and the dough the next day. I just think the filling is more sturdy and I don’t see how it would hurt to wrap it up and refrigerate it overnight. The dough is the more delicate part so I would not take a chance with it.

    • Jerry

      Hi Joyce, sorry to but in but regarding making the dough a day ahead,I have been there done that and I urge you not to its just not the same. I make my potato filling and kraut filling the day before. I also remove seeds from plums and drain all night so they are easier to work with. Cheese filling is so quick I just mix it while my dough is resting. Other advice I can offer is get some help in the kitchen and you will be eating Pierogi sooner because it is work. My 6 and 7 yearold granddaughters are learning the process and I hope they perfect it so they can be doing it when I’m too old. This advice may be too late for you but may help someone else out. Thank you all for listening.

  573. Radha

    Hi Jenny,

    I have a general question. I wanted to buy food thermometer and just can’t figure out which one to buy.

    Which brand do you use? Does it work for you? I keep hearing people that the one they bought stops working or doesn’t tell the temperature right.. etc… Appreciate your response.


    • Jenny

      I have nothing to recommend right now because I had a bad experience with my Thanksgiving turkey and thought it was my thermometer (I have three timer/thermometers by Polder). So I tested all 3 thermometers at the same time and they were ALL DIFFERENT! So right now I am looking for a reliable thermometer myself. I will post something here when I find one.

      • Sherri

        Have you ever tried a Thermapen? I got one for my dad years ago (when I accidentally killed his prior meat thermometer). He absolutely loves it and definitely gets better results now when grilling/roasting meat without overcooking it. I got it thru the ThermoWorks website if you’re interested.

  574. joana

    Hello jenny, im 14 years old …….. and im asking for a printed copy of how to make your perfect pizza, my grandparents are coming to town and i want to supprise them ………..so can you please do a copy of how to make YOUR homemade pizza
    🙂 🙂 Thank You

    • Jenny

      I have several pizza recipes including pepperoni, pan pizza, barbeque chicken pizza, and also a 20-minute pizza dough. You will find them all in my Main Dish category and each recipe has a “print” button that will allow you to print the recipe. It’s great that you’re cooking at 14! Let me know if you are able to print the recipe you plan to make.

  575. Adeline

    I just stumbled on your youtube video…and was amazed. You are an absolute delight to watch. I viewed the making of pierogi, and easy and fast buns. I intend to watch all your videos.

  576. Aress Wooley

    Hi There…I used to watch your talk show way back when.

    I am a single guy learning how to cook, and am interested in knowing the brand and model of the gas stove that you used in your chicken pot pie video, and what you think of it …. Please reply to my email address. Thankx Randy

    • Jenny

      My stove is a Viking but I was not happy with their warantee and customer service so I would not buy one again.

  577. Jeanne

    Where did you get that wonderful duck kitchen timer?
    I would love to get at least one!

    • Jenny

      I’m not sure… it might have been Sur La Table or Pier One.

  578. Maria

    I have a recipe question. The recipe calls for 4 (3 ounce) packages cream cheese. Does that equal 1 1/2 cups of cream cheese?
    Thanking you in advance, as this is driving me crazy.

  579. Ethan

    Hi Jenny–so I started making your xmas cookies last night (made the dough, wrapped it in foil, put it in the fridge, and took it out this morning, about twelve hours later), and when I took the dough out to begin rolling and cutting, it was pretty much just as wet and soft as the night before, and therefore difficult to lift shapes out without breaking up into little pieces. I was attempting to roll the dough between two pieces of wax paper–could that be my problem, because it’s not moisture resistant? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    • Jenny

      I apologize. This is likely my fault because I usually use a cookie press and the dough has to be soft to inert it in the press. When I roll them, I just add a little more flour but I should have stated how much. I think you can still save the dough by letting it warm to room temperature, stirring in some more flour (2-3 Tbsp?), refrigerate or freeze it as directed, then proceed. I noted the extra flour in my printable recipe but I will figure out how much extra flour and specify that later today. I hope they still turn out – they really are delicious.

  580. Rhonda D.

    Jenny Jones AKA Scrooge? – NOT. Here are a few of the things you GIVE me: Recipes to DIE for; permission to eat what I make and not share, if I don’t want to (ie, 30-minute hash browns, Christmas bread, etc.); quick homemade yeast bread recipes with one variation after another, each turning out as perfectly as your recipes/videos do each time I make them; bright and colorful kitchen utensils that liven up your set, make it fun to watch you prep and cook, and bring an unexpected laugh my way (duck timer that quacks when time is up!); good, old-fashioned food from scratch (hash browns, cabbage rolls, meat loaf) with an emphasis on ‘good’ and ‘scratch’; and, finally, the cherry on top of the sundae, a free cookbook with updated revisions – AMAZING! These are summarized and really only grace the surface of what you give because there is no way to completely capture the joy your lovely smile, happy face and sparkling personality that accompany your posts. PS–I barely hinted at the one facet of you that I appreciate and look forward to – your mischievousnous. I think it’s what I love the most about you and what makes your posts so personal. Thank you for giving me so much. I fear I will never be able to pay you back in kind; therefore, I will be forever in your debt.

  581. John

    Jenny, I would like to take a minute to let you know, how much I appreciate all of your recipes and tips. I two, am a bread lover, and have always loved baking it. But your no need bread, has made it so much more enjoyable to do .I am now a retired person and find myself more interested then ever in trying your other recipes. You make it so easy. thank you for being a super teacher, and sharing with us.

  582. Angelo

    Jenny Jones,
    You are a blessing to have as a cook book. Thank you for your wonderful recipes.

  583. richard rygiel

    I made the potato pancake recipe and absolutely no grease on the setting towel. I have shared you web site with my extended family who also are of Polish background. I also made Pierogi’s with my grandmother, long time ago. You brought back my excitement to make other foods I grew up eating and preparing with Grandma S. Very delicious and thank you!
    Richard Rygiel

  584. Eva

    Hi Jenny. I love your recipes and videos. They are all so healthy and easy to follow. Since Xmas is coming up, I’m planning to make gingerbread cookies.

    Is there a healthier version of gingerbread cookies please? My son loves them but I don’t want to get the store bought version with loads of butter.

    Thanks a million Jenny.

  585. richard rygiel

    Jenny: Made the potato pancakes and my handicapped daughter and I ate them all up! With applesause and sour cream. Very nice and no greasy or oily cakes. My wife did not like the dense consistancy but interesting how non-Polish people may not like the foods we were brought up on. Keep up the great and special efforts to prepare foods with a healthy side of preparation.
    Richard and daughter Christina Rygiel

  586. Tricia

    Hello jenny! Thanks for sharing this recipe. I was wondering… What are your thoughts on using gas or electric ovens. Which do you prefer? I am planning to buy one and I was hoping to get your opinion on this. Btw which one are you using in baking? Thanks in advance!

    • Jenny

      I have a dual fuel range. That’s the kind that has a gas top for cooking and an electric oven for baking. I think it’s the best of both worlds.

  587. Peachy

    I’m a big fan of your cooking Jenny! All of your recipes that I cooked are amazing! Hope you can also post a recipe for shepherd’s pie.

  588. Sharon Tilton

    Jenny I love your web sit. I could have sworn I saw a gravy recipe on this site. But can not find it did you have a Gravy recipe or did I dream that up. Thank for all your help.

    • Jenny

      I have never posted a gravy recipe but I will be posting my make-ahead gravy recipe some time soon.

  589. Moggy

    I can not say enough about what finding your website has meant to me. I have been looking for some good simple recipes. You are a joy to watch in your videos.

  590. Kathy

    My great aunt was Czechoslovakian. I grew up eating her pierogies and something else that sounded like halushki. It was flat egg noodles, cabbage, maybe some onion and butter. Does that sound like something you have had when you were growing up? I make the best version of this that I know of but I would love to find an authentic recipe.

    • Jenny

      I believe it’s called haluski and I do not have a recipe. If I come up with one in the future I will post it for sure.

  591. Joseph

    Jenny, I enjoy going through your recipes, they remind me of what my mother used to make. My parents came from eastern Slovakia, near the Ukraine and Poland. Your flatbread reminds me of something similar, we called luksha. I’m going to try a few of your recipes.
    JOSEPH T. Rudolf

  592. rhea

    Hi Jenny
    Super love your recipes! keep them coming!

  593. Debbie

    I just want to say thank you for making baking and cooking a fun and easy process. I just recently joined you and have enjoyed the helpful health hints, the humor, the ease of how you show and describe the recipes. I will continue to make your recipes and continue to share your wisdom and of course your site. I would love for you to do one tv cooking show for all your fans. I would be the one in the front with my spatula, bowl and apron on!!!

  594. Jack

    Hi Jenny, enjoy your video very much .I have two questions . when you made your white Bread and you put hot water in it, does that not kill the yeast. Also can you tell me how long does 100% whole wheat bread stay good. A friend told me that Whole wheat bread goes bad fast

    • Jenny

      There is a different science to making no-knead bread and as you can see, the hot water does not kill the yeast but boiling water probably would. As for storing bread, I always keep my bread in the fridge after the first day even though they say not to refrigerate bread. That doesn’t make sense to me since bread just gets stale faster when it’s not refrigerated. I make both white and whole wheat breads and they seem to keep the same length of time for me… about 3-4 days. If you need to keep them longer, freezing some of the bread might be a better option.

  595. Honey

    JENNY – love your show and enjoy watching you. You make me smile with your enthusiasm , and your end results are amazing, my first recipe was the tunnel raisin bread, did that ever impress my family, we are all Polish and know good food when we eat it, so keep on baking, cooking and being so positive. I am currently trying to track down a spice grinder so I can make that yummy looking poppy seed roll, tried the canned poppy seed filling and wasn’t too impressed, so on to the real thing….as you know every Polish cook believes they have the best perogie dough recipe, including me, I was very happy to see that your recipe contains sour cream which over the years I have decided gives the most tender dough
    take care and keep on doing what you are doing

  596. Jacqueline

    Well Jenny I am not sure how I found you, lol. But I have been watching your videos and you are awesome how you explain everything. Hopefully I dont lose your website and cannot wait for your cookbook! You rock. You should have your own TV show, tc

  597. Haley

    Hi I’my haley and I’m just turning 13 and I was wondering if instead of using a package of active yeast I could just use normal yeast. For the Cinnimon rolls. Thanks.

    • Jenny

      I love that you are baking at such a young age! You can regular active yeast instead of instant yeast but it may take a little longer for the rolls to rise.

  598. Sharon Az

    Hi! I was going to try your homemade apple pie.. i noticed ‘minute tapioca’. what is this? If i omit this ingredient, will the applepie turns out just fine? Thanks. By the way, love your lemon brownies!!! Yummmyyyyy!!!

  599. Doreen

    Jenny I remember you on TV and loved your show , I find your wed site and love it . You have such easy recipe I have copy some and can not wait to start making them , I have for years to make pierogis , for years and them ,never turned out . also your cabbage rolls ,much easer then the way I do.
    Thank you so much for all your videos , let you know they turn out .
    Bless you Doreen

  600. Soph

    Have you any plans for a hunter’s stew recipe? Love bigos and have been trying out various recipes (some of which are quite good), but wonder if you have one? Since every one of your recipes that I’ve tried so far have turned out super yummy, I wonder if you have a healthy version for hunter’s stew?? Thanks!

    • Jenny

      I do make a Hunter’s Stew but I still haven’t made it the same way twice. Once I get there, I will post my creation.

  601. emilia

    would like the recipe for soup

    • Jenny

      Under “Soups/Salads” you will find recipes here for:
      Beet & Cabbage Borscht
      Roasted Tomato Soup
      Chicken Noodle
      Corn Chowder &
      Black Bean Soup
      Are you looking for another kind or something specific?

  602. fatma

    Hi Jenny do you have any gluten free recipes thank you.

    • Jenny

      As far as baking and sweets, the following recipes are gluten free:
      Peanut butter cookies
      Coconut macaroons (use 2 Tbsp. gluten-free flour)
      Rice pudding & chocolate pudding
      Many of my main dishes are gluten free:
      One-pan chicken & vegetables
      Thighs & Fries
      Pork tenderloin dinner
      Orange-sesame chicken
      Red beans & brown rice
      Sweet & sour chicken
      Cabbage rolls
      Turkey chili
      Pot roast
      Chicken & peppers
      Meatloaf (use gluten-free oats)
      Rainbow bean salad
      Fall-off-the-bone ribs
      Green eggs, no ham
      Turkey breakfast patties
      Rice with kale
      Caramel corn
      Granola & granola bars (use gluten-free oats)
      Lo mein can be made with gluten free pasta

  603. Yvonne

    Hello Jenny Jones,
    Have watched your video intently and it seems very easy – appreciate if it were possible to e mail me the written recipe. Also you have some kind of a mixture that you use for smearing on to the donut pan before putting in the dough – please could you also tell me the recipe for that the ingredients that go into it and whether this should be kept in the refrigerator and used whenever I next need to use it or if it could be kept outside.
    Many thanks for your help.
    Warm regards,


    • Jenny

      If you are referring to my oven-baked doughnuts, there is a printable recipe here on this website (https://www.jennycancook.com/recipes/baked-doughnuts/). The mixture I use to grease the pan is softened butter mixed with oil. There is a video for that called “Healthier Butter” here on this website as well as on my youtube channel. The butter mixture should be kept refrigerated. If this does not answer your questions, please let me know.

      • Yvonne DPenha

        Hello Jenny,

        Thank you for your quick reply – will take a look at the video – must give it a try.

        Do you also have any other simple doughnut recipes say with banana or sweet potato.

        Also saw Apple Muffins with crispy cinnamon tops – pic shows them so beautifully brown in the cup cake pan but when I did click for the recipe, it was different – please help.

        Warm regards,


      • Yvonne DPenha

        I have tried to find the Healthier Butter but it was not a video – there was a recipe
        Homemade Is Also Healthier for You
        Another good reason to start making your own is that most spreadable butter on the market (or “tub butter” as it’s sometimes known) is usually made with genetically modified canola oil, which potentially has some health drawbacks.

        Could this be the right one or could you kindly send me the link like you did for the doughnut recipe. Many thanks in advance.

        Warm regards,


  604. mohaerul

    I want to make a popcorn for my family can you teach me please

    • Jenny

      If you mean regular popcorn, the easiest and healthiest way is the paper bag method using a microwave oven. You can see my video and recipe for that. If you don’t have a microwave or if you mean caramel corn, please let me know.

  605. Tricia

    Do you have a healthier recipe/ version of lemon bar? I really love this recipe but it contains too much butter and sugar.

    • Jenny

      I do have a healthier lemon bar and the recipe is in my cookbook. I am getting ready to put the entire cookbook on this website so anyone can download it for free. …it’s coming soon…

  606. Diana

    Hello Jenny,
    It is a pleasure to meet you. I hope you had a safe, adventurous and enjoyable vacation here in Canada.
    I just discovered your site today and wanted to let you know I am looking forward to being able to try out some of your fast, easy and simple meals that are healthy. Your recipes also seem to be budget minded which is an added bonus. Thank you for giving of your time in sharing your knowledge of cooking and baking to others.

  607. Angeline

    Love your recipes. Please keep posting.

  608. Yasmeen

    Hi Jenny, How about “Kimchi” video/recipe? I think it will be a hit…!
    Fermented vegs are good for digestion…!
    thank you.

  609. AJ

    Jenny, this is a great recipe. Everything worked perfect. Delicious. Thanks for keeping it so simple. I didn’t have light OO, used EVOO, is there a better substitute? Next time may add a little Thyme, how does that sound?

  610. marjan

    Hi i,m from Iran, how can i cook a crespy bread for pizza?

    • Jenny

      It takes a very hot oven and the right equipment to make a crispy pizza and there are two methods I can suggest. One is to use a pan with holes (see my pepperoni pizza video) and the other is to use a pizza stone along with a wooden peel to slide the pizza onto the hot stone (see my barbeque chicken pizza). I hope that helps.

  611. Martin Raft

    I just found your videos on YouTube and they’re great. As I write I have a batch of dough proofing to bake for tonight’s dinner.
    I was wondering if you have an easy & quick recipe for a sourdough starter to use when making sourdough bread.
    Thank you,
    Best, Martin

    • Jenny

      I do not have a sourdough starter recipe but my no knead bread tastes a little like sourdough.

  612. Marlene

    Hi Jenny, I love your cooking show. But do you think that you will make a video on Polish Chrusciki …. I am Polish and I am very proud of you. You have great ideas in making things healthy. I used to make Chrusciki when my mom was alive. Its been a long time. So I hope you can make a video on that. Thank you and God Bless.

    • Jenny

      There will be a video coming soon for Polish chrusciki.

  613. Hooman

    Dear Jenny,
    I hope you are doing well.
    I am really excited and interested in the way you cook and teaching us to do so. I learned too much from you so far and I’m very thankful. Please keep on your good job and teach us more and more. Can you please add more Polish and also Greek foods.
    Many thanks.

  614. krissy

    Hi, how are you? …Just wondering can you make a recipe on a good heart healthy vanilla cake and a good heart healthy chocolate cake …something for birthdays…please…thanks

    • Jenny

      I highly recommend my sweet potato chocolate cake.

  615. Ron

    My Grandma made a pastry called patisa. Do you have a recipe for this pastry?

  616. Lily

    Jenny I’ve recently subscribed to you and I have to say I have tried a lot of your recipes. The pan pizza was a hit! I really love you. You explain things really well and your sense of humor makes me feel very happy to watch you. To me you are the best cook out there with the best videos. I hope you post more yu tube videoes. I have watched every one of them. You are the best.

  617. Tonya

    Hi Jenny since you mention using “Bob’s Red Mill” products in your videos I’ve started buying the rolled oats organic and I follow the recipe on the package and make home made oatmeal it’s sooo good. it’s sooo simple too. I use 1/2 cup oats, 1 cup water, a bit of vanilla, and a bit of honey. Mostly I have it plain like that but sometimes I add fresh raspberries and blueberries before microwaving it on 2 min but I check it often and stir it. I find if it goes too gluey I add a bit of milk. This morning I added a bit of cocoa to the mix and a bit of peanut butter and had chocolate and peanut butter oatmeal it was different. Thank you for introducing me to this great product line via your videos.

  618. Danny

    Everything I’ve ever made with Jenny’s recipes has always came out good even if I messed up a little. lol

  619. Cheryl

    Hi Jenny,
    I have heard you mention several times a cookbook. Do you have a cookbook or are you referring to the online Jenny Can Cook website?
    I love your site and have only had an issue with one recipe. I used a can of minced olives instead of kalamata in your quick whole wheat bread recipe. The bread tasted raw in the middle…and extra baking time didn’t help! I will be trying the white bread recipe today. I have made this in the past using the long method and it is wonderful!!! I was excited to see that you were able to reduce the time. I’m with you…I LOVE bread…my hips and…well…we’ll just leave that one there…aren’t as fond of it as I am…or maybe they are that’s why they hang onto it for so long!!! 🙂
    I love your site…thank you so much for sharing your recipes and kitchen with us.
    Have a GREAT day!

    • Jenny

      My cookbook was published in 2006 with all my profits going to breast cancer research at City of Hope. I have since gotten permission from the publisher to share the entire book for free so I am in the process of incorporating all the recipes from the book into this website along with my new ones. I have improved & simplified some of the book recipes and I’m taking new and better photos as well. So far there are about 25 recipes from my book here including my meatloaf and sweet potato chocolate cake, with more to come.

  620. George

    how about a recipe for Pumpkin Bread?

  621. Sharon

    Have been viewing your polish recipes, my mum and grandma were polish and grew up eating the food you publish. I make the foods but was trying to do it from an early childhood memory as recipes did not exist from grandma. Thanks for doing the videos you have made my job easier to eat the foods I love.
    We use to eat a dish which we called (Paloshski) but I think its Haluski but since found out what we call it and what it is is not the same I think.
    Its a potato dumpling, grandma use to make it with flour, egg, mash potatoe, salt and would roll the dough mix into a long skinny snake like appearance and chop in 1 inch pieces, boiling in salted water then frying in a pan to slightly brown. Topping was always brown onions and butter. Do you know this and would you have the right recipe?
    Kind regards

  622. sf

    Jenny, so you are that talk show host! Didn’t realize that until after we tried your (fantastic) cinnamon rolls. Your video was fun which was why my son and I opted to use your recipe…and it turned out great. Your site is refreshing, simple and not “trying too hard”. Thanks, Jenny! Keep up the good food work.

  623. Sophia

    You are a riot! Love your recipes and fantastic videos. Have been making Polish dishes that are the original ‘tluste’ variety. Your videos have inspired me to rethink many of my cooking and baking methods. Bet your dupa I love panczki too! Am definitely going to try your baked panczki recipe and avoid the fat and the hassle of using hot, spattering oil. Thank you for your good humor and, of course, your wonderful website. Jenny Rocks!

  624. Sue

    I just found your youtube videos recently and I’ve enjoyed them so much that I’ve told everyone about them. Thank you Jenny for doing this for us. I can’t wait to watch more videos.

  625. Jon

    Hi jenny! I cooked my first slab of ribs just as you described on YouTube and they were perfect! However I cooked two slabs at the same time and they were no where near as tender as just one slab. Can you give me your recommendation on time and temp for cooking two slabs ? Or do I just need to cook one slab at a time. I have a big family:-)

    • Jon

      I don’t think I would change anything when cooking two racks of ribs and I would keep the time and temperature the same as for one. I’m not sure why they weren’t as good. The only thing I can think of is they should all be side by side, not stacked, so all the ribs gets the same heat circulation. If you look at the comments below my ribs recipe you’ll see that other people have cooked 2 racks with no problem while one person increased the time by 1/2 hour. You can certainly cook them longer but when I do, they fall part too much. Please let me know how they turn out the next time.

  626. Pat

    Hi Jenny,
    Today was the first time I tried galareta. I must admit I was very reluctant because of the way it looked. However I did try one teaspoon and thought it was ok. Not something I would order in a restaurant mostly because the look of the gelatin is sort of a turn off.
    I was wondering if you grew up eating this dish and was it considered some sort of special occasion food? Since I know you strive for healthy foods, it appears that this galareta would not be on your menu selection. Am I right?

    • Pat

      My dad used to make galaretka (jellied pigs feet) all the time but I refused to eat it because it was so weird looking back when I was growing up. I must say it smelled pretty good but I was not adventurous and he never pressured me to try it. But I was more than happy to eat the sandwiches my mother made for us: white bread, butter, and sugar!!! The galaretka would have been a healthier choice.

  627. Fabiola

    Hi Jenny! My name is Fabiola and im from Brasil. I used to bake a lot there following my grandmother’s recipes. But I haven’t baked since I moved to the US because some ingredients are different and I didnt know which one to use to bake breads and cakes. Different kind of flours, different kind of yeast (I didn’t even know what yeast was before watching your videos). And I thought I would never bake cake and bread from scratch again until a dear friend of mine sent me your website.
    Jenny you have been a life saver!
    I love your videos and I love the way you teach! I love that you make everything healthy and delicious! I love the way you present yourself, I love your humor, I love your kitchen. We can see that you really enjoy what you do and you do it with love! I also love that you show the ingredients packages and labels, like you do with the yeast. You have no idea how much it helps. Specially for people who come from another culture like I do. Please keep doing that otherwise I wouldn’t be able to find the ingredients at the grocery store.
    So far I have done the dinner roll, the No knead crusty rolls, the cinnamon raisin bread and my next one will be the cinnamon rolls, the buttermilk biscuits, the polish doughnuts, pizza, hash browns… Because of you I got the passion of baking again!
    I can only do the recipes that you have a video of it. So I was wondering if you could help me taking a video of the Lightened Pumpkin cheesecake, the Blueberry coffee cake and the cinnamon glazed apple brownies. They look so amazing! I’m dying to make those but I need the video to help me. Pretty please!!!
    Jenny I would like to say congratulations for your good work and thank you very much for your recipes and videos! As I said you have been a life saver and my husband agress 100% with that! Lol 🙂

  628. Prisco

    First; one can easily see your love for cooking. I am so glad I found your site. I love your look, the way you present yourself, your humor, your overall personality and of course you recipes.

    Only question I have I noticed you called parchment paper in some videos/ but I noticed wax paper on your shelf? A question I always wanted to know, (are they the same ?).

    • Jenny

      Parchment paper and wax paper are very different. Wax paper is actually coated with wax and not intended for use in the oven. The wax would probably melt in there anyway and wind up on your food. It’s good to use for messy work like breading or you can sift dry ingredients on it to save washing a bowl. Parchment paper is grease and moisture-resistant and is made for use in the oven. Even in the hottest oven at 500 degrees F, the edges of the paper may turn brown but it’s still safe to use. And it saves a lot of cleanup.

  629. Taylor

    Hi Jenny!!
    I’m a very big fan of you and love your recipes! I was a big fan of your TV show when it was on the air and it was sad to see you go. Just wondering if you have any plans to publish another book or make a television appearance? I would be thrilled to see you on TV again! Also, if I may ask, since the end of your TV programme, what have you been doing for work? I understand that you have done a large amount of charity work too, which I commend you on.

    • Jenny

      This website IS my new cookbook. I prefer doing it online because it allows for changes and improvements and it’s available to more people, especially internationally. I have declined all offers for TV. I’m fortunate that due to the success of my talk show, I don’t have to work and even more fortunate that I’ve been able to give 2-3 million dollars to many people in need through my foundation. (some of that was through http://www.JennysHeroes.com) While I don’t need to work, I choose to spend much of my time sharing my recipes & cooking with the world. It brings me so much joy when I receive comments from people who either love a recipe or are motivated to cook more because of me.

  630. Terry

    Looking for a recipe for dill pickle soup. Had this in a Polish restaurant here in Michigan. It was delicious!

    My babci used to make a round bread she called yeast bread. It had more the consistency of half bread, half cake.Sometimes she threw raisins in it. Her recipe was a little of this and a little of that. We’d slather on the butter and it was delicious. Unfortunately her recipe died with her. Ever hear of this?

  631. Ethan

    Jenny, I often notice you suggest that we use “the biggest pan we have” for things like sautéing. Is there a minimum measurement or something that you’d recommend? Do you look for a certain number when shopping for a piece of cookware like a pan?

    • Jenny

      The big pan that I use the most measures about 9 inches across the bottom (the top rim widens out a little). That seems to do the job for most of my cooking. However, I did find an extra big one at Target that measures 10 1/2 inches across the bottom and it’s huge! I use it for making pounded chicken cutlets so they have tons of room and won’t be crowded.

  632. Shirlyn

    Hi Jenny
    May i check whether subscription fees is required. I’m newbie and would like to get an oven for baking. Kindly advise for conventional tabletop oven, which brand would you recommend. Is there a difference for oven to have fan attached or without a fan and what purpose does it serve. Any pointer to look out when getting an oven – do i have to look out for maximum temperature for baking? How long do i need to pre-heat oven before baking? Thank you so much for enlightening me. I would love to try your custard pudding and am unable to view video clips, is there any? Good day to you.

    • Jenny

      There is no subscription fee here. I am not here to make money, only to share my passion. I can not recommend a brand of countertop oven because I don’t have much experience with these ovens but I can tell you that if I were to buy one today, I would buy one with the convection feature. That is the fan that circulates the air inside allowing for more even cooking, browning, and faster cooking time. A higher wattage will probably heat up and cook faster but it will use more energy. As for how long to preheat, that will depend on your oven and it will say in the instruction manual. A popular brand here is Breville but do some research online because this is a big purchase.

    • shirlyn

      Hi Jenny
      Thank you so much for your advice. Is Rowenta oven good for cake baking? Please advise whether corn flour and corn starch … are they the same. i’ve used corn flour on custard pudding and it does not set … becomes watery after removing from freezer? What’s wrong? Nevertheless, it tastes good even without setting.

      • Jenny

        I am not familiar with the Rowenta oven but I can tell you that here in the U.S. cornstarch and corn flour are not the same thing. Corn “starch” is a very finely ground powdery substance and that’s the one used to thicken most puddings. Corn “flour” is not powdery but has more the texture of flour. It seems that in the United Kingdom, cornstarch is called “corn flour” so that would create a lot of confusion. Here’s more info on Cornstarch: http://www.ehow.com/info_8686295_differences-cornstarch-corn-flour.html

  633. Z.

    Hello Jenny,

    Would you be so kind as to tell me what type of cookware you use and which in your opinion is the healthiest to use. I just watched the caramel popcorn video and noticed the great saucepan you used. I would like to purchase one just like it. What is the brand name?

    Thank you for your outstanding videos, your healthy, delicious recipes that are easy to prepare with ingredients that i am familiar with, and your positive attitude.

    All the best,

  634. sangeeta

    Namastay, I am from India.Today first time, I watch your you tube video, ‘Faster no knead bread’ I like this video very much. Some Qs arouse in my mind after watching your video.Hopefully you will answer me.
    1Q-As per my knowledge, For making bread, gluietin is a key ingredient which arise after kneading dough very well.please tell what is right ?
    2Q- Why did not you use any oil,milk ?
    3Q-Where should I keep the dough for fermentation whether in outside room temperature or in freezer or in freeze?
    4Q-I did not have any type of oven can I try this recipe in pressure cooker or solo microwave?
    5Q-Is this procecudure will remain same for any kind of variation of bread whether it is spicy or garlic bread?
    Thanks Please reply as soon as possible.

    • Jenny

      1. This is a totally different method for baking bread and does not require kneading.
      2. Not all breads use oil or milk. This one is very moist without added fat.
      3. The dough should rest at room temperature.
      4. This bread can not be made in a pressure cooker or microwave. It requires a very hot pot and oven.
      5. You can add spices to this dough when mixing it together.
      Sangeeta, I wish I could tell you how to make this bread without an oven but I simply don’t know how. The dough reacts to the extreme heat in a preheated oven and creates its own steam inside the hot pot. You could search the internet for breads that cook on the stove, like “stovetop skillet bread.” Best of luck.

  635. Marilyn

    I use your website and recipes continually….so, so good and easy to use….Thank You for all the great recipes.

  636. cancer16777

    hi do you have any white cake recipe without butter to give us pls? I’m in love with your recipes.thanks and keep it up

    • Jenny

      I do lots of baking without butter but this is one recipe I do not have.

  637. jamilatou

    hi jenny,i want want to ask you if you have uploaded any video of making croissants?as i would love to make croissants but i cannot do it for my self,if you can please offer me a help with this then it will be great. thank you

    • Jenny

      I have never found a way to make croissants that are even a little healthier so I’m sorry I do not have a recipe. I wish I did because I love croissants but only eat them once or twice a year.

  638. Jerry

    Hi! I think your the most awesome Polish Woman I know and I know alot of them! 🙂

  639. Cecilia

    I recently discovered your site and I’m obsessed. I’ve been reading and reading. I love your videos so much. You are just so adorable. I made your No Knead bread today using wheat flour. It looks good but it’s super dense. Good enough to have with a meal but not to use for sandwiches. Is it supposed to be like this? After making it, I re-watched your video. I noticed in the video, you said to use “very hot water” when mixing with flour and yeast. However, your printed recipe says “very warm water.” I used the warm water. My yeast is also new. I noticed also that after the 3 hours covered, it didn’t look as large and bubbly as yours. I will make it again but with regular flour next time and using the hot water.

    • Jenny

      I just made the whole wheat version this morning. Yes, it is a very dense bread, not suitable for sandwiches but great with a bowl of soup. I had a slice with scrambled eggs for breakfast. I prefer the whole wheat version for the fiber (& I’m used to grainy, dense breads) but you could try doing one with half whole wheat and half white – I’m sure that would be much softer. And I’m glad you mentioned the water because I will change the printable recipe to match the video. It should be very hot, but not boiling, water. I use hot tap water. Also, the whole wheat version doesn’t look quite as puffy and bubbly as the white one but it still bakes up beautifully. I noticed that for some reason, the whole wheat loaf seems to get softer the next day or two. p.s. Cecilia is my middle name (the patron saint of music).

      • Cecilia

        Thank you so much for the prompt response! I will try your suggestions.

  640. Chris

    Jenny Jenny are these all your own recipes or where do you get them .. and which ones to do you make the most?

    • Jenny

      These are all my own recipes, things I make at home of my own creation. The ones I make the most are:
      ~ Granola
      ~ Granola Bars
      ~ Giant Breakfast Cookies
      ~ No Knead Whole Wheat Bread
      ~ Orange-Sesame Chicken
      ~ Vegetable-Bean Pasta
      ~ Skinless Chicken Drumsticks
      ~ Roasted Vegetables
      ~ Sesame Breadsticks
      ~ Everyday Cookies

  641. Ray


    • Jenny

      I did have a cookbook published a few years ago but there’s no need to buy it since I am sharing all the recipes from the book here on this website (thanks to permission from the publisher).

  642. Su

    Hello Jenny,
    I love your recipes. Thank you for your videos as well. I was trying to click on the recipe for Whole Wheat Apple Muffins and as not successful in any of the screens. Can you either send that recipe to me in email or fix the link on your website. Again thank you for wonderful recipes.

  643. Audrey

    Love your cooking show on line show.

  644. Tammy

    Hi Jenny, I have recently discovered ground chicken in the store and so I bought some. Do you have any recipes using ground chicken?

    • Tammy

      I think you could make my easy baked ziti with ground chicken instead of beef. I plan to make the ziti casserole next week and I’ll make it with ground chicken and let you know how it comes out.

  645. Lottie

    Hi. I write a blog (lotsoflovelottie.wordpress.com) and I was wondering whether I could use an adapted version of your healthier brownie recipe. I would definitely link your original recipe at the bottom of my post. Thanks.

    • Jenny

      It’s no problem. The more people we get cooking at home the better.

  646. Deb

    I bake, but I don’t use bread flour. I wanted to try your pan pizza dough, but I didn’t have bread flour, so I used all-purpose flour, and the dough turned out well. I also made the cinnamon rolls, but yours looked more yummy than mine….yours were the size on cinnabons…I rolled my dough lengthwise, so I got smaller buns, but more of them. I have a craving for sweets, so I am going to try the cinnamon raisin bread with all-purpose flour.

    I was watching your pacski recipe, and you made the custard in what looked like a cast iron saucepan. If it was cast iron, where did you find it? I LOVE cast iron cookware.

    Have you thought of coming out with your own cookware, and kitchen gadget/appliance line? I think your kitchen is so neat looking, with your multi-colored gadgets, and I laugh when I see each of your cute timers. Your fry pan is cast iron. Where did you get it? And, you either have more than one kitchen aid mixer, or yours break quicker than they should, because I think I have seen you use three different colors of mixers. I haven’t seen mixers in the colors you have. I have the standard black kitchen aid. If you come out with your own line of cookware or kitchen gadgets/appliances, may I please have first choice of them, or may I be one to try them out before they go on the market? You could use the same patterns for gadgets like spoonulas, aprons, tea towels, possibly even measuring cups. I like your hippie designs on your tea towels. Keep up the good work on your recipes. I’d like to see you do some recipes vegan style, since I’m vegan. I have to adapt your recipes for my vegan ingredients, which so far hasn’t been too complicated. I used egg replacer for the egg in the cinnamon roll recipe, and the rolls came out so soft and delicious. I also used sucanat in place of the brown sugar, and I use raw cane sugar in recipes, too.

    Anyway, thank you for the wonderful, funny videos. I hope you have a good following for your videos, like the following you had for your talk show.

    • Jenny

      I’m glad you’re having success with my recipes. The custard I made was done in a regular non-stick saucepan. And I have two working KitchenAid mixers, green and turquoise. My older yellow one finally bit the dust. I have no interest in a cookware or gadget line since I consider myself retired. I share my recipes and videos just for the joy of sharing what I love.

  647. Cathy


  648. John

    do you have a cook book for sale?

    • John

      I did have a cookbook published a few years ago but there’s no need to buy it since I am sharing all the recipes from the book here on this website (thanks to permission from the publisher).

  649. Win

    Do you have any slow cooker/crock pot recipes? Or is it always a fun, full immersion experience instead? Thank you, Win

    Also, as per my email address – I don’t cook or eat sushi, I just like the way chefsushi sounds. Like a tongue twister (fresh horseradish). 🙂

    • Jenny

      Slow cookers are not hands-on enough for me so I don’t have any recipes of my own. However, I have collected some on Pinterest. If you click the link to the right you will find my slow cooker board with 95 recipes that look good.

  650. Anissa

    I was surprised to see your video on youtube! I came upon it by chance and it brought back memories of your shows. I really enjoy your recipes and am happy I have some new dinners and recipes to try on my family! Thank you!

  651. Curt

    Jenny I think you are incredibly beautiful.

  652. Joyce

    Hi Jenny, always loved your daytime show and was delighted to find your cooking website. Made the cabbage rolls and we fell in love. I’m going to try this putting together some Mexican alternatives – cilantro, roasted pablanos jalapenos, etc. Maybe you can incorporate a Mexican alternative in your recipe collection. Cabbage leaves are MUCH healthier than tortillas!! Thanks for making this heathy website available!

  653. Iris

    love your videos

  654. Melodie

    Dear Jenny,

    Shortly after my fiance and I met, I asked him if he liked sesame sticks, meaning the little snacks you can buy either packaged or now by weight from bins in some grocery stores, so I bought some to put in his work lunches. Apparently, there was a misinterpretation on one of our parts, and when I put those in his lunch, he came home and told me he meant crunchy sesame breadsticks, which, despite the plethora of Italian meal accompaniaments available in stores, I had a hard time finding in the retail community, so I went to the web and found your recipe for them and made him some. He LOVES them! Although they are pretty time-consuming, I usually make a double batch, as once around is just not enough, and they keep so well if you let them cool and store in a ziploc bag. When he told me more specifically what he really wanted, I stated that I could probably find a recipe. He was doubtful, as he told me he and his late Italian grandmother had to tried to master them forever, with no success. Well, I felt challenged, as I have always loved to cook and I found your recipe, and it has been successful every time. Last time I made them, I even made heart-shaped ones. One thing I vary with the recipe is that I also mix sesame seeds into the dough, which makes them even more tasteful. Thank you so much for this recipe and your site!

    • Jenny

      I’m so glad to hear it. I can’t be without my sesame breadsticks because I have them with every salad. (I’ve even thought about smuggling some in my purse when I go to restaurants since no place ever has breadsticks like this) I’m definitely going to try adding the seeds into the dough next time. Thanks for the idea.

  655. Candice

    Where do you purchase your cute colorful kitchen utensils?

    • Jenny

      I am always on the lookout for fun kitchen things. Mostly I find them at Target, Pier One, World Market, Bad Bath & Beyond, Sur La Table, and even some hardware stores.

  656. Gwendalin

    hi! i’m new here,but i do have question.what is the difference in taste when you bake without butter or margerine?i want to try it but i am scared in the taste differences!let me know! thanks!

    • Jenny

      I think you’ll be pleased when you bake with olive oil, especially extra light olive oil. The extra light version has no “olive” taste so it’s what I mostly use in my baking. With any recipe that calls for oil you could use extra light olive oil. All you will taste is whatever the flavor is in your baked item like chocolate or apple or cinnamon, or pumpkin spice, etc. Carrot cake is one that is traditionally made with oil so it’s the perfect candidate for olive oil. The spices in carrot cake are so powerful I use regular olive oil in my recipe and there is no taste of olive at all. You’ll find dozens of other things to bake with olive oil in my recipes here so best of luck!

  657. Vivian

    You talked about the sauce for your fall off the bone ribs but I can’t find it

  658. Brandon

    Hi Jenny,
    First off id like to say thank you for showing me how to make the best ribs in town my friends love them and so does my grandma 😉 (She only has one)

    Anyways, I have a BBQ coming up for my 22nd birthday and I bought 4 racks of ribs from the store I work at, Sprouts. I want to cook them the same I have in the YouTube video where you cook it in the oven. Can you please tell me the best way to cook my ribs I have a lot so I was just wondering what you think is the best way.

    Thank you so much for being an awesome cook and sharing your ways with the world I appreciate it so much! Hope you are having an awesome summer

    • Jenny

      Wow, that’s a lot of ribs! Here’s how I would cook them: Use two baking pans that will hold two racks of ribs each (that would be 26 ribs in each pan). If you don’t have a pan big enough, you could get disposable ones. Position your oven racks in the lower and upper thirds of the oven and bake both pans in the oven together. About halfway through, switch the pans, putting the upper pan on the lower rack and the lower pan on the upper rack. To finish them, go back to one rack in the middle of the oven, set it to broil, and you will likely have to finish the 2 pans separately. I can’t imagine having enough room on one pan to broil and baste all the ribs, although they do shrink so maybe you could finish them on one pan. I hope that helps. And let me know how they turned out so we can share the info with others. Thanks.

      • Brandon

        Do I still do them at 300 degrees for 2 and a half hours? Is it okay to stack the ribs on top of eachother? Or will that mess up the way it cooks?

        • Jenny

          I would not change the cooking temperature or time and I would also not stack them. I can’t speak from experience with 4 slabs but this is just the way I would do it.

          • Brandon

            Awesome! Now when you say lower and upper thirds do you mean like this??

            Click here for photo.

            Again, thank you so much for helping me!

  659. Patrizia

    Dear Jenny I made your citrus chiffon cake it came out delicious. I had one problem the top sunk in , when you say cool upside down do you mean invert the pan when it comes out of the oven? I also use a tube pan with the inside that comes out, does it make a difference between a angel cake pan and a tube pan? Thanks

    • Jenny

      Angel food cakes and chiffon cakes should be baked in an ungreased angel food cake pan, which is a tall pan (about 4 inches tall) with straight sides. By not greasing the pan, it makes the batter stick to the sides and rise up and not greasing also keeps the cake from falling out when you turn it over. Most angel cake pans have removable bottoms and small “feet” at the top so when you turn it upside down, it rests on the feet. It should be turned upside down immediately after baking to cool. If the pan does not have feet, place it on a bottle with the neck of the bottle in the open center of the pan.

  660. Francesca

    Hi Jenny,

    I’m 25 and I’m getting married in September! I’m so excited!

    My fience comes from a big Italian family from Brooklyn NY, and his mom can cook! I have been watching a tone of YouTube videos to get ideas for meals I want to cook once we are married. I want him to love my cooking just as much as he loves me 😉 I hear the way to a mans heart is through his taste buds!!!

    So I came accross your “pot pie” hehe video and loved it!! I’m now hooked on your videos. I have watched the potato pancakes, ribs, nachos, mac and cheese, and I can’t wait to watch more… I just can’t get enough!! I love polka dots and I love your polka dot knife and all your colorful kitchen accessories. Your videos have a great pace and are really funny 🙂 the garlic bread / men in a strip club comment was priceless!!

    Keep them comming!! I hope to watch them all before the wedding!! I’m gonna try the Mac and cheese this week, I can’t wait to taste it!!!

  661. Rouhina

    Hi Jenny
    I would like to thank you for your delicious,simple and the most important thing which is healthiest recips .
    I’ve baked this sweet potato chocolate cake, the macaroons, cinnamon rolls, doughnuts, flat bread and they all turned out so good and yummy .
    Thanks again

  662. William Ginn

    What is the brand of gas stove in your kitchen?


  663. Gary

    Hello Jenny. Thank you for posting your east to follow videos. The easy beef stew, cabbage rolls and the chicken pot pie are awesome. Another favorite of ours is pork chops and mushroom soup in a slow cooker or a casserole dish in the oven. I’m wondering what you can do to this by making your own recipe and posting it as well.

  664. Deb

    Hi Jenny,

    I’m not much of a brownie lover, but I just watched your lemon brownies video, and I may have to try them. I don’t know if you are picky about how your food looks after cooking/baking it, like pro chefs are so concerned about “beautiful presentation”, but instead of using regular aluminum foil in your baking pan, try using the foil that has the non-stick side. I’m a vegan, and when I make my “spare ribs”, I bake them on the release foil because of the barbecue sauce I put on the ribs. The bbq sauce doesn’t stick to the foil, so I doubt the brownies would stick to the foil, either.

  665. Christine

    Hi Jenny!
    First I just want to say that I think you are amazing. I loved watching your show and now I adore you and your healthy cooking. I was so thrilled to find you on youtube cooking! Cooking is so much fun and learning along with your videos is just amazing.

    While watching your videos, I couldn’t help but notice your amazing and colorful prep bowls, measuring cups and cooking utensils and I was wondering where you buy them. Cooking is so much more fun with cute accessories and I would love to have some of my own. Looking forward to your next video!

    • Jenny

      You are so right! Cooking is more fun with fun tools. I buy my kitchen items at several places: Target, Pier One, World Market, Sur La Table, and even small hardware stores. Good luck shopping!

  666. Patrizia

    Dear Jenny, how can I make cream cheese frosting thicker. Adding more powdered sugar or more cream cheese?

    • Jenny

      I can give a better answer on your cream cheese frosting if you include the recipe you are using.

      • Patrizia

        My cream cheese recipe is 250 grams Philadephia Cheese, 450 grams powdered sugar, 1/4 cup butter, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla. Beat cream cheese with butter until it becomes creamy, add powdered sugar, beat well. Add vanilla and beat well.

        • Jenny

          It looks like your recipe is 8 oz. cream cheese, 1/4 cup butter, and 3 1/2 cups of powdered sugar. It seems like it should be pretty firm but I think you could firm it up by either reducing the butter or increasing the sugar. Usually, you can just keep adding powdered sugar until it’s as firm as you like it. I hope that helps. (you could also try the cream cheese frosting I use on my carrot cake and double the recipe) https://www.jennycancook.com/recipes/whole-wheat-carrot-cake/

  667. Mirella

    Oh Jenny thank you so much for the interesting and fun videos you send me … I do appreciate each of them. Will start keeping a bowl of hard boiled eggs in my fridge from now on … why did I not think of this before ? I am still struggling with the notion that eggs are not good for you ( cholesterol !) so limit to 2 week … silly me ! what do you think of that ?

  668. Sophia

    So I’ve been a fan since I stumbled upon your videos (a month ago) and I must say, your such a fun treat! I wish I could’ve known your talk show, ( that I’ve read people comment about). Made your ribs once, maybe two weeks ago, and my friend, whom I made them for, loved them so much asked me to make them again ! I would’ve taken pictures, cause they were both beautiful hearty dishes, but I didn’t know yet that page (your photos page) existed, next time! Thank you for your videos and recipes!

  669. Lynda

    I don’t know why but I assumed you were in the US hence I measured in US cups which are different to UK. Hoping my lemon brownies turn out well. I’m still a lbs and ounces baker, an age thing! Had to find a conversion for temperature as a lot of us here have gas ovens. It converted to no. 4 but I think number 5 might have been better.

    Keep up the good work.

    • Jenny

      I never expected this many international visitors. If it helps, there is a metric conversion chart here in the blog (with its own category).

      • Lynda

        Lemon brownies turned out fine – so lemony and delicious – looking for more recipes now – thank you

        • Sophia

          Are all the measurements not in US metric form? I’m from California. Looks like I assumed the same too!

          • Jenny

            I am also in California and all my measurements are U.S..

  670. Neil

    I love your recipes. I am about to launch a blog soon. Are we allowed to include your recipes in a post (of course giving credit and linking back to your blog)

    • Jenny

      Yes, of course. The more people cooking healthier food, the better. Good luck with your blog.

  671. Norma

    Where’s the recipe for the oatmeal pancakes shown on facebook. Great way to get my oatmeal!

  672. Kemi

    How do i make pizza without oven?

  673. janet

    how do I keep sugar from getting hard?

    • Jenny

      If you mean brown sugar, you’ll find the answer in my posting called “How To Keep Brown Sugar Soft” on Feb. 8th, 2014. If you mean white sugar, any moisture, even the smallest amount, can make white sugar get lumpy. So never dip a wet or damp spoon into your sugar and never hold an open sugar container over a pot with steam coming up. And make sure your sugar container is completely dry.

  674. Arnold

    Your recipe for 5 minute pickles does not appear. Can you please send it me. Thanks.

  675. Gladys

    First I have to tell you I absolutely love your videos from beginning to end! I remember my grandmother making homemade bread with a mashed potato filling (like a pierogi filling). We called it (sp?) puguch. Do you have such a recipe? I would love to get my hands on one. Keep doing what you’re doing, you are special. God Bless.

  676. Jill

    Thank you for helping people that dont know how to cook or are just learning what a easy step by step videos you do .

  677. Yokabled

    when you made the donuts u used nut powder but I can’t find it anywhere so is it okay if I don’t use the nut powder will anything go wrong?? please help

    • Jenny

      The spice is ground nutmeg and the doughnuts will turn out fine without it. I just like the little hint of flavor it gives them.

  678. Mary

    Hi jenny. I’ve recently tried out your recipe for the lemon brownie and it was terrific, thanks for sharing!

    I would like to ask something regarding the popcorn video you have done. Why did you use corn syrup for the popcorn’s caramel sauce? I understand that corn syrup is unhealthy and I would very much like to avoid using it. Is there any other ingredient I might use to substitute it in the recipe?

    Another thing I would like to ask is about your video on the easy pan pizza. In your video you used an iron cast pan to make the pizza crust. Can I achieve the same results on a regular pan, as i don’t happen to own an iron cast pan like the one in the video.

    • Jenny

      Corn syrup and high-fructose corn syrup are not the same thing. It’s HFCS that I avoid because although both products are made from corn starch, regular corn syrup is 100 percent glucose, while HFCS has had some of its glucose converted to fructose enzymatically. Excess sugar is not good for anyone so I only treat myself to caramel corn once in while but I’m not concerned about having corn syrup or other sweets in moderation. I don’t know of any substitute that would make a caramel corn this good but there are plenty of recipes out there without it but I can’t say how good the results will be.

      As for the pan pizza, with my overnight recipe, I believe a cast iron pan is the only way to do it. But you can make a regular pan pizza with a regular pizza dough that you mix, rise, and pat into the pan. However, I don’t think the crust will be as crispy. I hope this helps.

  679. Ruth

    Good Morning Jenny, i am thinking about making pizza but we use whole wheat do i need to add two more tablespoons of water or as is in recipie thanks a bunch love your recipies i have tried ,ruth from sunny syracuse ,ny 🙂

    • Jenny

      You have to go by the feel and look so you get a nice soft dough and my guess is you could need a bit of extra water. I would start with the amount of water in my recipe and if it’s not soft enough, add 1-2 tsp. at a time until it forms a smooth ball. Good luck!

  680. Sue

    I enjoy your recipes and videos, so am wondering if calorie counts are available anywhere? Thanks

    • Jenny

      I’m just a home cook sharing my recipes so I’m sorry but calorie counts are not available.

  681. Ishita

    Hi, I tried your granola recipe and I and my husband swear by your recipe. I made an all berries recipe this time (the third time) and sadly, it all has become loose. I made 1 kg for all my family and have to courier it to them. I had cut them in firm shape this morning and stored in a jar. But, when I got the jar to start preparing the packaging, I found it all loose. Please help me and tell what went wrong and how do I take care of it as I really wish to send it to my parents every time I make them.


    • Jenny

      I’m a bit confused about your question. Are you referring to my granola BARS and if so, what is the “all berries” recipe. Did you add fresh berries? Please clarify and I will do my best to answer.

      • Ishita Sharma

        Yes, here I am referring to your Granola Bar recipe. By “all berries”, I meant that instead of a mix of dried fruits and nuts, I used dried strawberries, dried red and black cranberries.

        • Jenny

          I suspect the dried strawberries may have caused the problem because they have so much natural moisture that even after drying, they may have released moisture into the bars. I’m sorry but that’s all that I can think of.

          • Ishita Sharma

            I will avoid the strawberries and see if it works, then. It still tastes awesome. Thank You!

  682. Holly

    love love your videos!! i make everyone and they all come out great!!

  683. Laurie

    Hey Jenny!
    What do you think of almond butter? I know that so many people talk about almond butter as the healthy alternative to peanut butter. I wanted to give it a try ’cause I feel like I don’t have enough fat in my everyday meals. Yet would you recommand it in a diet?

    • Jenny

      I tried almond butter but prefer the taste of peanut butter. I’m not sure there needs to be a “healthy alternative” to peanut butter because it’s a very healthy food. All nuts, including peanut butter have heart-healthy fats so I just go with the one that tastes better to me… and it’s cheaper too. Whichever you choose, make sure it’s natural with no additives. A couple of other ways to get healthy fats in your diet are olive oil on your salad and include avocados & nuts in your diet. Or why not just snack on some almonds?

      • Laurie

        Thanks for replying back! I’ll make sure to buy an organic almond butter and will compare the taste with the peanut one!
        Actually I already have my daily almonds for breakfast and shake. I usually add olive oil (or other types of oils) to my meals. And also avocados are pretty common in my diet. But I still feel too skinny.
        We’ll see with almond butter!

  684. Paula

    Hi Jenny,

    Your recipes are very healthy and I love them. Do you have any recipes that use quinoa or millet.
    Many thanks.
    Paula from Brussels, Belgium

    • Jenny

      I tried cooking quinoa a couple of times and wasn’t loving it but if you’re on Pinterest I did find a few quinoa recipes that looked good and pinned them to my “Vegetarian Meals” board.

  685. Patty

    Jenny I am new to Pinterest and found you this afternoon while I was trying to find a recipe for potato pancakes. I want to tell you that I think you are great and make things seem simple enough for me to do! Thanks Jenny much appreciated! Patty

  686. f burke

    For some reason you popped into my head a few days ago and I had to look you up to see what you’ve been up to. I was a fan of your talk show and was disappointed to see you go.
    How wonderful it was to see that you seem to be doing very well and have your own site and blog. I can’t wait to explore more and watch your videos.
    Im sure there are many fans like myself that are so please to see that you’re out there still giving advice and helping us out (not to mention the delicious recipes).
    Best to You,
    f burke

  687. Tanya

    Do you have cookbooks that people could buy? ??
    A set would be great

    • Patty

      I published a cookbook in 2006 (Look Good, Feel Great) and I think it’s still available on Amazon but there is no need to buy it since I have permission from the publisher to post all of the recipes from my book on this website, which I am in the process of doing along with all my new recipes. The two best recipes from the book are already here – my meat loaf and my sweet potato chocolate cake.

  688. Terry

    Hi…..Love your UTube videos. I made some cinnamon rolls today….am still working on them…..i made this recipe before i saw yours……yours looks so much easier and really good……next time i will try your recipe.
    My question is…..where did you get your wood board that you used for making your cinnamon rolls? I love the size!!!! been looking for a large wood pastry board, and can’t find one that is nice and big. I hope you can share with me where i could get one….

    Thank you……..Terry

  689. Joe

    Hi Jenny,
    I like the stove you use, what is the brand name, any problems, does it achieve high temp.quickly, likes or dislikes, etc…???
    Thank you,

    • Jenny

      My stove is by Viking but I will not buy from them again. The appeal was that they came in great colors but the customer service was horrible. I used the self-cleaning feature for the first time after about a year and the oven locked shut and I could not open it. I called the company and told them and they said, “Sorry, it’s past the warranty date.” (it was one month past) I told them it was the FIRST TIME I ever used the self-cleaning so it was defective. Their response? “Sorry, it’s past the warranty.” There have also been several service calls for various repairs that have cost hundreds of dollars. I’ve been looking for a new stove and the sales person told me that Viking knows they lost a lot of customers with their “don’t care” attitude and are making up for it today with longer warranties and better attitudes. Too little too late for me.

      • Debbie in Statesville

        I had the same “lock-out” problem with my Jenn-Air. It also was only slightly past the warranty. Guess they know we won’t need to use the auto-clean feature before then :~( Haven’t decided what my next brand will be – definitely not Jenn-Air or Viking though.

  690. Paola

    My ! am I glad I found you on uTubes …best, but best and most enjoyable of all cooks, chefs and wannabes in the kitchen. Thank you ! let’s have more of you,please.

    Paola Mirella Wright in Rovigo, Italy.

  691. Lori

    Hi Jenny,I found your blog this week and have enjoyed your cooking videos very much. This morning, I watched the short video on Super Foods. We try to eat a healthy diet and use nearly all of the foods mentioned on a regular basis. I do, however, have questions on two of the foods in the video. PLEASE help me to enjoy the taste of GREEN TEA !!!
    I have tried it straight, with honey, lemon. I can’t stand the taste….too bitter, what am I doing wrong???

    Also, I suppose I like sardines but have only eaten them on crackers. Please offer tips for both. Thank you very much Jenny,
    Lori C

    • Jenny

      I can’t even remember the first time I drank green tea but I probably didn’t like it either. Now I sip green tea all day long. Here’s what I’ve learned…
      1) Don’t use boiling water – that makes it bitter. Use water around 180 degrees. It doesn’t have to be exact – you can boil water and let it stand for a minute before using.
      2) For me, honey is too heavy and won’t help the taste but you could try adding a little sugar. Eventually, you could use less and less as you adjust to the taste.
      3) Try flavored teas. Green and white teas flavored with things like passionfruit, white peach, & jasmine are fantastic. A little sugar would make these so easy to drink – about 1/4 teaspoon per cup.
      4) Don’t use tea bags but brew whole leaf tea. It costs more but I’ve never had a green tea bag that wasn’t bitter.
      5) Not all green teas taste the same – not even close. Keep sampling different ones from different sources (I prefer Chinese over Japanese teas).
      6) Try buying from a tea store or online. You do get what you pay for and a smooth tasting green tea may cost more but it’s an investment in your health.
      On to sardines…
      The thought of a whole sardine laying on top of a cracker would send me running out for a pizza! I can only tell you how I eat sardines. I don’t like looking at them whole so I open the can and mash them up with some diced onion and have them cold with hot boiled potatoes. The combination of the salty, tangy sardines with the bland potatoes seems to work. Next time I plan to try making mashed potato patties with sardines & onions mixed it, breaded and sauteed in some olive oil. So sugar makes the tea go down and potatoes make the sardines go down. That’s all I’ve got!

  692. Audrey

    how do you pop fresh popcorn in the microwave in a paper bag

  693. Cheryl

    Dear Jenny:
    You are on my gratitude list today, just wanted to let you know! Thank you so much for the wonderful recipes & your engaging teaching methods done in such an authentic manner.
    Warm regards,
    (A Canadian fan)

  694. Blanca

    Hi Jenny! love your web site, and the versatile person you are. great! I am looking for a very thin and crispy dough for the pizza I need. I have been reading about “pizza stone” , putting the pizza direct on it, is the best for a very crispy: Do the holes in the tray make the same function that the pizza stone? thank so much for your help
    hugs !
    Blanca from Venezuela

    • Jenny

      Both the pizza stone and the pan with the holes will give you a crispy crust. Of course if the dough is thin to begin with, that will help make it crispy. Of the two, I would say the pizza stone is a little better to make a crispy crust but it does take a little more work to slide the pizza onto the stone using a wooden peel. (see my bbq chicken pizza video and you’ll see that I use parchment paper and it’s a lot easier) But if you don’t have the stone and peel, the pan with the holes is really good, too. I love a crispy pizza! Good luck.

  695. Patrizia

    Dear Jenny how can I get the light cream cheese frosting thicker? What do I have to add extra of philadephia cheese or confectioners sugar? Thank you

    • Jenny

      You can always thicken a frosting by adding more confectioner’s sugar. But it sounds like you added more milk than you needed. If you’re referring to my carrot cake frosting, you can try not adding any milk or if you do, add it VERY slowly, like 1/2 teaspoon at a time.

  696. Cheryl Sanocki

    Hi Jenny! Love, love, love your recipes. In a couple of your videos you mention briefly that you use a special blend instead of butter. Can you tell me what you use instead of butter. I don’t find it anywhere in your recipes.
    Thank you so much for sharing your recipes.
    Cheryl 🙂
    ps…I enjoyed your talk show!

    • Jenny

      I make my own blend by combining softened butter with canola or extra light olive oil (1/2 and 1/2) with a little salt and keep it in a plastic tub in the fridge. It’s always soft and spreadable and it has 1/2 the saturated fat. There is a video for it on this website called “Healthier Butter.” You can use it on toast, melt it for popcorn, grease pans with it, etc. You can use it wherever you would use softened butter.

  697. Tonya

    Hi Jenny, I just recently discovered your website. I used to watch your talk show. I also love to bake and I’m always looking for healthier recipes. I was wondering is there a way that I can use whole wheat flour in my baking instead of half white and half whole wheat like most recipes call for? I’m not a fan of white flour and wish I can make more recipes with all whole wheat flour. Thank You once again for a wonderful website I really enjoy watching the videos I wish there was more of them.

    • Jenny

      You can bake almost anything with whole wheat pastry flour instead of white, and the results may not be as soft as with white, but you will enjoy knowing it’s whole grain and if you already use whole wheat, you may not even notice the difference. When baking yeast bread, use whole wheat flour (you can make my whole wheat bread with all whole wheat – or try using part “white whole wheat” flour). When making cookies, cakes, and muffins, use whole wheat PASTRY flour which is a much finer grind and will produce softer baked goods. Some of my recipes that are made with 100% whole wheat are: Giant Breakfast Cookies; Apple Muffins; Apple Brownies; Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies, Brownies, & Carrot Cake, plus I make my crepes with whole wheat pastry flour. I’m doing my best but I still want things to taste good. If you’re on Pinterest, I have a board dedicated solely to Baking With 100%c Whole Grains.

      • Tonya

        Jenny thank You for your responds. Would whole wheat pastry flour be with the other flours? I’m in Canada Im not from the states so I’m wondering if that would be harder to find up here?

        • Jenny

          In the U.S. I generally find it with the regular flour at the grocery store but if you don’t find it there, most health food stores would have it.
          p.s. I’m from Canada too! (London, ON)

          • Tonya

            wonderful I’ll have a look in the flour aisle. I’ve got family and friends from the London area I’m in Hamilton about an hour from London. do you still have family up here?

          • Tonya

            Hey Jenny, just wanted to let you know I was able to find Whole Wheat Flour it’s by “Bob’s Red Mill” There’s a whole line of flours and mixes in the new grocery store near my place. I’ve noticed the products before but never really looked at them then I looked through and saw the whole wheat flour. I wasn’t able to pick it up but I will soon and try a cake with it. Oh I also made Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies using Whole Wheat Flour from a recipe I found online that called for all purpose flour, but I just switched it up.

            • Jenny

              Great! Bob’s Red Mill is my brand too. And I do still have family in London.

  698. Audrey

    Can you freeze your cabbage rolls? If can when it the best to freeze it?

    • Jenny

      I freeze my cabbage rolls after they are refrigerated overnight. I put them in a freezer bag and try to not let them touch each other. If they stick together, you might tear the cabbage when thawing and cooking.

  699. Gloria

    I am an 82 year old retired Home Ec. teacher. My mother was born in the Herron Hill section of Pittsburgh,PA, also known as Polish Hill. I conferred with my cousins and we all agreed that none of our moms used garlic in our “Polish Handgrenades”…stuffed cabbage.
    All of them also made pierogi filled with a mixture of dry & regular cottage. They would not consider potato and cheese…too heavy..we rolled our dough as thin as possible..

  700. Denise

    Been catching up on your website, you’ve got a lot of good information. I really like your recipes because they are healthy and easy to execute. Want to thank you for your overall helpfulness and attention to detail. I read somewhere on your site that the “print” button allows one to print or download a recipe in pdf and I’m delighted to report it works! I used my iPad and now I have several recipes in my “Reading List”. Thanks Jenny!

  701. Lisa

    Hi Jenny,
    I’ve tried many of your recipes and love them. I’m looking for some healthy casserole dishes and wondering if you will be adding some more soon.
    Thanks so much.

  702. Bobbie

    Jenny, you are truly, lovely, relaxed, clever and fun! So glad I happened upon your itunes videos. I can’t wait to try your recipes!
    SF, CA

  703. Donna

    Dear Jenny,
    I do remember you from “talk show days” and am happy to see you again! Thank you for your website with your wonderful recipes and of course…your most wonderful videos!! You do the best cooking videos of any I have seen. They are easy to follow and you do things just like a person would do at home! So a huge thank you and I hope you enjoy making and posting so much you will keep doing it!. A special thank you too, to your cameraman (person). A really great job of videoing!
    Aloha, Donna

  704. Cheryl

    Hi Jenny!
    I love your website! Thank you so much for sharing with us!
    You often use some green small strainers that you lifted your gnocchi out of the boiling water with. I have looked for them and cannot find them. Can you please tell us where we can find them.
    thank you again!
    Cheryl 🙂

  705. Eddie

    Just discovered your cooking blog today. I loved and watched your show as I attended college! What do you miss most about hosting your own show?

    • Jenny

      I miss my co-workers. We worked closely together for twelve years and many of them were like family to me. I also miss my audiences, who I always considered my co-hosts for the show. I don’t miss the long hours, the homework, or the Spanx!

  706. Joanne

    Your site makes planning dinner very easy, takes all the guessing as to what should we eat today. Thank you.

  707. Kathy

    I just discovered your tutorials. “Jenny Can Cook” is on my favorites list. Thank you for making the recipes and directions so clear. I love that you are posting the recipes on your website. I am Polish and Slovenian. OOOHHH! The food is superb. Also Greek, Italian…food.

    Love your sense of humour.

  708. Mary

    Jenny, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw you on here. I’m not certain just why, as I’m from British Columbia, Canada, but I feel soo possitive that we have met in the past. To prove me wrong, were you ever on a tv show????

    • Jenny

      I am from Canada but I don’t think we have ever met. I hosted a syndicated daytime talk show (the Jenny Jones Show) from 1990 to 2003. You probably saw me on television. OMG!…. have I changed that much??!! 🙂

  709. John

    Hi Jenny, just found your site today, and can’t wait to start on your recipes. I saw your recipe for Beef Stew and was wondering if you can give me the recipe for your Beef Stock. Thank you.

  710. Shirle

    I can’t believe I didn’t find your website sooner. Absolutely love it! Tried the Perogi. I need to tweek it a little, but my husband loved them. I think I made the dough too thick. Maybe use the pasta maker next time.

    PS. Hint for juicy pork chops. Pork chops don’t like High heat. Tried different ways and found that using my grill pan worked best. Rub them with your favorite rub, let them set 1/2 hour, then grill in grill pan on med heat, just till cooked through. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to overcook pork.
    Thanks again for this website, have passed it on to all my friends.

  711. Lori

    Hi Jenny!
    Was wondering if you could post a recipe for quiche (I looked but didn’t find one on your site). I am going to attempt my first quiche tonight but notice that most recipes I’ve found call for heavy cream. I figure I can cut it with 1% milk but would love to see your recipe version. My goal for 2014 is to make healthier meals for my husband and myself. I am also making 2 meatless meals a week so really appreciate any meatless meal suggestions. But let me just say, I’M MAKING THOSE RIBS!!!!! Thanks so much for your wonderful recipes and humor in the kitchen!

    • Jenny

      I wish I could help but I have never made quiche. They always seemed to use a pie crust made with butter and/or shortening and the fillings always seemed too rich. So I’m sorry I do not have a recipe to share but I did find some nice recipes on the Eating Well website. Some are crustless and one uses a phyllo dough crust. Here’s a link to their quiche page:

  712. J.B.

    Jenny, I am so happy I have found your site. I have been using many of your recipes since and enjoy them very much. I have not been disappointed yet! Thank you for sharing these wonderful treats and meals. I also so enjoy your videos. My 5 yr old loves your timers. I believe the last one we saw together was a mixer green in color timer. Thank you so much.

  713. Nancy

    I’ve noticed the plastic knives you use to cut brownies etc. What brand are they? Im looking for a yellow one for non stick surface pans. Thanks

    • Jenny

      Please let me know in which video you saw the plastic knife. That will help me identify it. Thanks.

  714. Aeila

    this will sound odd but I love your crockeries and utensils. Can you tell me any online link where do you buy them as those utensils not available in my country.
    Many Thanks.

  715. Sandi

    On the Beet and Cabbage Borscht, do you use red or green cabbage and do you peel your red potatoes or leave the peel on?

    • Jenny

      I have used both green and red cabbage in this soup, whichever I have on hand, and I peel the potatoes. I think if the peel was left on it might separate from the potato and float around in the soup…

  716. Marinajati

    Hi, jenny…do you have any macaroon and cotton cake recipes?
    Thank you and it’s very nice to visit your blog, keep posting healthy recipes:)

    • Jenny

      Cotton cake? No. I had to look it up because I didn’t know what it was and it does look good but I have never made one. (might try tho) I do make coconut macaroons that people go crazy for but I do not make macarons, which I know are popular. My macaroons recipe is really simple… just egg whites, coconut, sugar, flour, and ground toasted almonds. Sometimes I drizzle them with dark chocolate. If that interests you please let me know and I will post the recipe.

      • Marinajati

        Wow…that would be great, I’d love to try your macaroon recipe if you post it…thanks alot

  717. John

    Mouthwatering food! Only pity for us, europeans…who don’t know how much celcius is fahrenheit. and we use kilo and gram. tried to convert a few recepies myself, but failed with all of them. Any chanse on using both American and european measurements and temperatures? Would make a LOT of us in europe happy!!

  718. Shamma

    hello Jenny,

    I love watching your videos so much and I wanted to do the BBQ chicken pizza and am wondering that when I put it in the oven should I heat it on 400 to cook?

    • Jenny

      You may not have noticed that there are printable recipes on this website for every video. If you’re using a pizza stone like my barbeque chicken pizza recipe, you have to preheat the oven (and stone) to 500° F. If using a pizza pan, you would preheat the oven to 425° F.

  719. Amber

    Do you send recipes via email? If so, I would like to sign up. Thx

    • Jenny

      We don’t email recipes but we do send a notice to subscribers every time a new recipe is posted. To receive those notices, just subscribe to this website using the “subscribe” link at the top.

  720. Pamela

    Hi Jenny,
    I never know what olive oil to buy could you let me know what kind you use

  721. Rhonda

    Your Meat Loaf recipe is delicious. I have made it many times. Family members have even requested it. You should make a video of it to add to you channel. I think people would love it. I see people love you and your recipes including myself 🙂

  722. jean major

    This has made my day, a friend and I was talking about you today, went to your web site, and dang me there you were. Great looking recipes. I am trying to watch my weight after many years of being overweight. If it not too much to ask, can you give the amount of carbs and or fat content.

    So happy that you are active and sharing such good recipes with us! ! !

    • Jenny

      I’m sorry I don’t measure those things – I just try to eat all things in moderation.

  723. Barbara

    Dear jenny, I really love your recipes and the wonderful and unique way you present them to us. Do you have a recipe for beef bottom round roast ? My roast is 3 & a half lbs. Thank you very much!

    • Jenny

      Barbara, I’m sorry I do not have a recipe for any roast. I did see quite a few recipes online including some slow cooker recipes. I imagine that a slow cooker would produce a tender roast. I may try to make one down the road since it’s good to expand my skills.

  724. Kara

    Hi jenny, I was a fan of your show absolutely love your bubbly personality. i’m in Long Island, Bahamas and I need a recipe for making tomato soup and juice. Thanks

    • Jenny

      I have a great recipe for roasted tomato soup that I love. And you can easily turn it into cream of tomato soup. I will get the recipe posted this week.

  725. Joan

    How can I keep cream puffs fresh for a couple of days. I don’t plan to fill them until the day I serve them, but would like to bake them in advance.

    • Jenny

      Cream puffs! I’m working on a recipe because I love them so much! I had to research your question because I have never made puff pastry in advance but my instinct tells me that they can easily turn soggy if stored so here is what I found: Make sure they are completely cooled and do not split or puncture them before storing. They can be stored at room temperature for up to 24 hours but I would not make them air tight, just loosely covered. Before filling, they can be crisped in a 300-degree oven for 5-8 minutes but cool completely before filling. Any longer than 24 hours, you should probably freeze them. Frozen ones should be thawed, uncovered, at room temperature and can be crisped afterwards in the oven. Again, cool completely before filling. I also found that you can make a whipped cream filling ahead of time, but you would need to use a whipped cream stabilizer. I hope that helps and best of luck with your cream puffs.

  726. Terry

    Absolutely LOVE your “Jenny Can Cook” site. Brings back a lot of good memories in my mother’s kitchen. She is gone now, for years, and she never wrote anything down. Do you have a recipe for Slovak Pagach? I remember it being made in a sheet pan, one layer of dough, then a mixture of either potatoes or cabbage, then another layer of dough over the top. I guess you would call it a version of Slovak pizza. We would eat it either hot or cold. Thank you for the great site! Really enjoyed you on t.v. also.

    • Jenny

      I do not have a recipe for this “pizza” but it does sound good!

  727. Sybylla

    Hi Jenny,
    Couple things. . . . .

    Do you plan on creating a video for your Pot Roast Recipe?

    Also, I would love a video on how you make your beef stock.

    Thank you.

    • Jenny

      A pot roast video is not scheduled yet but I am posting my chicken stock recipe on Monday and my beef stock recipe is exactly the same except it uses beef marrow bones instead of chicken.

  728. Sandra

    can you refreeze cabbage after thawing out?

    • Jenny

      I’m not a freezer expert but I can’t imagine that cabbage (or cabbage rolls) or any vegetable would survive refreezing very well, plus they would lose most of their nutritional value.

  729. Sybylla

    I just wanted to stop by and say how much I truly enjoyed both your Website and You Tube Videos. I was truly inspired by your recipes. I adore your kitchen, colorful cooking utensils, cheerful personality and sense of humor.

    Thank you very much. I was done with cooking before I found your sites. So boring. Now, I’m certain I’ll be back in my kitchen for 2014 with a new perspective and attitude.

  730. Josh

    Happy Holidays Jenny and Denis!

  731. Parvin

    Hi Jenny,
    From the first video I was looking at you , all the memories from my youth came to me and I was a big fan of you. I had no idea that you have a cooking website and because I love cooking so every day I am going to update my self with you and I am so happy to cook from your recipes . Thank you very much , I made some of them and they are soooooooooooo good. Merry Christmas and have a nice holiday with your family.

  732. Sharon

    Do you have a published cookbook I could order?

    • Jenny

      I had a cookbook published in 2006 (Look Good, Feel Good) and I think it’s still available on Amazon; however, I have been posting all the recipes from that book on this website for free so you don’t need to buy it unless you want it in book form. (all my profits go to City of Hope). It may take a while for all of the recipes to get posted here but I am in the process.

  733. darlene

    I’m so glad to find you website. I was a big fan of your show and its good to see you here doing what you love and sharing all these great recipes. Happy Holidays, Jenny!

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