Jan 1, 2013

Angela’s Pancakes Are Flat

Dear Jenny,
I hope you can help. I love making pancakes but they are never light and fluffy like the pictures I see. I like to add diced apple and wonder if that could be weighing them down, but then even when I make them plain, they still come out kind of flat (& not very pretty). Even though they still taste good, I want them to look good too. Any thoughts?

My response…

Dear Angela,
I think I know what the problem is. The biggest mistake people make with pancakes is to over-mix them. So if you’re using an electric mixer, put it away! The batter should be gently stirred or folded using a spatula or large spoon with just a few turns. In fact, it should actually be lumpy and not smooth. Adding the apples or other fruit (like blueberries!) should not make a difference, except they will be healthier. Good luck.

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