Jenny Jones hosted her own nationally syndicated talk show but that was just one of many jobs that Jenny has held, including waitress, bookkeeper, fashion model, author, comedian, musician, singer, songwriter, and office manager.
Jenny’s musical talent led to jobs as a drummer in an all girl band in Las Vegas, a backup singer for Wayne Newton, and finally a stand up comic in Los Angeles. As a struggling comedian she supported herself by cooking for others out of her home. “When I created Janina’s Kitchen, I got so busy I couldn’t keep up and had to hire a friend to help,” recalls Jones. “I shopped for groceries at night, cooked all day, and then delivered orders on my bike.”

In 1997 Jenny’s autobiography, Jenny Jones: My Story” was published with 100% of her proceeds going to breast cancer research. In 2006, her cookbook, “Look Good, Feel Great” was published with 100% of her proceeds going to breast cancer research at City of Hope. The cookbook earned rave reviews on and was so well received that it was translated into Chinese.
In 2013, Jenny requested and was given permission from her publisher to share all of the recipes in her cookbook for free on this website. She is updating and simplifying most of those recipes to include here with all of her new recipes and she has also made the entire cookbook available to anyone who wants it, as a free download.
Jenny has given millions of dollars to those in need from her own scholarship programs, donations to schools, hospitals, and various organizations, to her innovative Jenny’s Heroes campaign, where Jenny invited everyday people to decide how to spend close to two million dollars to make a difference in their communities. In 2016, Jenny donated $200,000 to fund a brand new fully accessible playground to her hometown of London, Ontario. More recently in 2018 Jenny purchased two new transportation vans for the Anti-Recidivism Coalition in Southern California as well as new kitchen equipment for their housing program. In addition, she has established Jenny’s Heroes CANADA, a program to provide safety equipment to Ontario’s volunteer firefighters. Most recently in 2019, Jenny created a second firefighter grant program, Jenny’s Heroes CALIFORNIA, to support the volunteer firefighters in her home state of California. By the summer of 2020, Jenny had already provided $350,000 in grants to volunteer firefighters.
Jenny also strives to make a difference by sharing her recipes and cooking videos. Her simple, healthy cooking has garnered millions of fans from all over the world on YouTube and on her website. She is routinely approached by companies who would like to advertise on her site or pay her for endorsements but she always declines. “I am not here to make money,” says Jenny. “l simply love to cook and my only goal is to share what I love and to motivate more people to cook at home. It’s one more way I can give back.”
There’s more on Jenny at