6 Comments on "Pączki (Polish Doughnuts)"

  1. Carol P.

    Dear Jenny, My custard clumped up- I’ve made custard my times in past with no problems. Can I salvage it with straining or some other way Fondly, Carol


    My paczki didn’t puff up and it took 45min in oven to brown suggestions what did I do wrong, thanks

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Sometimes it takes longer for a yeast dough to rise and ovens are all different too. How was the result?

  3. Rochelle Winney

    I made these and would recommend it as amazing results, beyond what I expected for a baked doughnut. Only two people for the 14 doughnuts made, I froze 6 of my black and red raspberry filled in plastic wrap and ziplock bag and was very happy with them after thawed weeks later. Filling was fresh berries boiled with sugar, strained to remove seeds, thickened with cornstarch. Also glazed half of them after buttered with rum confectioners sugar glaze. Yum

  4. Mike wasil

    love anything polish, bakery that is .

  5. Mike wasil

    Statment…..When I was a 10 year old I passed the bakery but not entirly ,I backed up when I see the lady put a tray of paczki on the window so with my nickel I ent in and asked how much and it was a nickel.It as dark brown with a blob of chocalete on the top and custard inside. Oh by the way that was in 1943 .Yes, I’m half Pollish and half russian ..

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