Apr 10, 2013

You Can Grow Green Onions in Water

When I first saw this on Pinterest, I was skeptical but it works. Boy, does it work! All you do it cut the white fuzzy ends off ofย your green onions and put them in a glass of water, placed in a sunny window (keep the green parts for eating).ย ย The onions will grow almost immediately and can be harvested almost indefinitely. Just cut off what you need and it grows back!. There are lots of internet articles about it but this is the first I’ve heard and had to share. – Jenny Jones

Here’s what my onions looked like 10 days ago…


and here they are today…


Eating onions can help prevent blood clots, improve memory, and boost your immune system.

Let me know if you try it. ๐Ÿ™‚


8 Comments on "You Can Grow Green Onions in Water"

  1. sooty2player

    I’ll try farming some. My husband LOVES the tops and throws the white part away. I eat the white, but will part with some to try growing greens.. We eat Vidalia(ate Walla Walla sweets in Wa. State) lots and I love wrapping onions in foil and baking them when I am baking meat. YUM

  2. sooty2player

    This confused my husband and me (not an uncommon state.) Your instructions read, cut off the whites, but the pictures show the whites left, and still on 10 days later. The green part was back and BIG, are you eating just onion tops? The only time I eat onion tops is chopped up like chives, on baked potatoes. My husband likes the tops, so maybe I’ll take 2 from a bunch and grow tops for him Smiles from Indiana (transplants from the West coast.)

    • Jenny

      I can see why it’s confusing, the way I worded it and I will fix that. You cut off the white ends of the onion, including the stringy root (at least 2 inches or longer) and place those white ends in the water (see the photo). You keep the green parts for eating. I hope that clears it up a little.

  3. Sue

    I eat Vivaldi onions almost everyday. I love the taste and the sweetness. While everyone should know “don’t ever feed onions to dogs, or chocolate or tomato sauce, onions can kill a dog ๐Ÿ™ They are awesome for us but I would love to hear about more food that is good for diabetes. My parents are both 72 and both have it now. I read in your first book that beans are really good for lowering blood sugar. What else JJ? I want them to eat healthier and last for a long long time. Any suggestions?


    • Jenny

      Diabetes is a specialty and I assume they and you are fairly well informed, but I understand that besides avoiding sugar, eating soluble fiber like beans, oats, & whole grains, etc. and avoiding high glycemic index carbs is important. Plus eating lots of vegetables is important but that’s good for all of us, too. I wish your parents well.

  4. Josh

    I saw this in a magazine yesterday, but they were doing it with some sort of flower bulbs. It seemed interesting, but I didn’t even think to try it with green onion until I saw this. It seems so easy.

    I also like Pinterest, but it’s so easy to lose track of time there. There are so many great ideas! I’m going to try this. I’ll let you know how it works ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the Tip!

  5. Rhonda

    I’m on Pinterest and had no idea until the other day when I saw you pin it. I know a pineapple can be done that way but it takes forever to grow one from one if that makes any sense…lol… Glad you shared this experiment with us and to let us know it really does work. I’ll try it. Green onions are good with anything almost. I love eating these onions with beans and cornbread ๐Ÿ™‚
    Btw Jenny, I can’t seem to find you on Tweeter or have you even had the time to even tweet? You really have a lot going on but as long as you’re loving it and enjoying it I say go for it ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Anita Street

    Wow! I had no idea. Thanks for sharing this information.

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