Homemade English Muffins

English Muffins

English Muffins

Who knew you could make English muffins at home? Who knew they were cooked on a grill? I didn’t. I do know they are better than any I’ve had from a package and so worth making. - Jenny Jones

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour, 45 minutes

Makes: 6

English Muffins


  • 2 cups all purpose or bread flour
  • 2 teaspoons (1 packet) instant yeast (Fleishmann’s RapidRise)
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 1/3 cup milk (reduced fat or whole milk)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 Tablespoon vegetable oil (I use avocado oil)

  • about 2-3 Tablespoons cornmeal
  • butter for greasing griddle


  1. Combine dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
  2. In a small bowl combine the milk, water & oil and heat this milk mixture to 120°F and add to flour mixture.
  3. Beat with electric mixer on high for 2 minutes.
  4. Knead for 50 turns, cover, and let rest 10 minutes.
  5. Meantime, line a large baking sheet with wax paper and sprinkle it with cornmeal.
  6. Roll dough on a floured surface to 1/4” thickness (about 12 x 8 inches).
  7. Cut six circles with a 3 1/2–inch round cookie cutter dipped in flour.
  8. Place circles on wax paper and sprinkle tops with cornmeal.
  9. Cover with a towel and let rise in a warm spot about an hour or until doubled in size.
  10. Preheat electric griddle to 300° F or stove-top griddle to medium-low.
  11. Rub griddle with a stick of butter and cook muffins about 7 minutes per side.

81 Comments on "English Muffins"

  1. TEE TEE

    I used vegan milk to make it vegan bread.

  2. Jen

    “Beat with electric mixer on high for 2 minutes.” -is this right? Like beat with egg beaters, or is this using an electric dough hook?

    “Knead for 50 turns, cover, and let rest 10 minutes.” – how do you knead for 50 turns. Is there a video?

  3. Janice M.

    I am going to give these a try today. I only have White Whole Wheat Flour right now, so I’ll give that a try and let you know how they come out.

  4. Annie

    Very tasty but I screwed up. Either yeast was to old or when I heated the liquid it was too hot an I killed the yeast. Lol I hate when it doesn’t turn out, but there is always a next time mine look like flat hockey pucks lol but tasty ones. Bread for me is intimidating but I feel great when it comes out right. I made the 2 hour bread an that came out nice

  5. Anne

    We are not going shopping much now and I am so thankful for finding your site. I am a pretty good cook ,but not at baking breads. Now I am thanks to you. I have made several breads, cinnamon rolls, hamburger buns , English muffins, even pizza and cakes. I’m the cook here and I thank you for making me look good…

  6. Sue G.

    Could these english muffins be made whole wheat muffins?

  7. Bernie

    GM Jenny, on making English muffins.I don’t have a electric griddle.Can I use my non stick frying pan.I’m stuck in a nursing home and they won’t let us out.So I can’t get out to buy the ingredients I need for some of your recipes.God bless your Polish Heritage. Bernie. USA

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I believe you can make them on a non-stick pan. It will likely take longer because the pan is smaller that a griddle so you’ll have to do less at one time.

    • alex

      I just made english muffins on non stick pan and covered it with the lid 4-5 min on each side. Did not even grease the pan. Great result.

  8. Bex

    Great recipe! My electric grill was too hot at 300 so one side of the first batch got a little too brown. Turned down the heat to get a soft brown color in the 7 min/side time frame and they were perfect. Thanks, Jenny!!

  9. Rose

    During this crisis in the world, I never thought I would approach baking. I’m really a Greek/Italian cook who grew up in restaurants. I wanted to someday become a good baker and thanks to you I have become a very confident one. You are very pleasant and patient in describing your every move making those watching feel, “I know I can do this”. Your aprons are just as delightful as you are. Promise me you stay well and in doors like me, and keep me baking with your wonderful recipes. God Bless you and your family! Looking forward to your smile and next apron.?

  10. Library Lynn

    Made the muffins today. Easy and delicious! Proud of myself!

  11. Val

    Sandy F. on June 16 asked if these could be made as a sour dough and you didn’t respond. I also would love to make them with sour dough. Can it be done? How. Thanks so much. Love your Youtube videos!

    • Kellly

      Jenny has already stated that she cannot keep up with all the questions she is getting….she does this as a hobby and can’t be expected to answer every query or know if substitutions are possible.

    • Carole

      King Arthur Flour has a really good sourdough English muffin recipe.

  12. Doris

    These are the best English Muffins I’ve ever had and so easy to make. Thank you! I can never buy English Muffins again!

    • Suzanne

      Thanks for posting that Doris! I was wondering just how good they would come out since they are fried and not traditionally baked. I’m excited to try them!

  13. Dorie

    I can never buy English Muffins again! These are soooooo much better and so easy to make. Thank you!

  14. Stefnyi

    How much water? The instructions say to add water with the milk but the ingredients don’t say how much water.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I am so glad you asked. I left out the 1/2 cup of water and I’m so embarrassed! I corrected the recipe and I apologize. Thank you again for making me aware.

  15. ValKapow

    I love your recipes, so easy and so delicious!

    Thank you

  16. gertrude klemas

    how do I remove my full name and email address from comment also my daughters name and email .Love your recipes but would like information removed. AND NOT PUBLISHED THANKS

    • Jenny Can Cook

      The name that you type in is the name that is published so you can use your first name or even initials if you like. The emails that are required are never published, as you can see. I hope that helps.

  17. Christine

    Just made these and they were great!! Rolling dough 1/4 inch i got a dozen…rolled some of the dough 1/2 and they seemed just the right size….but the taste and texture was spot on!!! Delish and so easy!!

  18. Sandy F

    Jenny – would you believe my sister’s name is Jenny Jones? I have a problem with the flours turning into sugar in when eaten. I’m a pre-diabetic and try to keep the sugars down. I can have sour dough, which I buy those English muffins at the store. Can this recipe be changed to use Sour Dough? If so how?
    Also wanted you to know, I made your cabbage rolls and they were GREAT! All 13 people LOVED them.
    I’m making your Kluski got my 4th of July party for about 35+ people. I needed to bring a starch dish. I’m just going to add the onions and garlic you added to your pierogi’s, I will reheat them till in the olive oil until a little crisp to serve. I’ll try some variations 1st of course.
    Blessings – Sandy F

  19. Dee

    Hey Jenny,
    This is my second time making English Muffins. They are so good. I am slowly trying more and more. Macaroons are my favorite. Thanks so much for all you do!!

  20. Dee

    Hey Jenny,
    I am a fan from way back when you had your own tv show. You were always happy and you made me happy. Now that I have found your recipes and made some, (they were so so good!!) my hubby wants more. I will be making the english muffins and I ordered an electric griddle for it. (I cannot wait to get it, I will try with a cast iron pan.) I will be eating the Mac-n-cheese with some Chicken Bourbon sausages tomorrow. YUM!!
    Thanks so much for the recipes and I will be watching to see if you come up with any more.

  21. connie

    Love Love Love your recipes! Thank you for sharing.

  22. Anneg

    Have you tried freezing ” your bread recipes” and then vaccum sealing them? If so, any tips? I’m thinking in particularly of the holidays and special occasions when every second counts. thanks.

    • connie

      I freeze my bread up to a month without any problems, don’t vacuum seal just use freezer bags and squeeze out as much air as possible.

  23. Bobbie929

    I am lactose intolerant. Can I use coconut or hemp milk?

  24. Judy

    Do you have a recomendation for an indoor grill?

  25. Dana

    My muffins stuck to the waxed paper – has that happened to anyone?

    • Jenny

      You may have needed more cornmeal on the wax paper or you can try using parchment paper.

  26. Josephine

    Dearest Jenny,
    Can I use whole milk instead of 1%milk for these muffins?
    Thank you
    As always appreciate all you do

  27. Becky

    I started cooking with my Granny…on a stool to reach the stove. She was not over-cooked-southern and would try most recipes…except bread. Your recipe for bread is wonderful!!! I bake 2 loaves at a time and use really good butter while the loaf is still a little warm. What a treat!!! Thank you!!!

  28. Bev

    These were easy and delicious! I used cashew milk & no oil and they turned out great!!!!

  29. Paula

    Can these be cooked in a cast iron frying pan on the stove?

    • Marla

      Yes, we had great success with a cast iron skillet. Just make sure that you watch them close, and about 4 minutes each side. Low heat.

  30. moni

    Jenny i love your cooking it’s very shortcut .

  31. Claudia

    the first time to do this recipeI hope I will do it because as i know it it is so taseful.Love ,claudia

  32. AdkMtnGirl

    Do you have a video for the english muffins?

    • Jenny

      No, there is no video for the English muffins.

      • Mike B

        I too requested a video not knowing about this site. I’m ok now without one.

  33. Allison

    what is the best way to store the extra English muffins.

    • Jenny

      I keep mine tightly wrapped in foil until the next day but for long than that, I split them first and then freeze.

  34. Cathy

    As always, you are amazing. I love all your YouTube videos and I hope to see new ones in the near future. Thank you so much for all you do.

  35. Cecilia

    Hola! Te escribo desde Argentina. Me encantan tus recetas.
    Estos muffins, se pueden llevar al freezer?

  36. Linda S.

    Jenny I just “discovered” you through YouTube and I’m a FAN!! I love your videos, your humor and quirky taste in kitchen accessories and the background team is great even if they are unseen! I love to collect and read all sorts of recipes thinking that some day I too will be able to cook! You will have your very own binder with your recipes; you are the first to do so. That means I will be turning to your binder with your recipes first when I am searching for something good to eat and easy to prepare with simple ingredients. Thank you so much!

  37. Terica

    Just made this recipe- I think I cooked them too hot because they didn’t were sort of flat and almost burned. Next time I will try to let them rise more and then cook at a lower temp. Love your recipe though! It tastes great!!

  38. Stella

    There are so many olive oils. What brand do you use for breads, etc.?

    • Jenny

      I buy whatever my store carries. I use Colavita Extra Virgin for cooking and salads and Pompeian Extra Light for baking.

  39. DebinSC

    would you mind doing a video of this one?

    • Tamee

      Yes! Please!
      I enjoy your videos and I would love to see these English Muffins being made so I can compare my experience to what was supposed to happen.

  40. Chit

    Hi Jenny…can’t the English muffins be baked instead?

    • Jenny

      I believe you can bake them but you should use a recipe that is specific for oven baking.

      • Chit

        Thank you jenny. I enjoy your website. And your cooking and baking are very practical.and.easy. to follow. May you always be inspired.

  41. Carol

    Hi Jenny,
    I just wanted to thank you for all your recipes! I’m going thru them and making each one. I especially love your english muffins – I make them very often, sometimes adding cinnamon raisin to the dough. I’m Teaching my granddaughter to make your breads and rolls. Love your videos too.

  42. Joline

    Can i replace the cornmeal to semolina flour? I have goggle it, someone using this for English muffin

    • Jenny

      You can try anything – that’s the fun of cooking.

  43. Joline

    Hi Jenny, i don’t have the cornmeal, can i replace it for some thing else?

    • Jenny

      I don’t know of a replacement but you can omit the cornmeal.

  44. Junesgirl

    Hi Jenny,

    I am curious how you store these….
    what do you think of a brown paper bag?

    • Jenny

      I store mine wrapped in foil so they don’t get too soggy. I think they could get too dry in a paper bag.

  45. Peachy

    Can I make this in advance?

    • Jenny

      You can make the dough in advance through step 4. Refrigerate the dough overnight, them bring it to room temperature and continue at step 5.

  46. Rosalie

    Can t tell u how obsessed I am with your recipes, a polish lady friend of mine gave me a perogie doe recipe thought u might like it,1c.flour to 1/2c sour cream,2 c.flour-1c sour cream makes great doe easy to work with…making your pizza pan doe today.

  47. khabirah

    Do they have to be cooked on a griddle or grill? Can i use a cast iron pan? I do not have a grill or griddle yet.

    • Jenny

      You can cook them on a large frying pan, whether cast iron or not. The reason for a large pancake griddle is you can get more muffins on at one time.

  48. Asne

    Hi Jenny,
    I’m your fan from Malaysia.
    Really hope you could come up with video of the English muffin.

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  50. sandra

    ok I’ll do that thank you very much.

  51. sandra

    jenny you dont have a video for the english muffins?

    • Jenny

      No. I have over 100 recipes posted and only around 70 videos so there are quite a few recipes with no videos. But you could use my recipe and perhaps look at some other videos for guidelines.

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