Aug 2, 2011

Dill Pickles… in 3 hours!

Can you believe you can make pickles in three hours? Delicious, crisp dill pickles? Hello! Three hours. That’s why they’re so crisp! A few of you asked for my pickle recipe so here it is. I tried a few more versions over the weekend and I like this one the best.

I also have a recipe for sweet pickles which I will post this week but the dill pickles are my favorite.  Click here for the recipe.

3 Comments on "Dill Pickles… in 3 hours!"

  1. Rosie

    Thank you Jenny for this recipe…..I’m a recipe-a-holic and anything that sounds interesting goes in my files. Pickles are one of my downfalls….I LOVE PICKLES!!!

  2. Tiffie Rui

    My stepfather canned a bunch of pickles and peppers, over the weekend. I now have a shelf in my refrigerator housing all sorts of jars filled with pickled goods, HA~! His garden is massive and he’s always sending me away with plenty of things he’s grown. He doesn’t add any chemicals so, I like knowing that everything is free of all growth hormones and all the other junk. I also have a freezer filled with vegetables he’s given me. It’s good to have all that stuff on hand 😀

    ~Tiffie Rui

  3. Rhonda

    Thank you Jenny for sharing this. I’m sure those are delicious. I didn’t know these foods were that good for you. You had me googling Yak milk because I never heard of it.

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