Jan 20, 2011

Chocolate For Breakfast?

We have a new video! Β It’s French Toast made with melted dark chocolate but before you judge, let me remind you that dark chocolate has many anti-aging health benefits. It’s full of antioxidants like polyphenols, the same ones found in red wine and green tea; and flavonoids, the ones found in blueberries, which can lower blood pressure and cholesterol. So I have not abandoned my standards of nutrition – this is a healthy recipe using whole wheat bread and no butter at all. We made the video yesterday with Damon working the camera, lights, and audio and when we were done, he sampled the French toast and wound up eating the whole thing. We then made a second version with Denis standing by to taste it. He ate the whole thing. It’s hard to describe how delicious this is but Damon said, “It’s yummy and chocolate-y… it’s like eating dessert.” Denis said, “Make more.” Click here for the video.

Filed Under: Breakfast

7 Comments on "Chocolate For Breakfast?"

  1. Kathy

    I thought I saw a recipe a year ago or so that was for a breakfast pastry using Pilsbury croissant rolls. I think you said your mother made them for you, or you made them in the morning for your children. I would like to try it. Is it possible? Thank you.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      I have never used Pillsbury crescent rolls (nor did my mother) so I’m sorry but it must have been someone else. (There are a bunch of recipes for these rolls with chocolate on the internet.)

  2. Rhonda

    Just wanted you to know I had your chocolate french toast for breakfast with sliced banana for breakfast and it was a pretty good…

  3. marty

    That looks alot better than Coco Puffs.

  4. Mohammad

    I know that everyday goes by, people get older, but JENNY ! Every time I watch a video of you you look YOUNGER ! that’s amazing

    thank you very much for the recipe, looks yummy !

  5. Rhonda

    I have to say this video at the end had me a bit confused with what you had in your hand. I thought it was just a regular fork and you extended it and I thought what the heck is that? I still have never seen a fork do that before. You got a chuckle out of me because it was way so funny…lol…
    Me and a friend went to Gatlinburg and I had chocolate chip pancakes for the first time and loved it, so I’ll have to try this recipe. It looks really good πŸ˜‰
    I can tell you really have fun making these videos. Being a fan of yours I really enjoy them and I’m glad you make them and share them with us πŸ™‚

    Take care,

  6. MrsNews

    You are so stinking cute!! I have got to get that silly apron made!!

    Your french toast sounds yummy!!


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