Jan 17, 2021

Sheet Pan Chicken & Roasted Vegetables

 Sheet Pan Chicken & Roasted VegetablesI love ❤️ love ❤️ love ❤️ this easy and healthy dinner. It’s a lot of vegetables but there is never one bite left when I make my sheet pan chicken and veggies. There are so many health benefits from this colorful variety of vegetables but you can use some of mine and add your own favorites. I used to put the chicken and veggies all on a bare pan but the chicken made a big hard-to-clean mess so now I put the chicken only on parchment paper. (the veggies will brown better on a bare pan).

I just cut a strip of parchment paper 4 by 10-inches long and place it at the far end of the pan.

One Pan Chicken and Vegetables

Stirring the vegetables is key so they won’t stick. Instead of setting my timer for 25 minutes, I set it for 10 minutes, remove the pan to stir all the veggies, put it back and set the timer for another 10 minutes. I stir a second time and set the timer for the last 5 minutes. By cutting the chicken into two pieces, this dinner is ready to serve as soon as it’s done.

Since I’m cooking every day, I find myself looking for easier and faster ways to make a healthy meal and I make this one often because there’s not much to do once it’s in the oven. (more time to decide on what’s for dessert – today it’s peanut butter cookies, those easy ones made without flour 😋) I digressed. Back to my easy, healthy and so delicious sheet pan chicken dinner. Click here for the recipe. – jenny jones

p.s. I am now making my own peanut butter – – game changer! I will share it soon… Stay well,  my fellow cooks!! ❤️

21 Comments on "Sheet Pan Chicken & Roasted Vegetables"

  1. Til

    I’ve made several of your recipes. Love them all. I make your faster no-knead bread weekly. I add 3 tbsp of King Arthur sourdough flavor and 1 tbsp of diastatic malt, and subtract 4 tbsp of flour. The bread turns out looking and tasting like genuine sourdough.
    I wish you were still posting new recipes on your YouTube channel, but You certainly deserve a rest.
    Best wishes.

  2. Janell

    I love every recipe of yours I’ve tried. Recently my husband was diagnosed with diabetes–wish you would add a diabetes category.

  3. Kristin

    There are so many times I just don’t want to cook, that’s when my freezer comes to the rescue. I make a big sheet pan of the roasted veggies then cool and freeze in a flat ziplock freezer bag. Then I just remove the amount needed for a meal and warm in a non-stick skillet until hot and dinner is done. I usually throw a couple of the crusty rolls into the oven as well. Couldn’t be easier!

  4. Kim from Lexington, Ky

    Ms. Jones – I have been watching your videos for some time. I kept thinking I know that face & voice. It finally dawned on me that it is you from the talk show. I watched your show for the run of it. I think I enjoy your YouTube recipes as much , or more than your talk show which I watched( & taped).🎉🌹👏👍Kim

  5. Jill

    Hi Jenny! OMG I subscribe to you on YouTube and just figured out you had a website. I miss your videos so bad. Thank you for sharing your recipes. They are so good. I was looking for a recipe like the one you posted above and there you have it -Jenny came through! Take Care Girl.

  6. Dorothy Pascua

    If anyone had told me that I would sit all day and watch someone cook..well..I think you know what I am saying.
    You are the best, Jenny Jones!
    I just can’t figure out how to subscribe on the YouTube.
    Love you and your sense of humor.

  7. NanaBenigni

    Thanks Jenny for the easy chicken and vegetable dish! It’s so easy got to love that and healthy!

  8. Steph

    Love your videos and your recipes….can’t wait for the peanut butter cookies.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      That recipe is already posted under “Sweets.”

  9. Karen M.

    Love you ,your incredible sense of humor ,ALL your recipes esp. Polish ones . My hubby is half Polish and his Mom didn’t leave recipes. You are a game changer there .I know this is purely selfish , but I wish you were still on TV. I think a lot of other people do also . XXOO Karen

  10. Maryann

    Jenny I just love all your recipes. They are easy and delicious.

  11. Mary

    so far really enjoy your video’s and the breads, yum & the lemon brownies, made a lime version also, lemon is better…you are fun to watch cook…thank you

  12. Daphne

    Good heart healthy vegan meal!

    Skip the olive oil (causes heart disease since it contains saturated fat)
    Use the lemon juice, garlic, rosemary, any other herbs (I like thyme)

    Use potatoes, veggies mentioned, plus celery in 2-inch pieces, red onion pieces, and cauliflower florets.

    Serve with a side of beans with BBQ sauce or a salad with fat free sodium free dairy free dressing soy free and animal free dressing.

    • Gary

      Lady, you don’t know what you’re talking about! Olive oil is widely known as a heart healthy and highly beneficial oil. If you don’t like Jenny’s HEALTHY recipes, put together your own food blog and stop inserting your erroneous opinion where it doesn’t belong.

      • riteonglor

        Thank you, Gary, for setting the lady straight about the olive oil. I read it and thought what is she talking about? Has something changed about using olive oil? I use it for everything just because I have always thought it was the healthy way to go. Thank goodness it still is.

      • Jenny Can Cook

        Olive oil is a part of the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet and has numerous health benefits. According to Healthline, “Quality extra virgin olive oil is incredibly healthy. Due to its powerful antioxidants, it benefits your heart, brain, joints and more. In fact, it may be the healthiest fat on the planet.” Daphne’s claim is incorrect.

      • Lee

        Well Gary, I imagine Jenny can handle her own blog. It’s pretty widely known that Olive Oil is a better choice, so Daphne is incorrect. You don’t have to be so nasty. We got enough of that these DAZE.

    • Martha Quintana

      I suggest you research Olive Oil. You are so wrong

    • Pebs

      Daphne,, What kind of ovoo are you buying, maybe get some great first cold press, it’s good for you. And BBQ sauce on oven roasted veggies, think you have lost it for sure, OVOO with help with that too,

  13. Annie

    Me again – please forgive the typos – I have a new computer with a smaller keyboard and my fingers often hit the wrong keys. I meant to say that I get a ‘nice’ browning, not a ‘pie’, and the pan gets harder to clean, not lean. Also meant to tell you that I look forward to seeing your home-made peanut butter!

  14. Annie

    I have been sheet pan roasting chicken with veggies most of my married life (66 years). Sometimes I just half potatoes, russets and sweets, and place them cut-side down so they get crispy brown. Have not used parchment so I do get a pie browning on the chicken but I agree that the pan gets messy and harder to lean so will try your parchment paper method. As always Jenny, many thanks for sharing and caring during this sad time we are experiencing. Continue to keep safe.

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