Apr 1, 2019

What You’re NOT Eating is The Problem

I just read an eye-opening article saying it’s not the bad stuff we’re eating but the good stuff we are NOT eating that poses a bigger threat to our health. It’s from a 27-year global study funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. One in five deaths, no matter where people lived, occurred because of too much sodium and a lack of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, calcium, fiber, legumes or beans, and healthy fats found in salmon, vegetable oils and some nuts and seeds. Hey! I eat a lot of that stuff!

This chart shows the 15 risk factors with #1 being the highest risk. In the USA it’s not enough whole grains followed by not enough nuts and seeds. I’m proud to say that a lot of my breads and cookies have those things.

 To read the whole article, click here.
Filed Under: Nutrition

2 Comments on "What You’re NOT Eating is The Problem"

  1. Bertie

    I am disappointed that your recipes do not show the nutritional information such as calories, fat and sodium.

  2. Susan in Florida

    Avoiding processed food is where our diet began to improve. We try to fill up on strictly nutritious stuff to make little room for the other. Info like this helps. We also practice what we call “Bad Food Fridays” where we limit less optimal eating to one day. Over time, as healthier cooking/eating broadened and palettes changed, we found some Fridays were easily skipped.

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