Jun 7, 2018

My Birthday Poem

Today is my birthday so I celebrated by writing a poem (and baking a cake!).

Well I finally made it to seventy two!
And I’ve learned a few things that might help you
I was scared at first about getting older, you know
Would my hair turn grey, would my nose really grow?

There are some things you simply can’t avoid
Like wrinkles, but they’re proof that your life was enjoyed
So you want to take a nap? Do it – it’s reviving
Nothing wrong with that, just not while you’re driving.

Don’t lie about your age, there’s no reason to miscount
Enjoy the benefits – get that senior discount.
So you need to wear glasses, that bothers you a bit
Truth is without reading glasses, I can’t see… a thing.

The serenity prayer is kind of my plan
Accept what you must, and change what you can
The list for accepting is not very long
Your eyes or your muscles may not be as strong.

But the list you can change… where should I begin?
Fix your bones and your heart and your hair and your skin
Diabetes & cancer & stroke can be prevented
It’s up to your lifestyle – you just reinvent it.

No sodas or fast food, no junk or diet drinks
What’s that you say? This really stinks!
And easy on the pizza & sweets & ice cream
Jenny, you’re killing me. This is a bad dream!

Instead of coffee, drink water or tea instead
And no booze except one glass of wine that’s red
Eat veggies, wear sunscreen, exercise must be done
I know what you’re thinking. Can’t I have any fun?

I’m not here to say that I never cheat
An occasional pizza and gelato I eat
But the next day I’m back on this plan of my making
I cook every day, and do all my own baking.

I know it’s a lot and I’m not saying it’s easy
But you can live without things in bags that are cheezy
Feed your body with the best fuel at every meal
Then see how fabulous you can look and feel.

~~ ❤️ ~~

Filed Under: General

14 Comments on "My Birthday Poem"

  1. Vicki

    Love your recipes and humor… and your poem is awesome!

  2. Donna

    First off Happy belated birthday. You are one of the most interesting and awesome person I have come across in years. God bless you and I hope you are given many more years to teach, surprise, grow and shock us all. Keeping it fresh, honest and real. Thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart. You are such a joy to me. I would love to buy your cookbooks. Where do I go to find them? Thank you for the free recipes you offer to all of us.

    • Jenny Can Cook

      Thank you and please see the FAQs about my cookbook.

  3. Clarann

    I watched your TV shows back when lol and you have a flair for making us smile. Love the recipes, videos and humor in the kitchen! I wondered if you have an Air Fryer? They really gaining followers and wondered if you had or thought about one to play with. They really are fun. But more recipe ideas is always fun to get. Just food for thought.
    Thank you for the recipe postings, videos and your time to do all.

  4. Kathy

    Hi Jenny,
    Happy Belated Birthday! I loved the poem, I’m going to save it on my dressing mirror, so as I see my aging reflection, I can see your positive poem about aging!
    I very much enjoy your youtube videos, and your website and blog. I just found them recently, and have shared them with my family and friends.

  5. Deborah


    Belated Happy Birthday greetings to you! I LOVE your poem. I read it while eating a piece of a frozen pizza which we just cooked for a hurried lunch. LOL

    I’ll be 62 this summer, and I have been realizing all the things you’ve mentioned in your poem.

    I love to cook and bake, like you. It is healthier than eating out all the time.

    Love your recipes and am glad I had found you on the web a month or so ago!

    Thanks for sharing!


  6. Deena "Rio"

    Lovely poem, what you describe in the poem is a life style choice, one that I personally changed to after my heart attack 11 yrs and 7 months ago, when I was only 45 yrs of age. Thank you for all you do and share. Also, congrats on another year of life!! Really enjoy your YOU TUBE channel. Will you have any recent videos to share? You are a wonderful cook and lady.

  7. BettyC

    Happy Birthday. Know how you are feeling, I turn 73 in July. Wishing you many more years of health and happiness.

    Thanks for sharing all your wonderful recipes. I really am enjoying them. Now that I have the time do the things I put off while working, I love baking bread, never had time when I worked. Thanks again and Happy Happy Birthday.

  8. Barb

    Happy Birthday! I just googled you because I absolutely DO NOT believe you could be 72!! Wow!! You go, girl!

    FYI, one of my nephews is marrying his long-time girlfriend in August. They are late 20-s and own their own home and therefore already have pretty much everything they need. SO… what to gift them? Well, I decided to put together a recipe book similar to the one I made for myself years ago. It is easily customizable and only contains the recipes I absolutely love. MANY are your recipes!! The binder is separated by divider tabs for categories and the recipes are printed out on computer paper and slipped into sheet protectors. I put sticky notes on some I know she’ll love but might not make for herself, thinking they aren’t healthy enough! Like your Boston Cream Pie. Like your Meatloaf. OMG, we all love your meatloaf!!

    Anyway, I still can’t belief that your 72, which just makes your case that eating healthy and moderate exercise and a few good choices really does make all the difference! Many blessings to you, Jenny! And thank you SO MUCH for making all of your wonderful recipes accessible to so many for FREE! (I still haven’t tried your doughnuts because I’m sure I’d need an intervention. haha!!

  9. Dalila G.

    Thank you for sharing all your healthy and wonderful recipes.
    You kindness and your funny personality is beautiful.
    I wish you a joyous and fun filled day! ?
    ?Happy, happy birthday!! ?

  10. Lisa

    Happy Birthday Jenny!

    Thank you for sharing your culinary gift. Thanks to you my family enjoys delicious healthy meals!

  11. W. W

    Happy birthday to a wonderful lady. You’re such a sweet heart and caring person. Wishing you the best!

  12. Carol & Pascal

    Happy Birthday Jennie!!!
    Wishing you the ‘very best’ that life can offer!
    Keep up your excellent work and attitude. You make countless people both healthy and happy and so proud to say we are among them!!


  13. Ann

    Wishing you a very happy birthday, Jenny!!!

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