Sep 10, 2015

Dark Chocolate Fudge Brownies

“Why don’t you make more videos?” That’s what they say but here’s the problem. I’m retired! I should be lounging along an exotic beach somewhere sipping something in a tall glass with a little umbrella on it. Instead I’m in the kitchen and that’s because… well, I’d rather be in the kitchen than Cabo!

Call me crazy but they always said do what you love. And I’m doing it. So here is another video. It’s my dark chocolate fudge brownies and I’m pretty proud of myself for this easy recipe. You’ll see that by using foil and wax paper, you only have to wash one pot. And it’s another super easy, healthier than most, recipe and again I’m baking without butter.

When they said dark chocolate is good for you I celebrated by having some dark chocolate. It should be at least 70% cacao and that’s what makes this brownie so rich and fudgy. If you love chocolate you will love this simple recipe. These dark chocolate brownies are a big hit around here. In fact, my man wants chocolate chips in everything, but I draw the line at meat loaf. Click here for the recipe. – Jenny Jones

Filed Under: Videos

15 Comments on "Dark Chocolate Fudge Brownies"

  1. Julia

    Love your videos!!!!!!! Don’t stop making them!! I get to know exactly what to do and whatever you’re making is supposed to look like. Sometimes when you read a recipe it can get a little confusing as to what to do, but, when you see someone doing it, there’s no guessing! I’m Italian, my husband is Czech. Between the pasta dishes and the roast pork,sauerkraut and dumplings my kitchen smells DELISH! Keep the recipes and videos coming more often, Jenny.

  2. Heather C.

    Im a military spouse, with a husband that has a massive appetite and a love for sweets ( more than most women on a bad day!) Since his job in the army is so unpredictable, I do have to stay home because finding a job is tuff. Long story short, I figured it would be simple to prepare all meals from scratch, that he woud have a 5 star gourmet dinner to come home to. It has been a nightmare, and nothing comes out the way I though it would, until I came across your videos. These recipes are so good, time saving, healthier ( which he needs to keep in shape for training) and also a money saver. Thank you for sharing your talent!

  3. Bk

    Jenny I made your Dutch oven bread, bit the crust split in middle on top and got too brown . My oven was 450′ any thoughts?

    • Jenny

      A split in the crust is usually a good thing but if it’s too brown, you may have baked it too long without the lid or the pot was not in the middle of the oven for even circulation. Let me know more details and I will try to help. A picture would be great – you can send it through “Your Photos” and I won’t post it. Let me know…

  4. Betty

    I just signed up to receive your blog and loved watching this video. Do more of them! Don’t listen to your mom…you CAN cook, you still are very pretty, witty, clever, and very charming! I watched the Jenny Jones Show all the time and loved it. Wish you were still on TV! I definitely will have to try your brownie recipe…brownies are one of my husband’s favorite desserts!

  5. Foodie

    Jenny, another successful achievement for me. Tried it yesterday, it was so good. I love myself more now that I get to enjoy baked cake without butter!! Just one question for this recipe. What if I use only 3 quarter cup sugar, will it still be as good? Thanks for such good recipes.

    • Jenny

      Any change in baking can create an imbalance in the ingredients and can cause a recipe to fail. You can try making changes but I encourage you to try my recipe first – it’s really good plus you will be able to compare if you make changes.

  6. Kathy

    Jenny, I’ve been using your recipes with true delight since I found you in the fall of 2014 when I was looking for no-knead bread recipes. Since then I’ve made your spaghetti and meatballs, chicken potpie, BBQ ribs, lemon brownies and others… but tonight I want to cry! I don’t think I can ever eat anyone’s brownies ever again but ‘ours!’ Your dark chocolate fudge brownies are indescribable! When I anxiously asked my chocolate freak husband what he thought, he replied, “BBE!!!” ? Best Brownies Ever!!! I wonder how long he can wait till asking me to make them again?
    Keep on Cookin’!
    PS I used coconut oil as you made mention.

  7. Pink_warm_mama_1

    Thank you for another lucious sounding recipe. But Jenny – you are too young to retire. Please don’t leave us.

  8. Cindy

    Love ur recipes. I bought ur first book when it came out! I still use it today.

  9. Chen

    Another great recipe! The tools you used are always so colorful and pretty. You are too funny which I like it a lot. Thanks for the fun baking video :-).

  10. Marjean

    I too love your videos and recipes. You are sooooooo funny. I married a Polish man so I love the Polish recipes.

    Thanks Jenny, you are loved!

  11. Ann

    Can’t wait to make these brownies.. love that they are chewy.. And don’t for a minute worry about videos. Your instructions are very good and even a beginner should have no trouble creating yummy goodies.

  12. granmama

    Those look so good! If I had the ingredients I would make them tonight. Loved your jokes, too! Hope your eyes were okay.

  13. Juanita

    I love this version it’s so much chewyer and thick.. by the way I don’t think you’re not your young beautiful !

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