January, 2015

Jan 1, 2015


BEFORE ASKING A QUESTION... please look in the FAQs at the top for answers to many commonly asked questions. Or maybe it’s something you can research on your own or find in the recipe comments.  I can’t always keep up with responding so thank you for understanding.

❤️???? My thanks to everyone who jumps in to help answer questions. ❤️????

Jan 1, 2015

I Never Expected This

I never expected that so many people would come to my website and watch my videos – over 40,000 people a day! And it’s wonderful. I am thrilled with all the feedback, but it’s becoming hard to keep up with the questions.  I’m doing my best but the numbers keep growing and it’s getting harder and harder to keep up. I’m truly dumbfounded to see the thousands of people who visit here every day.

I never did this for money. I did it for my love of cooking and I just wanted to share my recipes. So please understand if I have not answered your question. I’ve addressed the most commonly asked questions in my new Questions category. You’ll also see a lot of helpful comments under each recipe from other cooks that might address your concern.

I wasn’t expecting this. I’m just a home cook sharing what I love as a hobby. I’m humbled and so very appreciative of your kindness and support but this is a one-woman operation and I’m doing the best I can. Before asking a question, please try to look for answers here or on the internet. I’ll try to keep up but seriously… 40,000 people a day from 190 countries! And 50,000 on the weekends!! This is crazy! For commonly asked questions click here.Jenny Jones

Filed Under: General